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Foreign funded NGO's stalling development; causing annual loss of growth of 3% :IB


Sep 22, 2011
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Foreign funded NGO's stalling development; causing annual loss of growth of 3% :IB

As a first step to fast-tracking development high on Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s agenda, the Intelligence Bureau (IB) has submitted a classified document identifying several foreign-funded non-governmental organisations (NGOs) that are “negatively impacting economic development”.

“A significant number of Indian NGOs (funded by some donors based in the US, the UK, Germany, The Netherlands and Scandinavian countries) have been noticed to be using people centric issues to create an environment which lends itself to stalling development projects,” says the IB report marked to the Prime Minister’s Office (PMO).

“The negative impact on GDP growth is assessed to be 2-3 per cent per annum,” says the June 3 report, identifying seven sectors/ projects that got stalled because of NGO-created agitations against nuclear power plants, uranium mines, coal-fired power plants, farm biotechnology, mega industrial projects, hydroelectric plants and extractive industries.

While detailing what it calls “anti-development” activities by the NGOs during 2011-13, the 21-page report highlights their plans for 2014 and the areas that would come under pressure. These include a campaign against palm oil imports from Indonesia and disposal of e-waste of Indian IT firms, organising construction workers in urban areas, protests against identified projects such as Gujarat’s Special Investment Regions, Par Tapi Narmada River Interlinking Project and the Delhi-Mumbai Industrial Corridor.

The report says that while caste discrimination, human rights and big dams were earlier chosen by international organisations to discredit India at global forums, the recent shift in the choice of issues was to encourage “growth-retarding campaigns” focused on extractive industries, genetically-modified organisms and foods, climate change and anti-nuclear issues.

According to the report, the funding for such campaigns came from foreign donors under charitable garb for issues ranging from protection of human rights, violence against women, caste discrimination, religious freedom etc or to provide a “just deal” to the project-affected displaced persons or for protection of livelihood of indigenous people.

The NGOs become the central players in setting the agenda, drafting documents, writing in the media, highlighting scholars-turned-activists and lobbying diplomats and government, it says. “These foreign donors lead local NGOs to provide field reports which are used to build a record against India and serve as tools for the strategic foreign policy interests of the Western government,” adds the report.

“The strategy serves its purpose when the funded Indian NGOs provide reports, which are used to internationalise and publicise the alleged violations in international fora. All the above is used to build a record against a country or an individual in order to keep the entity under pressure and under a state of under-development,” says the IB report.

Four NGOs were put under the scanner in 2012 for allegedly fuelling protests against the Kudankulam nuclear project in Tamil Nadu. The accounts of several Indian NGOs were put in the watch list with regard to allegations of funds diversion, after a discreet probe by security agencies with the help of Directorate of Revenue Intelligence and Central Economic Intelligence Bureau.

Foreign-aided NGOs are actively stalling development, IB tells PMO in a report | The Indian Express

Foreign-aided NGOs are actively stalling development, IB tells PMO in a report - Financial Express

Proof for what was already common knowledge.

Now it is time to crush these NGO's by choking their funding. These blatant anti nationals were allowed to run Government of India under guise of NAC by Sonia Gandhi.

@Kataria @arp2041 @Star Wars @Sidak @KS @wolfschanzze @Android @NKVD @Jason bourne @HariPrasad @GreenFoe @jha @AugenBlick @Dem!god @JanjaWeed @jbond197 @Soumitra @Indischer @SarthakGanguly @Butchcassidy @indiatester @halupridol @he-man @jiki @Proud Hindu @kbd-raaf @Robinhood Pandey @INDIC @jandk @Indrani @Ravi Nair @levina @Indian Jaat @ranjeet @KS @Dillinger @Prometheus @jbond197 @Bang Galore @paranoiarocks @Rahul9090 @Yeti @Abingdonboy @kadamba-warrior @queerbait @cloud_9 @Indo-guy @IndoCarib @Tshering22 @jaunty @Dandpatta @Sriram @my2cents @sreekumar @gslv @gslv mk3 @OrionHunter @The Archnazi @halupridol @Koovie @Bombaywalla @takeiteasy @JayAtl @Chinese-Dragon @Irfan Baloch @Roybot @Joe Shearer @notsuperstitious @FNFAL @SpArK @Cherokee @GURU DUTT @indiatester or any other.
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Not all of them are anti-national, but the question remains why?why will Scandinavian countries and other western countries seek to malign India, i mean what specific reason or goals will they get by fighting against these big projects which are mostly infra and others in which the foreign players might also benefit.
Not all of them are anti-national, but the question remains why?why will Scandinavian countries and other western countries seek to malign India, i mean what specific reason or goals will they get by fighting against these big projects which are mostly infra and others in which the foreign players might also benefit.

Why does any country not want a competitor?

Because they don't want to be challenged. Simple.

Using 'environment', 'rights' and other such soft elements, they stall development and harm Indian interests.

95% of them are placed in India to create problems.

You have a doubt? Come here in northeast and you will know.

I am glad that the assault against such losers has begun in our country. Time to throw them and their CIA networks out of India.

Here is your answer:

The NGOs become the central players in setting the agenda, drafting documents, writing in the media, highlighting scholars-turned-activists and lobbying diplomats and government, it says. “These foreign donors lead local NGOs to provide field reports which are used to build a record against India and serve as tools for the strategic foreign policy interests of the Western government,” adds the report.

The NGOs become the central players in setting the agenda, drafting documents, writing in the media, highlighting scholars-turned-activists and lobbying diplomats and government, it says. “These foreign donors lead local NGOs to provide field reports which are used to build a record against India and serve as tools for the strategic foreign policy interests of the Western government,” adds the report.
The NGOs become the central players in setting the agenda, drafting documents, writing in the media, highlighting scholars-turned-activists and lobbying diplomats and government, it says. “These foreign donors lead local NGOs to provide field reports which are used to build a record against India and serve as tools for the strategic foreign policy interests of the Western government,” adds the report.
The NGOs become the central players in setting the agenda, drafting documents, writing in the media, highlighting scholars-turned-activists and lobbying diplomats and government, it says. “These foreign donors lead local NGOs to provide field reports which are used to build a record against India and serve as tools for the strategic foreign policy interests of the Western government,” adds the report.
The NGOs become the central players in setting the agenda, drafting documents, writing in the media, highlighting scholars-turned-activists and lobbying diplomats and government, it says. “These foreign donors lead local NGOs to provide field reports which are used to build a record against India and serve as tools for the strategic foreign policy interests of the Western government,” adds the report.
The NGOs become the central players in setting the agenda, drafting documents, writing in the media, highlighting scholars-turned-activists and lobbying diplomats and government, it says. “These foreign donors lead local NGOs to provide field reports which are used to build a record against India and serve as tools for the strategic foreign policy interests of the Western government,” adds the report.
All this is well known and been a subject of discussion for long time. Indians who consider themselves global citizens feel no loyalty to India.

@queerbait To keep India from realizing its potential and keep it a third world country. This keeps the existing world order in place with the West dominating over the rest of the world.

Recently US making it possible for the spouses of H1b visa holder to work in USA. Why do you think US is being so generous? Keep the third world countries a miserable place, encourage brain drain which of course helps US maintain its technological lead over the rest of the world.
Not all of them are anti-national, but the question remains why?why will Scandinavian countries and other western countries seek to malign India, i mean what specific reason or goals will they get by fighting against these big projects which are mostly infra and others in which the foreign players might also benefit.

Why would Western NGO's and missionaries want to serve Indian interests?

Doesn't it make sense that they would want to serve their own interests?
Why would Western NGO's and missionaries want to serve Indian interests?

Doesn't it make sense that they would want to serve their own interests?

Sadly many Indians still live under the colonial hangover.

But thanks to our new government, they are waking up from their cultural marxist stupor.
Foreign funded NGO's stalling development; causing annual loss of growth of 3% :IB

As a first step to fast-tracking development high on Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s agenda, the Intelligence Bureau (IB) has submitted a classified document identifying several foreign-funded non-governmental organisations (NGOs) that are “negatively impacting economic development”.

“A significant number of Indian NGOs (funded by some donors based in the US, the UK, Germany, The Netherlands and Scandinavian countries) have been noticed to be using people centric issues to create an environment which lends itself to stalling development projects,” says the IB report marked to the Prime Minister’s Office (PMO).

“The negative impact on GDP growth is assessed to be 2-3 per cent per annum,” says the June 3 report, identifying seven sectors/ projects that got stalled because of NGO-created agitations against nuclear power plants, uranium mines, coal-fired power plants, farm biotechnology, mega industrial projects, hydroelectric plants and extractive industries.

While detailing what it calls “anti-development” activities by the NGOs during 2011-13, the 21-page report highlights their plans for 2014 and the areas that would come under pressure. These include a campaign against palm oil imports from Indonesia and disposal of e-waste of Indian IT firms, organising construction workers in urban areas, protests against identified projects such as Gujarat’s Special Investment Regions, Par Tapi Narmada River Interlinking Project and the Delhi-Mumbai Industrial Corridor.

The report says that while caste discrimination, human rights and big dams were earlier chosen by international organisations to discredit India at global forums, the recent shift in the choice of issues was to encourage “growth-retarding campaigns” focused on extractive industries, genetically-modified organisms and foods, climate change and anti-nuclear issues.

According to the report, the funding for such campaigns came from foreign donors under charitable garb for issues ranging from protection of human rights, violence against women, caste discrimination, religious freedom etc or to provide a “just deal” to the project-affected displaced persons or for protection of livelihood of indigenous people.

The NGOs become the central players in setting the agenda, drafting documents, writing in the media, highlighting scholars-turned-activists and lobbying diplomats and government, it says. “These foreign donors lead local NGOs to provide field reports which are used to build a record against India and serve as tools for the strategic foreign policy interests of the Western government,” adds the report.

“The strategy serves its purpose when the funded Indian NGOs provide reports, which are used to internationalise and publicise the alleged violations in international fora. All the above is used to build a record against a country or an individual in order to keep the entity under pressure and under a state of under-development,” says the IB report.

Four NGOs were put under the scanner in 2012 for allegedly fuelling protests against the Kudankulam nuclear project in Tamil Nadu. The accounts of several Indian NGOs were put in the watch list with regard to allegations of funds diversion, after a discreet probe by security agencies with the help of Directorate of Revenue Intelligence and Central Economic Intelligence Bureau.

Foreign-aided NGOs are actively stalling development, IB tells PMO in a report | The Indian Express

Foreign-aided NGOs are actively stalling development, IB tells PMO in a report - Financial Express

Proof for what was already common knowledge.

Now it is time to crush these NGO's by choking their funding. These blatant anti nationals were allowed to run Government of India under guise of NAC by Sonia Gandhi.

@Kataria @arp2041 @Star Wars @Sidak @KS @wolfschanzze @Android @NKVD @Jason bourne @HariPrasad @GreenFoe @jha @AugenBlick @Dem!god @JanjaWeed @jbond197 @Soumitra @Indischer @SarthakGanguly @Butchcassidy @indiatester @halupridol @he-man @jiki @Proud Hindu @kbd-raaf @Robinhood Pandey @INDIC @jandk @Indrani @Ravi Nair @levina @Indian Jaat @ranjeet @KS @Dillinger @Prometheus @jbond197 @Bang Galore @paranoiarocks @Rahul9090 @Yeti @Abingdonboy @kadamba-warrior @queerbait @cloud_9 @Indo-guy @IndoCarib @Tshering22 @jaunty @Dandpatta @Sriram @my2cents @sreekumar @gslv @gslv mk3 @OrionHunter @The Archnazi @halupridol @Koovie @Bombaywalla @takeiteasy @JayAtl @Chinese-Dragon @Irfan Baloch or any other.

Truth often lies in between two stated extremes ...

That's what I always believe ...we can not and should not bring all NGOs to dispute by one sweeping observation ..and even as I say that I do not doubt that NGOs have been used and are being used and will be used by foreign powers ( why limit its scope by calling western powers ) against national interests of particular countries.

CIA has always been at forefront of such covert operations .

We know very well as to how Kundankulam protests were foisted and kept burning by the help of foreign funded NGOs due to their vested interests .

To me the most dangerous lie is a half truth ...half told , truth that cohabits false hood and the truth that is concocted to deceive ....

I believe such NGOs should be dealt with on case to case basis based of facts and evidence .
To club all NGOs under one category under sheer suspicion will be gross insult to the contribution of NGOs.
Why would Western NGO's and missionaries want to serve Indian interests?

Doesn't it make sense that they would want to serve their own interests?

I have my reservation against these christian missionaries which i had already stated in this forum,but interning in an NGO during my enginineering, the feeling that i took in was that it was genuinely concerned about the security paradigm (cyber) in our country.
All this is well known and been a subject of discussion for long time. Indians who consider themselves global citizens feel no loyalty to India.

@queerbait To keep India from realizing its potential and keep it a third world country. This keeps the existing world order in place with the West dominating over the rest of the world.

Recently US making it possible for the spouses of H1b visa holder to work in USA. Why do you think US is being so generous? Keep the third world countries a miserable place, encourage brain drain which of course helps US maintain its technological lead over the rest of the world.

See some of them might be forign funded and have crooked intentions but still the Why of the matter is not clear.I do ascribe your argument of brain drain as it sound a very elaborate conspiracy theory.The thing that had me in doubt was scandavian countries, i mean we have no acrimony with them, they are not religious nutjobs so why will they be funding things to harm us.

Why does any country not want a competitor?

Because they don't want to be challenged. Simple.

Using 'environment', 'rights' and other such soft elements, they stall development and harm Indian interests.

95% of them are placed in India to create problems.

You have a doubt? Come here in northeast and you will know.

I am glad that the assault against such losers has begun in our country. Time to throw them and their CIA networks out of India.

Here is your answer:

Like the rest of india, i too am highly ignorant about northeast, can you tell me what exactly these NGO are doing in northeast.
Truth often lies in between two stated extremes ...

That's what I always believe ...we can not and should not bring all NGOs to dispute by one sweeping observation ..and even as I say that I do not doubt that NGOs have been used and are being used and will be used by foreign powers ( why limit its scope by calling western powers ) against national interests of particular countries.

CIA has always been at forefront of such covert operations .

We know very well as to how Kundankulam protests were foisted and kept burning by the help of foreign funded NGOs due to their vested interests .

To me the most dangerous lie is a half truth ...half told , truth that cohabits false hood and the truth that is concocted to deceive ....

I believe such NGOs should be dealt with on case to case basis based of facts and evidence .
To club all NGOs under one category under sheer suspicion will be gross insult to the contribution of NGOs.

I agree bhai sahab, but they must be monitored.

All must be monitored. If they are doing good humanitarian work without any vested interests (like conversion or CIA's interests) then they can work without worry. But if they are not, then they have to be shunted out.

Remember, WHY would these foreign NGOs want to serve our interests? Think.
See some of them might be forign funded and have crooked intentions but still the Why of the matter is not clear.I do ascribe your argument of brain drain as it sound a very elaborate conspiracy theory.The thing that had me in doubt was scandavian countries, i mean we have no acrimony with them, they are not religious nutjobs so why will they be funding things to harm us.

They use NGOs based in Scandinavian countries to deflect attention. Because of their presumed and perceived neutrality.

"Hillary Clinton likes to operate through NGOs, which are given funding through indirect channels, and which target individuals and countries seen as less than respectful to her views on foreign and domestic policy in the target countries," a retired US official now based in Atlanta said. He claimed that "rather than US NGOs, (the former) Secretary of State Clinton favoured operating through organisations based in the Netherlands, Denmark and the Scandinavian countries, especially Norway" as these were outside the radar of big power politics. These NGOs were active in the agitation against the Russian nuclear power plant at Kudankulam in Tamil Nadu, with "funding coming mainly from a religious organisation based in Europe that has close links with France"

Obama quietly reverses Hillary’s ‘get Modi’ policy

Now what you have in front of you is the Intelligence Bureau report and report from people who are in a position to have access to a whole bunch of information to connect the dots and form a comprehensive view of the geopolitical realities. You can of course choose to believe that all of the above are conspiracy theorists and Scandinavian countries are the gold standard in all humanity can achieve or you can look for reasons why despite having a hardworking population and blessed with natural resources third world countries are such a mess.
This seems to be a conspiracy of galactic proportions meant to retard growth of developing countries so that they do not pose a threat to the Western world.

We need to put a leash on most of these NGOs, the ones that are up to no good, and cancel their licenses to operate in India forthwith.
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