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Fearing Taliban, Pak Hindus take Thar Express to India


Mar 3, 2009
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Fearing Taliban, Pak Hindus take Thar Express to India

JAISALMER: In the past four years, some 5,000 Hindus may have crossed over from Pakistan, never to return. It has not been easy abandoning their
homes, sometimes even their families, but they say they had no choice: they had to flee the Taliban.

It started as a trickle in 2006, the year the Thar Express was flagged off. The weekly train starts from Karachi, enters India at Munabao, a border town in Barmer, and runs up to Jodhpur. In the first year, 392 Hindus crossed over.

This grew to 880 in 2007. The next year, the number was 1,240, and this year, till August, over 1,000 have crossed over. They just keep extending their visas and hope to become Indian citizens.

Incidentally, these are official figures. Sources say there are many more who cross over and melt in the local milieu. And officials have a soft corner for these people, most of whom have harrowing stories to tell.

Ranaram, who used to live in the Rahimyar district of Pakistan’s Punjab, says he fell prey to the Taliban. His wife was kidnapped, raped and forcibly converted to Islam. His two daughters were also forcibly converted. Ranaram, too, had to accept Islam for fear of his life. He thought it best to flee with his two daughters; his wife was untraceable.

Dungaram, another migrant, says atrocities against Hindus in Pakistan have increased in the past two years after the ouster of Musharraf. "We won't get permanent jobs unless we convert to Islam."

Hindu Singh Sodha, president of Seemant Lok Sangathan, a group working for the refugees in Barmer and Jaisalmer, says there's unfortunately no proper refugee policy in India even though people from Pakistan reach here in large numbers.

He said in 2004-05, over 135 families were given Indian citizenship but the rest are still living illegally in the country and are often tortured by police because they don't have proper citizenship certificates. "In December 2008, over 200 Hindus were converted to Islam in Mirpur Khas town of Pakistan. But there are several others who want to stick to their religion but there’s no safety for them in Pakistan."
Immigration officer at Munabao railway station, Hetudan Charan, says the arrival of Hindu migrants had suddenly increased as over 15 to 16 families were reaching India every week. “None of them admit they are to settle here but seeing their baggage, we easily understand,’’ he said.

Ravi Kumar, who was Barmer collector till his transfer two days back, said the government in 2007 had given permanent citizenship to a few Pakistani immigrants.
That's B.S. There's no Taliban in Rahimyar district of Pakistan’s Punjab. The "Taliban" got their a** kicked in Swat.

Also if Hindus are having the worst life in Pakistan then why has the Hindu population in Pakistan increased in these past 5 years.

The religious breakdown of the country is as follows[25]:

Islam 173,000,000 (96%) (nearly 70% are Sunni Muslims and 20% are Shi'a Muslims).
Hinduism 3,200,000 (1.85%)
Christianity 2,800,000 (1.6%)
Sikhs Around 20,000 (0.001%)
The remaining are Parsis, Ahmadis, Buddhists, Jews, Bahá'ís, and Animists (mainly the Kalasha of Chitral).[70]
Pakistan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
^^^^ Why has the Muslim population in India increased even though India is a Fascist Hindu dominated country out to destroy Muslims and Muslims face the worst treatment in India??......

I dunno maybe you can answer both questions for me....
That's B.S. There's no Taliban in Rahimyar district of Pakistan’s Punjab. The "Taliban" got their a** kicked in Swat.

The incidents took place from 2004-2008 (from the article), before Pakistan Army moved in
(2009)to crush Talibans.:coffee:
^^^^ Why has the Muslim population in India increased even though India is a Fascist Hindu dominated country out to destroy Muslims and Muslims face the worst treatment in India??......

I dunno maybe you can answer both questions for me....

In Pakistan there are no riots against Hindus like the riots the world saw in Gujrat, India against Muslims in 2002 I can assure you that.

Either the author of this article is lying or some Hindus feel because Pakistan is 96% Muslim and India is 80% Hindu, they'll be happier in India. Some are more comfortable with others who share the same beliefs, culture, lifestyle, etc as they do.
The incidents took place from 2004-2008 (from the article), before Pakistan Army moved in
(2009)to crush Talibans.:coffee:

Rahim Yar district in Punjab province of Pakistan does not and never had a Taliban problem. Tehrik-i-Taliban was infested in areas bordering Afghanistan and now most of them have been exterminated by our Pakistani army.
lets wait and see how many leave without visa pakistan and enter in india .same old cheap propegenda.
Fearing Taliban, Pak Hindus take Thar Express to India

Ranaram, who used to live in the Rahimyar district of Pakistan’s Punjab, says he fell prey to the Taliban. His wife was kidnapped, raped and forcibly converted to Islam.

well first of all as already mentioned there is no distrit called rahimyar so i presume the author here is talking about rahim-yar-khan. now this district happens to be in southern punjab close to punjab sindh border.now just to give you an idea how far swat and rahim yar khan are.

The Distance between Sadiqabad (Punjab) and Swat (North-West Frontier) is :
609.99 kilometers (km).
The approximate travel/road distance can be around 701.49 km to 762.49 km

and rahim yar khan happens to be at about 30 to 45 min drive further south of sadiqabad as far as i remember.

and just to mention there is a very big fertiliser plant in sadiqabad so most employs often use rahim yar khan airport to travel to various parts of the country.sheik's from UAE are a frequent visitor to rahim yar khan cause the are very fond of hunting in the desert region of southern punjab.actually the airport at rahim yar khan with runway capable of handling big aircrafts was constructed mainly due to this reason.recently when runway at multan was closed to international flights due to extension work at multan airport PIA was initially thinking of shifting international operations to rahim-yar-khan.

surely does not look like a place full of talibans to me.:no:

the author really needs some geography lectures:lol:

taha :pakistan:
Hi, I posted this elsewhere and posting it here as well.

Firstly, it's not the Taliban but the evalengical units of Tableeghi Jamaat and the Jamaat-e-Islami who have been involved in converting people in Thar. Talk to Hindus there and they say that everything was fine till the roads to Mithi (completed somehwere in the 1980s) and Tharparkar (completed a year or two back) were constructed and outsiders with radical ideologies trickled in. A major setback of "development". Let’s not forget that for centuries the Hindus and Muslims have been living in the area in harmony. So anyone who converts them doesn’t automatically become a Taliban.

Secondly, there is so much poverty in Tharparkar -- which along with Umerkot district has the highest percentage of Hindus living in the country and also where they are in a majority -- that people really are not into discrimination there. Go there and see for yourself. Hindus will talk about celebrating Eid and Muslims will talk about celebrating Holi and Diwali… they are so lost in making ends meet with their agro-pastoral life, they don’t even know what blasphemy laws are. Unfortunately, the real discrimination lies in the urban rather than rural centres.

Forcible conversions is a sad reality especially when it comes to non-Muslim women and there is absolutely no denying that. These women cannot opt for legal recourse and often accept the fact that they have been “converted” and married off. To many, it is also the only way out of their abject poverty.

The position of the minorities was set back by the introduction of the separate electorate system under Zia which removed them from the mainstream. The joint electorate system was re-introduced by Musharraf and they feel more part of the mainstream, they have their voice heard and issues addressed. But it’s still a long haul to absolutely no discrimination.
In Pakistan there are no riots against Hindus like the riots the world saw in Gujrat, India against Muslims in 2002 I can assure you that.

Either the author of this article is lying or some Hindus feel because Pakistan is 96% Muslim and India is 80% Hindu, they'll be happier in India. Some are more comfortable with others who share the same beliefs, culture, lifestyle, etc as they do.

You still evade from answering why the increase in Hindus over the last 5 years in Pak is a sign of Pak being a "safe haven" for minorities, but with India the same evidence in greater numbers is rubbished??

What Ive noticed from all your posts is that you have a few things that you have read....which you spew like a broken record in every thread.....
Be it Kashmir, Gujrat or how poor India is......get over it son!!!

You're nothing but a hypocrite.....and I dont expect you to answer the question.....
It was supposed to be rhetorical!!!
well first of all as already mentioned there is no distrit called rahimyar so i presume the author here is talking about rahim-yar-khan. now this district happens to be in southern punjab close to punjab sindh border.now just to give you an idea how far swat and rahim yar khan are.

The Distance between Sadiqabad (Punjab) and Swat (North-West Frontier) is :
609.99 kilometers (km).
The approximate travel/road distance can be around 701.49 km to 762.49 km

and rahim yar khan happens to be at about 30 to 45 min drive further south of sadiqabad as far as i remember.

and just to mention there is a very big fertiliser plant in sadiqabad so most employs often use rahim yar khan airport to travel to various parts of the country.sheik's from UAE are a frequent visitor to rahim yar khan cause the are very fond of hunting in the desert region of southern punjab.actually the airport at rahim yar khan with runway capable of handling big aircrafts was constructed mainly due to this reason.recently when runway at multan was closed to international flights due to extension work at multan airport PIA was initially thinking of shifting international operations to rahim-yar-khan.

surely does not look like a place full of talibans to me.:no:

the author really needs some geography lectures:lol:

taha :pakistan:
Just a little correction...

Sadiqabad is 30 min south of Rahim-Yar Khan.

Every thing else you said is correct. Sadiqabad is one of the best developing areas in Pakistan. There are 3 Fertilizer plants in that region FFC1 Sadiqabad, FFC2 a little south on the Indus Highway, and Fatima Fertilizer. Also there are Sugar Mills( United, Jamal Din Wali) and a large land for agriculture.

I have close relatives there and I visit it every year, and by my personal experience there are people of Tablighi Jamat as in every other city but No Taliban.

And believe me I know how Taliban people look like as I have studied in a Madrassah in Quetta.
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