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Feudal System of Punjab



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Apr 16, 2009
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Pakistan's Largest Province having population of over 9 carore.Enriched with Gifts of Nature. having rich Customs and culture. The Land of 5 rivers and many more and apart from all these blessings, the Diamond of Punjab is the People of Punjab.
People of Punjab has always been floored by the system of Punjab. Whether it is Rural part or the urban part of Punjab The common man has always been kept under pressure by the Feudal or the Landlords of Punjab.

Punjab the Land of Waris Shah and Bhulle Shah who has always spread the message of equality and Hospitality who always teached justice and humanity, but unfortunately the common man has always been put under the foot by the feudalism or they act as they are masters and the people are their slaves. I can quote here number of examples where the feudalist has done atrocity but I think the word Atrocity doesn’t clears the image what these feudal has done to the common man of Punjab. You start from Sadiqabad and move upwards to Jhelum you will see the same system all over Punjab.

.The problems & difficulties for the people of Punjab are there as they were 60 years back. A Common man is still Struggling for Basic Education.Inspite of All Campaigns for literacy of Punjab no leader from Punjab has done a visible job for Litercay in Punjab. whether it is “PRHA LIKHA PUNJAB” campaign or any other this has given nothing to people of Punjab. and on the other hand MNA’s MPA’s Fake Degrees is the best example of their character. Lota Culture in Parliamentarians of Punjab is also an example which clears their position and clears their motives also They Don’t want Education to spread in Punjab. we have numerous examples of school & Colleges used as Baithak of Chaudhry Sb or used as cattle Farm. I still remember a photo in which a position holder student was sitting on the floor in award distribution by Shahbaz Sharif.This is the education they are providing. Apart from Education there many issues which is faced by people of Punjab.

The People of Punjab has waited for a Curative Healer, A leader who can pull them out of this swamp. A Man who is from them. A Man who is Sincere to them. A Man who has the courage to ruin this feudal system. and in my opinion the time has come and now its up to the people how they avail the opportunity.

Im neither a MQM Supporter nor a MQM Worker but I believe that MQM is the only political party which can change this system of Pakistan, who have the courage, people and vision to make a better Pakistan. We have a recent example of Karachi. How MK has developed Karachi in 4 years. One thing which admired me a lot is that they have MNA’s and MPA’s from Lower middle class and middle class. I remember that Muhammad Ali Barohi (Member of Senate from MQM) was running a Medical Store in Larkana before he was selected for senate elections. This is one example we can have many more. in shorter words MQM is the only political party which can change the system of Pakistan and the living standards of people of Pakistan.
People in Punjab are more of a modern mind set than anyother province, they are economically better, have a better living standard, have access to the modern facilities more than any other province in Pakistan.

Punjab also has a higher literacy level, better educational facilities and better study boards such as BISE Lahore, RawalPindi board and Fedral Board than any other board or educational standard in the country.

It is the only province where government has worked in the past and is working for promoting education. And feudal system in Punjab pretty close to be said bye bye in coming years.

No one is Punjab is worshiping their feudal lords unlike
Sindh, how Sindhi's consider their Wadera's Or How Sardars and Jirgas are given value in NWWP and tribal areas Or how Balochistan is crushed under Feudal System and last but not the least the Northern-Areas of Pakistan and Gilgit-Baltistan.

After all this, my only question is that for such writers and journalists and MQM supporters Is Punjab the only Province in Pakistan !!!

When this writer wrote this article Din't he know the conditions in Sindh, Balochistan, NWFP and Northern Areas ?? Or is there any other place that one can name where Educational standards, living standards are higher than Punjab or any place where people are any better in regard with modernization or urban-rural ratio or who have lesser following for Feudal lords !!!!!!

What MQM has done good for Pakistan ? Punjab always comes up with small issues like that misuse of credit card, a fake degree but they were all sorted out, those who did this were kicked out of parties.

Unlike MQM where the person in exile for his criminal activities is the leader of Party, Where the company which failed make a bridge(collapsed Shershah Bridge) in Karachi is given the contract of constructing Thar airport.

No question of NRO beneficiaries On one hand people like Zardari who have cases of billions of black money and on the other hand MQM who prides itself by saying they had no corruption cases instead all they had were a 100+ ordinary MURDER cases.

All the money making governmental positions in Sindh are given to those who retired years back and and who are not eligible and are famous for corruption.

Is there any parha likha Karachi scheme from MQM or any other party ! And how idiotic is this that some one expects One Scheme Like Parha Likha Punjab will make 9 crore people educated at Once !! what a joke.

Who is Using Punjab Card like PPP has always done in case of Sindh and they call it Sindh Card.

Punjabis are blamed for producing dictators, when only one of them was Punjabi.

Ayub Khan - Pakhtoon
Yahya Khan- Pakhtoon
Zia-Ul-Haq - The only Punjabi
Musharaf- Urdu Speaking. (MQM usually speaking against dictator once came up saying that is of our ethnic group so we will protect him anyway)

A person saying MQM the right choice would either be insane or he has never been to Karachi.. What about the literacy level of Bhaiya's of Karachi, riding CD-70s staring and whistling to girls. with mouth red of Pan and Gutka spitting every corner even high-rises are not spared.
Its not just about a few MQM politicians who TRY to speak pure urdu and english to show their literacy:P with criminal backgrounds.
In a recent report, the World Bank cited land inequality as a primary cause of rural poverty in Pakistan, with 44 percent of the country's farmland controlled by just 2 percent of rural households. Some estimates put the number of major landed families at just 5,000.

This is an important issue we are facing in Pakistan. We badly need a modern land reform and this is now eclipsed by our military activities.
AliAbbas and Materialistic:-
Are you two going to debate the issue of feudalism in Punjab academically or leave the issue of landed aristocracy and play the MQM-is-evil vs N-is-evil game?
so some one try to make thread for talk abut fudel system but what the mean of these viedeos? i think currupt crimnal and useless leaders are every were. and as i know panjab is fudel but less then any other provence.should be thread start the name of feudal system of pakistan.yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar why not you think its our pakistan from gawader to kheber we are pakistan we will defend it and we are living there. problim is every were in pakistan and we have to demolish in whole pakistan. these provences are our third identity first muslim then pakistani then panjabi sindhi balochi pathan etc.be pakistani guys
Where the company which failed make a bridge(collapsed Shershah Bridge) in Karachi is given the contract of constructing Thar airport.

FYI the company who constructed this bridge is owned by our very armed forces
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so some one try to make thread for talk abut fudel system but what the mean of these viedeos? i think currupt crimnal and useless leaders are every were. and as i know panjab is fudel but less then any other provence.should be thread start the name of feudal system of pakistan.yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar why not you think its our pakistan from gawader to kheber we are pakistan we will defend it and we are living there. problim is every were in pakistan and we have to demolish in whole pakistan. these provences are our third identity first muslim then pakistani then panjabi sindhi balochi pathan etc.be pakistani guys

Agrrreeeeeeeeed with you.We should allll think about pakistan :)
you really wanna start youtube war?

YouTube - MQM Charity Fraud Live on TV....Fake Photo Session (watchtruth Project)

and yeah how can we forget those videos of 12th may??? btw i was an eye witness of that so plzzz mind whatever u say!!!!

and yeah as for MQM mind reading what UNHCR wrote about em?


UNHCR also said many times that pakistan shld not have nukes, and the if u ask the one who wrote abt MQM, abt religion, then he would say that ISlam in not gud religion, and Christianity is gud, so would u agree with him?
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE no more MQM is the best thread!!!

people who support MQM IGNORE:

1)12th May (give weird answers and explainations)

2)Ignore what altaf BHAI said in india (ofcourse he did some clapping & dancing video answer to it later which i am sorry is not sufficent)!

3) altaf BHAI is a british national and he is in self imposed exile for 20 years and his security cannot be adequate(even though in karachi he is in power)

4) Mustafa Kamal is a great man but Naimatullah started development of karachi

5)Mqm always wants to stay in power no matter who is there ally (PPP carried out the "UNFAIR" operationg against MQM in 1992 but no problem itnaay logoun kaa khoon jayay lekin BHAI kii kursi nahi)

before that they supported DICTATORs like zia & altaf!

YOUR MQM was in power when karachi bridge fell! MQM was ALLY of musharraf and pml Q! so please before you blame army for anything for 9 years mqm was best friends with army & punjabi bhai in PML Q!

BUT THE BOTTOM LINE IS MQM IS THE BEST for mqm brainwashed kids! so no point arguing no one cares about country they only care about there own party!
i dont understand why ppl are not ready to accept that feudalism is a reality in pakistan..in all provinces ..its a farce, why are we overlooking the reality??n those who think its about to end, plzz wake up!!
akbar zaidi has given his thesis that pakistan is not feudal as avg land holdings are around one acre..anyone here agrees with this stupid assumption??
feudalism is not jus about having this much land..in pakistan its a mind set, a way of living n although size of avg land-holdings may be decreasing as some claim (i seriously dont believe this), this mindset is deepening..many retired bureaucrats n army officials are getting more n more land n adopting feudalistic dispositions as it has become status symbol n a sign of POWER..
instead of denying the reality, its high time we press the govt to do lan reforms seriously n honestly (not as they were done in 1970s) n there must b an upper ceilng for land n property holdings..
Musharaf- Urdu Speaking. (MQM usually speaking against dictator once came up saying that is of our ethnic group so we will protect him anyway)

A person saying MQM the right choice would either be insane or he has never been to Karachi.. What about the literacy level of Bhaiya's of Karachi, riding CD-70s staring and whistling to girls. with mouth red of Pan and Gutka spitting every corner even high-rises are not spared.
Its not just about a few MQM politicians who TRY to speak pure urdu and english to show their literacy:P with criminal backgrounds.

i disagree MQM even bycotted the first local government election by Musharraf's government they supported the government after PMLQ won the elections
and they opposed the government many times like during Balochistan operation

AND Bhaiyya is a racist term so dont use it again on a public forum
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