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Foreign Espionage Network in Pakistan

Which foreign secret agency may involve in negative activities in Pakistan?

  • CIA (USA)

    Votes: 45 88.2%
  • FSB (Russian Federation)

    Votes: 9 17.6%
  • RAW (India)

    Votes: 32 62.7%
  • MOSSAD (Israel)

    Votes: 20 39.2%
  • MI6 (UK)

    Votes: 17 33.3%
  • KHAD/NDS (Afghanistan)

    Votes: 23 45.1%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Jan 13, 2010
Reaction score
Russian Federation
Foreign Espionage Network in Pakistan

30. Jan, 2011

On January 27, an American employee of the US Consulate in Lahore, identified as David Raymond, shot dead two Pakistani youths, while a third was crushed by the driver of a Parado jeep, who was called by him for help, at Chowk Qartaba. Persons, sitting in the jeep were also carrying weapons. Police arrested David near Old Anarkali, Food Street after a chase and registered a case against him on two counts, while a case was also registered against unidentified people.

On one side, the United States has called for the immediate release of the American citizen working with US consulate in Lahore, claiming that Pakistani authorities have detained the diplomat unlawfully and in violation of international law. On the other side, investigators and experts are of the opinion that the under-investigation American involved in the murder of civilians in Lahore was in Pakistan on a visit visa and not on a diplomatic assignment—does not qualify for immunity from prosecution.

Sources suggest that David Raymond including his companions were agents of the American CIA and were on an anti-Pakistan mission. In fact, he is part of the illegal activities of the Blackwater whose employees of entered Pakistan in the guise of diplomats.

However, with the help of Indian secret agency RAW and Israeli Mossad, Blackwater has rapidly established its network in Pakistan. It has recruited Pakistani nationals who are vulnerable and can work on payroll giving them high financial incentives to work for them. Further, some reports suggest that this notorious firm has been recruiting smugglers, employees of the security companies, experts of the psychological warfare, scholars and journalists in order to fulfill anti-Pakistan designs of America including that of India and Israel.

It is of particular attention that a few days ago, Pakistani security officials foiled an attempt by the Indian intelligence to enact a fake encounter for implicating Pakistan in incidents of cross border terrorism. The plan was unearthed when a suspect, working for the Indian RAW was apprehended at Sialkot border area, while attempting to cross over to India through the border security fence; an impregnable barbed wire obstacle. Entrance points on the fence are locked and controlled by the Indian Border Security Force (BSF). The suspect has confessed to work as an Indian spy who was tasked to recruit agents from Pakistan to work for Indian intelligence.

Well-informed sources indicate that the suspect whose name has been withheld for security reasons disclosed that his Indian handlers, Mr. Sharma and Mr. Amjad, had asked him to recruit a Pakistani national by offering a large monetary reward, preferably carrying a weapon and send him across the border through the border barbed wire fence after liaison with the BSF troops. Mr. Sharma had assured him that all the details of border crossing would be finalized by him and duly taken care off at his end. The suspect also disclosed that the Indian Intelligence had planned a fake encounter to kill the border crosser and exploit the episode as proof of subversive elements launched by Pakistan’s spy agency, ISI crossing over from Pakistan to commit acts of terrorism in India. He also pointed out that he had held a few meetings with his Indian handlers in Islamabad as well.

Nevertheless, both the above mentioned events prove the involvement of Americans and Indians—under cover intelligence officers stationed in their Islamabad embassies and consulates, and are continuously engaged in espionage activities in grave violation of their diplomatic status.

It is mentionable that in the last three years, Pakistan’s security forces and intelligence agencies have caught a number of foreign spies along with sophisticated weapons, working against the integration of the country. In this respect, a number of times, arms and guns were also captured from Americans traveling in vehicles in various cities of Pakistan, camouflaged with dark mirrors.

Although Pakistan’s security forces have successfully coped with the Taliban militants in the Malakand Division and South Waziristan, yet situation has deteriorated in the country where subversive events like suicide attacks, targeted killings, attacks on buildings, oil pipelines, sectarian violence etc. have intensified due to the presence of external spies.

Notably, Pakistan’s civil and military high officials have openly been revealing that RAW, Mossad and other foreign agencies are involved in supporting separatism in Balochistan and acts of terrorism in other cities of Pakistan.

In this respect, on April 23, 2009 in the in-camera sitting of the Senate, Federal Minister to the Interior, Rehman Malik had displayed documentary evidence of Indian use of Afghanistan to create unrest in Balochistan. It is believed that the main aim of in-camera session was also to show the engagement of American CIA and other external agencies as part of a conspiracy against Pakistan because at that stage, Islamabad did not want to publicly point out America.

In this regard, Pakistan’s Foreign Office spokesman Abdul Basit without naming CIA had revealed, “The evidence of foreign powers’ involvement in the destabilisation of Pakistan will be shared with relevant countries.”

While in the recent past, Governor of Khyber Pakhtoonkhwa, Awais Ghani had disclosed that some world powers were trying to divide Pakistan, adding that if he were not a governor, he would have exposed them.

During the Malakand and Waziristan military operations, ISPR spokesman, Maj-Gen. Athar Abbas has repeatedly indicated foreign hands in helping the insurgents in order to destabilize Pakistan.

It is notable that Pakistan is the only nuclear country in the Islamic World; hence the US, India, Israel and some western powers are determined to weaken it. Notably, despite American cooperation with Islamabad, its main aim along with India and Israel remains to de-nuclearise our country whose geo-strategic location with the Gwadar port entailing close ties with China irks the eyes of these countries, hence, they are in collusion to destabilise Pakistan. For this purpose, a well-established network of Indian army, RAW, Mossad and CIA which was set up in Afghanistan against Pakistan in order to support insurgency in the Khyber Pakhtookhwa and separatism in Balochistan have been extended. Now, it has been expanded in whole of Pakistan as recent suicide attacks, bomb blasts and targeted killings in Karachi and Lahore have so proved it.

CIA, RAW and Mossad are collectively working inside Pakistan. In this context, these secret agencies have been spending huge money to train and equip the militants who have been entering Pakistan on daily basis and have been conducting suicide attacks in our country, and assaults on our security forces including targeted killings—inciting sectarian violence.

Besides, these foreign agencies have purchased the services of some Indian Muslims and Pakistanis. Those who did not come up to their terms have been neutralized or murdered. In this regard, in the past few years, some politicians, intellectuals, journalists and religious leaders have been killed by the agents of these external agencies, while some are on their hit-list. Their purpose is to create perennial unrest in Pakistan, while main aim remains to disintegrate the country.

Nonetheless, the incident in Lahore, arrest of an American, David Raymond, and the suspect from Sialkot border—working for Indian spy agency, without any doubt confirms the presence of a well-organized foreign espionage network, based in Pakistan and the same is run by CIA, RAW and Mossad including their undercover agents. While conducting acts of terrorism to weaken Pakistan remains their top priority.


Zero tolerance for US spies, Punjab tells Centre

February 04, 2011

LAHORE – Against the backdrop of the Raymond Davis shooting incident that took place in the heart of Punjab and shook every nook and cranny of the country, the provincial government has told the Centre in unequivocal terms that the presence of ‘an active US spying network’ is unacceptable to the province.
Sources said the Punjab government has told the Federation that unrestricted movement of US ‘special contractors’ attached to the American consulate in Lahore could not be allowed at any cost.
“Yes, we have conveyed to the federal government that foreign nationals must follow the set code particularly after the Raymond Davis incident as the public sentiment runs high here,” Punjab Law Minister Rana Sana Ullah confirmed to The Nation on Thursday.
However, he clarified that the Punjab government has not asked the Centre to extradite US nationals, including Raymond Davis. “We are reviewing the situation at our level,” Rana said while referring to the presence of US agents openly operating in the province. “We have told the federal government that the US nationals must inform the local administration prior to their movement,” the law minister said, adding the step would help ensure their safety and security as the anti-US sentiment is growing.
To a question, Sana said that US officials were still reluctant in handing over the men and the consulate’s vehicle wanted to the police in the shooting case.
“We have also forwarded a reminder to the Foreign Office in this regard. We are waiting for the federal government’s reply,” Rana maintained.
Rana also admitted that the US nationals are residing in rented bungalows in posh areas, including Cantonment and Defence.
“This is an open secret now. We are evaluating the situation very seriously,” he added.

Zero tolerance for US spies, Punjab tells Centre | Pakistan | News | Newspaper | Daily | English | Online
this is the problem nobody in pakistan or outside can lobby on the media as to why was DAVIES in Pakistan! carrying a gun on a visit visa!!!!!!! what was his reason!
The Spider Group and free access given to CIA, FBI

Saturday, February 05, 2011
By Ansar Abbasi

ISLAMABAD: Following some unbelievable concessions offered to the Americans by Islamabad after 9/11, Pakistan is today home to one of the biggest networks of CIA and FBI outside the US.
While generally the governments both at the Centre and in the Punjab are soft on the issue of Raymond Davis amid reports that the double murderer would be bailed out to please Washington, some Pakistani authorities present an extremely gloomy picture if corrective measures are not immediately taken.
The US embassy spokesperson when approached on Thursday with a questionnaire for the US version on issues focused in this story, she responded on Friday with a statement, “The United States respects the laws of Pakistan and international laws. We do not comment on matters of security.”
While the Americans are reluctant to talk on sensitive issues threatening the sovereignty of Pakistan, the sources said that the kind of free hand that has been given to the Americans in Pakistan after 9/11 is unbelievable.
“We have no idea how many foreign as well as local agents of CIA and FBI are operating within the territorial limits of Pakistan,” an official source said, warning that the American agents are spread all over.
Not only General Musharraf had allowed the CIA and FBI to hire local agents in Pakistan in the garb of so-called war on terror but the Americans were also free to move in and move out without any check. “At times we did not know who is coming and who is going, and what is brought in and what it taken out,” the source said.
One unbelievable concession that the American “officials” and “diplomats” including the likes of double murderer Davis, have been enjoying after 9/11 but withdrawn only in October 2009 on the instructions of the Defence Ministry, was the facility of unchecked arrivals and departures with no scrutiny of their luggage at the Benazir Bhutto International Airport (BBIA) in Islamabad.
Gammon Gate of the BBIA, which was basically meant for food catering services and had a direct outside airport link without passing through immigration and customs checks, was specified for the US officials and for the UN officials too. This special facility allowed the Americans to have unchecked arrivals and departures to and from the Islamabad Airport.
The facility was massively misused and there were reports of even unauthorised and undeclared import of sensitive material and equipment, including weapons. This fact had raised serious alarm bells ringing among the Pakistani authorities and forced them to withdraw the facility but after a lot of damage was already done.
A CAA order, issued on the subject in 2009, did concede that the customs and immigration authorities having no arrangements/staff to check the movement and crew and other foreigners, etc. “The equipment related to aeroplane, the crew and their personal luggage also passes through this gate. During checking, US vehicles and the luggage they carry to and from apron area are not properly searched\checked by the ASF staff deputed to control the entry\exit at the Gammon Gate,” a document said, adding in view of this, use of the Gammon Gate by foreigners should be stopped forthwith as it was a serious security hazard.
Meanwhile defence authorities in Pakistan are also in the knowledge of this phenomenal spread in the American spy agencies’ network after 9/11.
Even an American newspaper, The Washington Times, reported a few years back that the FBI had organised some former Pakistani army officers and others into a band known as the “Spider Group” to local Taliban and al-Qaeda fugitives hiding in tribal areas along the Afghanistan border.
Quoting a federal law-enforcement official in Washington, the report said the move marked an attempt by the FBI to develop a “free flow of information” to US agents who previously had worked under some restriction with Pakistan’s official Inter-Services Intelligence.
The Spider Group, the report said, was also asked to recruit locals in Pakistan’s tribal areas, where hundreds of wanted “terrorists” are allegedly holed up under the patronage of tribal chiefs. Members of the Spider Group include a mix of Muslim and Christian retired army and intelligence officers and have been trained and equipped by the FBI.
It has also been reported in the media that a spymaster of one of the country’s intelligence agency had informed the Interior Ministry that a provincial head of a private security agency besides others were spying for the CIA. The security agency was contacted and the said official was removed. It was also reported that a large number of the private security agencies personnel are doing espionage for the American intelligence agencies.
A local journalist Azaz Syed had revealed a few years back that once he had approached the legal section of the US embassy in Islamabad after reading an advertisement in an international publication for the recruitment of FBI agents for South Asia. He said that for the purpose of doing an investigative story, he had offered himself for FBI services to spy on Taliban in exchange of information from the US embassy but the diplomat interviewing him was interested in the civil bureaucracy and was not ready to give any information. “I was told that I would get assignments relating to civil bureaucracy and in return would be paid well,” Syed was quoted to have said.
The US Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) — the spy military aircraft — are yet another source of concern for many here. The UAVs were allowed to do the espionage in tribal areas of Pakistan for “specific jobs” only but since the UAVs are not caught by the radars so these spy planes have also crossed their limits a number of times. Initially the Pakistan Air Force had objected not to allow surveillance to these US UAVs but Musharraf had decided otherwise because of US insistence that this was a must apparently to track down so-called al-Qaeda targets.
The present regime instead of curbing the “free for all” situation here for the Americans, not only allowed extraordinary laxity in visa issuance for the Americans without security check but also obliged them risking our own security.
While some of the reflection of how the Interior Ministry under Rehman Malik had served the US was given in The News’ Wednesday report - “A policy which has brought sheer disaster” — the volume of actual favours given to the Americans is far more.
After former US Ambassador Anne Peterson’s letter to Malik requesting for the issuance of prohibited bore licences for Dyne Corp’s local partner Inter-Risk, officials of the US embassy met the State Minister for Interior Tasneem Ahmed Qureshi and later formally wrote to him setting clear deadlines for the issuance of licences in three parts. The interior minister acted accordingly as per the wishes of the US embassy.
Gerald M Feierstein, Charge d’Affaires and interim, US embassy in Islamabad, had written to Tasneem Qureshi on May 7, 2009 stating, “......I would like to request the issuance of 134 prohibited bore (pb) licences on behalf to Inter-Risk (Pvt) Ltd to accomplish this security goal. 50 pb licences are needed as quickly as possible and an additional 50 pb licences will be needed in June 2009. The remaining 34 licences will be needed in July 2009.”
Within a week following this letter, Personal Secretary (PS) to State Minister for Interior Tasneem Qureshi wrote a “Top Priority” directive on minister’s behalf ordering Section Officer (PB), Ministry of Interior: “The Minister of State for Interior has been pleased to approve Fifty (50) PB arms licence in favour of M/S, Inter-Risk (Private) Limited.
“2. Arm Section may issue the licenses under intimation to this office by 20-5-2009.”
While the state minister issued strict direction for the issuance of 50 pb licences to Inter-Risk by May 20, 2009, the deputy commissioner Islamabad received an official communication from office of the district coordination officer/political agent FR Bannu the same day. The letter’s subject was “Confirmation/Verification of Weapon Gift” and it read as: “The enclosed certificates (consisting 50 nos) for gift of weapon, gifted by Malik Khanzada Khan Wazir Daryoba Agency FR Bannu duly verified by the undersigned for further necessary action.”
These apparently gifted weapons were provided to the Inter-Risk by the US embassy. However, the Government of Pakistan did not know from where these weapons were coming.
The US embassy spokesperson Courtney Beale was sent by The News on Thursday the following questionnaire:
1. Is it a fact that Pakistan today is home to one of the biggest CIA-FBI networks after General Musharraf had allowed the American intelligence agencies to hire their local agents apparently to follow Taliban and al-Qaeda?
2. Are the US drones involved in spying of Pakistan’s strategic sites?
3. Do you agree that the US officials and diplomats have been misusing the concessions offered to them at Pakistani airports particularly at Islamabad airport where instead of passing through normal checks they were allowed to come and go through Gammon Gate? The facility was withdrawn in October 2009 after the Pakistani authorities found it having misused. Misuse means unchecked arrival and departure of individuals and material. Yours comments please.
4. What do you say about the pressure having been exerted by the US embassy on the Pakistani Interior Ministry to issue prohibited bore licences to Dynacorp’s local partner Inter Risk? It became a major scandal over a year ago. Will you please also confirm from where the weapons came, which were given to Inter-Risk.
In response to these questions, Courtney’s brief response was: “The United States respects the laws of Pakistan and international law. We do not comment on matters of security.”

The Spider Group and free access given to CIA, FBI
Under the guise of a criticism-free and constitutionally-devoid “judicial activism”, the right-wing judges (of the Supreme Court of Pakistan and Lahore High Court in particular) have singled out the PPP for their “activism”, while their affiliation with the PMLN is even more convivial than the latter’s affiliation with the Talibanist groups like Sipah-e-Sahaba. On the surface, the Raymond case lies with the judiciary which has to follow the law whilst paying heed to international treaties and foreign relations. Pakistan, in effect Pakistan military, cannot afford to play politics on this issue and must desist from doing so.
do u know how supid do u really make it sound u sound as if u feel that very one is against ur beloved ppp and of course the handsome some one who is fit to appear ina dog show with Colgate add pasted on his face:flame::flame::flame::flame:
naveed qaiser
while their affiliation with the PMLN is even more convivial than the latter’s affiliation with the Talibanist groups like Sipah-e-Sahaba.

Listen, what proof you had you make comments like that? May be you have to revise words before post it here!

There is no link between Sipah-e-Sahaba & Taliban, Sipah-e-Sahaba was banned but for another reasons. Even you can't say Talibanist. Careful while you make such alleged assertions by your side.

This word Taliban has to remove from Pakistani dictionary and let keep across border.
And of course the PPP government of Pakistan is allowing this to happen.

PPP are slaves of America working with CIA and Blackwater in destroying Pakistan.
And of course the PPP government of Pakistan is allowing this to happen.

PPP are slaves of America working with CIA and Blackwater in destroying Pakistan.

First of all nice to see you again in the forum.

Second we can't put word slaves to whole party workers because leaders interested personal interests with USA OR UK OR EU create problems to stand against foreign aggressors or to protect our national interests from foreign policy implementers.

Should have thought about the consequences 8 years ago---it is unbelievable that how my countrymen are crying murder now---.

Clever clever people my pakistani brethren---but never act intelligent---. Always short-sighted and blinded by prepersonal grudges and prejudices.

So---let me ask you people----how is the pain now---how does it feel when it hurts so bad---.

I used to tell you people---when you play with the big boyz---you gotta play with the rules that the big boyz have---you can't take your bat and ball home this time.

Don't play with the monster---it has decapitated many a mortals mercilessly---don't let him turn lose on your home turf.
And of course the PPP government of Pakistan is allowing this to happen.

PPP are slaves of America working with CIA and Blackwater in destroying Pakistan.

Don't target PPP alone.. Army is also equal partner.. .for some weapons they are too supporting USA. What you think PA/ Gen. Kayani don't have power to overcome PPP's decision is they don't like ... it is PA who invited USA back in 80's and now they gave them free hand.

Its PA and its agencies who are pointing targets for USA drones.
Its is equally bad to point one and not other (powerful one) for mistakes ...
This is entirely an issue between Pakistan and USA. Why drag India into the equation? Just how reliable is this blog which is being quoted?
Its not about india its about pakistan only.Pakistani intelligence agencies are more active in pakistan then any other country despite india makes large hue and cry about it.Ask relatives of all those kidnapped by intelligence agencies in pakistan.Rather ask pakistan supreme court.

SC summons heads of top intelligence agencies​

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