How is Trump a racist though?
I agree with you, I don't think Trump is racist. I guess its shows us how programmed we are , living in the United States, to be 'politically correct'. God , may He be Glorified, forbid we say something that might offend someone.
Trump carried himself well , i think. And quite frankly he says the things most of the GOP want to say but can't say for fear of 'offending' some people / population.
Personally one of the reasons why I like Bush so much is the sort of growth-centered policy and using immigrants as major economic driver.
People can say what they want about immigrants, but without them the US would be nowhere near where it is today. We often forget that there were more nativist groups against European immigrants 1880-1930 than there are anti-immigration movements in the US 2000-20XX and yet people now describe European immigrants as part of the "Greatest generation" of the 1940s.
While countries like Japan, Germany, China, and Russia will feel the economic effects of an aging population or a negative population growth rate in the future, the US will maintain a somewhat health population growth rate because of IMMIGRANTS.
And then we have some anti-US dudes right here on PDF say some BS like "lol whites won't be the top race anymore because of Hispanic immigrants" as if it actually means anything. IT DOESN'T MATTER what race is the majority in America. As long as we have AMERICANS willing to carry the baton for the United States of America into the future I could care less about their race.
There are AMERICANS of all races and nationalities born in all corners of the globe everyday, it just depends on whether they make it home or not.
As the famous Statue of Liberty quote goes:
"Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"
/end rant
Yes, my friend, I agree. And very , very well said !