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F-35 - a trillion dollar disaster

agreed, but it also brings new ways to do things. Pilots flying the F-35 will have to become almost "internet warriors" with so much connectivity the avionics of this plane bring to the table.

Hahahaha!! Too true :D

Can you imagine the senario of dog fight in Aegean :D

Greek Pilot: I am going to shot you, you barbarian Mongol ****

Turkish Pilot: Just wait you Ga*reek, We ruled you for 350 years and we are going to do it again :D Hahaha

That would be just epic!!
Hahahaha!! Too true :D

Can you imagine the senario of dog fight in Aegean :D

Greek Pilot: I am going to shot you, you barbarian Mongol ****

Turkish Pilot: Just wait you Ga*reek, We ruled you for 350 years and we are going to do it again :D Hahaha

That would be just epic!!

funny but alas ..our F-16s do not have F-35s "internet connection" ... no way to exchange words .. :(
Desert Storm and Yugoslavia. Ever heard of those? Our 'stealth' aircrafts were in both. So yes, your arguments are 'utter garbage'.

LOL how do you know you won those because of the "stealth"??
even serbia managed to down the nighthawk, which was suppose to be the badass stealth of its time.
F35 for Indian Navy ....!!!! its truly a game changer
:lol:rt news:...rt news stands for russian jealousy.

When even the Moscow Times calls RT kremlin propoganda people should realise its about as reliable as ahmadinejad productions.
Sadly people will continue to google search for anything they think they can bash the US with and pretend its news.
Are you really that incompetent with the web browser? If yes, then you certainly do match the intellectually vacuous expression on your avatar.

you are full of ****, you cant even back anything you say with evidence.
you a disgrace to all vietnamese, you defend the yankees with all your life after what they did to your country.

what does your avatar say about you? that you're probably a drunken gambler who has no Idea who he is or where he is.
you are full of ****, you cant even back anything you say with evidence.

F-117A: Platinum Nighthawk News Stories
The aircraft flew roughly 1,300 sorties and scored direct hits on 1,600 high-value targets in Iraq. It was the only U.S. and coalition aircraft to strike targets in downtown Baghdad. Not one F-117 sustained combat damage during the six-week air war.
Now...1300 sorties does not -- DOES NOT -- mean there were 1300 F-117s in Desert Storm, OK? :lol: We need to make that clear for your level of intellect. Anyway, not one F-117 was lost in Desert Storm. And out of about 800 sorties over Yugoslavia, only one F-117 was lost. So how can you say that 'stealth' is not 'war tested'?

you a disgrace to all vietnamese, you defend the yankees with all your life after what they did to your country.
Typical of MEastern racists.

what does your avatar say about you? that you're probably a drunken gambler who has no Idea who he is or where he is.
It mean I like where I came from.
It means you like where you come from?

LOL thank for supporting my theory that you are just an drunken vietnamese gambler who sold out your people and went to the usa. calling me "racists" will not change that. your avatar shown you're an gambler, it does not show an usa flag. are you too drunk to see that?
It means you like where you come from?

LOL thank for supporting my theory that you are just an drunken vietnamese gambler who sold out your people and went to the usa. calling me "racists" will not change that.
Calling you a racist does not change what I am but reveal to everyone for what you are when you cannot support yourself in a debate. What does my origin have to do with the F-117? Nothing except in the intellectually deficient mind of an Iranian racist.
Calling you a racist does not change what I am but reveal to everyone for what you are when you cannot support yourself in a debate. What does my origin have to do with the F-117? Nothing except in the intellectually deficient mind of an Iranian racist.

It mean why should I even consider the opinion of a drunk?

You're an arrogant person. even though usa admits Iran has the RQ-170 you still deny it.
you have a history of talking ****. go get sober first then come talk.:alcoholic:
why should I even consider the opinion of a drunk?
I do not care if you consider my opinion of you or not. This is not about you but about the silent readers. For them, sooner or later an Iranian or a Pakistani will reveal his latent racism by bringing in an American's origin as a personal insult when it is completely irrelevant to the discussion. Congratulations, you did Iranians a great 'favor'. :lol:

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