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For Indian members only-Want an honest Opinion

Sir......aapanka college ta kouthi
Bhai janinathili tame odia boli.

On topic I am a chse(odia medium) passout, so cannot conclusively comment on which one is better. Still what I have seen both groups excel in life including ppl passing out from chse. 40-50% of my medical college are from chse.

On other criteria like approval of parents cbse is far better bcoz it is a course followed by kendriya vidyalaya and numerous other institutions and ppl prefer it too and books are cheaper in compared to icse,. The cheaper books are my own experience while buying books for competitive exams like aipmt and others.

Bhai janinathili tame odia boli.

On topic I am a chse(odia medium) passout, so cannot conclusively comment on which one is better. Still what I have seen both groups excel in life including ppl passing out from chse. 40-50% of my medical college are from chse.

On other criteria like approval of parents cbse is far better bcoz it is a course followed by kendriya vidyalaya and numerous other institutions and ppl prefer it too and books are cheaper in compared to icse,. The cheaper books are my own experience while buying books for competitive exams like aipmt and others.
I have studied in both CBSE and CHSE
and both the experience were quite good

Mo identity disclose karibaku chahuni!!
International Baccalaureate so those kids can go abroad.
Mo identity disclose karibaku chahuni!!
Bhubaneswar pakhare ta??
I was under CBSE so I can't comment. But I think it also depends upon the kind of students. If the students are from ooutskirts or rural, then state board might be better for them since they can cope more easily.

I am running the +2 college under the local board for 8 years. My sixth batch is appearing for annual exam now. Yesterday was Physics. But school....I am trying to open it under an English medium board!!
Bhubaneswar pakhare ta??
Bhubaneswar pakhare ta??


You opened a school!! Kudos to you Dada. Respect.

Yes, hope to take to std-X level in five to six years. But it is easier said than done. I went to CBSE office and they said that I have to get a NOC from state elementary education board. Now their online application is closed and will be opened after Jan15th for 30 days. So I have to be satisfied with whatever students I have arranged. Nursery- 22 and std-I- 4 students..:D For up to std-V no affiliation/NOC is required. So I will apply for 2016-17 session next year.

But I am optimistic. While in college venture I started with 10 students and now there are more than 280.
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@levina , you understand Odia??
CBSE is better if you want to do higher education in India and if you want to go for foreign univ. I think ICSE will give you and edge
though my schooling was state, i will recommend icse for your school... from what is read of it in this thread, icse seems to give a more well-rounded syllabus than cbse.

what india doesn't need is people going through exams for the sake of marks and getting into jobs... india doesn't any more need job-seekers but creators of fine employment and more importantly, people who are aware intimately that there is humanity beyond india whom the student must be deeply concerned with.

jobs keep a person in middle-class voluntary poverty in one way or another... your students must not be that and only then can they lift others out of miseries.

i gather that icse emphasizes the humanities and that is indeed more important than some typical engineering course... a sensible person need not be dictated by the school courses on what fields he or she will take up after the school years... the school must be responsible for bringing humanity's knowledge to the student to the best effort possible.

it is the fault of the present education system of india ( mostly cbse and state ) that the present government has had to announce the "make in india" program which essentially declares to the world to come set-up factories in india, train indians and give indians employment... is that not sad??

out of all certification-based syllabuses, i see icse as the most suitable to create entreprenuers and contributors, though of course it is the naturally brilliant student who can ignore a bad syllabus system and become something.

I wish @Dem!god was here... Long back me and him had some discussion on this. ICSE students 've an edge over CBSE students when it comes to communication skills, but when it comes to maths and science (esp in 11th n 12th) CBSE students perform better in entrance exams.
Go for CBSE.
Friends, Both older and younger variants..:D

I have opened a new school in my area where I also operate a college (Its a village area but near to city)

I have not taken affiliation from any board, but have zeroed in between

Kindly give your inputs as to which one will best suitable for children. Do not be biased as to under which board you have studied!!

@levina @45'22' @janon @dray @scorpionx @Guynextdoor2 @SpArK @MilSpec @Rain Man @Skull and Bones @jamahir (if you have studied in India) @Bornubus @wolfschanzze @Mike_Brando @Srinivas @TimeTraveller @halupridol @HariPrasad @gslv @Blue_Eyes @doppelganger @Bang Galore @kaku1 @Koovie @Ind4Ever @IND151 @SarthakGanguly @anant_s @jbgt90 @Dash @Ryuzaki @AUSTERLITZ @bloo @SRP @Roybot @Robinhood Pandey @AMCA @GR!FF!N @CONNAN @Tshering22 @Lord Zen @Screambowl @pursuit of happiness @Chanakya's_Chant @Manindra @he-man @SrNair @IndoCarib @third eye @Zebra @itachiii @KayAay @NKVD @GURU DUTT @Omega007 @kurup @JanjaWeed @nair @OrionHunter @jarves and other persons who I may have missed. Your inputs will be valuable for me for taking a decision.:-)
CBSE is the best option and provides better oportunitie sin every way u can think
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