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Falcon V Fulcrum Turkey Shoot

Is it just me or that Mig-29 pilot not climbing like he should. His aircraft has a very good t/w ratio.
once he's painted, son of a gun wont know what the hell has hit him
once he's painted, son of a gun wont know what the hell has hit him

I would say the Fulcrum was painted at least 20 times with 15 splash. So much for the Fulcrum, which came on the scene almost a decade after the Falcon.
Funny how some of you will believe American propaganda as long as it suits your intentions.The MIG-29 has stories under it's wings as well,of how F-16s bugged out seeing them on the horizon during Kargil....so much for the "legacy" of the F-16!!!
Funny how some of you will believe American propaganda as long as it suits your intentions.The MIG-29 has stories under it's wings as well,of how F-16s bugged out seeing them on the horizon during Kargil....so much for the "legacy" of the F-16!!!

You mean when two F-16s crept up a formation of five MiG-29s, once they realised the presence of the Falcons, the MiGs jinxed so violently that they almost crashed into each other.!!! Flying on your side of the respective border, and painting the guy on the other side is no big deal. And if you look closely at the footage, you may realise, it's no video game.
I would say the Fulcrum was painted at least 20 times with 15 splash. So much for the Fulcrum, which came on the scene almost a decade after the Falcon.

going by your theory,its not the fault of the machine but the man behind it.....the machine is just fine.
You mean when two F-16s crept up a formation of five MiG-29s, once they realised the presence of the Falcons, the MiGs jinxed so violently that they almost crashed into each other.!!! Flying on your side of the respective border, and painting the guy on the other side is no big deal. And if you look closely at the footage, you may realise, it's no video game.

Yet lock on the F-16s they did!!!Not trying to diss the F-16 platform but the MIG-29s can hold their own in a confrontation.Heck,I'm yet to hear something negative on the fighting prowess(not air worthiness mind you) of MIG-21 Bisons.Americans have the habit of portraying Russian avionics as ineptitude,don't fall for that crap is all that I can say.
Yet lock on the F-16s they did!!!Not trying to diss the F-16 platform but the MIG-29s can hold their own in a confrontation.Heck,I'm yet to hear something negative on the fighting prowess(not air worthiness mind you) of MIG-21 Bisons.Americans have the habit of portraying Russian avionics as ineptitude,don't fall for that crap is all that I can say.
Well if merely a lock on without the ROE counts then even the MKI didn't fair any better when it transgressed over Lahore. A dead eye HUD shot from an F-16 is circulating in some circles. No doubt MiG-29 is a worthy opponent but I am at a loss at your propaganda cue since this is no promotional video by LM or the US DoD.
I would say the Fulcrum was painted at least 20 times with 15 splash. So much for the Fulcrum, which came on the scene almost a decade after the Falcon.

Appearently you have not read some of the enaggments that the Mig-29 and F-16 have had. What you see in the video are Mig-29 kills but what it does not tell you is the F-16 kills. How about we actually reads about the details of the engagment instead of watching random HUD footage that tells us nothing about kill ratio's, shall we?

A German Mig-29 pilot from that exercise:


"But when all that is said and done, the MiG-29 is a superb fighter for close-in combat, even compared with aircraft like the F-15, F-16 and F/A-18. This is due to the aircraft’s superb aerodynamics and helmet mounted sight. Inside ten nautical miles I’m hard to defeat, and with the IRST, helmet sight and ‘Archer’ I can’t be beaten. Period.

Even against the latest Block 50 F-16s the MiG-29 is virtually invulnerable in the close-in scenario. On one occasion I remember the F-16s did score some kills eventually, but only after taking 18 ‘Archers’.

So much for a turkey shoot :lol: what you have is a propoganda video and nothing more. Scoring some eventual kills only after taking 18 Archers isn't something to brag about.

We didn’t operate kill removal (forcing ‘killed’ aircraft to leave the fight) since they’d have got no training value, we killed them too quickly. (Just as we might seldom have got close-in if they used their AMRAAMs BVR!) They couldn’t believe it at the debrief, they got up and left the room!.

That sums it up

These are downgraded 1980's Mig-29's btw :lol: so what were you saying about the Mig-29 comming a dacade after? The Mig-29's were from the 1980's downgraded at that.

I am at a loss at your propaganda

Says the guy that posts a propoganda video for no other reason than to spread propoganda. Your edited youtube/fanboy video had been busted.
So much for a turkey shoot :lol: what you have is a propoganda video and nothing more. Scoring some eventual kills only after taking 18 Archers isn't something to brag about.

No! he's right.. It IS a turkey shoot.. He just got mixed up between the turkey and the shooter :lol:
Appearently you have not read some of the enaggments that the Mig-29 and F-16 have had. What you see in the video are Mig-29 kills but what it does not tell you is the F-16 kills. How about we actually reads about the details of the engagment instead of watching random HUD footage that tells us nothing about kill ratio's, shall we?

A German Mig-29 pilot from that exercise:


So much for a turkey shoot :lol: what you have is a propoganda video and nothing more. Scoring some eventual kills only after taking 18 Archers isn't something to brag about.

That sums it up

These are downgraded 1980's Mig-29's btw :lol: so what were you saying about the Mig-29 comming a dacade after? The Mig-29's were from the 1980's downgraded at that.

We know it shot down a Georgian UAV or something but......
how many kills does a MiG-29 has to it's credit in real battles.....you know Iraq...Middle East. etc. ??
We know it shot down a Georgian UAV or something but......
how many kills does a MiG-29 has to it's credit in real battles.....you know Iraq...Middle East. etc. ??

Why are you trying to conveniently stray off topic? Your video is fanboy propaganda is it not? Unless the German pilot in that exercise is a liar. I also don't ever recall any professional air forces ever using the Mig-29, the Iraqis were so poor that a number of their pilots lost control during dogfights and slammed into the desert floor. I'm not sure why you are doubting the Mig-29, If a Mig-21 was able to shoot down dozens of F-4's an F-14 and F-18 was downed by a Mig-25 a newer Mig-29 flown by a good pilot would have no problems. I'm sure if Russia ever decides to go to war with a weakling country it too can rack up kills against outdated aircraft like F-86’s, or F-4's or F-104's.....just saying.

By the way if you want to play that game what is the JF-17's combat record?
Why are you trying to conveniently stray off topic? Your video is fanboy propaganda is it not? Unless the German pilot in that exercise is a liar. I also don't ever recall any professional air forces ever using the Mig-29, the Iraqis were so poor that a number of their pilots lost control during dogfights and slammed into the desert floor. I'm not sure why you are doubting the Mig-29, If a Mig-21 was able to shoot down dozens of F-4's an F-14 and F-18 was downed by a Mig-25 a newer Mig-29 flown by a good pilot would have no problems. I'm sure if Russia ever decides to go to war with a weakling country it too can rack up kills against outdated aircraft like F-86’s, or F-4's or F-104's.....just saying.

By the way if you want to play that game what is the JF-17's combat record?
So the video is mere propaganda where as the statement of an individual is meant to be last words in aerial war fare....right.!!
Since boards don't hit back, hence i queried on MiGs battlefield performance (No disrespect to the machine). BTW, didn't Yugoslavia or there of also operated the Fulcrum.
As for the JF-17, it's record stands in par with the likes of SU-30s, Typhoon, Rafael, Grippen etc. since none have actually seen any air combat.
MiG-29 is faster and more agile than F-16, but it has considerably worse visibility, smoky engines, harder in handling.
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