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Failed Attacks in UK!!!

Dear AN,

I did not undestand your post they like to be Alqueda huh ?


Dear A6,

If its Iraqis we british people will question our govt. what are we doing in Iraq !

If its Al Qaeda then we feel that the war in Iraq and Afghanistan is justified !

I think before we start pointing fingers, and justify wars or wrong-doings, we should wait for the confirmation on who carried out the attacks. Once we get the details then we can have a proper discussion. Untill then just hope no one else get's injured and hope no Pakistani or the nation of Pakistan is envolved in any way.
Another doctor was arrested in Australia..its linked to the UK terror plot and he is suppose to be an Indian.

Now why on earth would an Indian be emotional about Iraq...did he also loose some loved ones there?
I heard about that stupid Indian, Man what an idiot, making a bad mark on the nation. Now if i go abroad they will take a second look at me even though i carry a blue passport and i am in Indian, I am fed up of idiots like this.


My friend ghafoor tells me that UK mosque's are the wierdest and the most dangerous he has went to, He studied in middlesex and used to come to my place in glasgow. UK mosque's in general are very extremist.

hear out this compelete idiot. I commend british tolerenace and thier idea of free speech, though this a bit extreme, he is talking about how it is ok to murder non-muslims
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I have read about it to...but i still cant understand why the british isnt acting against it.
They are acting against it, constantly making arrests, raids and have pretty much every single mosque in the country under serveilance. Their bugging cars and houses of percieved muslim terrorists.
They are acting against it, constantly making arrests, raids and have pretty much every single mosque in the country under serveilance. Their bugging cars and houses of percieved muslim terrorists.

So whats the issue with it? I still think they are leniant.
This in BBC... the freedom enjoyed by human beings of all people is not replicated anywhere else, especially in the islamic countries
Mohd Hanif , is the name of the indian doc who was caught in australia...he previously worked in liverpool UK . What an Idiot, usually Muslim Indians were never questioned or harrassed that much in International Airports, but this will change cuz of this idiots.

The New BOMB found in GLASGOW, is in my University Mosque, which is in cathedral street and opposite my student union. I have had enough of these idoits. Scottish police are very nice but they are friggin well trained, you can expect them to be very hard on these idoits. Most muslims i found over there are very very narrow minded as well as hold anti-UK views. This is my personel view as well as my friend who is a muslim, who took a decision not to go to Glasgow mosques and UK mosque's in general. He was appraoched more than once to be recurited.
So far these arrests don't signify anything. In western societies those arrested are innocent untill proven guilty. My guess is quite a few of thee fellows will be released including maybe the Indian guys. I'm just waiting to see what the final outcome will be and who is the real guilty party before I pass any judgement.
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