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Flood Relief Operation 2010 Phase-I

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Distribution of relief goods can never be properly managed. You need a police force and the army for that. The places we went, people were starving for more than 3 days. How can you expect rational behavior from a person that has been on a empty stomach for more than 3 days?

Phase-I distributions were given to small villages and towns which everyone forgot about simply because there was a college/school full of refugees on the Main road eg; Nowshera Main Road. What does that do? Everyone starts dumping their charity and donations on such locations and forget about the people who're waiting for help to show up, just a few KMs away from the main roads/cities.

As for your question about making sure that a person doesn't get the aid twice. Well, it doesn't matter if a person takes 1 or 3 bags of relief goods because remember that we're in KPK. 95% of the time we saw Men and Children on the receiving end. Their women/families are in their homes or other locations. So what if a person takes 2 or 3 bags more? It'll feed SOMEBODY in that area, and that's the entire objective of our operation.

P.S People from KPK are known for their generous, welcoming and friendly attitude. I've seen refugees sharing food items with each other wherever we've went so far.
It is always refreshing to see the passion in you in high spirits. Keep it up :tup:
It is always refreshing to see the passion in you in high spirits. Keep it up :tup:

Thanks but its a duty for every single one of us to step up to this hour of need.


In case somebody missed it, update from the previous page;


Please remember that we will head out to the effected areas by Wednesday. If you're willing to donate, please send me a PM for details. Time is running short and we've still got a long way to go.

Ration for Ramadan will be distributed among 200 families initially. Families will be able to utilize these items for a few weeks.

----This isn't the final list----

1) Wheat flour 20 kg bag

2) Rice 3 kg

3) Sugar 1 kg

4) Tea ½ kg

5) Ghee 1 kg

6) Date ½ kg

Now our cost for the above mentioned items will be (In Rs);

1) Rice 3kg x 200 ---- 36000

2) Ghee 1kg x 200---- 22000

3) sugar ------14000

4) Tea ------24000

5) Flour ----- 100000

6) Dates ----- waiting for the rates.
I have no word for u BEZERK
When Phase II will start?
nice work going on for relief of the people. any need from my side plz do let me know. i would be willing to serve those people!!!!
and feel very sad dat govt aint doing anything. when ever there is some national issue involved, army is at the front and side by side is our pakistani youth.:pakistan:.
here is a song which u all will enjoy and shall motivate u

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By the grace of the Almighty, we've been able to manage 100k+ (From Defence.pk only) for the second phase of the relief effort. InshAllah we plan to leave for Peshawer by Thursday/Friday. Relief items would be purchased prior to our departure for Peshawer.

I urge all members to actively take part in this noble cause. Just today I was hearing on the news that Pakistan's 2010 Flood has been much worse than Tsunami. Our brothers and sisters effected by this great tragedy are desperately waiting for relief to show up.

Its our duty to take care of our own and Ramadan is just around the corner. What better way to use Zakat than helping out the disaster-struck refugees?

Furthermore, I've been in contact with Jiya Sehr and if all goes well at her side, she'll be joining me for Phase-II of the relief efforts. She'd be handling the medicines and she's also trying her level best to get some doctors on board for this relief mission.

Phase-I was organized by a close-knit community from Pakistan called PakGuns. Now that you all have seen what team effort can do, its up to us to join hands together in this time of need. Phase-I kicked off after this thread here;

PakGuns Fund for Flood Affectees. Urgent Attention Required!!! (Page 1) - Club House - PakGuns.Com

InshAllah as planned, the relief items for Phase-II from Defence.Pk and PakGuns.com will reach the refugees by Thursday/Friday. Phase-II is a joint collaboration between Defence.Pk and PakGuns.com.

God Bless Pakistan!
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Change of plans;

We are trying to leave as soon as possible but I'm catering to everyone's timings, availability and requirements. We might leave by Saturday/Sunday or Sunday/Monday but no later than that. Things have been ordered and our HQ in Peshawar (Mr Kamran from PakGuns.Com) has already started receiving relief items.

Sad thing is that Nowshera, Kalaant, and Charsadda are seeing floods once again. Lets just hope they don't close the Peshawar Motorway anytime before we leave.

By the grace of the Almighty, we've been able to manage 100k+ (From Defence.pk only) for the second phase of the relief effort. InshAllah we plan to leave for Peshawer by Thursday/Friday. Relief items would be purchased prior to our departure for Peshawer.

I urge all members to actively take part in this noble cause. Just today I was hearing on the news that Pakistan's 2010 Flood has been much worse than Tsunami. Our brothers and sisters effected by this great tragedy are desperately waiting for relief to show up.

Its our duty to take care of our own and Ramadan is just around the corner. What better way to use Zakat than helping out the disaster-struck refugees?

Furthermore, I've been in contact with Jiya Sehr and if all goes well at her side, she'll be joining me for Phase-II of the relief efforts. She'd be handling the medicines and she's also trying her level best to get some doctors on board for this relief mission.

Phase-I was organized by a close-knit community from Pakistan called PakGuns. Now that you all have seen what team effort can do, its up to us to join hands together in this time of need. Phase-I kicked off after this thread here;

PakGuns Fund for Flood Affectees. Urgent Attention Required!!! (Page 1) - Club House - PakGuns.Com

InshAllah as planned, the relief items for Phase-II from Defence.Pk and PakGuns.com will reach the refugees by Thursday/Friday. Phase-II is a joint collaboration between Defence.Pk and PakGuns.com.

God Bless Pakistan!

Bezerk, people like you should be the leaders of your country. You are the real social servants, taking the effort to selflessly help your fellow man. Unlike the 'leaders' who are out holidaying in Europe. You guys are the real backbone of a nation.

Wishing you, and the people of Pakistan, all the best.
Bezerk, people like you should be the leaders of your country. You are the real social servants, taking the effort to selflessly help your fellow man. Unlike the 'leaders' who are out holidaying in Europe. You guys are the real backbone of a nation.

Wishing you, and the people of Pakistan, all the best.

Indeed su-47. It is because of Bezerk, Jiya Sehr and other youth like them that we are optimistic and satisfied with the future of our country. May Allah give them courage to fulfill their plans and to help those people of our country who are facing a great misery.

Hay guys what are you upto?

You have this opportunity to help these people and you are serving them Potato Chips? LAYS and TOPS JUICES? Is that going to quench their hunger? STOP, For the sake of Humanity Stop considering them living in houses. These guys would be eating once in one whole day and what are you offering them? Rusk? The Bread? is that going to satisfy them?

Please, Please understand what a man needs to survive. Give them Solid FOOD, give them something that would satisfy them for 8-10 hours. Don't waste this resource of money on things that matter nothing.

I am suggesting you to buy Roasted Peanuts Packs and Bhune Hue Kale Channe. This is the most nuterious food that can satisfy people for one whole day. PEANUTS and PLAIN DRINKING WATER - NOT EVEN MINERAL ONE For God Sake. They are not waiting for Luxury, they are in need of Amenity!!! Boil water at home and fill that in LARGE CANS. Give them money and Plastic Buckets, some Plastic Sheets, some GHEE, Something that they need to Survive On!

Please be thoughtful before you spend this money this time. If you could, offer these guys Cash as this is the best aid they could receive. They are better judge of themselves and they know what is most important to them... and next time you visit any Area, ask people of the area what they want. But in either case, NO MORE CHIPS and Mineral WATER!

Your post is quite offensive to the people who've been involved in this relief operation.

Now lets get you back to reality.

- The flood victims that we visited were the most effected by the ongoing floods.

- These items were delivered to the people who were starving for more than three days because their entire village/House was submerged.

- These people lost everything in this natural disaster. They were simply roaming around with nothing to look forward to.

- They did not have access to ANY kitchen, firewood or fire.

- Do you really expect a person to be satisfied with a sack of Flour, Rice etc when he has literally NOTHING to cook those items with?

- The people who were delivered these items required INSTANT energy so that they could get going and find other sources to gather food.

- This was simply the first part of this relief effort. Second part is focusing more on stuff like Flour, Rice, Sugar, Tea, Daals, dates, Ghee, portable gas-stoves etc sufficient for more than 25 days PER family.

- I don't see you doing anything about it, please try to come up with your strategy to counter this refugee crisis and visit "Ground Zero" and see the situation at hand.

- This operation was designed by gathering intel from the locals about their requirements before we started purchasing the items.

- You lack basic understanding of refugee camps and victims of such a disaster. Places such as Kalaant, Nowshera were still dripping water when we reached there. Instant energy food and fresh water was supplied to them so that they can gather energy to head out to organized camps (And that they did)

Next time, please be careful of what you spew around here.
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