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Fate of TTP after 2014, my analysis

^^The only person living in fool's world with foolish sweeping statements is you, ABDUL QUDDUS. They have been relevant for years and have defended their turf, and by any indicator they are in for long haul. Just like how successfully you have dealt with Afghan Taliban and their sanctuaries in the same area where TTP operate from.
PA must stop signing pacts with these snakes and warlords who change loyalty every 2 days. time has come to establish Pakistani writ in every inch of "qabaili" area and change it into settled areas. the cold war is long gone and we don't need a buffer zone full of armed and dangerous irregular fighters. the day someone from lahore or karachi can walk around just as easily in kurram or bajawar is what PA should aim for - unify this country our leaders and fore-fathers gave blood and more for.
I think Pakistan should raise 2 new Corps for Baluchistan & Tribal areas by recruiting local youth, it will create employment and as they will be better aware of area and culture, so can deal with insurgents more effectively and also time has changed now, we can't leave our western border unprotected, same corps raised from locals should be assigned to protect border and stop illegal cross border movements and smuggling. Lot of opportunities can be created by developing trade routes to central Asia. In short, without development work & employment opportunities any kind of force will fail.

And stop all religious funding irrespective of sect must be banned for sake of Pakistan and next generations.

Well said.
Hire blood relatives and immedate family and friends of those 50K pakistanis who TTP is directly responsible for killing , they will do any thing for free to exterminate this manace called TTP/LEJ and extremists .
^^The only person living in fool's world with foolish sweeping statements is you, ABDUL QUDDUS. They have been relevant for years and have defended their turf, and by any indicator they are in for long haul. Just like how successfully you have dealt with Afghan Taliban and their sanctuaries in the same area where TTP operate from.
It's hilarious when an Afghan points finger at the US, there are three fingers pointing back to you.
How long do you think Americans will have to babysit you, it's high time for you to come out of your dependency syndrome.

Stand up and fight for your country.
We keep digressing from the very valid question asked in the first post. What would be the fate of TTP after 2014? I have already stated my views n-times before and I repeat it again. TTP thru their spokesperson Ehsan ullah had warned that they would bomb meetings of ANP, MQM & PPP and they are doing it with impunity what they said they would.

Firstly, let us state in black & white what TTP and their sectarian allies stand for:

-TTP & their allies don’t, repeat ‘DO NOT’ believe it democracy. TTP consider democracy un-Islamic.

-TTP don’t believe in Pakistan’s constitution and areas under TTP control such as North Waziristan, writ of Pakistan state does not apply. TTP have attacked Army GHQ, PNS Mehran & PAS Kamra destroying hundreds of millions of dollars of national assets and lived to boast about it.

-TTP & sectarian parties’ objective is to create a Sunni Wahabi theocratic Islamic Emirate in Pakistan on the lines of Sufi Mohammed’s Swat.

Since the objectives of TTP & their terrorist allies have been spelled out, one must ask the question as to why Police, Rangers, ISI and other security agencies are unable to control such candid anti-Pakistan elements. Answer is staring in the face. Because a few in the security agencies help the terrorist slip thru the security net.

Support for the anti-Pakistan terrorist goes deep. Political parties such as Jamaat Islami and sections of PML-N (Rana Sana Ullah's relations with LEJ & SSP are no secret) overtly support these elements. Others such as PML-Q & Tehreek Insaaf & Ejaz ul Haq & Sheikh Rasheed support TTP on the quite. Imran Khan has condemned LEJ by name but despite daily killings of ANP & MQM workers by TTP, Captain has never once condemned TTP by name.

There are journalists such as Ansar Abbasi of Jang-group and even lawyers/ ex Judges among the terrorist sympathizers. The fact that retired Lahore High CJ, Khwaja Sharif volunteers to defend extra judicial murderer Mumtaz Qadri free of cost, says a lot about the respect for law & order in the country.

You would not find posts by two vociferous members; Hon Zarvan & Hon Turbo Charged,
condemning suicide bombings or target killings by TTP or LEJ. The act may be condemned but not the perpetrators by name.

Conclusion: TTP & other cold blooded killers will carry on with their murderous activities even after 2014, because a section Pakistanis public thinks that TTP & LEJ are doing Allah’s work. IMO this is the root cause of the breakdown of law & order in Pakistan.

Everyone has right to disagree with my views, but pray tell me, if I am wrong, how come there have been almost daily bomb attacks on ANP in last couple of weeks (most claimed by TTP) without any one being caught?
Infact all the political BS parties of Pakistan agreed to talk to TTP BUT Pakistan army refused to bow down to demands of TTP.
True and this slogan of peace talks with TTP by these political parties is just a drama and part of their election campaign. Army has objection with this peace dialogue with TTP terrorists and these peace talks means nothing without consent of Army
Why i have to pick one side? It is war between creators and creatures...it is war between Parent (army) and its childern(taliban).

and good children try to obey their parent and never try to go against them otherwise they get slaps on their *** :D
True and this slogan of peace talks with TTP by these political parties is just a drama and part of their election campaign. Army has objection with this peace dialogue with TTP terrorists and these peace talks means nothing without consent of Army

May be politicians were signaled by Army to respond to TTP offer of peace talks...
Pak army should withdraw its support from haqqani network.... Haqqani network provides shelter to TTP in north waziristan....because of TTP and pak army clashes in north waziristan, innocent civilians are getting killed in the cross fires...and curfew is enforced there because of that.
This haqqani network also hosts large number of foriegn militants...because of their presence , america carry out regular drone strikes in north waziristan.
Pakistan has to stop its double standards and munafaqat...one day these same hafiz gul bahadur and sirajudin haqqani would turn against Pakistan army.
May be politicians were signaled by Army to respond to TTP offer of peace talks...
Pak army should withdraw its support from haqqani network.... Haqqani network provides shelter to TTP in north waziristan....because of TTP and pak army clashes in north waziristan, innocent civilians are getting killed in the cross fires...and curfew is enforced there because of that.
This haqqani network also hosts large number of foriegn militants...because of their presence , america carry out regular drone strikes in north waziristan.
Pakistan has to stop its double standards and munafaqat...one day these same hafiz gul bahadur and sirajudin haqqani would turn against Pakistan army.

You are actually right about innocent people who got trapped between these two forces but why you put all blame on Pakistani Army? Why don't you oppose the extremist ideology of these groups and their lack of tolerance, rigidity and love for violent jihad and sectarian violence? Why you don't oppose those who give shelter/support to such extremist forces ?

On one side you say that these TTP and talibans are brave tribal people who never listen to command /orders of any one and then you go and say that they were children of Pakistan army and have been puppet in the hands of army .Why this contradiction ? :what:
You are actually right about innocent people who got trapped between these two forces but why you put all blame on Pakistani Army? Why don't you oppose the extremist ideology of these groups and their lack of tolerance, rigidity and love for violent jihad and sectarian violence? Why you don't oppose those who give shelter/support to such extremist forces ?

On one side you say that these TTP and talibans are brave tribal people who never listen to command /orders of any one and then you go and say that they were children of Pakistan army and have been puppet in the hands of army .Why this contradiction ? :what:

Unlike you i dont blindly support pak army, you would support every policy of pak army while i would weigh it, whether they are right and wrong.....
It is not a simple story that one day some violent terrorists suddenly appear and pak army decided to deal with them...it has a detailed history and background behind it...
If Pak army supports taliban you people would cheer for taliban, if Pak army oppose taliban, you people would curse taliban....while i am observing things from entirely different prospective....
I know history of tribals especially waziristan and kind of warned you people, but you assumed me as TTP sympathazir...my tribe had engaged in wars with wazirs and mehsuds throughout history, the recent one being in 60s when wazirs invaded bannu...check their history with british. Once you provoke them, they are difficult to settle, they especially mehsuds would carry on this war for decades....throwing arms or surrendering are out of question for them. Operation rahe e nijat was successful but they are returning again to south...you have to kill entire mehsud bloodline to defeat them, because unlike pashtun-centric mehsuds of past, these talibanized mehsuds and wazirs have no fixed principels.....and Afghan talibans and haqqani network are highly unreliable, they would definately provide sanctuaries for TTP in afghanistan....this is a decades long war my friend and pak army is entirely responsible for it, by first supporting them, then turning against them after 9/11 and then doing operations against them in 2004 on american orders.

P.S: I didnt say they are puppets of army, by childern i mean they were supported and groomed by army first and were used as stretagic assets. Now childern have turned against them and dont listen to papa.

P.S: I didnt say they are puppets of army, by childern i mean they were supported and groomed by army first and were used as stretagic assets. Now childern have turned against them and dont listen to papa.
I know history of tribals especially waziristan and kind of warned you people, but you assumed me as TTP sympathazir...my tribe had engaged in wars with wazirs and mehsuds throughout history, ...

....this is a decades long war my friend and pak army is entirely responsible for it, by first supporting them, then turning against them after 9/11 and then doing operations against them in 2004 on american orders.


Arent the two mutually exclusive? Its very popular to blame it all on the Americans either directly or by saying the the Pakistan army is at fault and it is a puppet of the yanks.

All that sort of ignores that, as you said conflict in this area goes back long before there was even a Pakistan if you want to blame anyone perhaps it should be the British who put the whole area in the too hard basket and ignored it when they wern't stomping on necks.
Arent the two mutually exclusive? Its very popular to blame it all on the Americans either directly or by saying the the Pakistan army is at fault and it is a puppet of the yanks.

All that sort of ignores that, as you said conflict in this area goes back long before there was even a Pakistan if you want to blame anyone perhaps it should be the British who put the whole area in the too hard basket and ignored it when they wern't stomping on necks.

I was talking about talibanization and radicalization, martial traditions are since thousands of years ago.

In short ISI has utilized its capabilities and has taken advantage of every oppurtunity so far to keep talibans divided...yet they have badly failed against TTP now led by hakimullah mehsud....still they would continue playing their spy roles and lets see how they perform...hakimullah mehsud's amir ul momineen is mullah omar and they listen to him and respect him...afghan talibans would definately provide sanctuary to TTP. TTP has support of foriegn militants as well as punjabi talibans, now mangal bagh of khyber agency has made alliance with them, their range and scope is very wide...TTP can not defeat pak army but they would exchaust them in the long run..similarly pak army is unable to finish TTP...the question is who has high stamina for decades long war?...pashtun talibans? Or pak army who surrendered its 90 thousands of its troops after just 8 days war in east bengal when they faced stronger enemy....while religion and faith drives and motivates TTP...secular like Pak army relies on support , motivation and cheering from civilians , and civilians support is disappointing, from pashtun population there is no support at all, so they are highly demoralized....they are definately going for peace deals with talibans, as after american withdrawl they wont be able to milk dollars from uncle sam...TTP i think wont listen, their goal is islamabad...according to retd general ali jan orakzai, the main person behind peace deals with talibans, it was always army during musharaf times who broke peace deal with talibans under american pressure..],

Pak-One and the likes are truly patriotic and they want to see a stable Pakistan.

Unfortunately though, such discussions ignore the 600 pounds guerilla or elephant or some other big menacing animal.

The reason why TTP etc. can roam free in some areas is because we have subjugated the people in those areas using draconian British style laws applicable only to the areas grouped as FATA and PATA.

It is time we treat our fellow countrymen from tribal agencies as equal.

That means we must scrap the zalimana laws / qawaneen of FCR or Frontier Crime Regulations (perhaps KP Crimes regulations now).

We must address the core issues linked with lawlessness.

Otherwise we'll keep on putting band aid on a serious serious issue that is vital for the stability of Pak.

In 1919 and 1920 a campaign to suppress an uprising by the Mahsud
tribe required 80,000 troops and cost several times more than the
Third Anglo-Afghan War which had been the catalyst of the fighting.
In the 1930s the independence movement in India was manifested
as unrest in Pushtun tribal areas and urban centers. Indeed, despite
more political reforms and a more vigorous application of the forward
policy, there was less security in the Pushtun frontier in the last
decade of British rule than ever before (Spain 1979:17±21).
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