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Faraz Returns Pakistan’s Highest Civilian Award

He has returned the awards in protest to the Military Rule (at least thats what seems to be the case) and im apprecitating this action only
Any award honored to us is a tokin of gratidute on behalf of the nation, not the government only.
Decline it and you're basically rejecting the gratitude and honor of the nation. :disagree:
this traitor ahmed faraz should be court martial
Is this a joke? How in hell can you court marshal a civilian?

Hmmm.. any place on the internet where I could listen to his works?
Nothing should happen. He's just playing his pro Peoples Party campaigning policy...
And of course Bush's war on terror counts and Musharraf's war and thus the poor poet will be targeted by the regime?
Yes you can, in wartime and for treason.

you cannot court martial a civilian. Only in extreme emergency where civilian trial cannot be afforded ( for reason of extreme emergency ) may a person's trial be diverted from civilian to milatary arena. Nothing of the sort exists in Pakistan or has existed in the last 59 years, except for few months in east pakistan in 1971 when the civilian court system collapsed.

The now famous statement of musharaf that nawaz sharif asked him to court martial najam sethi ( editor of friday times ) for treason is incorrect in law...as supreme court would not allow usurping of judicial powers by the milatary courts. Remember in NS time supreme court struck down and abolished milatary courts setup to deal with cases of terrorism, specially in Karachi. The same would have happened if some prominent civilian ( poor people are entirely different matter ) was tried in milatary court for treason or any other offence.....milatary is hired to protect the border not usurp judicial functions ( in addition to adminstrative functions of democratic government ).
Any award honored to us is a tokin of gratidute on behalf of the nation, not the government only.
Decline it and you're basically rejecting the gratitude and honor of the nation. :disagree:

No there are not.
You have entirely misconcieved idea of awards. Not only in Pakistan but even in the UK....governments award such to associate themselves with famous people ( attempt to have their success or fame rub on to them ) for their own reasons. People frequently reject awards.....just try to have an open mind about it.

Let me give you a UK example....Micheal Winner a successful broadcaster was awarded the CBE (commander of the british empire ) award...which is one step below the KBE ( Knight of the british empire...whos recipients have prefix "Sir" to their name).. Micheal Winner wanted the KBE...which was not on offer...so he went ahead and rejected publically award of CBE......which he then went on to denigrated as an award which is given to Toilet Cleaners.

No there was no treason committed, no calls for stripping him of his citizenship or anything other bulsshit i have read by progeny of milatary people in this thread.
you cannot court martial a civilian. Only in extreme emergency where civilian trial cannot be afforded ( for reason of extreme emergency ) may a person's trial be diverted from civilian to milatary arena. Nothing of the sort exists in Pakistan or has existed in the last 59 years, except for few months in east pakistan in 1971 when the civilian court system collapsed.

The now famous statement of musharaf that nawaz sharif asked him to court martial najam sethi ( editor of friday times ) for treason is incorrect in law...as supreme court would not allow usurping of judicial powers by the milatary courts. Remember in NS time supreme court struck down and abolished milatary courts setup to deal with cases of terrorism, specially in Karachi. The same would have happened if some prominent civilian ( poor people are entirely different matter ) was tried in milatary court for treason or any other offence.....milatary is hired to protect the border not usurp judicial functions ( in addition to adminstrative functions of democratic government ).

I know that perfectly well. You are just repeating what I said.

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