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Firing at a Gurudwara in US, several people shot

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Yes, but the easy availability of guns sure help. I remember the Columbine massacre in '99 - the kids walked into a K-Mart and bought the bullets with which they mowed down their schoolmates. I don't have a problem with hate groups exercising their right to freedom of thought and expression - I don't like them but everyone is entitled to their views - however warped they might be. It is the freaking gun culture which is a problem.

I guess you would be in support of Al Qaeda having the freedom to spread their ideology as well, then?
Just another excuse for the gov.t to take away the law abiding citizen's right to bear arms.

Yea - I am sure if you were around in the Lincoln era you would be moaning about the government using excuses to take away the law abiding citizen's right to own slaves.
Then you should follow up on current events related to American politics and how they are slowly and steadily ingraining into the minds of the younger generations to be anti-2nd amendment as well as passing bills that are making gun ownership even more difficult.
I am not saying whether they are doing something or not. Its about the basic nature of the West. You can bring these changes gradually but to take out something negative is sometimes more difficult to incept something good/

People with violent mindset will find the way out to commit crimes. Ownership laws are for those general people but for criminals, it doesn't matter. You can reduce the flow of weapons and bullets, but it will take certain time to see any significant effect.
I guess you would be in support of Al Qaeda having the freedom to spread their ideology as well, then?

Actually, yes. I don't really distinguish between the ideology of Al Qaeda, the Ku Klux Klan or the BNP or the Chinese Politburo. If they want to spread it, sure by all means - spread your ideology. The problem begins when you start taking human lives - if you ram a plane into the WTC - or if you lynch a black man for fun - you are not spreading your ideology - you are committing acts of terror.
Yea - I am sure if you were around in the Lincoln era you would be moaning about the government using excuses to take away the law abiding citizen's right to own slaves.

Only 12-15 percent of the Southern White population owned slaves before the outbreak of the civil war. BTW, what the hell does slavery have to do with what i'm talking about?:lol:

Secondly, its nothing to do with guns. More people are shot in NYC where guns are highly illegal and no one is even allowed to own one, while in states where there are more legal guns per person crime rate is considerably low.

Thirdly, i don't own any guns, but as a American who believes and supports the Constitutional rights of every American citizen i support the second amendment.
Perhaps you should ask your own countrymen who in the thread on Assam Riots were fantasizing how they wanted to butcher all of the Bangali immigrants.

Nope, actually its nothing to do with guns. More people are shot in NYC where guns are highly illegal and no one is even allowed to own one, while in states where there are more legal guns per person crime rate is considerably low.

Sure - let me know who said that, I will ask them.
RIP to the dead

Never feels good when innocent people die, whether it is Hindus or Sikhs or Muslims or Christians or Jews or Parsis or Atheists or any other religious group. Hope justice id delivered.
A criminal can kill a group of people by simply driving a van over them while they are standing in the side walk, actually more people are killed in car accidents, most of which involve drunk driving. Why can't they ban alcohol and cars?
Aren't there laws against drinking and driving. Don't they punish them with charges like manslaughter ? You are comparing guns with Cars and Alcohol. So according to you owning a bottle of wine and a car is potential threat to everyone and there should be control over it. Thorough background check should be done before one sell Jack Daniels or a Chevy ?

Both are totally different scenarios altogether, you are trying to find a correlation that's not even there. But lets remain on the topic.
Only 12-15 percent of the Southern White population owned slaves before the outbreak of the civil war.

Secondly, its nothing to do with guns. More people are shot in NYC where guns are highly illegal and no one is even allowed to own one, while in states where there are more legal guns per person crime rate is considerably low.

Thirdly, i don't own any guns, but as a American who believes and supports the Constitutional rights of every American citizen i support the second amendment.

12-15% of people owning slaves is fine??

It was once a right to own slaves. But laws have to change with the times.

NYC can't be compared to Pleasantville, Alabama.

You have a right to support it I guess. So by all means do so.
Gurdwara is place to sit together and pray to god, not to phucking kill each other. I hate when these things happen.
Don't bring Bangladesh, 1971, Assam riots or what not. Why every thread has to end up with these posts in the end ? :angry:
Well we provided asylum to those Bangladeshi migrants in 1971, and now they start riots killing the very people who sheltered them from the Pakistani Army in 1971. Of course people are going to be frustrated, and the reaction is what you see. Nevertheless, in the Assam riots a huge chunk of the people who died in Assam are the native Bodos, the difference I guess is while some of us might talk of killing, these Bangladeshi migrants are actually doing the killing of the native Bodos in Assam.

No one migrates illegally because they want to - they usually do so because they have to. You can't go around killing people because you think they emigrated illegally.
I guess you would be in support of Al Qaeda having the freedom to spread their ideology as well, then?

he touched an excellent point.. you missed it and took it the wrong way

Western society prides itself for freedom of expression that is ... (key word coming).... NON Violent.
they can go to hide park or on a town square make a speech , pass leaflets and thats it. as far as that remains within only talking or taking part in elections on that anti immigration anti multinational theme then its fine.

problem is (like AQ) when they go down the violent path

Yes, but the easy availability of guns sure help. I remember the Columbine massacre in '99 - the kids walked into a K-Mart and bought the bullets with which they mowed down their schoolmates. I don't have a problem with hate groups exercising their right to freedom of thought and expression - I don't like them but everyone is entitled to their views - however warped they might be. It is the freaking gun culture which is a problem.

I understand your point.
thats what KKK or BNP etc do. they make their silly marches and have their extremist views and web forums but thats it.
they are not involved in mass killing at a grand scale like Al Qaeda and its clone organisations are.

we both will be revolted and dispise their sick ideology and beliefs but its good that they can vent it out openly and be done with it rather than going underground and finding excuses or reasons for taking it on a violent level.

I guess this is the issue with the third word where even the simple dissent is brutally suppressed and it takes a violent turn.

I dont want to go out of scope but as I am still unaware of the identity of the gunman, his race religion and his motives I am only speculating that he is some misguided white supremacist who either mistook those Sikhs for Muslims or went ahead knowingly on the general maxim of "well they all look alike".
Perhaps you should ask your own countrymen who in the thread on Assam Riots were fantasizing how they wanted to butcher all of the Bangali immigrants.

Nope, actually its nothing to do with guns. More people are shot in NYC where guns are highly illegal and no one is even allowed to own one, while in states where there are more legal guns per person crime rate is considerably low.

Yes we are my uncle has a gun. Where do you see this? All states have different laws legislating gun ownership but no state can ban them outright or they are violating the constitution. :what:
Aren't there laws against drinking and driving. Don't they punish them with charges like manslaughter ? You are comparing guns with Cars and Alcohol. So according to you owning a bottle of wine and a car is potential threat to everyone and there should be control over it. Thorough background check should be done before one sell Jack Daniels or a Chevy ?
Yes why not, that is exactly what i'm saying. If more people are killed due to drunk driving and car accidents then yes.

Both are totally different scenarios altogether, you are trying to find a correlation that's not even there. But lets remain on the topic.
No they aren't different at all, a gun is just an inanimate object just like a bottle of liquor or a car is.
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