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Fake degree jahils to be allowed by Election Commission Pakistan!

what other option do we have???

let's look what men in uniform did to pakistan



99-2006: MUSHARRAF

tell me one of them that took the country forward???? all destroyed it and made it what it is now!!

so yes give democracy a time let the tree grow!!

where the world reached in 100s of years Pakistan wishes to reach in just one PPP term of 5 years!

lol in all these dictator years pakistan economy strengthened, every body knows about the 1960s economic era of pakistan which was golden, and then in zia ul haq's era pakistan dwindling economy boomed again, pakistan saw growth during zia ul haq's era after the tens years of democrazy, and then every body knows about mush era after shareef's era in which he early defaulted pakistan through IMF loans

plus a point for you, all the democratic forces established the british time commissionaire system and demolish the local body system which was made to rule the sub continent like a coloney and people as slaves where as all the dictators established the local government system essential for any democracy
None of that is comparable to what we have done @darkinsky

Vote smart, vote Bhutto
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None of that is comparable to what we have done @darkinsky

Vote smart, vote Bhutto

so what have you done in past five years atleast name 5 good things that happen in last five years..
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so what have you done in past five years atleast name 5 good things that happen in last five years..

1. Gwadar
2. Construction of new Power Plants
3. Benazir Bhutto Income Scheme
4. Construction of new dams
5. Sending more and more kids to school
1. Gwadar
2. Construction of new Power Plants
3. Benazir Bhutto Income Scheme
4. Construction of new dams
5. Sending more and more kids to school

1: did benazir bring gwadar from Swiss bank locker....
2: you mean rental power plants about which there is a case in supreme court
3: you mean get loan from IMF and then hand it out to people who will spend that money on basic necessities supply of which is controlled by same feudal lords and industrialist, who make the prices go up then the same money is back in their pocket.... Hats of to pee pee pee for coming up with that scheme.
4: which dam I must be living on mars for the past 5 years then, the only thing about dam I know is that pee pee pee cancelled the kala bagh dam progect all together.
5: which kids please enlighten us with some figures... while you are on it why dont you also search for the figures relating to inner sindh.

Try a little bit hard kid....
looks like we share the same problem.
1. Gwadar
2. Construction of new Power Plants
3. Benazir Bhutto Income Scheme
4. Construction of new dams
5. Sending more and more kids to school

you forgot mentioning

1)making fortified bilawal house
2) making house in behria town
3) rental power plant
4) janaab mohtarma benazir bhutto shaheed sahiba (shaheed rani) rehmatullah alaih tomb construction
5)renaming NWFP khyber pakhtunkhwa
6) making south punjab suba
7) renaming mirpurkhas shaheed benazirabad
lol in all these dictator years pakistan economy strengthened, every body knows about the 1960s economic era of pakistan which was golden, and then in zia ul haq's era pakistan dwindling economy boomed again, pakistan saw growth during zia ul haq's era after the tens years of democrazy, and then every body knows about mush era after shareef's era in which he early defaulted pakistan through IMF loans

plus a point for you, all the democratic forces established the british time commissionaire system and demolish the local body system which was made to rule the sub continent like a coloney and people as slaves where as all the dictators established the local government system essential for any democracy

please explain to me how the economy boomed under ayub,yahya & don't forget that the AID MONEY was flowing in buckets full! also we were fighting the US war first against russia then against taliban.

as for local body system well it will benefit when it is implemented in the whole country not just in karachi for one party that wants it!

a party that is ALWAYS in government either with a dictator or PPP you know which party i am talking about!
1: did benazir bring gwadar from Swiss bank locker....
No, but we developed it and handed it to the Chinese to help Pakistan
2: you mean rental power plants about which there is a case in supreme court
Monkey/Nawaz court

3: you mean get loan from IMF and then hand it out to people who will spend that money on basic necessities supply of which is controlled by same feudal lords and industrialist, who make the prices go up then the same money is back in their pocket.... Hats of to pee pee pee for coming up with that scheme.
That scheme has helped many Ghareeb I personally know
4: which dam I must be living on mars for the past 5 years then, the only thing about dam I know is that pee pee pee cancelled the kala bagh dam progect all together.
450 MW Darawat dam project completed | Pakistan Peoples Party
5: which kids please enlighten us with some figures... while you are on it why dont you also search for the figures relating to inner sindh.
Many, many, many, see the net, ppp.org might help you

you forgot mentioning

1)making fortified bilawal house
2) making house in behria town
3) rental power plant
4) janaab mohtarma benazir bhutto shaheed sahiba (shaheed rani) rehmatullah alaih tomb construction
5)renaming NWFP khyber pakhtunkhwa
6) making south punjab suba
7) renaming mirpurkhas shaheed benazirabad

And how is any of this bad? Numbers 1,2 and 4 were made from the Bhutto money
you forgot mentioning

1)making fortified bilawal house
2) making house in behria town
3) rental power plant
4) janaab mohtarma benazir bhutto shaheed sahiba (shaheed rani) rehmatullah alaih tomb construction
5)renaming NWFP khyber pakhtunkhwa
6) making south punjab suba
7) renaming mirpurkhas shaheed benazirabad

all this they had the support of MQM & ANP along with PML Q!

this time make sure none of these 3 come to power!!! vote smart! but you wobn't because you will still vote for MQM who will sit with anyone who becomes the government!
all this they had the support of MQM & ANP along with PML Q!

this time make sure none of these 3 come to power!!! vote smart! but you wobn't because you will still vote for MQM who will sit with anyone who becomes the government!

Like I said before, nothing wrong in the list. And the parties you ask us not to vote for shows the mindset of so many Pakistanis, thinking only a Punjabi can rule
Like I said before, nothing wrong in the list. And the parties you ask us not to vote for shows the mindset of so many Pakistanis, thinking only a Punjabi can rule

loool who cares about punjabis! i say let ISRAELIs rule as long as they can improve the situation of pakistan!

make sure no PPP,MQM,PML Q & ANP are brought back they had their turn!

dont go to far, just think past 5?:rofl::wave:

please explain to me how the economy boomed under ayub,yahya & don't forget that the AID MONEY was flowing in buckets full! also we were fighting the US war first against russia then against taliban.

as for local body system well it will benefit when it is implemented in the whole country not just in karachi for one party that wants it!

a party that is ALWAYS in government either with a dictator or PPP you know which party i am talking about!
Like I said before, nothing wrong in the list. And the parties you ask us not to vote for shows the mindset of so many Pakistanis, thinking only a Punjabi can rule


We have a kashmiri industrialist sucking the blood out of working population in punjab and a Feudal doing the same thing with his peasants in sindh... so what was your point again.....?
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