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Former ISI chief: Hiding Osama a victory

Hypocrites? Really? Don't make me laugh. Conspiracy theory? It would be to believe that no Pakistani official have an idea of where Mullah Omar is? Yet they seem to be able to "encourage the taliban for negotiations? Ha!

My dear simpleton bharati, this by very definition of it is a conspiracy theory. Even the American state has publicly acknowledged no Pakistani state involvement. That's what makes it such a fantastic conspiracy theory. You can use any reasoning you want to make yourself believe Pakistani state had some involvement. This reasoning is no different than those that claim 9/11 attacks or Mumbai attacks were an inside job, yet you rubbish those as conspiracy theories. This IS a conspiracy theory no matter which way you look at it, and you ARE a hypocrite for believing in it.

Let's assume that Pakistan knows where Mullah Omar is. This is BIG assumption on my part, because one can get messages across to him through associates - this is frequent in this kind of situation. But let's work with the initial assumption. How does that prove Pakistan knew OBL was? If you recall, Al Qaeda and Taliban were virtually enemies. Taliban did not like Al Qaeda, and did not want them mounting operations such as 9/11. So, please try again.

The Americans cannot possible say anything different publicly. It would almost certainly require sanctioning if they do that.

This is a self-fulfilling prophecy. If Americans said Pakistan was involved, then of course for you Pakistan was involved. If Americans said Pakistan was not involved, well there's no way Americans would say that. In other words, you'll make yourself believe whatever you want to fit your narrative.

Doesn't mean they buy this crap. The CIA knows (top Obama adviser Bruce Riedel is on record saying that) very clearly about the almost continuous link that existed between Osama & Hafiz Saeed right till Osama's death. Yet the Pakistani deep state which has umbilical links with Saeed had no idea whatsoever? Yeah right ! These kind of disjointed thoughts only works with those of your extraction who are mentally & emotionally inclined to suspend belief in reality and to swallow whatever passes for official stories.

Do you have anything to prove that they don't "buy this crap"? Or are you just assuming it, because that's what makes sense to you?

Bruce Riedel is a FORMER CIA official. He never claims CIA believes this and that, he merely farts out his own opinion.

Second, what happened to so-called "evidence"? Do you only require evidence when accusations are made against you or your allies?

This is EXACTLY what makes you a hypocrite. Of course you'll never acknowledge that.

Look what you guys did to the poor doctor Mr. Afridi who helped CIA with his identity. He was helping CIA in capturing a known terrorist not revealing a state secret. Maybe he was naive...

He was jailed for working with a foreign secret service agency. This is illegal in any country, even if that secret service is a close ally. Next..
Another Indian spreading Islamist $hit. What's new in the India land?
You're a 'think tank'? I for one expected more from you! :no:

So friend, where is this so called 'Islamist $hit' emanating from? No prizes for guessing! :P
My dear simpleton bharati, this by very definition of it is a conspiracy theory. Even the American state has publicly acknowledged no Pakistani state involvement. That's what makes it such a fantastic conspiracy theory. You can use any reasoning you want to make yourself believe Pakistani state had some involvement.
Which means that there was total incompetence on the part of the ISI, PAF and the PA. Either this or the Establishment was complicit in hiding Osama.

Which is it? Either way, it sucks! It's a lose lose situation!
You mean to say you lap up conspiracy theories when it suits you, but call out others for making conspiracy theories when the conspiracy theory doesn't suit you?
I think this is a good opportunity to reflect on yourself and how much of a hypocrite you are. How do you people live with yourself?

Let me show you what hypocrisy is-In this thread you are calling the accusation of ISI complicity in sheltering osama a conspiracy theory,despite several facts indicating state complicity..And this is a post you made some time ago,regarding US complicity in terrorism in pakistan..
And yes, we can't give proof because of US pressure. If Pakistan proves that US/Bharat are supporting terrorism, the whole dynamics in the region change.

Nevertheless, the fact that Bramdagh Bugti was being sheltered in Afghanistan - and that's enough evidence for US support for terrorism in Pakistan.

This is what i call plan white hypocrisy..And not only you are a hypocrite and a conspiracy theorist but also someone who makes up blatant lies to prove the conspiracy theory-Like the brainfart in the quoted post that "Pakistan is not revealing proofs because of US pressure!!"How can you live with such a level of intellectual dishonesty..?

And as to the so called hypocrisy which you are accusing Indians of,there is a huge difference between the rubbish **** conspiracy theories Like "9-11 was inside job",Or "ajmal kasab is amar singh",and suspecting ISI complicity in sheltering terrorists,OBL in this case...There are tons of facts which supports the latter,while overwhelming established facts are against the former..And google the legal terminology "Res ipsa liqator"-Letting the facts speak for themselves..

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Your words/posts complete, co-ordinate,correlate,co-act and co-sign the conclusion.

Good find dude!

at topic: I don't believe he was once the head of world's best intelligence agency :undecided:

Is there any possibility if ICC question him for such remarks?
Well you know, as much as you may hate to admit it, It's not Indans but Pakistanis who think the world of Mr. Gen,. Hamid Gul, founder member of Defa e Pakistan movement - or is that also an IndianRAW, Mossad CIA creation?

Off course. That's the point I am trying to make (and perhaps failing to convey due to my humble stance).

Pakistani Islamists a la Hameeda bulbul create $hit, there is no doubt about it.

Why Indians would so "lovingly" shovel the same $hit, that's what I wonder about.

I hope you see the difference.

peace to you.

May you live long and prosper

May you have great spiritual experience during this holy month.


You're a 'think tank'? I for one expected more from you! :no:

So friend, where is this so called 'Islamist $hit' emanating from? No prizes for guessing! :P

Off course the $hit emanates from Islamists. Who can doubt that.

My point is why on earth so many Indian posters (mostly Hindus) would lovingly lap up that $hit.

I hope your nose starts working now.

peace to you.

May you live long and prosper

May you have great spiritual experience during this holy month.

Hameed Gul is former ISI chief and considered one of the best ones and Sir Islamist s are the power in Muslim world not bunch of secular traitors and touts of kufr and USA

Hameeda bulbul is stuck in 80s and so are you. He did his service back then, but he is now stuck in that period. And by doing so he is committing treason.

the world has changed around you.

Islamists are now the biggest threat to the peace and prosperity of Pakistan.

Islamists are murdering and butchering innocent Pakistani men, women, and kids.

Now show me what percentage of those butchered men, women, and kids are secular traitors

Give me the proof for their death warrant

instead of pulling something from Islamist @rseholes.

Thank you.

I'd say more but Ramzan's sacred month stops me from pointing out fallacies, cruelty, and naked zulm committed by Islamo-fascists against innocent Pakistani men, women, and kids.

And you have no iota of shame left in you to even recognize that.

.... the accusation of ISI complicity in sheltering osama a conspiracy theory,.

Oh meray bhai,

you have such a nice avatar name "human first", and yet you have repeated failed to live up to your very name.


Ok let me help you a bit.

Here is a scenario from a country that you know very well (hopefully), I mean at least better than Pakistan.

Indians number 1.2 billion give and take 100 million here 100 million there.
making this beautiful and vast country vulnerable to a tiny percentage of criminals hiding among women and children.

Would you then go around accusing INdian government, army, police, RAW, vishnu, Rama etc. for their complicity in sheltering those criminals?

And if come to you and try to convince you that Indian government is not complicit in hiding those criminals, as these mafiosos are taking advantage of a relatively open and tolerant Indian society.

Would you then oppose me by tooth and nail?

Let me know

Thank you
Hameeda bulbul is stuck in 80s and so are you. He did his service back then, but he is now stuck in that period. And by doing so he is committing treason.

the world has changed around you.

Islamists are now the biggest threat to the peace and prosperity of Pakistan.

Islamists are murdering and butchering innocent Pakistani men, women, and kids.

Now show me what percentage of those butchered men, women, and kids are secular traitors

Give me the proof for their death warrant

instead of pulling something from Islamist @rseholes.

Thank you.

I'd say more but Ramzan's sacred month stops me from pointing out fallacies, cruelty, and naked zulm committed by Islamo-fascists against innocent Pakistani men, women, and kids.

And you have no iota of shame left in you to even recognize that.

Com'on ! Being abusive and cursing others is much easier then to talk logical . According to you Islamists are the biggest threat to Pakistan? Alright , Those religious are in millions in Pakistan and if they really want to butcher secular then it is never that hard for such a majority to eliminate those secularist just in a single war but no , Only cuz of few thousand fighters you cannot blame everyone when state itself is responsible of training militants and allowing another state to bomb our territory , not just that but even they never responded in a serious manner when even our soldiers were attacked on several occasions by cross border attacks .

Recent leaked report and cursing of Pasha itself explains the situation of establishment and lack of co-ordination between our elites , then their is no way to accuse religious leadership when nation itself don't have any serious road map to get out of this extremely serious conflict . Its a miscalculation that you compared tribals with Arab and considered that series of Operations and continuously countering of insurgency which had caused much of collateral damage according to neutral and international sources could decrease our problems. One have to accept that state have done many mistakes and always shown non-serious behaviour towards its civilians and If you don't then their is no point of accusing others politically or generalize things which you cannot prove properly .
Good find dude!

at topic: I don't believe he was once the head of world's best intelligence agency :undecided:

Is there any possibility if ICC question him for such remarks?

Hameeda bulbul is a mad Islamist, and thus perpetrates crimes against Afghanistani and Pakistani masses.

He could have ended up in Gitmo, but his past services against Commies in Afghanistan save him from the noose.

I wish he keeps his ****** mouth $hut.

Unfortunately we have these vermin in Pakistan and in Afghanistan who have no iota of shame left in them.


According to you Islamists are the biggest threat to Pakistan? Alright , Those religious are in millions in Pakistan and if they really want to butcher secular then it is never that hard for such a majority to eliminate those secularist


Islamists are in tiny minority. They are bunch of Eunuchs who hide among women and children just like their khalifa the ben mofo laden.

These @rsehole cannot come out and fight openly because they would be sent to jahannum in no time.

They use human shields and thus get away with butchering and thuggery.

Quit supporting their cause please. It is your support and your anti-Pakistan propaganda and your Islamism that keeps them alive.

Thank you

That's what ISI,PAK ARMY and Pakistan is all about.....and that is why Pakistan is called as the hub of Islamic terrorism [SIZE]

Oh man,

you just got banned yesterday for posting drivel.


now you come back with a different name.

Islamists are in tiny minority. They are bunch of Eunuchs who hide among women and children just like their khalifa the ben mofo laden.

These @rsehole cannot come out and fight openly because they would be sent to jahannum in no time.

They use human shields and thus get away with butchering and thuggery.

Quit supporting their cause please. It is your support and your anti-Pakistan propaganda and your Islamism that keeps them alive.

Thank you
Hmm. . If you read the records of certain of these groups properly and why they have split from each other It would be more easier to explain you the motives and division among each of these groups . But seems like you are to behind in that chapter ,

Well , you don't understand that as long we kept in propagated mode then each and every institution would continue to give birth to defectors like Mati ur Rehman and defenders like Rashid Minhas but again the over all outcome in such conflict will always damage our side only.

Complicity by someone would be the most likely scenario, and sadly the compiled commission just broadsweeps over it, in the end holding no one in particular responsible and glossing over the blame on everyone weakening the case of apprehending the culprits.

Its highly foolish to think that everyone will simply believe that the worlds most wanted man could live out 10 years in the heart of a military town without anyone noticing.
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Complicity by someone would be the most likely scenario, and sadly the compiled commission just broadsweeps over it, in the end holding no one in particular responsible and glossing over the blame on everyone weakening the case of apprehending the culprits.

Its highly foolish to think that everyone will simply believe that the worlds most wanted man could live out 10 years in the heart of a military town without anyone noticing.

I think we are stuck in this debate.

In order to "un-stuck" let me give you another example.

Many Islamists and Leftists think that CIA was complicit and indirectly supported 9/11 hijackers and thus allowed them to live in the USA and helped them to carry out their dastardly mission.

I think that is a constipated conspiracy theory.

What to you think?

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Let me show you what hypocrisy is-In this thread you are calling the accusation of ISI complicity in sheltering osama a conspiracy theory,despite several facts indicating state complicity..And this is a post you made some time ago,regarding US complicity in terrorism in pakistan..

This is what i call plan white hypocrisy..And not only you are a hypocrite and a conspiracy theorist but also someone who makes up blatant lies to prove the conspiracy theory-Like the brainfart in the quoted post that "Pakistan is not revealing proofs because of US pressure!!"How can you live with such a level of intellectual dishonesty..?

I am not sure you understand me at all. I do not deny that what I believe is a conspiracy theory. That's what makes me different from you guys, and what keeps from being a hypocrite, while you guys continue being gross hypocrites. You guys on the other shout conspiracy theories yet acuse others of believing in conspiracy theories, yet fail to admit that what you say (at least in this thread) is a conspiracy theory. If you guys openly admitted that you're being conspiracy theorists then I couldn't care less what you say.

And as to the so called hypocrisy which you are accusing Indians of,there is a huge difference between the rubbish **** conspiracy theories Like "9-11 was inside job",Or "ajmal kasab is amar singh",and suspecting ISI complicity in sheltering terrorists,OBL in this case...There are tons of facts which supports the latter,while overwhelming established facts are against the former..And google the legal terminology "Res ipsa liqator"-Letting the facts speak for themselves..

Which "overwhelming facts" are you talking about here? What you have is merely circumstantial evidence. There is, in fact, FAR MORE circumstantial evidence that 9/11 was an inside job. Or are you saying that mere claims count as "facts" now?

Which means that there was total incompetence on the part of the ISI, PAF and the PA. Either this or the Establishment was complicit in hiding Osama.

Which is it? Either way, it sucks! It's a lose lose situation!

It has already been shown to be incompetence. And it was no more incompetence than using allowing 9/11 to happen.

And quit using bold font, it doesn't make your point any better.
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