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Firing at a Gurudwara in US, several people shot

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Same here - I saw the same bigoted minded sikhs on internet forums trying to tell Americans that Sikhs are not Muslims (Is it ok to kill Muslims?) I don't feel any sympathy for them now.

Dude Sikhs are indeed not Muslims. They are Sikhs.

Any human will obviously care for their own before caring for others.
BBC News - Wisconsin Sikh temple gunman had 'white power links'


US authorities have said they are investigating reports that a gunman who killed six people at a Sikh temple in Wisconsin had white supremacist links.

Wade Michael Page, 40, who was gunned down by police during the attack near Milwaukee, reportedly performed in a white-power music group.

Five men and a woman died in the shooting. Three others including a policeman remain in critical condition.

The FBI is treating the attack as a possible domestic terrorism case.

Police chief John Edwards said they believe Page was the only shooter.

'Frustrated neo-Nazi'

Five men a woman aged between 39 and 84 were fatally shot at the Sikh Temple of Wisconsin.

Four people were found dead inside the building, and two were outside. Page was also killed outside the temple.

Chief Edwards said police officer Lieutenant Brian Murphy, 51, had been tending to a victim at the scene when he was "ambushed" by the gunman.

Lt Murphy was shot eight or nine times at "very close range", but was expected to recover.

A civil rights group, the Southern Poverty Law Center, has described Page as a "frustrated neo-Nazi".

The organisation said that in 2010 Page told a white supremacist website that he had been part of the white-power music scene since 2000.

He left his native Colorado and joined a skinhead band, End Apathy, in 2005, the civil rights organisation said.

Page entered the Wisconsin Sikh Temple temple in Oak Creek on Sunday morning and opened fire as dozens of people were preparing for a service.

He used a 9mm semi-automatic pistol, which was recovered at the scene. The weapon was purchased legally, authorities said.

'Patterns of misconduct'

US officials said Page was a former US Army member who was discharged for "patterns of misconduct" after being reduced in rank from sergeant to specialist. He was declared ineligible to re-enlist.

He was reportedly disciplined in June 1998 for being drunk on duty.

A former psychological operations specialist and a Hawk Missile System repairman, he served in the US Army between April 1992 and October 1998, ending his career at Fort Bragg, North Carolina.

On Sunday night, the authorities searched Page's house in the town of Cudahy, a few miles from the temple.

The Sikh Temple of Wisconsin in Oak Creek was founded in 1997 and is said to have a congregation of about 400 worshippers.

Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, who is himself a Sikh, spoke of his shock on Monday at the shooting.

"That this senseless act of violence should be targeted at a place of religious worship is particularly painful," Mr Singh said.

Dozens of Sikhs have protested the shootings in New Delhi.

Police in New York and Chicago said they had taken additional measures to monitor Sikh temples in those cities.

Wisconsin, which passed a law in 2011 allowing citizens to carry a concealed weapon, has some of the most permissive gun laws in the US.
Same here - I saw the same bigoted minded sikhs on internet forums trying to tell Americans that Sikhs are not Muslims (Is it ok to kill Muslims?) I don't feel any sympathy for them now.

Einstein, did anyone anywhere said its ok to target particular community/religion ? Or is it ur super brain farting all such thoughts. They said Sikhs are different from Muslims. Were they wrong ? In many threads I see many Pakistanis clarifying how much they are different from Indians. Are they wrong ? Have some light dinner from next time....bcz unlike normal cases, ur brain is doing the farting business here.

sir he looks like dudley boys an american wrestler in wwe........

one can see hate in his eyes...brainwashed countrey man of abraham lincoln.......the founding fathers of americans would be ashmed if this happend in 1776.......well one cant blame such terrorists....since their founding fathers were all about terrorism too......

founding fathers of america....they came from spain and europe they killed and land grabbed america in the name of discovery...they killed the real americans(red indians) millions of them and sent back the gold to europe.........then later on the french and britisher fought with one another..........these morons named it civil war.....when in fact these thugs were on and the same from within and they were just fighting for land.........then they declared an independece act in 1776....lol....as if the original owners of america the red indians had enslaved them and they got free and they declared independece.....

so if one sees their history.....this appears that they have been fooling the rest of world from early times....
As said earlier no is directing any terrorists towards you and no one is focussed on you. we are just focussed on us and saving our own lives. We do not know what the terrorist who attacked the gurudwara wanted. wether he wanted brown sikhs our mistaken sikhs for some other group/community or religion ...we have been targetted in the past for the mistake of identities by these terrorists thus we do not want to be targetted again. Moreover even if I agree to you for a moment that this was not the case where the skin head targetted us msitakenly thinking us as muslims...still what sthe guarantee that it will not happen in the future what has happened in the past ?? why would us and why should we be known as Muslims if we are sikhs?

every one is condemning the incident...from Muslims to ikhs to Pakistanis to Indians. No one in his right senses would justify these killing or killings of any muslim...but the man in the video is too terrified as he has been targetted...so you can never blame him...tell me if in any other day when things are normal...wether sikhs say that..never.,,they raise this topic only when they are in fear that some fool might attack them believing them to be a muslim.

I understand what situation the Sikh guy is. I wont blame the families of the victim even who would be cursing Muslims because the 9/11 crusader struck them instead of some Mosque etc.

my issue is with the Western Media, how its smartly moving the discussion away from actual terrorist act.
just like Sikhs, Hindus, Muslims and Buddhists of the subcontinent living in America are also peaceful and loving people and want to get along with their lives.
Dude Sikhs are indeed not Muslims. They are Sikhs.

Any human will obviously care for their own before caring for others.

Its seems these people telling potential mass murderers that next time if they want to go on shooting spree,go kill muslims..
Although there was no involvement of muslims here,why even mention muslims?

Isnt that true? Pakistanis here on PDF keep liking to clarify they are not Indians, which is true. Similarly, Sikhs are not Muslims, which is also true.

True,...but these people instead of condemning the act are trying to give potential gunmen an alternative target....muslims.
Is that ok?
its amazing how these indians on here have perfected the straw man tactic
Sikhs can try all they want to differentiate muslims from themselves, but at the end of the day they will still be attacked for sporting beards and turbans.
Shows sikh mentality.....

Its sameas these people telling potential mass murderers that next time if they want to go on shooting spree,go kill muslims..
Although there was no involvement of muslims here,why even mention muslims?

True,...but these people instead of condemning the act are trying to give potential gunmen an alternative target....muslims.
Is that ok?

I am not a Sikh, but a Hindu/Atheist. As far as the issue goes and how much I understand, they have condenmed the act as much as it can be condenmed. They are definitely trying to disaccociate themselves with terror.

Muslims have done the same thing, as far as I have noticed in my life. Post 9/11, I remember the religious Muslims that used to come with beards to school started shaving to not associate themselves with Osama Bin Laden. I even had Pakistani/Bangladeshi friends (and there are quite a few of them here in Toronto) get angry when white people in school bullied them for being terrorists, going as far as pointing out that Osama was a Saudi/Afghan and had nothing to do with them. How you want to interpret that is up to you.

The bottom line is, when something bad happens, people try their hardest to not associate themselves with it, especially if their race/religion/ethinicity is similar to it. Muslims have done it too, and so do Sikhs.
Please stop with the "is it ok to kill Muslims part of the argument". For one, nobody said that. People are reading between the lines. If one sees it just as what the Sikhs have gone through, its not impossible to see the "mistaken identity" part. Why people attack or want to attack Muslims in the US is a different debate all together and has nothing to do with what has happened here.

The new details actually point to a guy who believed in white supremacy. Muslim, Hindu, Sikh have little do with this. All of us would be targets in his eyes, even the ones that consider themselves "Whites" from S.Asia.
Sikhs can try all they want to differentiate muslims from themselves, but at the end of the day they will still be attacked for sporting beards and turbans.
areea baba, this is not some thing about religious, the gun shoot out was a result of jelous on the SIKH community performing well and out running the locals.
this is just a hate crime against a community for out smarting the other and becoming the dominant community.
its not affiliated to religion or stuff as you post
Shows sikh mentality.....

Its sameas these people telling potential mass murderers that next time if they want to go on shooting spree,go kill muslims..
Although there was no involvement of muslims here,why even mention muslims?

True,...but these people instead of condemning the act are trying to give potential gunmen an alternative target....muslims.
Is that ok?

Thats because they are being told by authorities that you got hit because Killer thought you were muslim, an easy escape for them. So, now the genius Sikhs instead of asking authorities why it happened blaming it on muslims. The fact is he is a white supermist who was going to kill anyone who looks different and who would look more different than a Sikh.

We Muslim dont care, when it comes it comes and it seems like this time it wasnt for us
Thats because they are being told by authorities that you got hit because Killer thought you were muslim, an easy escape for them. So, now the genius Sikhs instead of asking authorities why it happened blaming it on muslims. The fact is he is a white supermist who was going to kill anyone who looks different and who would look more different than a Sikh.

We Muslim dont care, when it comes it comes and it seems like this time it wasnt for us

Stop with the nonsense. Until today, the identity of the killer was not known. It is a fact that Sikhs have been victims of mistaken identity in the past and hence it was one of the plausible reasons. Everything else in your post is an attempt to pose as a victim when no Muslims were killed or injured. What are you trying to prove?
Please stop with the "is it ok to kill Muslims part of the argument". For one, nobody said that. People are reading between the lines..

Too much victim hood and siege mentality have gone into their brains to see the point people are making.

It aint rocket science to figure out that Sikhs are mistaken for arabs because of their turban, beards and wheatish complexion. And Sikhs are 100% justified in saying they are not what the skin-heads think them to be.
I am not a Sikh, but a Hindu/Atheist. As far as the issue goes and how much I understand, they have condenmed the act as much as it can be condenmed. They are definitely trying to disaccociate themselves with terror.

Muslims have done the same thing, as far as I have noticed in my life. Post 9/11, I remember the religious Muslims that used to come with beards to school started shaving to not associate themselves with Osama Bin Laden. I even had Pakistani/Bangladeshi friends (and there are quite a few of them here in Toronto) get angry when white people in school bullied them for being terrorists, going as far as pointing out that Osama was a Saudi/Afghan and had nothing to do with them. How you want to interpret that is up to you.

The bottom line is, when something bad happens, people try their hardest to not associate themselves with it, especially if their race/religion/ethinicity is similar to it. Muslims have done it too, and so do Sikhs.

You aregument is irrelevant and way too complicated..

Let me make things simple for yoiu..In this incident there was no involvement of muslims what so ever..A man came and shot innocent people based at their ethnicity/Religion..

Is it fine to divert these terrorists towards muslims?

Let me ask you a simple question -

An asteroid is heading for earth and it is poe is mecca. Now assume you have the power to divert it onto, say a village in argentina. Would you do it or would you not ?

My answer..

You need to sleep.. :hang2:
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