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As I have already mentioned in my post:

So without knowing the different parameters that went into the design of the PAK-FA we cannot say why the Russians are inclined towards Super-Manueverability. The main edge the PAK-FA has against most of its competitors is it's inbuilt IRST which seems to be lacking in both the American and the Chinese fighters.

1- We may never get the parameters about the PAK-FA as they will be too sensitive for publication (at least for discussion fora) but apparently, the general word is that manuverbility has been kept as critical factor along with LO. The structure of J-20 also emphesises the same with optimazation of supersonice and subsonic manuverbility.
2- Well I still have doubts how much IRST would be successful against F-22. also considering the fact that USA has a long history of working with Infra red targeting systems (since early 80s) I think F-22 should have been optimized agsinst such targeting. Also as per simulation(Novalogic), F-22 can supercurise at 90% of engine power. combine this with exhaust cooling process installed in it, IRST will have very tough time. What reinforces my suspecion is that there hasent been an active reaction from USAF on this i.e. a "modernization" or stuff. So they have preety much safety in their bags.

What is this plane? It is Russia's or China's plane?
1- We may never get the parameters about the PAK-FA as they will be too sensitive for publication (at least for discussion fora) but apparently, the general word is that manuverbility has been kept as critical factor along with LO. The structure of J-20 also emphesises the same with optimazation of supersonice and subsonic manuverbility.
2- Well I still have doubts how much IRST would be successful against F-22. also considering the fact that USA has a long history of working with Infra red targeting systems (since early 80s) I think F-22 should have been optimized agsinst such targeting. Also as per simulation(Novalogic), F-22 can supercurise at 90% of engine power. combine this with exhaust cooling process installed in it, IRST will have very tough time. What reinforces my suspecion is that there hasent been an active reaction from USAF on this i.e. a "modernization" or stuff. So they have preety much safety in their bags.

Yes the PAK-FA is almost 5-10 years away from the actual operational clearance so this gives enough time for the US to gather intel about the capabilities about the aircraft. There has been several noises pertaining the IRST of the PAK-FA as the single most important threat. As soon as the Americans get their hands on the capabilities of the PAK-FA in its operational form they will start their modernization process.

And I dont believe much in Novalogic's game. Even in HAWX 2 the PAK-FA supercruises at 90% of it's power. This does not mean it is true.

The title has been FGFA and JXX. The PAK-FA and FGFA are two different projects. The design study has just started and we must wait for further specifications to emerge. It is easier to follow the FGFA tthan the PAK-FA as PAK-FA is actually shrouded in secrecy.

And if you look at the tail aspect of PAK-FA you will see trapezoidal and the leading edge of the tail planes shaped so as to house a flat nozzled engine. So that might also be in the cards. If you want to compare FGFA with JXX right now it is impossible as one has not even left the drawing board and the other is yet to fly.

We can only compare J-xx with FGFA using PAK-FA as a bench mark for FGFA and F-22/YF-23/F 35 as benchmarks for LO airframe.

I cant tell much about the J-XX nor the FGFA. I am here only defending PAK-FA from ignorant people who are yet to see the J-XX fly and knowing nothing about PAK-FA.

People can notice in this picture clearly how the engine of the PAK FA is actually placed facing the longitudinal axis thus shifting the CG of the aircraft to the center.

This helps in radar deflection inside the air intakes by angling the deflections away.
I know the history very well, there was little money, so the amount of hours flown and the pay was cut. Companies such as Sukhoi continued to sell aircraft and develop new aircraft.

When the T50 first appeared in the news, I and my Niigata friends talk about it. At that time I think the U.S. is the best aircraft, and T50 rather ugly, because I think the prettier the more advanced fighter aircraft performance. My friends think that Russia fighter aircraft is the most advanced.
J-XX will equip with WS engine, no Russian engine.

And no proof that Russian has given its stealth technology to us, and their PAKFA isn't stealthy at all. I doubt that they have even mastered how to make the stealth fighter.

China is getting the technology from Russia for so many decades this one is no different.
go through the below articles
Secret revealed: China’s 4th-generation fighter plane will use the plasma stealth technology | WAREYE

China and The Stealth Plan | Astro Aviator

Next time do not beat the drums with "Indigenous plane" slogan.
Actually India asked Russia for not giving technology instead the deal with India is joint development and the Deal with China is technology transfer.
Frankly, i like the design of PAK-FA more than raptor and JSF and now j-20 crowned as the new beauty queen for me. Asian beauty all tha way :)
Objectively speaking,in stealth details ,J20 prototypes do much better than T50 by now.
I had also posted it once before and now again. F-22 is a success story, so its logical for every 5th gen to benchmark F-22. Russians went their way, so we witnessed a long delay. While Chinese did not do that to great extent, therefore catching up with Russians quickly
I had also posted it once before and now again. F-22 is a success story, so its logical for every 5th gen to benchmark F-22. Russians went their way, so we witnessed a long delay. While Chinese did not do that to great extent, therefore catching up with Russians quickly
sopc_dsp 发表于 2011-1-3 16:07:
隐身性能:Stealth performance
F-22>J-20 ≈F-35 >>T-50

超巡(量产版):supersonic cruise(Mass production)

亚音速下subsonic J-20>F-22>T-50>F-35
超音速下supersonic J-20>F-22>T-50>F-35

conditions:After WS15 engine inducted.
I 'm sure after A few years,The above would be proved.
Like it or not, what Yangwei and Chinese Tiger1986 said were true.

It won't be hard for anyone to understand why.

Think about it: no big power shares its most secret weapon and the most powerful tech knowhow with others. US won't share with anyone, Israel or not, its F-22A let along ToT; China of course won't share its J-20... even France and the EU won't share their most powerful block of Rafale and ET respectively. What they will happilay share wee their TEAM B.

The question is therefore what makes you think that Russia will let India buy its Pak Fa T-50 with all the knowkow and top tech of Russian Air Force use? Perhaps Ruskies are drunk all the time but not dumb. :D

So why? The answer is very simple. And I don't need to see the detail of PakFa purchasing contract to know it:

What Ruskies did was to design several seperate airframes with the budget they got from India. What it will produce is a minimum borderline "5th gen"to minimumly satisfy that 4s inoder to deliver their words to India: you see, this is 5th gen. :lol: Yet Ruskie will only put the second best tech in it, particularly the crucial tech. After India bought it, they would develop their own FAGA according to it. Then it's India's biz, Ruskies can say that thye have delivered the contract. Then later, Russia would put thier best tech into thier own either PaK FA block 2 or completely another airframe thus Indians will have no cliam on it whatsoever according to the old contract.

I will bet my bottom $$$ that Ruskie would doublecross the dumb elephant. Honestly, it is very logical and understandable.

Think about it, ptldM3, what would you personally do in such a scenario?

Therefore, what Yanwei told was blunt truth! Simple !

Heard of Su-30MKI?
sopc_dsp 发表于 2011-1-3 16:07:
隐身性能:Stealth performance
F-22>J-20 ≈F-35 >>T-50

超巡(量产版):supersonic cruise(Mass production)

亚音速下subsonic J-20>F-22>T-50>F-35
超音速下supersonic J-20>F-22>T-50>F-35

conditions:After WS15 engine inducted.
I 'm sure after A few years,The above would be proved.

Indeed, J-20 seems like most maneuverable of the lot as
1- Canards optimize the supersonic maneuverability
2- Tails ensures subsonic one
so looks like Chinese have emphasized both sub and supersonic performance. But as i said earlier F-22 will still have an edge in all aspect stealth

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