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Foreign Espionage Network in Pakistan

Which foreign secret agency may involve in negative activities in Pakistan?

  • CIA (USA)

    Votes: 45 88.2%
  • FSB (Russian Federation)

    Votes: 9 17.6%
  • RAW (India)

    Votes: 32 62.7%
  • MOSSAD (Israel)

    Votes: 20 39.2%
  • MI6 (UK)

    Votes: 17 33.3%
  • KHAD/NDS (Afghanistan)

    Votes: 23 45.1%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Mask of Zion

"Knowledge is teleportation; it transports a people living in a land of ignorant slumber to the forefront of a revolution." ~ Jonathan Azaziah
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Israel’s Fission Field Warfare: Pakistan, Iraq and Egypt
Israel's Fission Field Warfare
is the highest degree
of false flag terrorism.
by Jonathan Azaziah

Fission is defined as ‘the act or process of splitting into parts.’ In a more scientific explanation, fission is defined as ‘division of the atomic nucleus into two lighter fragments releasing energy. In a nuclear power station, fission occurs slowly, while in a nuclear weapon, very rapidly. In both instances, fission must be very carefully controlled.’

When applied to daily shifts on the geopolitical front, the first definition is self explanatory. The second definition however, requires a bit of dissection. The ‘nucleus’ of a stable society is the peaceful, brotherly and harmonious interaction between its people. To split this nucleus through fission, thus disrupting the interaction and establishing division, the variable needed is any type of bombardment.

Once the nucleus is split, the energy released is that which resembles misunderstanding, enmity, frustration and even hatred. Since the fission itself is controlled ‘very carefully,’ the manipulators must also induce the bombardment. This bombardment can be directed at either side of the divided societal ‘nucleus,’ fomenting an ever-expanding atmosphere of perpetual blaming and infighting. By constantly injecting deception into the enclaves where the newly formed ‘fragments’ have been divided, they remain quite incognizant of the reason that they have been split from their harmonious core to begin with.

Sustaining this division in nations which aren’t fully aligned with the greater globalist agenda, also known as ‘hostile environments,’ tips the geopolitical scale in the favor of the manipulators and their agents who designed the bombardment. There is an entity that has mastered this political fission, or ‘fission field warfare.’ And that criminal entity is Israel.

The Zionist entity has always
considered the Islamic Republic
of Pakistan its enemy.
Hostile Environment I: Humiliation In Pakistan

The Zionist entity’s first prime minister, David Ben-Gurion, an insidiously racist man devoid of any humanity and the architect of the Palestinian Nakba which ethnically cleansed Palestine of its indigenous, possessed an excessively xenophobic and brutally delusional world view. Nothing provides better evidence of this than the disturbing remarks that Ben-Gurion levied against the Islamic Republic of Pakistan in 1967.

David Ben-Gurion, Israel's first
prime minister, laid out the
blueprints to destroy
Pakistan in 1967.
“The world Zionist movement should not be neglectful of the dangers of Pakistan to it. And Pakistan now should be its first target, for this ideological state is a threat to our existence. And Pakistan, the whole of it, hates the Jews and loves the Arabs. This lover of Arabs is more dangerous to us than the Arabs themselves. For that matter, it is most essential for world Zionism that it now take steps against Pakistan. Whereas the inhabitants of the Indian Peninsula are Hindus, whose hearts have been full of hatred towards Muslims. Therefore, India is the most important base for us to work from against Pakistan. It is essential that we exploit this base and strike and crush Pakistanis, enemies of Jews and Zionism, by all disguised and secret plans (1).”

Fast forward to the new millennium, and David Ben-Gurion’s speech has manifested within every inch of Pakistan’s societal woes via extensive fission field warfare employed cooperatively by Mossad and Hinudtvadi India’s RAW.

In 2001, Mossad and RAW founded four new agencies for the specific purpose of unleashing chaos throughout Pakistan, targeting the upper echelons of its political sphere and financial sectors. Using high-powered explosives, trains, railway stations, bus stations, hotels and cinemas would all be targets of bombardment. Most integral to the Zionism-Hindutva intelligence nexus however, was the religious establishment. Operatives would strategically place explosives in the mosques of various sects and leave false flags to create the appearance of a ‘sectarian’ hit. RAW led the way in the recruitment phase of the operation, luring Pakistani men between the ages of 20 and 30 into visiting India, before ruining them with entrapment and subversion, coercing them into working against their nation (2).

Following the example of the Zionist entity’s usual knack for extremism when titling its subversive military-intelligence operations, the next phase of Pakistan’s ‘crushing’ is known as the ‘Dragon Policy,’ named after the Talmudic interpretation of the dragon, where the serpent-like beast serves as the splitter and transformer of light into darkness. This facet of the Zionist stratagem begins with the recruiting, where experts of Mossad and RAW train personalities from varying criminal sectors in the finer arts of covert operations and terrorism, including mercenaries, mafia dons and narcotics tycoons. Like the CIA funding its covert operations in Latin America with monolithic amounts of cocaine distribution in poor African-American communities at home (3), Zionist and Hindutvadi intelligence mirrored this format, only with heroin cultivated from illegal poppy crops.

Kept in the dark for decades,
the collaboration between
Mossad and RAW against
Pakistan has been deadly.
At least 57 recruitment/training camps across India and illegally occupied Kashmir were established by the Mossad-RAW alliance; each camp breeding terrorists controlled by Tel Aviv and New Delhi to be launched inside Pakistan. Mossad and Aman (Israel’s Military Intelligence Directorate) financially contributed to this operation in an elephantine manner. Once recruits are deployed into the field, RAW provides them with cash, weapons and ammunition while posing as Al-Qaeda. Subsequently, through the media networks in the West, which are exclusively owned by fierce Zionist extremists, Al-Qaeda and the Taliban are blamed for ‘terrorism’ and Pakistan is heavily criticized for being incompetently unable to combat it (4).

The strength of the Mossad-RAW Dragon Policy is solidified through its partnership with the hunter-killer mercenary giant, Blackwater, now known as Xe. Blackwater, under the leadership of ex-CIA officer Erik Prince and Christian Zionist-Dominionist Dick DeVos, became a hive for Israel Firsters within America’s power structure; a haven for elements sympathetic to Zionism and full of irrational hatred for the Arab and Muslim world (5). This Zionist fervor within Xe made it an obvious candidate for a confederation with Israel and Hindutva.

Blackwater (Xe) is actively working with Mossad and
RAW in the implementation of the Zionist
operation known as the 'Dragon Policy.'
Personnel from the top tiers of Mossad and RAW ordnance units have coordinated strikes with strategically placed Xe cells within Pakistan to unleash furious bombings when ‘patsy’ agents are unable to secure a ‘checkout’ on a designated mission. The massacre that claimed the lives of 54 innocent Shia and injured 150 others at an Al-Quds Rally in early September 2010 was initially blamed on the ‘Tehrik-I-Taliban,’ a fictional ‘Sunni’ extremist group, as per Dragon Policy strategy. In reality however, this bloodbath was a fission field warfare operation carried out by Xe, in cohesion with Mossad and RAW, to foment division between Sunni and Shia and Pakistan (6). The real Taliban has pegged Blackwater (Xe) on numerous occasions for committing atrocities and wrongfully blaming it on Islam (7).

Recent atrocities in the Islamic Republic of Pakistan fall along the lines of the exact pattern. Twin truck bombings in the northwestern Pakistani town of Peshawar have just claimed the lives of at least 7 innocents, including 2 women, and injured 14 others. The ‘Taliban’ has been blamed for the crime (8). Peshawar is an active stronghold for the Mossad-RAW nexus, and the intelligence agencies have been previously caught by local police engaging in terrorism (9). The truck bomb of course, is a surefire sign of Israeli involvement; it serves as one of Tel Aviv’s signatures. Nearly 29 years ago, the Zionist entity infamously used this highly destructive and deadly weapon to murder 241 US Marines in Beirut while they were sleeping (10).

On January 25th, at least 16 Shia were murdered and 70 others were wounded when car bombs and motorcycle bombs detonated during a religious ceremony. The attacks were blamed on ‘pro-Taliban militants (11),’ revealing the fingerprints of the Dragon Policy. The car bomb is another of Mossad’s signature devices, primarily used in the execution of false flag operations, whether the designated target is a political assassination or everyday terrorism against civilian populations (12). The motorcycle bomb is also a weapon of the Israeli agency, typically unleashed in high-level operations, including in its recent hit on Iranian nuclear scientist Masoud Ali Muhammadi, murdered by Mossad in front of his home (13).

The imaginary ‘Tehrik-I-Taliban’ was at it again on January 28th, in perfect union with the increasing activity of the Mossad-RAW Dragon Policy, blowing up two girls’ schools and a college in southwestern Pakistan (14). Military-grade dynamite was used, powerful enough to level city blocks, not homemade bombs as the media of the Zionist criminal network would lead the masses to believe.

“By deception, thou shalt wage war” are the words that govern every action of the Mossad. Deception is the very essence of fission field warfare. The bombardments that foment the fission are only the top layer of this intricate form of terrorism. There is a specific reason behind each operation, an ‘origin point.’ The origin point is a world event needing to be deflected from public attention, as a means of exhorting further Zionist control over the masses and consolidating as much power as possible.

An agent of Xe (Blackwater) just
gunned down two innocent
Pakistani men in Lahore for
absolutely no reason.
At this particular time, the origin point for deliverance of fission field warfare in Pakistan is the growing concern over Blackwater’s all-out infiltration of the Islamic nation, culminating in a mercenary of the hunter-killer corporation gunning down two innocent Pakistani men in front of the US embassy in Lahore (15). This act of blatant lawlessness and degradation is coupled with the growing unrest throughout Pakistan regarding drone strikes and ongoing injustice against Dr. Aafia Siddiqui. The Resistance of the people has grown stronger and even bolder.

Tribesmen in north Waziristan are suing the CIA for killing their family members (16). In trepidation, the CIA pulled ‘Jonathan Banks,’ its station chief in Islamabad and target of the tribesmen’s lawsuit, hoping it could bury the fury of the people and continue its drone campaign (17). But its move was futile. The protests are becoming larger in terms of sheer size, including one that exceeded 10,000 demonstrators in the Mossad-riddled town of Peshawar (18), and another which was comprised of tens of thousands in Karachi (19). And the people aren’t alone in their disgust and desire to see the CIA “video-game” style murder campaign come to an end. All leading political parties in Pakistan (puppets and non-puppets alike) have united in the call to end the CIA’s drone campaign (20), a showing of political unity not seen in decades.

The nucleus of Pakistan was reforming; rejecting calls of the hegemonists in D.C. and Tel Aviv and expelling the energies of enmity and frustration for a common cause of national unity and the defense of its sovereignty. Israel’s fission field warfare however, has reestablished the foundation of division laid out by Ben-Gurion over 40 years prior.

Zionist agents of the Project for a New American Century
(PNAC) planned and executed the annihilation of Iraq.
Hostile Environment II: Destruction of Occupied Iraq

Fission field warfare is the armed aspect of the Zionist entity’s “Greater Israel” grand scheme, which it is attempting to bring forth through the ‘Fracture Theory of Zion (FTZ).’ FTZ is a centuries-old operation that was born with Zionism in the echoes of the infamous extremist saying, “from the Nile to the Euphrates.” It encompasses fission field warfare, which breeds division through military and intelligence means, along with diplomatic manipulation (i.e. the global Zionist lobby), financial isolation (i.e. the Zionist international banking cartels and sanctions against Iran) and opposition infiltration (i.e. the subversion of the anti-war and truth movements by Zionist-run Wikileaks). FTZ is the doctrine which provides cover for Israeli expansionism and generates a plethora of new wars to strengthen the ‘Israeli empire (21).’

There isn’t a country on earth that has suffered more at the hands of Israel’s Fracture Theory of Zion than the occupied, annihilated Arab nation of Iraq. The evidence of it is ample. The admissions of guilt from the Zionist criminal network are numerous. Mossad began funding Kurdish collaborationists in northern Iraq as early as the 1950s (22), planting the seeds for Arab-Kurdish ethnic tensions and divisions. Israeli foreign policy advisor Oded Yinon compiled the blueprint for splitting Iraq, a centrist nation of religionists and secularists, Muslims and Christians, affluents, the working class and the poor, into three sectarian states in 1982 (23), furthering ethnic tensions and creating religious divides.

Yinon’s blueprint was reinforced by the “Clean Break Papers,” written for Benjamin Netanyahu by a study group of Zionist war criminals led by chief criminal, Richard Perle. This document emphasized Israel’s necessity to destabilize then “redefine” Iraq to its liking (24). Immediately following the Clean Break papers, the Project For A New American Century (PNAC) was created by a who’s who of top tier Zionists with dual American-Israeli citizenship, including the Clean Break authors and the architect of the invasion of Iraq himself, Zionist mass murderer Paul Wolfowitz (25). Obliterating Iraq was one of PNAC’s primary objectives, and the think tank wrote a letter to war criminal Bill Clinton in 1998, mapping out the steps to be taken for regime change and nation destruction, including “a systematic air campaign (26).” Two years later, it would write a monumental foreign policy dictate which prominently featured Iraq’s annihilation and the means needed to carry it out via a “new Pearl Harbor,” a.k.a. the September 11th attacks (27).

One year after September 11th, and 6 months before the genocidal “liberation” of Iraq, Israeli war criminal Benjamin Netanyahu echoed his colleagues at PNAC when he issued a lengthy speech to the House Committee on Government Reform in promotion of invading and occupying Iraq, stating that before any action is taken against the Arab nation, the “people of Israel” must be insured that they will be safe (28). Condoleeza Rice, the Zionist war criminal that held the Secretary of State position in the Likudnik Bush White House, has gone on record to state that America’s invasion and occupation of Iraq was for the protection of the usurping entity in Tel Aviv (29).

Decades of Zionist positioning culminated in the invasion of Iraq on March 20, 2003. The ‘shock and awe’ tactics implemented by the US-UK occupying forces to decimate the Iraqi people allowed Israel to penetrate every sector of their society. Deploying Mossad agents in every region of the nation, the Zionist entity assassinated over 530 Iraqi scientists and academics, initiated an extermination campaign targeting Iraqi Christians and commissioned Zeev Belinsky, a Zionist criminal who is one of the leading businessmen behind the Apartheid Wall in occupied Palestine (30), to build a separation wall in Baghdad to divide Shia and Sunni communities and breed enmity between them (31).

Genocidal criminal Paul Wolfowitz,
an avid Zionist, led the march into Baghdad
at the behest of Tel Aviv.

Belinsky’s project was aided by one of Iraq’s most notorious traitors, Ahmed Chalabi, whose INC (Iraqi National Congress) was created by the CIA and whose very political existence was created by the Zionist decision-makers within PNAC. His handler after Iraq was invaded in ‘03 was Wolfowitz himself (32). Chalabi was intimately involved with the Mossad in the 1980s, and was mentored by Albert Wohlsetter, the godfather of neoconservatism, whom Chalabi met while visiting occupied Palestine to meet his Mossad contacts. Wohlsetter would introduce Chalabi to Richard Perle (33).

With Iraq’s intelligentsia massacred, the Iraqi Christian community in shambles, Zionist-handpicked traitors governing Iraq while masquerading in full “free and democratic garb” and Zionist agents like Michael Fleischer in full control of Iraq’s finances, prostituting Iraqi assets to private corporations closely allied with the usurping Israeli entity (34), the Fracture Theory of Zion was deeply entrenched into Iraq’s infrastructure. The bombardments were in place, and the fission field warfare was ready to be unleashed.

Mossad’s favorite weapon, the car bomb, was to put to use across occupied Iraq with the help of its allies in the CIA and MI6. Sunni mosques were bombed, resulting in the murder of innocent men, women and children, only to be blamed on Shia ‘terrorists.’ Shia mosques were bombed, resulting in the murder of innocent men, women and children, only to be blamed on Sunni ‘terrorists.’ Shia were frequently targeted during their holiest religious proceedings. The media described it as ‘sectarian warfare,’ one sect pitted against the other, covering up that it was nothing more than divide-and-conquer strategy dominantly controlled and manipulated by the Zionist entity. The Iraqi people however, wholeheartedly rejected these contrived divisions, knowing full well that the car bombs were the work of Israeli, British and American intelligence services (35).

P2OG, an intelligence agency
designed to carry out false flag
operations, was created by the
Zionist-run Defense Science

American intelligence rigs cars with explosives at military checkpoints throughout Iraq, due to the US military’s control over them. Eyewitness accounts from Shia districts in Baghdad and Mossad-infested Mosul have confirmed it. This ‘American’ degree of Zionism’s fission field warfare in Iraq originated in the office of Donald Rumsfeld and Paul Wolfowitz, from a shadowy organization called Proactive, Preemptive Operations Group (P2OG), created by the Defense Science Board. P2OG advocated using assassinations, sabotage and deception to provoke the Iraqi people into bloody civil war (36).
The Defense Science Board was headed by William J. Schneider Jr., a staunch Zionist and member of PNAC. Schneider put forth an all-out media blitz regarding the legitimacy and legality of P2OG despite its very concept being rooted in illegitimacy and illegality (37). P2OG raked in billions upon billions of dollars for the Zionist-controlled Pentagon, all of which was used to annihilate Iraq (38). P2OG is still functioning as an intelligence agency, only specializing in false flags.

William J. Schneider Jr.,
Zionist PNAC member and
head of the Defense Science
Board that created
the P2OG
intelligence agency.

The FTZ-P2OG nexus has established a breeding ground for fission field warfare to flourish across occupied Iraq. In the new year, the false flag terror campaign has been stepped up substantially, following a strict ‘sectarian’ pattern. A blast inside a chicken coop claimed the lives of two children in Diyala while an explosion murdered an ex-Jaysh al-Mahdi militiaman and his brother in al-Nasiriyah (39). Three simultaneous blasts in Baghdad murdered 2 innocents and wounded 13 others. The Shia Husseiniya mosque, the Sunni Abdul Qadir Gilani mosque and the Sunni al-Assaf mosque were the targets (40). A massive explosion ripped through a police recruitment site in Tikrit and slaughtered over 54 innocents and wounded 150 others (41). 15 people were murdered and 64 others were severely wounded when twin explosions tore into a security station in Baquba (42).

Multiple blasts including twin explosions in Karbala targeted Shia pilgrims on the holy day of Arba’een, murdering at least 50 and injuring over 150 others (43). A string of explosions in Baghdad claimed 8 lives, including Shia pilgrims and two teenagers (44). 18 more innocents were murdered in Karbala and 34 others were wounded when twin blasts rocked the neighborhood of al-Ibrahimiyah (45). And quite possibly the most heinous attack of all, was when a giant blast targeted the funeral of a Shia sheikh in the Shula district of Baghdad, murdering 80 innocents, including 11 children, and wounded 120 others (46). The method of murder in every single terrorist act, against Shia and Sunni alike, was a car bomb (in one case, an ambulance bomb) or an IED, or both. Signature weapons of Israel. The benefactor of every drop of Iraqi blood shed was the Zionist entity.

The Zionist entity employs Fission Field Warfare
in occupied Iraq to tear it apart, preparing it
for colonization as 'Greater Israel.'
Replicating the Dragon Policy that frames ‘Al-Qaeda’ and the Taliban for attacks on the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, the Zionist media blamed the new years assault which has claimed hundreds of innocent Iraqi lives on “any number of Shia factions (47).” Never will it be mentioned by the Zionist media that thousands of Mossad agents and assets of the Israeli military establishment operate within occupied Iraq (48), engaging in fission field warfare to tear the once-strong Sunni-Shia unity apart.

The origin point for the Zionist entity’s genocidal new years campaign in occupied Iraq is two-pronged. Firstly, with the well-known “deadline” approaching for the US to withdraw all of its armed forces from Iraq, the Zionist entity bombarded the people, unleashing fission throughout every community in Iraq, to convince Iraqis that the already weak puppet government is incapable of protecting them; that the Iraqis need an occupying presence to maintain order in their nation. Hence self-admitted Zionist Joe Biden’s recent trip to Baghdad focusing on the extension of an American presence in occupied Iraq (49). Though the fantasy of the occupation coming to a close at the end of 2011 was never taken seriously, the January mass murder frenzy, which has been frenetically promoted by the Zionist media, will make it easier for the public to believe the fairy tale.

Secondly, the current batch of fission field warfare operations was meant to keep disgraced ex-Resistance leader Muqtada al-Sadr in check. Al-Sadr recently arrived back in Iraq after a self-imposed exile in the Islamic Republic of Iran. He didn’t return to lead the Iraqi people against the occupying powers in armed rebellion however. He returned to swear allegiance to his one-time enemy, Nouri al-Maliki. Muqtada al-Sadr’s movement sealed the deal for the Maliki government to remain in power, granting longevity to a regime that is devoid of any connection to the Iraqi people; a regime of war criminals, thieves and murderers unabashedly subservient to Israeli, American and British interests. He sold out the Iraqi people that looked to him as a hero for 40 seats in parliament and 8 ministries (50).

Muqtada al-Sadr sold out the Iraqi
people to the occupation. He is
now being humiliated by the Zionist

Since al-Sadr returned, relations with Maliki have been tense at best. Maliki threatened al-Sadr with an old arrest warrant and rumors are abound that he has left Iraq again; fleeing to either Iran or Lebanon (51). Mossad’s bombings, especially in areas where al-Sadr has a multitude of support like Karbala and the Shula district of Baghdad, serve as a reminder to al-Sadr that his days of Resistance are over, and he is fully under the control of the Zionist Power Configuration. Whether Muqtada stays on the six-pointed-star-patterned strings of the oppressors and exists as a stooge within the corrupt Iraqi government remains to be seen. The evidence certainly suggests that he is content as a traitor.

With Iraqi journalists being offered exuberant payment plans or persecution by the brutal Maliki-Talabani regime (52), mainstream media owned by Zionists and alternative media infiltrated by gatekeepers who refuse to tell the truth about Iraq, 9/11 or the intelligence operation known as Wikileaks (53), it seems that the ugliness of Zionism’s fission field warfare tearing Iraq to pieces for nearly 8 years now will remain in a black hole of obscurity. Unless the eyes of the world are opened by what is so blatantly right in front of them.

Muslims and Christians are standing together
against Zion's Fission Field Warfare in Egypt.
Hostile Environment III: Failure In Egypt

“From the Nile to the Euphrates.” Iraq and Egypt are forever linked through the delusional, Talmudic dream of ‘Greater Israel,’ the pinnacle and ultimate goal of international Zionism. A Zionist utopia devoid of democracy, freedom and reality. The destabilization of Egypt has been laid out in detail by Oded Yinon, former senior Israeli foreign policy advisor, in the same document laying out the blueprints for the annihilation and annexation of Iraq. Similar to the ‘sectarian’ plan for Iraq, Israel wants to crack Egypt in half, splitting Muslims, Christians and other ethno-religious minorities into ‘distinct geographical regions.’

Mossad bombed al-Qiddisin church
in Alexandria on New Years Day
to create a schism between
Egypt's Muslims and Christians.

On New Years Day, a massive explosion claimed the lives of 25 Coptic Christians at al-Qiddissin Church in Alexandria, Egypt. At least 97 others were wounded, including several Muslims. While the regime of the Zionist dictator Hosni Mubarak attempted to blame the attack on a suicide bomber belonging to the fictional monolith known as Al-Qaeda, this lie collapsed when it was uncovered the weapon used in the murderous operation was a car bomb, validating Mossad’s signature in the ‘sectarian’ attack. Mubarak’s infamous (and savage) security forces collaborated with the Zionist entity in the bloodshed, withdrawing from al-Qiddissin only an hour before the car bomb exploded, granting Israeli operatives the opportune time needed to plant the explosives and vanish (54).

Staying true to the Dragon Policy, the official line from the Israeli-owned Mubarak regime now blames an enemy of the Zionist entity for the bombing, the Army of Islam, a Palestinian Resistance movement in illegally besieged Gaza. The Interior Ministry cited “conclusive evidence (55),” which obviously, doesn’t exist.

The origin point of this barbarity is on display for the entire world to see; an event that isn’t only shaking the Arab world to its roots, but the globe itself: The Egyptian Revolution. The Zionist entity attempted to drum up enough sectarianism to incite a communal war in Egypt, quelling the possibility of this historic movement of people power. The false flag bombing was designed to salvage the waning Israeli stranglehold on Egypt, and strike back at Egyptians for uncovering another of its infamous spy rings (56) while ensuring a media blackout on the Mubarak regime robbing the Muslim Brotherhood in the latest round of parliamentary elections (57). This backfired completely, unifying the Egyptian people instead; to a degree that superceded the worst nightmare of the most abysmally hawkish Zionist.

Egyptians have gathered in Cairo's Tahrir Square
in the millions since January 25th in a historic
revolutionary display.
After the bombing, Muslim and Christian leaders met in friendship, and stood together in a powerful display of understanding and solidarity (58), reaffirming the warmness and harmony that the two communities have always had (59). The solidarity deepened six days after Mossad’s sanguinary false flag attack, when thousands of Muslims joined their Christian brothers for Christmas Mass, offering themselves as human shields to protect their fellow Egyptians (60). This precious unity, transcended solidarity and transformed into an unbreakable, unshakable armor when the Revolution began on January 25th, the “Day of Rage.” Invoking the Zionist entity’s darkest fears, Muslims and Christians have marched through the streets together from the very beginning, chanting “We are all Egyptians (61)!”

The usurping supremacist entity has admitted that a revolution in Egypt would be a “loss” for its Zionist empire of colonialist expansionism (62). Benjamin Netanyahu, the war criminal and mass murderer, exhibited his typical racism but with an underlying hint of fear, “We believe Egypt is going to overcome the current wave of demonstrations, but we have to look to the future. Having said that, I’m not sure the time is right for the Arab region to go through the democratic process (63).” So says the illegitimate entity that calls itself ‘the only democracy in the Middle East.’ Zionism’s feelings of cynicism and apprehension are based on the idea that a revolutionary leadership would cut it off from gas supplies that Israel has secured from collaborators in Egypt for over 30 years, as well as damage a massive $10-billion deal that Zionist firms signed with Mubarak in December of 2010 (64).

Avi Dichter suggested the "isolation" of Egypt to prepare
the Arab nation for annexation in the Zionist entity's
'Greater Israel' scheme.
Former director of Shin Bet and war criminal Avi Dichter issued an enormously disturbing speech on May 26th, 2010 to the Israeli National Security Research Center, arrogantly pinpointing Zionist successes in occupied Iraq. However, the iniquitous offering did briefly touch on Egypt. The following excerpt is essential to understanding the efforts being pursued by the Zionist entity and its lapdogs within the US government to crush the Egyptian Revolution, "Weakening and isolating Iraq is no less important than weakening and isolating (neutralizing) Egypt. Weakening and isolating (neutralizing) Egypt has been done by diplomatic methods while everything has been done to achieve a complete and comprehensive isolation of Iraq (65)."

The Zionist regime made one last ditch attempt to resurrect and subsequently sustain its fission field warfare in Egypt, sending three planes full of illegal gas to Mina International Airport in Cairo to be used by Mubarak’s security forces on unarmed protesters (66). An Israeli minister told Egypt to “exercise force, power in the street” to demolish the uprising and restore the old order that adheres to Zionism (67). Mubarak obliged with an ‘exercising of force,’ deploying his brutal secret police into the street in plain clothes, ordering them to pose as ‘pro-government’ protesters. They attacked the unarmed revolutionary demonstrators with meat cleavers, fire bombs, knives, chains and clubs (68), saving the Israeli-delivered weapons for a ‘final showdown’ of sorts. Since the beginning of the Revolution, at least 300 protesters have been murdered (69), and over 5,000 other protesters have been wounded, many of them critically (70).

Egyptians haven’t been discouraged in the slightest by the Zionist Mubarak regime’s brutality. Millions have taken to the streets on several occasions since the Revolution began nearly two weeks ago. Realizing this, the Israeli occupiership set aside its fission field warfare goals and directed its attention towards Avi Dichter’s May 2010 speech, invoking the political wing of the Fracture Theory of Zion (FTZ) to put the people’s Revolution to sleep once and for all.

Mohamed ElBaradei is not a friend of the Egyptian people.
He is a stooge of the Zionist-controlled International
Crisis Group.

Firstly, the Zionist entity and its vast globalist network sought to penetrate the opposition. Enter ‘opposition figure’ Mohamed ElBaradei, hated across the region for ‘warmly’ shaking hands with multiple Israeli war criminals and relentlessly promoted by corporate Arab media heavyweights Al Jazeera and Al-Arabiya (71). ElBaradei is being presented as a man with an immense amount of credibility because he ‘slammed’ the West for presenting exaggerated reports about the Islamic Republic of Iran’s nuclear program (72), while calling the illegal Israeli nuclear arsenal the ‘greatest threat to the region (73).’ However, ElBaradei has also gone on the record to state that, ‘My gut feeling is that Iran definitely would like to have the technology that would enable it to have nuclear weapons if they decided to do so (74),” giving credence to the Zionist narrative which has spread en masse for nearly a decade.

Despite his harsh rhetoric towards the Zionist entity’s nukes, it must be treated as just that: rhetoric. ElBaradei has attacked Hamas, the Palestinian Resistance movement in occupied Gaza, as ‘radical (75),’ and is also a supporter of the apartheid two-state solution based on the ‘1967-borders (76),’ a full blown endorsement of the Zionist ethnic cleansing operation known as al-Nakba. ElBaradei has also said that a democratic Egypt becoming anti-Israel or anti-US in its foreign policy was nothing but “hype and fiction (77).”

The righteous people of Egypt consider dictator Hosni
Mubarak an agent of Israel.
This in and of itself is a contradiction of what the Egyptian people want. The revolutionaries have staged mock hangings of Mubarak dolls with an Israeli six-pointed star drawn on its chest (78), written graffiti on US corporate establishments that label Mubarak as a US client (79), displayed posters of Mubarak with Israeli stars all over his face (80) and in a moment of true historical precedent, forced the Zionist entity to take down its flag at the Israeli embassy in Cairo and evacuate all of its staff (81). Egyptians have absolutely had enough of Mubarak’s kowtowing to Zionism’s every whim, whether the orders are barked from occupied Palestine or the Israeli Lobby’s stomping grounds in Washington D.C. Mubarak is a wolf. ElBaradei is a wolf in blue-and-white sheep’s clothing.

Due to his “critical remarks” about the Zionist entity and his “support” for Iran, Zionist war criminal Phillip Zelikow, the man responsible for covering up Mossad’s false flag attack on 9/11 with the absurd ‘9/11 Commission Report (82),’ suggested that the US should support ElBaradei by pretending that it doesn’t like him (83). Why has ElBaradei been chosen over any other collaborator on the long list of collaborators in the possession of Zion and its worldwide network of cronies? Because ElBaradei serves on the board of trustees at the International Crisis Group, a globalist giant funded by the Carnegie Foundation, the Ford Foundation and internationalist Zionist criminal George Soros’ Open Society Institute. Soros, along with global power broker Zbigniew Brzezinski also sit on the board (84). The International Crisis Group was founded by Morton I. Abramowitz, PNAC member, CFR member and ardent Zionist (85).

Omar Suleiman (left) is a notorious
brute, torturer and Zionist traitor.
He is known as Mossad's and CIA's
man in Egypt.
While Tel Aviv’s agents attempted to manipulate the people from the shadows, it demanded from its ‘allies’ in the United States and European Union to tone down the anti-Mubarak rhetoric and support the dictator (86). The Zionist-owned Obama administration followed suit, offering its full support to a ‘transitional’ government led by Omar Suleiman, whom Hosni Mubarak appointed Vice President of Egypt (87). What Israel wants is a ‘Mubarakite’ Egypt, even without Mubarak. Suleiman serves this agenda gratuitously. He vehemently despises the Palestinian Resistance in occupied Gaza and has close ties to Mossad, Shin Bet and Aman. Suleiman is also a good friend of ex-Mossad chief Shabtai Shavit, and they routinely talk via phone about their children and grandchildren (88). How pathetically and disgustingly touching.

Suleiman is the chief Egyptian collaborator in assisting the Zionist entity with its crippling siege against Gaza, and has been personally thanked by genocidal Zionist madman Avigdor Lieberman for his treason (89). And arguably the most notable part of Suleiman’s lengthy and brutal collaborationist resume: his senior role in the CIA’s exceptionally illegal Rendition program, which under his watch, left dozens of innocent Muslim men tortured and psychologically ruined (90). Torture hasn’t stopped since the Revolution commenced either, as police under the direct orders of Suleiman and new Interior Minister Mahmoud Wagdy, former head of the Egyptian Prison Authority (91), have engaged in repeated acts of barbarity against protesters (92). The revolutionaries of Egypt mustn’t lose; an Egypt controlled by Zionist war criminal Omar Suleiman would be aeons worse than an Egypt controlled by Mubarak.

Due to their dignity and their steadfastness, Egyptians overcame Israel’s fission field warfare and left it in a heap of failure. They are now fighting the Fracture Theory of Zion head on, and as millions continue to pour into the streets daily (93), they are overcoming it as well. While the Zionist criminal network maneuvers in the open and in the shadows to politically influence the ‘game-changing’ events in Egypt, Egyptians themselves reject a future controlled by foreign interests and continue to unleash their ire at the illegitimate Israeli entity and the Zionist-owned US government (94). Racist war criminal MK Binyamin Ben-Eliezer, who has a close friendship with Hosni Mubarak has gravely insulted the Egyptian people by stating, “I don’t think it is possible for there to be a revolution in Egypt (95).” The Egyptian people are proving him, and every other Zionist and Mubarak supporter wrong at this very moment: a revolution in Egypt isn’t only possible. It’s happening.

Julian Assange is the leading head
of the Israeli intelligence Hydra
known as Wikileaks.
 Conclusion: The Wikileaks Hydra and Reality

As aforementioned in the section regarding Israel’s fission field warfare against occupied Iraq, the Fracture Theory of Zion has incorporated an infiltration wing into its foundation, to penetrate opposition and subvert it or destroy it, whichever will better serve the global agenda of Zionism. In the case of Wikileaks, subversion reigns supreme.

It is has become an impossibility to remain updated on the world’s current events, whether choosing the Zionist-owned mainstream media as your provider, or the alternative media, without hearing the name of Wikileaks or its ‘founder,’ Julian Assange. Vociferously promoted by the Zionist media and despicably worshiped as the idol of choice by the alternative media, Wikileaks now permeates every aspect of ‘information age’ journalism. While both media spheres will lead their readers and viewers to believe that Wikileaks is a whistleblower of the utmost dignity, honor and integrity, as well as an organization that thrives on truth and the exposure of corruption, this is a lie of the most monstrous proportions. In reality, Wikileaks is an Israeli intelligence operation coordinating attacks against ‘anti-Zionist’ journalists and online publications with known Tel Aviv-intelligence wing, the Anti-Defamation League (96).

Wikileaks has absolved the Zionist entity of any connection to the 2008 ‘terror’ attacks in Mumbai, despite all evidence confirming the fingerprints of Mossad, CIA and India’s RAW collaborating in a deadly false flag paramilitary operation. Instead, it blames the Pakistani government and Pakistani ‘Jihadi terrorists (97).’

Wikileaks claims that Hamas, the Islamic Resistance of Gaza, broke the ceasefire in 2008 which provided the pretext for Operation Cast Lead, not the Zionist entity. Additionally, Wikileaks has accused Hamas of using human shields, though the only use of human shields that has ever been recorded is by Israeli occupation forces. Wikileaks claims that the Hindutva entity of India is a major force for peace in occupied Kashmir, not an illegal occupier and notorious violator of human rights. Wikileaks heinously claims that Syrians assassinated former Lebanese Premier Rafiq Hariri, and not Mossad through its signature car bomb. And quite possibly, the most horrifically false claim of all, Wikileaks says Israel has no ‘assets’ in occupied Iraq, though Iraq is corroded with Mossad’s presence from north to south, east to west (98).

The Wikileaks 'whistleblower' fraud has been a vital asset
to the CIA and Mossad.
The most successful product of Zionist criminal Cass Sunstein’s cyber COINTELPRO, Wikileaks has served the illegitimate Israeli state’s international agenda flawlessly. Any major story that needs to be buried by the Zionist media can easily be done by using a Wikileaks falsehood-ridden scandal. Latest on Israel’s hitlist, is the Egyptian Revolution and its righteous organizers. Right on schedule, Wikileaks arrives on the scene with a means of discrediting the movement, its people, its methods and its motives. According to the latest documents dumped by Julian Assange’s organization, the United States backed the ‘pro-democracy’ groups that have organized the massive protests against Mubarak in Egypt (99). Not only have Zion’s gatekeepers swallowed this abomination of the truth and regurgitated it to their followers, well-respected journalists who were instrumental in exposing Wikileaks for the intel-op that it is, have also bought into this pathetic theory.

Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah recently addressed this exact issue in his most recent speech, emotionally displaying full solidarity with the Egyptian people, “The worst accusation against this complete humanitarian and political intifada is that American intelligence has incited the Egyptian youth against the regime. Even more, it is a grave insult and an injustice to the youth of Egypt to claim that their movement is directed by the US. Who would imagine that the US would topple such a loyal ally working day and night to protect Washington’s interests and projects? It is illogical (100).”

Unlike disposed puppet dictators like Manuel Noriega, Saddam Hussein and Jonas Savimbi of Angola, all of whom began operating in their own interests, instead of the interests of their American and Israeli puppet masters, Mubarak and his regime have catered to Washington and Tel Aviv in an unimaginable manner. The Sayyed hit the nail directly on its head; the insinuation that this populist revolution is the work of intelligence agencies or Western governments is not only an insult and an injustice to the Egyptian people, it is not only illogical, but it is absolutely asinine. To this very moment, as Sayyed Nasrallah stated in the same speech, the Zionist entity and its criminal network are fighting tooth and nail to undermine the people’s Revolution, and keep Mubarak in power.

The latest round of the Wiki-Hydra’s Zionist poison is directed at the courageous, revolutionary protesters of Egypt for one reason: to convince all of the people in the Middle East living under US-backed, Zionist-funded dictatorships, including those Egyptians who are yet to take to the streets with their brethren, that revolution isn’t possible. That Resistance isn’t possible. That assembling for an honorable cause isn’t possible because all honorable causes have been hijacked by the usurping entity of Zion and its eternal supply of cronies. Israel has underestimated the Arabs however. It has underestimated their steadfastness, their dignity, their righteousness, their Godwariness, their love of country and their willingness to sacrifice their very lives for freedom.

Arab unity absolutely petrifies the
Zionist entity. It is the
antithesis to Israel's
Fission Field Warfare.
Protesters have taken to the streets in Yemen, Jordan, Lebanon, occupied Iraq, Bahrain and occupied Palestine in solidarity with the people of Egypt in defiance of apathy and the Zionist entity’s manipulation. And while Mubarak’s heavyweight American lobbyists try to secure more aid from the US Congress (101), Zionist ideologues go back and forth attempting to present a legitimate two-sided discourse on Egypt, though they are simply preserving Israel’s point of view (102), and mass murdering war criminal Benjamin Netanyahu threatens the world with another racist diatribe about the rise of an “Islamist” Egypt (103), Egyptians continue their calls for the end of Mubarak in Ismailia, Mahalla, Suez, Alexandria, Mansoura and of course, Tahrir Square in the capital city of Cairo as if the powers that be and the cancer of Zionism that governs them didn’t exist. Upper Egypt, including the cities of Kharga and Assiut, has also joined the revolt (104).

Knowledge is what transforms a sleeping people into an unbreakable force of Resistance. It snatches them from their dream state and catapults them into the battlefield of reality. Egyptians are well aware of their cold, hard, dictatorial reality and subservience to it has disappeared as a viable option for them. This awakening is the model that needs to be duplicated in occupied Iraq, Pakistan and every other nation victimized by the supremacist entity of Israel’s fission field warfare.

An awakened populace, determined to achieve revolution, can take the Zionist entity’s Fracture Theory and fracture it into an infinite number of pieces, rendering its restoration impossible. An Iraqi-Egyptian-Pakistani union, fully backed and controlled by the will of the people, will not just disrupt the Zionist entity’s plans, but decimate them.

Revolution in its purest form is the end of oppression and the beginning of freedom. Once Mubarak falls at the hands of the Egyptian people, so falls his oppression. Freedom from tyranny isn’t the aspiration of all men. It is a gift that man is born with and one that cannot be usurped by any power, no matter how perceivably powerful. As the great anti-apartheid activist Steven Biko said, “The most potent weapon of the oppressor is the mind of the oppressed.” A revolutionary mind state is the bitter enemy of the oppressor.

In a revolution, the oppressed transcend from the downtrodden and the exploited to the champions of a nation reborn. Egypt is being reborn right now. And in its transcendence, the oppressors are being burned in the blaze of revolutionary champions who refuse to be humiliated ever again.

Mask of Zion: Israel’s Fission Field Warfare: Pakistan, Iraq and Egypt
Defence Correspondent

Islamabad—Even as India and Pakistan were actively engaged in laying a framework for normalizing their relations in the aftermath of Operation Parkaram (Dec 2001 – Oct 2002), RAW’s Counter Intelligence Team - X (CIT-X), assigned to conduct subversive operations targeting Pakistan was working relentlessly to destabilize the country. According to well placed sources the details of these plans came to light once a copy of the classified document detailing these activities was accidentally lost and became available for public scrutiny.

The strategy to advance the interaction with Pakistan on the diplomatic channels, while perpetrating acts of terrorism on a parallel track, was envisaged after the failure of Indian spell of coercive diplomacy vis-à-vis Pakistan during the Premiership of Atal Bihari Vajpaee. The document lays out the extensive espionage network dovetailed into the diplomatic missions in Central Asia, particularly Afghanistan, and Middle East which the Indian under cover intelligence operatives utilize to rake trouble not only in FATA but in Pakistani hinterland as well.

As per details given in the purloined paper, agents for anti-Pakistan subversion were trained in 57 training camps established in the IHK, East Punjab, Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Karnataka and Assam. Activists of anti Pakistan nationalist groups were the focus of Indian search for recruits who received cash weapons and ammunitions from undercover RAW operatives masquerading as Al Qaeda agents. While sections of the Taleban have been named as perpetrators of some of the most heinous and bloody acts of subversion in Pakistan, it were their Indian handlers who manipulated the invisible strings. Mossad’s tactics of infiltrating Palestinian resistance acted as model and provided the modus operandi for CIT – X to stir insurgency on Pakistan’s Western border that, hitherto fore, had remained free from a military threat.

Apart from concentrating on the FATA Region, stoking the fires of sub-national movements in Pakistan can be identified as one of the vulnerable area where Indian Agencies are focused; reveals the document. Targeting interior regions of Sind province, Seraiki belt and the Northern Areas of Pakistan forms pivots of the Indian plan, receiving riveting and ceaseless attention of CIT – X , reveals the classified document.

1. A declassified document of RAW has revealed CIT ‘X’ Operations which spells out the Mossad / RAW / CIA plot against Pakistan Indicating that Pakistan has been effectively engaged in for a long hot summer as the “Summer Offensive Continues”. Following contents are the proof that Pakistan has been looking for:-

a. Tactics of the Dragon Policy. In retaliation to the alleged unending terrorist pursuits of Pakistan, RAW and MOSSAD had conceived the “Summer Offensive” a year ago. Modus operandi has been successful. The operational tactics are:-

(1) Intelligence has successfully tapped known international drug and mafia dons against Pakistan. CIT “X” is effectively training agents for covert operations in Pakistan. Under the Vajpayee government, the CIT “X” and other sensitive organizations were authorized to strengthen contacts with sleeping agents, and recruit new front men to carry out covert operations in Pakistan.

(2) All possible international criminal and mercenaries, including Afghans were engaged for covert purpose during LK Advani’s tenure in the Home Ministry. CIT “X” is actively involved in drug trafficking to finance its covert operations.

(3) Illegal poppy is being cultivated in bulk in Himachal Pradesh, Arunchal Pradesh, Mizoram and Uttar Pradesh. Drug barons have close links with their Afghan counterparts, completely controlled, and continuously monitored by various intelligence agencies. India today stands as the fifth largest country in the world in the production of illicit opium. Laos is 4th with 20 metric tons and has directly tied up with RAW and internal drug barons. Some people of Indian origin living in Surinam and Holland have been engaged to facilitate Indian agencies in drug trafficking. Under the benign patronage of CIT “X” the business of drug trafficking is flourishing and the money earned is accounted for and is being directed towards covert activities in Pakistan.

(4) The summer offensive includes establishment of 57 training camps in Occupied Kashmir, East Punjab, Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan, Gujrat, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Karnatka and Assam to train and launch terrorists inside Pakistan. Trainees are generally drawn from the Indian hatched dissident groups of Mohajir Qaumi Movement (MQM), Jiye Sindh Mohaz,

b. Offensive under Diplomatic Cover (The MOSSAD Hands)
(1) RAW Centers at London, Dubai, Iran, and South Africa operate against Pakistan jointly with Israeli MOSSAD. However, for its summer offensive RAW in a joint effort with MOSSAD has laid out a whole network around Pakistan to ensure success through destabilization.

(2) During Wana operations the miscreants were fed cash, weapons and ammunition indirectly by RAW operatives under cover of Al-Qaeda. Mossad and AMMAN have also contributed heavily towards the funding and material requirements for those operations.

c. Ministry of Information and Security (Iran’s Involvement)

(1) Iran, having contiguous borders with Pakistan, is a hot bed of intrigues and constant source of support and inspiration to RAW functionaries. The Indian Embassy at Tehran and Consulates in Zahidan, Mashhad and Bandar Abbas are actively engaged in establishing links with disgruntled elements of Balochistan and Sindh for destabilizing these provinces. RAW is maintaining contacts / their sources / links in Pakistan through their consulates at Zahidan and Dubai. Most of the staff at Indian Consulate in Zahidan is from intelligence / security organizations including RAW, Intelligence Bureau and Military Intelligence. Irani intelligence has been providing reliable information and support to RAW operations by using disgruntled Shia elements in Pakistan.

d. Intelligence Model

(1) This intelligence model is an improvement on the practices of MOSSAD, which has infiltrated several Jewish agents into the occupied territory of Palestine as Muslims. These agents practice Islam like any ordinary Muslim. Mingle into local Muslim population just to wait for the appropriate time to strike. While Taliban and Al-Qaeda are getting the blame and Pakistan gets the rap for “not doing enough” by US and FRIENDLY” Afghan authorities

e. UAE Angle

(1) UAE is being used as a launching pad for terrorist activities in Pakistan. Agents are getting hold of young, disgruntled elements and after carrying out their proper brainwashing, they are dispatched to Dubai. Indian Consulate in Dubai is issuing temporary passport to these activists for getting training / briefing. After completion of their formal training, they are launched into Pakistan to carry out their terrorist / sabotage activities.
f. Fake Currency

(1) To cripple the economy of Pakistan, RAW has taken it upon itself the responsibility of pumping fake currency into Pakistan through various illegal means.

g. Subversion

(1) To fan flames of Sindhi Desh Movement subversive literature, published from Bombay and Jammu e.g. Sindh Sujag. Sindh Rises, Sindh Parcham, Sangat and lot of other subversive material is being pumped into Sindh clandestinely. Whereas, RAW is morally and maerially supporting the Saraiki Movement in southern Punjab. Regional Political Parties like Saraiki Suba Mahaz, Pakistan Saraiki Party and Saraiki Sahaliya Sangam are being effectively sponsored. Subversive literature in huge quantity is being published on the subject.

h. Balwaristan Movement

(1) RAW is also involved in sponsoring Balwaristan Movement. It is being organized under Abdul Hamid, self styled Chairman of his own faction of Balwaristan National Front based in Delhi. The Front is working for the independence of Northern Areas. It has been sending into Pakistan a highly subversive material from abroad.

2. The hostile intelligence operatives are making concerted / unified attempts to achieve their aim of destabilizing Pakistan through a well conceived / articulated plan. Pakistan needs to counter it by utilizing all means available.

Secret document bares Indian subversion in Pakistan
MOSSAD: Chabad is a staunchly Zionist criminal organization

Mossad’s presence inside India and occupied Kashmir is well known. Several Zionist companies owned by former Mossad and Shin Bet agents have been operating in the Hindutva entity for years (126). Eli Katzir and his Counter-Terrorism Combat Unit of the Israeli Prime Minister’s office, which is comprised of Zionist military intelligence officials and police commanders, have been mainstays in occupied Kashmir along with many other parts of India for over a decade, leading to assistance from Israel to the Hindutva entity in the form of information transfers, instruction in operation methods and of course, sale of equipment (127). Mossad and Aman have offices through front companies of both agencies across India, including Amdocs, Ness Technologies, Magic Software Enterprises, Check Point Software Technologies, RAD Data Communications, Veraz Networks and NDS Group. Mossad and RAW also joint offices with four agencies which were created in collaboration in an operation to completely fragment Pakistan (128). There are also 57 training camps in existence all over India and occupied Kashmir, set up by Mossad and RAW, where training of ‘dissident groups’ is conducted to carry out terrorism against Pakistan; it is called the Dragon Policy (129).

Out of all these safehouses, camps, offices and bases where Mossad can conduct a false flag however, in its despicable arrogance, it carried out 26/11 from the Chabad Lubatvich stronghold of the Nariman House, where the firing in Mumbai began, according to several eyewitness accounts (130). Chabad is notorious for its criminal activity, engaging in bribery, theft, fraud, extortion, counterfeiting, embezzlement, money laundering (131), global pedophilia (132), ecstasy trading, meth dealing and heroin experimentation (133). Chabad is also allied with the most racist and violent organizations in the Zionist entity, it is supported by the Russian-Jewish oligarchical gangster-class which is destabilizing Russia, it has worked with ultra-Zionist racists Alan Dershowitz and Lawrence Summers to spread Zionist propaganda on college campuses and it has set up an essential network for corporate and international espionage (134). The Nariman House of Chabad has housed Mossad and other Israeli intelligence officials since 1996, when Israel received one of many security contracts from the Hindutva regime to crush the ‘militancy,’ (i.e. the Azadi Struggle) in occupied Kashmir and to operate from India’s Air Force bases in the Kashmiri state of Jammu, for the purpose of attacking Pakistan (135).

This crucial fact explains how Rabbi Holtzberg, who was slain in the attacks, mystically predicted the 26/11 false flag and was excessively ‘afraid of pictures, afraid of photographers and afraid of unnecessary public exposure that could harm the Chabad House (136).’ He was afraid because he didn’t want Mossad’s cover blown, especially with Hemant Karkare already pinpointing Israeli fingerprints in Malegaon and fearlessly conducting his investigation in defiance of the pro-Israel Hindutvadi leadership. This fact explains how the Nariman House was the ‘hub’ or the ‘den’ of the attackers and why the attackers arrived the night before and brought ‘many bags’ into the Chabad place of business (137). This fact explains why the ‘terrorists’ were able to purchase food for 3 days undetected (138); it explains how the ‘terrorists’ disappeared without a trace (139). It explains why Indian police (excluding Karkare and his team) had the ‘terrorists’ in their sights but simply didn’t shoot at them (140). And it explains, why the Zionist media issued contradictory accounts about the ‘hostages;’ because the hostages, were actually the attackers themselves, in all of their Zionist glory (141).

Many have stated that due to Rabbi Holtzberg and his wife being murdered, it invalidates all claims of Mumbai being a Zionist operation. ‘Zionists wouldn’t kill Jews,’ they’ve opined. But this is sheer nonsense; an easy way to weasel their way out of conducting the proper research to identify the truth. It is a matter of the historical record, in repetition, that the Zionists have a history of killing innocent Jewish people (not that Holtzberg was innocent, quite to the contrary) to further their agenda. Mossad sunk a ship, the Egoz, full of Moroccan Jewish children, murdering all aboard then subsequently blaming it on Arabs and Mossad placed bombs in temples, schools, apartments and coffeehouses in the Jewish communities of Iraq, murdering many. Both false flag campaigns were to drive a spiteful wedge between Arab Muslims and Arab Jews, to facilitate the forced trek of the Mizrahim to occupied Palestine to be slave labor for the Ashkenazi elite (142).

Zionist military intelligence also kidnaped Yemenite Jewish children and delivered them to be servants for the Khazarian elite, sold them as commodities to Zionist adoption agencies in the United States and on several occasions, murdered them and buried them in unmarked graves (143). To drive the point a home a little bit further, the Zionists routinely collaborated with the Nazi regime (144), which was heavily funded by the powerful, Zionist banking clan of the Warburgs (145), and the Zionist leadership famously ignored the calls of Rabbi Michael Ber Weissmandl in Europe, who sought their help to rescue Slovakian Jews, leading to Jewish deaths by starvation in the Nazi work camps (146).

The Zionists do not discriminate when it comes to mass murder; Muslims, Christians, Jews, atheists, Hindus, Buddhists, Arabs, Africans, Caucasians, Hebrews, Latinos, Asians and many other peoples have been all struck by Tel Aviv’s criminal network.

Show Me The Terror, I’ll Show You The Money

What would an Israeli-designed false flag attack be without Zion profiteering immensely from the spilling of innocent blood? The event just wouldn’t be complete.

ICTS, the infamous security company connected to a plethora of Zionist false flags was looking for a way to enter the Indian market, since so many other Mossad-Shin Bet-Aman affiliated companies had already done so, and it acquired its chance with the Mumbai assault (147). Just one month after the attacks, the Zionist entity and the Hindutva entity signed a memorandum called the Indo-Israel Legal Colloquium to facilitate discussions and profitable exchange programs between judges and jurists of the two brutal occupiers (148). Also in response to 26/11, India bought the RISAT 2 from the Tel Aviv regime, an advanced spy satellite that can peer through clouds (149).

As recently as January 2010, Israeli firms continue their Hindutvadi-welcomed infiltration of India, with at least 5 companies already profiting from the illegal occupation of Palestine signing massive deals for homeland security all in the name of 26/11 (150). Zionist Daniel Benjamin, discussed in a previous section, was appointed by Zionist Hillary Clinton as Coordinator for Counter-Terrorism at the State Department, and it was Benjamin that allocated $4.5 million to India ‘anti-terrorism’ in the wake of 26/11 (151). As a side note, Benjamin has also been important to the Zionist-Hindutvadi 26/11 false narrative, spreading excessive propaganda about Al-Qaeda and occupied Kashmir (152). The largest deal however, has been the $600 million weapons deal that Zionism and Hindutva signed in January of 2009, for coastal weapons defense systems transferred from a subsidiary of Israeli Aerospace Industries to the Indian navy (153).

And of course, despite the Chabad Lubatvich headquarters of the Nariman House being in Mumbai, in India, it wouldn’t make sense for an Indian firm to rebuild it, or Mumbai to oversee its reconstruction, would it? No, of course not. The Chabad Mumbai Relief Fund was set up by Chabad Luvatvich itself, with Chabad Lubatvich officials joining the board from across the globe, including from the ultra-Zionist organizations the World Jewish Congress and the Jewish Association of Thailand (154). The vital arm of the Zionist criminal network accumulated $2 million in funds as of November 2009, with hopes of acquiring $2.5 million more (155). Disgustingly typical.

To close, Zionism and Hindutva made it abundantly clear that the ties of the occupying entities were not only unaffected by 26/11, but in fact, ‘emerged even stronger (156).’

One of the two motives (other than money and spilling innocent blood) behind the Mumbai assault, and the chief one, was to obliterate the prospect of peace between India and Pakistan, as well as to crush ties between the Islamic Republic of Iran and India, premises that have been aggressively and firmly suggested by Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad (157). Relations between Iran and India have always been strained at best due to the Hindutvadi regime’s collaboration with Israel and Iran’s support of the Azadi Struggle in Kashmir, both spiritually (158) and financially (159). There was a plan in place however, that would end, or at least substantially reduce the hostilities (great and small) between the three heavyweight nations, facilitate peace in the Southeastern Asia region and assist Pakistan and India in achieving energy independence from the West: The Peace Pipeline (160).

The proposed $7 billion deal would bring natural gas from the Islamic Revolution in Iran across the Islamic Republic of Pakistan into India, and the Indian leadership made great progress with Pakistan on the cost of transporting the gas through its rival back in April of 2008. Ahmadinejad visited India at the end of April to cement the deal and had the intention of closing it in 45 days. The deal was venomously opposed by the Zionist-run Bush administration (161). Though the Peace Pipeline should have been operational by 2010 (162), the efforts of understanding and serenity between the three nations came to a screeching halt.

India withdrew from the project in 2009, only a few months after the attack in Mumbai, citing prices and high costs of transfer fees as the reason. This was a ruse however, as India and Pakistan had already made great progress in these fields; the real reason for the pullout was Hindutva being under major pressure from the ZOG in America (163). As a result, India decided to pursue its energy needs with the United States, whom the Hindutvadi regime signed a landmark nuclear deal with in 2005 and finalized in 2008, a month before 26/11 (164), sealed with World Bank funds in ‘05 from President of the internationalist institution at the time, genocidal Zionist criminal, Paul Wolfowitz (165).

The ZOG in America threatened Pakistan with sanctions if it decided to go through with the proposed deal with Iran (166), but Pakistan resisted and marched forward with the project, signing a deal with the Islamic Revolution for $7.6 billion in early 2010 (167). The repercussions of Pakistan’s defiance have been grave; they have been deadly; they are drenched with the blood of Pakistan’s citizens. The Iran-Pakistan deal was signed in principle in January 2010, and starting from January, it is 2010 that has been the worst year of CIA-operated drone strikes since they began in 2004, with at least 1,184 innocent Pakistanis being murdered and hundreds of others being injured (168).

India has decided to move forward with a rival pipeline (169), known as the TAPI pipeline (170), which is dominated by the Merhav Group, a billionaire Israeli company headed by Mossad agent Yosef A. Maiman. Merhav has complete and total control of Turkmenistan’s natural resources and the Mossad-owned corporation will be the chief profiteer of TAPI (171). The interests of the Zionist entity via TAPI were the real reason why Afghanistan was invaded and illegally occupied by the fascist American and British armies. It is the real reason why the nation has been utterly decimated and more than 1.2 million innocent Afghans have been murdered. Rivers of blood, in the name of Zionism.

Prospect of peace destroyed? Check. Iran snubbed and humiliated by Zion again? Check. Payback for Pakistan’s defiance? Check. Hindutva’s full allegiance secured? Check. Mossad’s billions still intact and flowing regularly? Check and mate. Israel’s mission accomplished.

MOSSAD: Chabad is a staunchly Zionist, criminal organization | Opinion Maker
I've a reliable news for you here the poll is missing some other nations.

Hear me you never have thought about a nation called Denmark they've men wandering here as well. (very reliable Intl)
‘Xe behind Baloch insurgency, terror hits’

By: Jam Sajjad Hussain | Published: March 14, 2011

LAHORE - Blackwater, the CIA’s deadliest sidekick, has launched a massive operation to promote insurgency in Balochistan, especially in the coastal areas, as part of its efforts to destablise the country, it is learnt.
The CIA and Blackwater (now Xe Services) operating from the USA have two major designs in Pakistan – to control the entire business of the Gwadar port and to carry out colossal suicide attacks across central Punjab and north-western areas of the country to tell the world that the first atomic Islamic power is ungovernable.
“They wish to have complete control over the entire Balochistan, especially the Gwadar port, and seize the nuclear assets of Pakistan,” said former Inter Services Intelligence (ISI) Punjab chief Brigadier (r) Mohammad Aslam Ghuman.
He said the insurgents in Balochistan are Indians operating in connivance with Blackwater. “Pervez Musharraf provided safe passage to the Indian intelligence agency RAW, which has established dozens of consulates in Afghanistan along the border with Balochistan,” he added. The former ISI Punjab chief further said days after the Russian federation collapsed, CIA, RAW and Mossad carried out a comprehensive analysis and recommended launching a major operation inside Pakistan, especially Balochistan, to shake the state. “Yes, the CIA in connivance with RAW and Blackwater is operating in Balochistan and other parts of the country. They cannot absorb any Islamic atomic state,” he remarked.
He urged the politicians especially President Zardari and PM Gilani to shun their silence and “show sincerity to the country”, adding that like in other countries, in Pakistan Blackwater has multiplied its network honeycombed with the CIA, the US Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC), Pentagon and the State Department in conducting a variety of terror operations in the country.
Jeremy Scahill, author of a book ‘Blackwater’, in his article ‘The Secret US War in Pakistan’ has already stated: “At a covert forward operating base run by the US Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC) in the Pakistani port city of Karachi, members of an elite division of Blackwater are at the center of a secret program in which they plan targeted assassinations of suspected Taliban and Al Qaeda operatives, snatch and grabs of high-value targets and other sensitive action inside and outside Pakistan.”

‘Xe behind Baloch insurgency, terror hits’ | Pakistan | News | Newspaper | Daily | English | Online
Which foreign secret agency may involve in negative activities in Pakistan?
My answer: One and only, RAW (India)
Which foreign secret agency may involve in negative activities in Pakistan?
My answer: One and only, RAW (India)

Thank you for the award. We will try to prove ourselves worthy of your love and recognition in future too and strive for more such awards from you.

Hope we keep receiving this affection from you. :)
Which foreign secret agency may involve in negative activities in Pakistan?
My answer: One and only, RAW (India)

Be realistic, i think if you read this whole thread your post should be different.
Which foreign secret agency may involve in negative activities in Pakistan?
My answer: One and only, RAW (India)

And who came that conclusion----------Zion Hamid?
C'mon give some credit also the Secret Agencies of USA, Israel Russia, Iran, Afghanistan,UK, Saudi Arabia, France. Germany, Denmark, Australia, Congo, Somalia and Mongolia. They are also working very hard.
Don't crown RAW as the uncontested King of Secret Agencies
A planned sectarian wedge by foreign intelligence agencies in Pakistan ~ Terminal X

Ashraf Javed [The Nation, Pakistan]

LAHORE – Days after leading religio-political leader Maulana Fazl-ur-Rehman survived two bomb attacks within 48 hours in the northwest, foreign-funded terrorists struck the shrine of renowned Sufi saint in Dera Ghazi Khan on Saturday, which left more than three dozen devotees dead and injured over 100 others.

During background interviews, intelligence sources and police investigators revealed that “it seemed a well-thought-out plan hatched by anti-Pakistan elements to create sectarian strife among the people of this country”. Three suicide bombers struck the shrine of Sakhi Sarwar near DG Khan District of southern Punjab, where thousands of devotees had converged to celebrate the annual Urs of the Sufi Saint. The far-flung area is considered a stronghold of militants. Security experts say some foreign forces are openly funding the terrorist and militant outfits to destabilise nuclear-armed Pakistan as the security forces are at war to flush out militancy from the country.

Terrorists are desperately carrying out suicide bombings across Pakistan, targeting shrines of popular Sufi saints, Imambargahs, Masajids, and even minorities with sole objective to create sectarian strife.

Security experts say hostile foreign-funded elements have always tried to create differences between Sunni and Shia communities to create unrest in the country. "Presently, religious shrines are being targeted to ignite religious sentiments. The aim is to widen the sectarian divide among peaceful factions. We need to take solid steps to counter this very serious threat," an expert said.

Defense analysts believe that terrorism in Pakistan could not be fully controlled until American occupation ends in Afghanistan. Pakistan is sincere in finding a solution to Afghanistan since longer the war on terror drags on, the harsher would be its harmful effects for Pakistan. To believe that terrorism and insurgency will remain at manageable level whatever happens in Afghanistan is a wishful thinking. Ways need to be devised for the exit of foreign troops and an early settlement of the Afghan issue in order to ensure peace in the region.

Indian intelligence agencies have been trying to create rift among various segments of society in Afghanistan. Such activities are bringing instability in the Afghan society and jeopardising the country besides endangering the regional security.

On the other hand, suicide blasts and frequent target killings in big cities like Karachi, Quetta and Peshawar, the ongoing war on terrorism, impact of external interference into the internal affairs of Pakistan, espionage and sabotage activities of foreign spying agencies like CIA, RAW and their related networks have created feelings of insecurity and anxiety among the patriotic people of Pakistan.

Unfortunately, the political situation in the country is also marred by conflicts and controversies, promoting frustration and social division.

Anti-Pakistan elements tend to exploit every emotional, social or religious vulnerability, thus widening faith-related fissures and religious conflicts involving sentiments.

The nation appears to have become hostage to political division, social disorder, insecurity and incapacitation. This carries serious perils for the state and there is a need for all segments of society including political elite, civil society, state institutions, intellectuals and other stakeholders to feel the threats posed to the state and mull over options to save Pakistan.

Today, Pakistan is faced with numerous challenges which urgently seek attention of all Pakistanis.

Hence there is a need to take charge and fix responsibilities to steer the country in the right direction and create a new sense of hope among the people of Pakistan who are ready to offer any sacrifices to meet the challenges faced by the country and make it a story of success.

There should be end of this kind of activities in Pakistan to protect civilians from any kind of regional or global agenda.

Pakistan has to shift this war on others' border if suspected countries doesn't come on turn back or leaving terrorist agenda for Pakistan.
I don't know but somehow i knew that CIA and RAW would be leading the poll.This poll is totally crap.You created it just to satisfy yourself that there is nothing wrong with you but rather the whole world is busy in conspiring against you.Why don't you understand the bigger problem is amongst ourselves not enforced upon us by others.FACE IT,LIVE WITH IT AND IMPROVE UPON IT.

:pakistan:LONG LIVE PAKISTAN:pakistan:
I think we should stop believing in conpiracy theories and face the realties maybe some one is conspiring against us but in my view we are the biggest enemey of our selves today !
I think we should stop believing in conpiracy theories and face the realties maybe some one is conspiring against us but in my view we are the biggest enemey of our selves today !

Yes, it was Pakistani embassies which were corroborating with RAW.
Visa's were issued upon instructions from Zardari.
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