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Fearing Taliban, Pak Hindus take Thar Express to India

@ Elmo

the article mentions religio-politcal parties (that refers to JI) and like I mentioned TJ is completely a-politcal. I have had a chance to closely watch them in India (including their main centre in delhi) and Australia. I admit I haven't been to Pakistan and they might have morphed their methodology.

From my experience, TJ is a revivalist movement working specifically among muslims. It is orthodox but not ultra orthodox like salafis e.t.c. Moreover, they stress on NOT emphasizing sect or political differences. I have seen hanafi, shafaee, hanbaie, maliki, ahle-hadith, and even shias and barelwis associating with TJ. They however, encourage modern pursuits like getting uni education, jobs e.t.c but at the same time request people to spend some time to revive their faith.

The main reason is that TJ is not your regular organisation. They do not maintain membership lists or ask for donations. There is no central ]list as such. It is basically open to all muslims and any one can go attend their lectures or participate. There is no "entry process" as such and this makes it susceptible to be used by religious extremists for malicious purposes. The other problem is they shun media and don't use any form of media, be they banners, or TV or radio.

If you attend your local TJ gathering or ask them if they do conversions as a primary task, you will get a no. On the other hand, if someone willingly comes and requests to be converted because he/she wants to become a muslim, thats a different thing.

Although TJ is orthodox in outlook, from what I know, I think this is the only group that can effectively counter violent religious nationalists like JI, LeT, e.t.c because of their apolitcal nature. TJ convincingly argues from a theological perspective that Islam should not be mixed with politics which is vital without compromising its "orthodoxy".

Sure TJ groups come to your door (as they have done to me) and request people come to the mosque, but it is always muslims. They don't actively go out to convert like other groups do, nor do they call for establishment of "sharia" or "khilafat" like JI and allied groups do.
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Are there hindus in rahim yar khan I really doubt. The video is about the tribal hindus. I dont know what the fuss is about so many muslims fled from those areas to karachi and other parts of n.w.f.p. The hindu families thought It will be better for them to go to India. I hope they will return soon Inshallah.
@ Ejaz R: Like I mentioned TJ is completely a-politcal.... From my experience, TJ is a revivalist movement working specifically among muslims. It is orthodox but not ultra orthodox like salafis e.t.c.... They however, encourage modern pursuits like getting uni education, jobs e.t.c but at the same time request people to spend some time to revive their faith....They do not maintain membership lists or ask for donations. There is no central ]list as such. It is basically open to all muslims and any one can go attend their lectures or participate. There is no "entry process" as such and this makes it susceptible to be used by religious extremists for malicious purposes.......

We are entering into a very different debate here: the role of the Tableeghi Jamaat. How apoliticised is it is anyone's guess but it does have the backing of senior members of many organizations -- militant or political. Secondly, it has been actively promoting its version of following the faith, sometimes in a way too over-active manner. Knocking at people's doors repeatedly is not the way too go about it --- it's almost forcing it down your throat. As for not keeping memberships or asking for donations, not really. They do that in most places and encourage young members to go out and spread the word about the organisation and bring new members in its fold. You stated they shun the media but when your members go and mingle with members of the armed forces and other high-profile professions, then you don't require media attention. Just the names of the people who have come under their umbrella is enough.

As for pursuing modern interests, not really. I had fogotten to mention Junaid Jamshed as another fall-out of the Tableeghi Jamaat.

In India.. we don't convert muslims into hindus. We respect each other religeon ..exceptions are here I agree. But Not sure about Pakistan.. Where reports are like either they will be killed or to be converted to Muslim. As far as riots are concern.. we have our press and independent media they publish all this some time more then actual the problem is. In pakistan situation is diffrent ..there is no place of riots there in Pakistan because terrorism is itself more then of Riots. Every now and then your own people killing you.Sir.. You country is equal to our one State.You have 96% muslims we have 20% that to growing and this 20% is bigger then your whole of Pakistan. If in India they get respect ,they become PM,President or army cheif or get equal respect then only they are here correct. Your Pakistan only belongs to Muslims. But our India belongs to every citizen irrespective to their religion.

Sandeep, one would be hard-pressed to draw a parallel between the Gujrat riots and Babri Masjid riots to anything that has happened here in Pakistan. Agreed your leaders promoted a secular ideology and made sure they incorporated it in the Constitution but that doesn't mean that you automatically receive a clean slate for minorities' rights issues. What would you say about the forceful conversions of Christian tribes by extremists back to Hinduism in some parts of India? Bad eggs are everywhere... Point being that the situation in Pakistan is improving day by day, you have the Sikh soldier, the Hindu diplomat, etc etc... there is still hope!!!
Like the economy stupid! its natural birth rate stupid! as the whole population increases the minority increases relative to the majority.
I use to live in a village in the Punjab which has 3 churches and 5 Mosques. There was not one conversion by force from one to the other. This is good propaganda. Has it not occurred to you that a person might change his or her religion freely. It happens all the time in the West so why not in the East.
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