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Female student burnt to death in Sokoto ‘for insulting Prophet ’

There are no verses about burning their bodies, only to kill. Is it the burning part that you wanted clarification on?

The Sahi Hadiths are full of verses exhorting you to kill people for apostasy, which includes abandoning Islam or one of the core tenets of Islam. Rejecting the prophethood of Mister Mohammed, or even his finality, falls under that banner. So yes, anybody who criticizes Mohammed is a blashpemer who ought to be killed. Blasphemy is an act of apostasy under Islamic jurisprudence.

"No doubt, I would have killed them, for the Prophet said, 'If somebody (a Muslim) discards his religion, kill him.'":

(Sahih al-Bukhari, 4:52:260Sahih al-Bukhari, 9:84:57Sahih al-Bukhari, 9:89:271Sahih al-Bukhari, 9:84:58Sahih al-Bukhari, 9:84:64)

The story goes on about how Mohammad sanctioned his disciple to use treachery to kill someone who had hurt Allah's apostle. Yes, this is also from the Hadith (Bukhari, Volume 5, Book 59, Number 369)

Yes, killing people for insulting the prophet or even denying his prophethood is well and truly part of the religion of peace.
I knew you would bring those, but I also knew that you have no intellect to differentiate between a Prophet Issuing a order who holds Authority and mob killing someone over suspicion, as I said there is no such thing in Islam that someone XYZ can go and kill anyone over blasphemy or kill anyone for any matter. Try again, I'll wait.
I knew you would bring those, but I also knew that you have no intellect to differentiate between a Prophet Issuing a order who holds Authority and mob killing someone over suspicion, as I said there is no such thing in Islam that someone XYZ can go and kill anyone over blasphemy or kill anyone for any matter. Try again, I'll wait.

He is using typical «I am a bery brainy Islam exbert because i am Super Duper Enlightened» just like that other guy in this thread who is from a country where people sell cow feces on amazon as superbiscuits. Yet they are here trying to smear Islam.

They dont understand the intricacies of the Arab society back the and the Life of the Prophet and Quran and Hadith. Its not their fault but simply the trappings of their own thought system where everything is viewed through a very shallow lense.

Ironically, their view of Islam in many ways are very similar to the shallow and arrogant Kawarij interpretation of Islam.

Talking about enlightenment.
How enlightened is it to self-dissolve your own society?
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He is using typical «I am a bery brainy Islam exbert because i am Super Duper Enlightened» just like that other guy in this thread who is from a country where people sell cow feces on amazon as superbiscuits. Yet they are here trying to smear Islam.

They dont understand the intricacies of the Arab society back the and the Life of the Prophet and Quran and Hadith. Its not their fault but simply the trappings of their own thought system where everything is viewed through a very shallow lense.

Ironically, their view of Islam in many ways they are very similar to the shallow and arrogant Kawarij interpretation of Islam.

Talking about enlightenment.
How enlightened is it to self-dissolve your own society?
As I said none of them have intellect to understand that mob or any group has no authority while Prophet does, his actions in 6th Century based on the circumstances which were unique to him and his surrounding, and compare them to groups of today, mobs or terrorists organizations is stupid to say the least. But who care ? As i said, not a single verse of Hadith he can find where it says to kill someone without going through a process of justice or someone who holds authority over the entire Muslim community such as Rasool, he won't be able to bring one. He will bring XYZ verses out of context and we will just laugh at his stupidity.
That was political...not religious.....not related to the topic....

Killing someone in name of religion is most rampant in Islam, followed by Buddhism and then Hinduism.... but in the later two, not in the name of Blasphemy.
if you knew how many was killed by Christians in name of religion and how many are still being killed
I don't know what these people learn from religious teaching?

Doing more sins and bigger sins?

People who really learn religion will be more and more patient, compasionate, forgiving and wiser day by day.

Learning religious teaching is to get real progress and result.

But most people these days are thinking that God is owning them some huge rewards, for the huge sacrifice they made by doing some religious stuff half-hearten because it's commanded.
the problem is there , the learnt religion from people who have zero understanding of it. those people are usually more load mouthed and target wider range of peoples
looking at crimes Chritians do.. i believe Christanity is a disgrace.

some body doing bsd , wont give you blanch card to do bad.
Can i get the USA citizenship if i insult the USA policies. You get the answer.
She gets what is deserve.
prove she did blasphemy in first place , I say she rejected a guy and for revenge he made the rumor that she did blasphemy .
and don't forget you are part of the gang who lynched her for that rumor
I wonder why liberal/non-muslims/racists/ people are so obsessed with our Holy Prophet? Every one wants to try to see what sentiments a Muslim holds and how would they react?
it has nothing to do with Israel , USA , ....
Intentional troll bait post and reported as such. @The Eagle and @WebMaster bhais your attention is needed for the last two sentences above.
to me look like a valid thread
Death is death

The same people who were so silent during illegal and unnecessary wars crying about this is pathetic
because they were silent then we now must condoning a sin and criminal acts
Yes hinduvta, its death sentence, soldier die by fire, bullet, bombed or nuke or chemical war. Its just death.
death sentence !, as you seem to be more informed than the rest of us can you tell us who gave the sentence , which court or judge did that its a mob lynching the poor girl without any court ruling and giving her the chance to defend herself.
no different than when in India they lynch people on accusation of killing a cow
Killing 500.000 innocent kids in Irak is fine ...... Ok
no that make halal lynching people on some rumors.
by the way how many of those 500,000 were killed by westerners and how many by people with exact same mindset as the lynching mobs here . who blew themselves , or drugged kidnapped peoples between crowd.
Actions of people but we will blame religion :)
sadly people represent the religion as long as this illeterate preachers are tolerated around islamic world , you must expect such thing happen and as result they blame the religion for it
sadly people represent the religion as long as this illeterate preachers are tolerated around islamic world , you must expect such thing happen and as result they blame the religion for it
Let them, they are stupid people who have hate in their hearts and nothing in their brains.
if you knew how many was killed by Christians in name of religion and how many are still being killed
For sure...lot lesser than being killed by Muslims in the name of Islam. Between, People were killed in the name of religion in Christianity too during medieval period...but to put powers of Church in place came "Renaissance" - the modern age....which changed the story not only for Christians but for the whole mankind......I am hoping such Renaissance must come for Islam as well....
For sure...lot lesser than being killed by Muslims in the name of Islam. Between, People were killed in the name of religion in Christianity too during medieval period...but to put powers of Church in place came "Renaissance" - the modern age....which changed the story not only for Christians but for the whole mankind......I am hoping such Renaissance must come for Islam as well....

The Church lost power not because of renaissance but becauese Kings and Lords wrestled away the power from them. Arguable the Ottoman and Safavid realms were more modern and progressive than whole Europe well until late 19th century.

Is easy to mix up technological edge and wealth assisted societal changes with what you call Renaissance, which stricly speaking was a short lived cultural movement in Italy where the awakening Germanic civilization aka the west got interested in Classic Greco-Roman art.
if you knew how many was killed by Christians in name of religion and how many are still being killed

the problem is there , the learnt religion from people who have zero understanding of it. those people are usually more load mouthed and target wider range of peoples

some body doing bsd , wont give you blanch card to do bad.

prove she did blasphemy in first place , I say she rejected a guy and for revenge he made the rumor that she did blasphemy .
and don't forget you are part of the gang who lynched her for that rumor

it has nothing to do with Israel , USA , ....

to me look like a valid thread

because they were silent then we now must condoning a sin and criminal acts

death sentence !, as you seem to be more informed than the rest of us can you tell us who gave the sentence , which court or judge did that its a mob lynching the poor girl without any court ruling and giving her the chance to defend herself.
no different than when in India they lynch people on accusation of killing a cow

no that make halal lynching people on some rumors.
by the way how many of those 500,000 were killed by westerners and how many by people with exact same mindset as the lynching mobs here . who blew themselves , or drugged kidnapped peoples between crowd.

sadly people represent the religion as long as this illeterate preachers are tolerated around islamic world , you must expect such thing happen and as result they blame the religion for it
Prove she didn't
Prove she didn't
You say she did. Who are you to condamn her.?
Are you a just judge. Was any present among the mobs?
Are you a just and learned mojtahed? Was one present among the mobs.?

No it was a great sin committed by some uneducated mobs and they will answer for it in judgment day as they took a life unjustly.

For sure...lot lesser than being killed by Muslims in the name of Islam. Between, People were killed in the name of religion in Christianity too during medieval period...but to put powers of Church in place came "Renaissance" - the modern age....which changed the story not only for Christians but for the whole mankind......I am hoping such Renaissance must come for Islam as well....
You see people died in name of Christianity after that by action of missionaries who devided people and incited unrest in communities
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Intentional troll bait post and reported as such. @The Eagle and @WebMaster bhais your attention is needed for the last two sentences above.
I am sick of mods ignoring such posts. The last paragraph is enough proof. He deserves a ban.

@WebMaster @PakSword @LeGenD @PDF

Forum rules should apply to everyone. This is a troll bait thread.
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