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Flood Relief Operation 2010 Phase-I

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I wanted to quickly add that Mommy's is making non perishable ready meals in Pakistan, they are very affordable for mass distribution and come ready to eat. If you are worried of what to include in your ration packs in additon to the dry or high energy food you can consider these MREs.

They are available at most super markets and retail from Rs75 per meal to Rs.200. Here is the link: .::: Welcome to Mommy's Readymeals :::.
I wanted to quickly add that Mommy's is making non perishable ready meals in Pakistan, they are very affordable for mass distribution and come ready to eat. If you are worried of what to include in your ration packs in additon to the dry or high energy food you can consider these MREs.

They are available at most super markets and retail from Rs75 per meal to Rs.200. Here is the link: .::: Welcome to Mommy's Readymeals :::.

I wanted to add these MRE's to the relief goods but they are not cost effective at all. Price ranges from 150 to 200 and the quantity they provide is ridiculously small. Can't even feed a single person properly.

Items for Phase-II of the operation are pretty much decided. We're going to add Flour (Atta), Rice, Sugar, Dates, Oil and a few daals. The plan is to create a package worth 1000rs which can last for at least 15-20 days for each person. Ramadan is just around the corner and that's why we've decided that long term food supply is the best choice for the people right now. I've heard of people getting access to fire and utensils in camp sites.
I wanted to add these MRE's to the relief goods but they are not cost effective at all. Price ranges from 150 to 200 and the quantity they provide is ridiculously small. Can't even feed a single person properly.

Items for Phase-II of the operation are pretty much decided. We're going to add Flour (Atta), Rice, Sugar, Dates, Oil and a few daals. The plan is to create a package worth 1000rs which can last for at least 15-20 days for each person. Ramadan is just around the corner and that's why we've decided that long term food supply is the best choice for the people right now. I've heard of people getting access to fire and utensils in camp sites.

Yes i can understand. The portions are measly and given the present situation the more food the better. Although personally i am biased since these kept me sustained in Baltoro.

Regarding the ration pack you are going to provide, sounds awesome. A complete pack of cereals, wheat, lentils/pulses, sugar etc. Sounds very nice, kind of similar to these Army Ration bags here.

I've heard of people getting access to fire and utensils in camp sites
Yes UN and some local INGOs have drop shipped NFIs including Kitchen sets and Hygiene sets.

To avoid duplication of efforts and wasting your funds i would recommend to constantly check the SIT REPS here:
ReliefWeb Pakistan: Floods - Jul 2010

They provide a break down of who is doing what where and what is need where the most. Hope it helps and keep it up Berserk, God Bless!
Outstanding effort Bezerk.

Its really good to see a group of people taking positive action as opposed to sitting back and saying "I'm not doing anything thats the governments job".

If only the government of Pakistan showed such an effort the country would be a success beyond measure!

Although I am in the UK if you require ANY assistance or funds please let me know I will do everything within my power to help :-)
Yes UN and some local INGOs have drop shipped NFIs including Kitchen sets and Hygiene sets.

To avoid duplication of efforts and wasting your funds i would recommend to constantly check the SIT REPS here:
ReliefWeb Pakistan: Floods - Jul 2010

They provide a break down of who is doing what where and what is need where the most. Hope it helps and keep it up Berserk, God Bless!

We were the first convoy to reach Kalaant, Nowshera when the flood decreased. All of that was possible because of our research, interaction with the locals, logistics and updates from brothers in KPK. People were covered in mud from head to toe and they were starving for 3 days and no one had access to firewood, fire, utensils etc but now such items are being provided by some NGO's and mostly by the average Joe-Pakistani.

Lets hope we raise enough funds to get the job done again.
We were the first convoy to reach Kalaant, Nowshera when the flood decreased. All of that was possible because of our research, interaction with the locals, logistics and updates from brothers in KPK. People were covered in mud from head to toe and they were starving for 3 days and no one had access to firewood, fire, utensils etc but now such items are being provided by some NGO's and mostly by the average Joe-Pakistani.

Lets hope we raise enough funds to get the job done again.

Yes Inshallah. :tup::tup:
Outstanding effort Bezerk.

Its really good to see a group of people taking positive action as opposed to sitting back and saying "I'm not doing anything thats the governments job".

If only the government of Pakistan showed such an effort the country would be a success beyond measure!

Although I am in the UK if you require ANY assistance or funds please let me know I will do everything within my power to help :-)

Thank you for appreciating this humble effort.

Agreed! If only the Government utilized its billions of dollars in aid money for this flood disaster, no person would sleep with an empty stomach again.

Its frustrating to know that our Government isn't doing anything for the flood victims and when I say anything, I DO mean anything.

We're accepting donations for Part-II of this relief operation. Please PM me for more details.
Go Bezerki..!!

With people like you among us, we will never go down, come what may!

I suggest replacing Dispirin with Panadol or Brufen or some other non-Aspirin medicine...

Reasons are
(1)Allergied are pretty common with dispirin &
(2)Dispirin can sometimes cause life-threatening "Reye's syndrome" in children under 6-7 years of age... So it's NOT recommended in children under 7.

Aspirin and Reye's Syndrome

Many countries warn that aspirin should not be taken by children under the age of 12 or 16 with a fever, or in children with a current or recent viral illness such as influenza or chicken pox. This is because of the suspected link between the use of aspirin in children and the rare but potentially fatal disease, Reye’s Syndrome:

It occurs in children with a current or recent viral disease such as influenza or chicken pox; patients suffer from repeated vomiting, coma and seizures resulting from encephalopathy and fatty degeneration of the liver; mortality rate is between 20 and 50%..... In the UK, manufacturers removed Junior Aspirin from the market in 1986 and agreed to restrict its usage to children over the age of 12. In More recently the age limit has been raised to 16 years.
Great job Bezerk!

If you could expand the medicines list from Aspirin and add the following and other non-medicinal stuff:

a. ORS (lots of packets!!!!!)
b. bandage (even saniplast would do)
c. cotton gauze
d. broad-spectrum antibiotic (co-amoxiclav/Augmentin)
e. skin ointment (antifungal, anti-rash)
f. extra large black polythene bags (not environment friendly, but right now can be used for storage and garbage disposal.. water proof)
g. IV drips with normal saline and ringer's lactate (if you have a paramedic with you who can administer it)
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Brother Bezerk
Truely inspiring. You are not only be rewared after life but also in this life. You and your friends are true servent of Allah. May you succeed in your misson Insh'Allah. :tup:

Please remember that we will head out to the effected areas by Wednesday. If you're willing to donate, please send me a PM for details. Time is running short and we've still got a long way to go.

Ration for Ramadan will be distributed among 200 families initially. Families will be able to utilize these items for a few weeks.

----This isn't the final list----

1) Wheat flour 20 kg bag

2) Rice 3 kg

3) Sugar 1 kg

4) Tea ½ kg

5) Ghee 1 kg

6) Date ½ kg

Now our cost for the above mentioned items will be (In Rs);

1) Rice 3kg x 200 ---- 36000

2) Ghee 1kg x 200---- 22000

3) sugar ------14000

4) Tea ------24000

5) Flour ----- 100000

6) Dates ----- waiting for the rates.
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Great job Bezerk!

If you could expand the medicines list from Aspirin and add the following and other non-medicinal stuff:

a. ORS (lots of packets!!!!!)
b. bandage (even saniplast would do)
c. cotton gauze
d. broad-spectrum antibiotic (co-amoxiclav/Augmentin)
e. skin ointment (antifungal, anti-rash)
f. extra large black polythene bags (not environment friendly, but right now can be used for storage and garbage disposal.. water proof)
g. IV drips with normal saline and ringer's lactate (if you have a paramedic with you who can administer it)

Most of the NGO's are focusing on medicine. We aren't going to distribute medicine simply because there are a lot of other people/organizations who're taking care of that. Private Hospitals are also distributing medicine.

Food and water is required over there. Most of the diseases that are breaking out in the area are because of malnutrition and polluted drinking water.
Bezerki, just out of curiosity, how do you distribute these items? i mean is it something like people getting the stuff on 'first come, first serve' basis or do you make sure that a certain area is taken care of at one time. Also do you and how do you make sure that the same person or the family is not given the relief products twice?
Bezerki, just out of curiosity, how do you distribute these items? i mean is it something like people getting the stuff on 'first come, first serve' basis or do you make sure that a certain area is taken care of at one time. Also do you and how do you make sure that the same person or the family is not given the relief products twice?

Distribution of relief goods can never be properly managed. You need a police force and the army for that. The places we went, people were starving for more than 3 days. How can you expect rational behavior from a person that has been on a empty stomach for more than 3 days?

Phase-I distributions were given to small villages and towns which everyone forgot about simply because there was a college/school full of refugees on the Main road eg; Nowshera Main Road. What does that do? Everyone starts dumping their charity and donations on such locations and forget about the people who're waiting for help to show up, just a few KMs away from the main roads/cities.

As for your question about making sure that a person doesn't get the aid twice. Well, it doesn't matter if a person takes 1 or 3 bags of relief goods because remember that we're in KPK. 95% of the time we saw Men and Children on the receiving end. Their women/families are in their homes or other locations. So what if a person takes 2 or 3 bags more? It'll feed SOMEBODY in that area, and that's the entire objective of our operation.

P.S People from KPK are known for their generous, welcoming and friendly attitude. I've seen refugees sharing food items with each other wherever we've went so far.
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