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FO barred from statements against India during Nawaz’s era: former spox

... P.s I'm currently working on an article, which I'm hoping to publish before the end of this month.. we won't let them win!

Don't forget to mention the super brave commando turned Army Chief and convicted as traitor still hiding in the Middle East in your beloved article.
Conquering that sh1thole filled with gangus but for what?
What biradri are you from?
Is that why military dictatorship imposed unilateral ceasefire in Kashmir from 2003 ended in 2013?

Only if you had a brain.
Where the heck are you pulling this claim and date from? Do you understand what unilateral ceasefire would even mean! It means IA can kill PA soldiers and PA wouldn't respond!! This has never happened.
Let me bust your party propaganda here anyway for fun:
“In 2015, the number of ceasefire violations was 405; 347 in 2013, 114 in 2012, 62 in 2011 and 70 in 2010.”

So there you go - cease fire violations had been going on even before 2013, and the numbers went up around the time when Modi took over in 2014. NS had no say in how Army responds to India on LOC. (good or bad thats another discussion).

Now don't dodge the question. How army responds to CFVs on LOC has very less to do with the civilian leadership. Military controls the response as per the situation on ground (just like IA would). What is under the civilian govt is the Foreign office, the Foreign policy and the statements. This policy long suspected of NS has now been exposed by your own ex-FO spokesperson ... only if you had an iota of love for your motherland you would see the treachery.
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i am what you call Delhi Wala (Hakeeman e Delhi) and I or my family nor my ancestors have or had any soft corner for anything and anyone against Pakistan, my dadda had a big haveli in Delhi and he was very well off, one night they left everything and came to Pakistan on call of Quaid, started from scratch, such statements hurt people like me with all due respect

This statement can be true, but wait that is why Pukhtuns have soft corners for Persians and Turks, Balochis feel same. And Punjabis being more loyal to British and Americans and still they are.
This statement can be true, but wait that is why Pukhtuns have soft corners for Persians and Turks, Balochis feel same. And Punjabis being more loyal to British and Americans and still they are.
I noticed, in social gathering. Punjabi is totally different culture then rest. But good to see Nawaz love Khulbushan and Modi.
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