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Fatwa against Nilofar issued

As a true son of the soil , I can say with great surity that the minister's claim that she 'represents the 160 million' people of Pakistan is absloulty false
All 160 million of us aren't of ONE type. In fact we are an amazing vibrant mixture of values.

I would rather see a woman represent us who is ready to risk her life and jump off a plane to raise money for the people who so desperately need it, than one in a burkha who sits at home and makes roti phulkay for her 10 kids.

She is from that 2% sleeveless-capsleeve-yousaf-sallahudin-haweli-hai-allah-gora-char-gaya crowd and in NO way represents the vast majority of Pakistanis.
Why because she is educated and modern she has to be slut? She sits in a public office, and has been voted into that position.

Its a well known fact that Musharraf has a taste for tarts and reason for putting an air head like this dofus minister is perhpas Musharaf's own likes and dislikes and not what the people want.
That is just crap. Try some other rumor of the day. Musharraf hasn't had any women related issues thus far. Oh yeah he mentioned a few childhood crushes in his recent book himself. This is ridiculous! You are ready to describe Pakistani women you know nothing about as idiots and prostitutes. I'm so glad Nilofar doesn't represent Pakistanis like you!

The report that the Web Master posted is a Reuters report , filed by Pakistan bureau. The head of the Reuters agency in Pakistan is a woman who, not surprisingly, belongs to the same 2% crowd that I mentioned above
Careful man, slowly everyone would belong to that crowd and you'd be alone. Face it, Mullahs are a dying breed in Pakistan and good riddance. We are in favor of a pro-choice Pakistan. Where Pakistanis can choose to do as they want to.

Convinietly in the report they portray as if its the 'maulvi' that is oppose to this and the common people are actually supportive. What load of balony.
There is nothing to support about this. It's just some day to day thing.

Maybe the student wing of Jamat-e-Islami needs to pay these idiots a visit.
Lol so they are true Pakistanis? The ones that do tor phor? Came down to your true level already?

She is bringing more shame to the country by giving stupid remarks , it'll be best if she shuts up and is scaked for her non-representative behaviour of Pakistani society while holding a public office and nothing should be heard of her publicly ever again.
I hope this incident brings her even more votes so me and her can go and moon Qazi and Fazlu together :D

Grow up man and smell the Pakistan what it has become.
As a true son of the soil , I can say with great surity that the minister's claim that she 'represents the 160 million' people of Pakistan is absloulty false

She is from that 2% sleeveless-capsleeve-yousaf-sallahudin-haweli-hai-allah-gora-char-gaya crowd and in NO way represents the vast majority of Pakistanis.

Its a well known fact that Musharraf has a taste for tarts and reason for putting an air head like this dofus minister is perhpas Musharaf's own likes and dislikes and not what the people want.

The report that the Web Master posted is a Reuters report , filed by Pakistan bureau. The head of the Reuters agency in Pakistan is a woman who, not surprisingly, belongs to the same 2% crowd that I mentioned above

Convinietly in the report they portray as if its the 'maulvi' that is oppose to this and the common people are actually supportive. What load of balony.

Maybe the student wing of Jamat-e-Islami needs to pay these idiots a visit.

She is bringing more shame to the country by giving stupid remarks , it'll be best if she shuts up and is scaked for her non-representative behaviour of Pakistani society while holding a public office and nothing should be heard of her publicly ever again.

"Son of the Soil" huh? that explains a few things:disagree:
It's amazing but we have Indians and Pakistani's agreeing that it is not an issue BUT thats not good enough for a "son of the soil" If people such as you and those daft students have their way they will drag Pak back into the stone age. I suggest you look around the world and see what a "tart" is in the rest of the world and then put the incident into it's proper context. That this is a non-event.

I am surprised you have time to post on here....shouldn't you be out beating women or something?
As a true son of the soil , I can say with great surity that the minister's claim that she 'represents the 160 million' people of Pakistan is absloulty false

She is from that 2% sleeveless-capsleeve-yousaf-sallahudin-haweli-hai-allah-gora-char-gaya crowd and in NO way represents the vast majority of Pakistanis.

Its a well known fact that Musharraf has a taste for tarts and reason for putting an air head like this dofus minister is perhpas Musharaf's own likes and dislikes and not what the people want.

The report that the Web Master posted is a Reuters report , filed by Pakistan bureau. The head of the Reuters agency in Pakistan is a woman who, not surprisingly, belongs to the same 2% crowd that I mentioned above

Convinietly in the report they portray as if its the 'maulvi' that is oppose to this and the common people are actually supportive. What load of balony.

Maybe the student wing of Jamat-e-Islami needs to pay these idiots a visit.

She is bringing more shame to the country by giving stupid remarks , it'll be best if she shuts up and is scaked for her non-representative behaviour of Pakistani society while holding a public office and nothing should be heard of her publicly ever again.

Naturally you have a right to your opinion and it is good that you shared your views with us but how can you categorically say that majority of the people want is what you want. Your comment that JI student wing should pay these people a visit, indicates that you favour forcing down your version of Islam down other peoples throats.

I had flirted biefly with JI sudent wing myself but soon disappointed due to the thuggery conducted in the name of religion. (This basically started with Mian Tufail Ahmad, who managed to oust the founder, Mualana Maudoodi himself from the Amirdom of JI. Earlier even the persons of the calibre of Maulana Islahi had also severed their relations with the JI due the differences in the way to move forward. It seems that thuggs and bigots have taken over a party which was formed with very noble and laudable aims.)

I have come across quite a few with the same views and perspective. Your term" true son of the soil" implies that anyone who disagrees with you is NOT??. A son of the soil is one who is born in Pakistan. There are 3 million new souls born in Pakistan each year; dear sir, do you mean to say that these new borns are not Pakistanis if they turn out to be of different persuasion; who gave you this right??

If you have read my earlier posts, you would notice that I am pessimistic about Pakistan's social and cultural future because of people holding the same narrow view of Islam and morality as yourself. This malaise was injected into Pakistan polity by the bigot Zia, who used Islam to justify his usurpation of power and most religious parties supported the villian. Now the same mullhas are protesting for "Democarcy". What a bunch of hypocrites!!

Punjab that I knew was a cultural paradise with room for every one including Mirasis ( professional singers) Bhands ( professional jokers) and even Hijraas ( males turned females). This land produced the immortal lovers such as Heer Ranjha, Sohni Mahinwal and Mirza Saheban. If then people had the same bigoted views as yours, all of these would have been hanged. All I can say, That I wish that I am not alive to see the day that MMA or JI turn the land that I love into a colourless spartan hell hole.

You call youserself son of the soil, please go and read Baba Bulleh Shah. He was was a true son of the soil.
As a true son of the soil , I can say with great surity that the minister's claim that she 'represents the 160 million' people of Pakistan is absloulty false

She is from that 2% sleeveless-capsleeve-yousaf-sallahudin-haweli-hai-allah-gora-char-gaya crowd and in NO way represents the vast majority of Pakistanis.

Its a well known fact that Musharraf has a taste for tarts and reason for putting an air head like this dofus minister is perhpas Musharaf's own likes and dislikes and not what the people want.

The report that the Web Master posted is a Reuters report , filed by Pakistan bureau. The head of the Reuters agency in Pakistan is a woman who, not surprisingly, belongs to the same 2% crowd that I mentioned above

Convinietly in the report they portray as if its the 'maulvi' that is oppose to this and the common people are actually supportive. What load of balony.

Maybe the student wing of Jamat-e-Islami needs to pay these idiots a visit.

She is bringing more shame to the country by giving stupid remarks , it'll be best if she shuts up and is scaked for her non-representative behaviour of Pakistani society while holding a public office and nothing should be heard of her publicly ever again.

I pray to the almighty that you are born again as a woman under the taliban.
Maybe the student wing of Jamat-e-Islami needs to pay these idiots a visit.

Why dont one of the Pakistani PFF members figure out greenman's address and pay him a visit.
Webby would do. Neo is too soft. Key & Asim is too far away.
Folks have u all seen the picture of the tourism minister acting in a un-accetable manner ?

Its quite clear that not only did she hug the guy , she is making herself at home in his lap!

Also she is not a juvenile that she needs to be chuckling and giggling in a suggestive and lecherous manner.

In her own private capcity she can paint the town red BUT she is holding a public office , traveling on public funds and a representative of Islamic republic of Pakistan

This idiot should be sacked

Oh my god i just cant believe what i read. I swear i havnt met somebody like this ever. And im bloody glad i havnt.
Guess he comes in the other 4%, 96% of pakistan are moderate
^:eek: I take it as a compliment, thanks. ;)

I must say reliegon, does not teach intolerance, it's one's personal behavior and those who practice it under the cover of religon are desease for society, less is better.

BTW, no one explained that all new FATWA should come from a internationally certefied body and again implementation of Fatwa's is subjected to the law of respective state.

No FATWA can be enforced in Pakistan untill it become part of legislation.

IMO, till todate all acts of obsenity has been very well researched by certified scholars in past and individuals can only refer to the old established Fatwa's according to there personal needs.

Actually, all such news should be reported in different phrase and it should be only limited to discussion and should not effect the freedom of individuals as long he himself respect the freedom of others.

I would see the hug of minister as a naive and emotional act, untill she continue to date her trainer ;), still technically she is free to do all what is allowed by the law of respective state.

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