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Defense Security Cooperation Agency


On the web: http://www.dsca.mil Media/Public Contact: (703) 601-3670

Date: 28 June 2006 Transmittal No. 06-11

Pakistan – F-16 Engine Modifications and Falcon UP/STAR Structural Upgrades

On 28 June 2006, the Defense Security Cooperation Agency notified Congress of a possible Foreign Military Sale to Pakistan of Engine Modifications and Falcon UP/STAR Structural Upgrades as well as associated equipment and services. The total value, if all options are exercised, could be as high as $151 million.

The Government of Pakistan has requested a possible sale for modification/overhaul of 14 F100-PW-220E engines, 14 Falcon UP/STAR F-16 structural upgrade kits, de-modification and preparation of 26 aircraft, support equipment, software development/integration, modification kits, spares and repair parts, flight test instrumentation, publications and technical documentation, personnel training and training equipment, U.S. Government and contractor technical and logistics personnel services, and other related requirements to support the program. The estimated cost is $151 million.

Some of the systems mentioned on the list are new for me.
Maybe we need a new thread to analyse each of these toys.

We have quite a few experts on this board who will be more than happy to debate. :)
All of these are just proposals to the US congress, they havnt been approved yet. This biggest task is the approval. Even after the approval, there is no guaranty US is not going to play with Pakistan as they did in the past. Pakistan should'nt pay any thing upfront and have to be carefull too till they get those AC's in their hands and on their bases.:blink:

I wouldnt like, Pakistan to have Wheat in their hands instead of those birds.:)

Listen mr. Let us stop making wrong arguments. If you want to discuss this subject political then go to another section. See it as a warning.

F-16C/D BLOCK 40/42 / BLOCK 50/52
* The Block 40 & Block 42 Vipers retain the same engine fits as the Block 30/32, but feature a set of enhancements mainly intended to improve the F-16's night strike capabilities. The subvariant is sometimes referred to as the "Night Falcon".

The main enhancement for the night attack role is support of the "Low Altitude Navigation & Targeting Infrared for Night (LANTIRN)" pod set. LANTIRN consists of two pods mounted under the engine intake, including a an AN/AAQ-13 "navigation pod" and an AN/AAQ-14 "targeting pod". The navigation pod includes terrain-following radar, a wide-angle "forward looking infrared (FLIR)" video camera, and a digital processor system. The targeting pod includes a steerable narrow-angle FLIR camera and a laser / rangefinder unit for laser-guided bombs.

LANTIRN gave the Night Falcon the ability to fly to and hit targets at night using laser-guided bombs (LGBs), with navigation assisted by support for a GPS-INS unit. A new digital flight-control system works in conjunction with LANTIRN to provide terrain-following capability.

LANTIRN had actually been planned as far back as Block 15, which introduced the capability to mount the inlet stores attachments, though it wasn't used at the time. One of the rationales for the "big tail" introduced in that block was the need to aerodynamically compensate for the sensor pods on the inlet. Other changes to the Block 40/42 include:

AN/APG-68V radar with greater reliability.

Improved AN/ALE-47 chaff-flare dispensers and AN/ALR-56M RWR.

A new, even wider holographic HUD that displays LANTIRN imagery and other data.

An improved fire-control computer.

A canopy with a gold surface film to reduce radar returns out of the relatively cluttered cockpit, or both, but it certainly looks pretty. The gold-covered canopy was also retrofitted to some F-16A/B machines. Radar absorbent material (RAM) was also used with some structural elements to reduce the aircraft's radar signature.

Structural enhancements and stronger landing gear to handle greater takeoff weights.
Incidentally, weight creep means that the Block 40/42's performance is slightly inferior to earlier blocks, but this is more than compensated for by its increase in capability. In general, the Block 40/42 Viper is regarded as substantially more capable than any previous variant.

Initial flight of the F110-powered Block 40 F-16C was on 23 December 1988, with initial flight of the Block 40 F-16D on 8 February 1989. Initial flight of the F100-powered Block 42 F-16C was on 25 April 1989, followed by the initial flight of the Block 42 F-16D on 26 May 1989.

* The Air Force was not entirely happy with the weight growth and performance decline of the Block 40/42, and so the next subvariant, the "Block 50/52", was not optimized for the night attack role and featured new, more powerful, GE and P&W "Improved Performance Engines (IPE)".

The Block 50 is fitted with the GE F110-GE-129 IPE and the Block 52 is fitted with the P&W F100-PW-220 IPE. Both engine variants have 129 kN (13,150 kgp / 29,000 lbf) afterburning thrust, 20% more than the original-fit F100-PW-220 turbofan, and are much more powerful in low-level flight than previous models. With the IPE variant the F100 finally caught up to F110 performance, a lesson in the virtues of competition not lost on the Air Force.

Some early production Block 52 machines were temporarily retrofitted with the older F110-PW-220 due to bugs in the new engine variant. The F100-PW-229 IPE features a distinctive gloss-black exhaust not used in the GE F110 or earlier P&W F100 variants. Some Block 40/42s have been refitted with IPE engines.

The Block 50/52 also features AN/APG-68(V)3 radar with improved reliability and signal processing capabilities plus more modes; a new, lighter, cheaper HUD; and an "Improved Data Modem" datalink. The new block includes the digital flight capability and features the HUD of the Block 30/32, but includes the digital flight control system, reinforced airframe, and stronger landing gear of the Block 40/42.

Initial flight of an F110-powered Block 50 F-16C was on 22 October 1991, with first flight of a Block 52 F-16D following on 1 April 1992. First flight of an F100-powered Block 52 F-16C was on 22 October 1992, with first flight of a Block 52 F-16D on 24 November 1992.

* Nothing was changed on the Block 50/52 to rule out carriage of LANTIRN, but as far as the USAF is concerned that's a job for the Block 40/42. Some Block 50/52 machines are capable of carrying the Texas Instruments "AN/ASQ-213 HARM Targeting System (HTS)" to give them a "suppression of enemy air defenses (SEAD)" capability. The HTS is a small pod that is carried on the right side of the engine inlet and allows a Viper to detect, identify, and target adversary radar and other emitters for attack with the aircraft's AGM-88 "High-Speed ARM (HARM)" missiles.

"Wild Weasel" defense suppression aircraft have traditionally been two-seat machines, such as the the McDonnell Douglas F-4G Wild Weasel Phantom the Block 50/52 with HTS replaced, and some critics claim the single-seat F-16C with HTS is an inadequate replacement. Defenders counter that improved data processing and software has allowed a single-seat aircraft to perform the mission perfectly well.
APG-68(V)9 Radar for Block 50/52 F-16

The Israeli Soufa F-16I, and Hellenic F-16 Block 52s are equipped with the latest version of Northrop Grumman APG-68 radar, the (V)9 multimode fire control radar that offers improved detection range and resolution.
The APG-68(V)9 offers 30 percent increase in detection range, improved search-while-track mode (four vs. two tracked targets) and larger search volume and improved track while scan performance. Its single target track performance has also been improved.

On air/ground missions, the new radar becomes an effective sensor, utilizing its high-resolution synthetic aperture radar mode, which allows the pilot to locate and recognize tactical ground targets from considerable distances. Although previous radars had some Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) capabilities, the new version generates imagery-class (2 feet resolution) high resolutions pictures, comparable to pictures delivered by the most modern commercial satellites. These pictures can be acquired from very long range, at all weather conditions and provide an effective, real-time source for the targeting of long range, precision guided weapons. The radar also has increased detection range in sea surveillance mode, and enhanced ground moving target identification and mappinc capability. The radar features an inertial measurement unit that improves dynamic tracking performance and provides an auto-boresight capability, which increases accuracy.

The AN/APG-66

is a pulse-doppler radar designed specifically for the F-16 Fighting Falcon fighter aircraft. It was developed from Westinghouse's WX-200 radar and is designed for operation with the Sparrow and AMRAAM medium-range and the Sidewinder short- range missiles. APG-66 uses a slotted planar-array antenna located in the aircraft's nose and has four operating frequencies within the I/J band. The modular system is configured to six Line-Replaceable Units (LRUs), each with its own power supply. The LRUs consist of the antenna, transmitter, low-power Radio Frequency (RF) unit, digital signal processor, computer, and control panel.

The system has ten operating modes, which are divided into air-to-air, air-to-surface display, and sub-modes. The air-to- air modes are search and engagement. There are six air-to-surface display modes (real beam ground map, expanded real beam ground map, doppler beam- sharpening, beacon, and sea). APG-66 also has two sub-modes, which are engagement and freeze.

In the search mode APG-66 performs uplook and downlook scanning. The uplook mode uses a low Pulse Repetition Frequency (PRF) for medium- and high-altitude target detection in low clutter. Downlook uses medium PRF for target detection in heavy clutter environments. The search mode also performs search altitude display, which displays the relative altitude of targets specified by the pilot.

Once a target is located via the search mode, the engagement sub-mode can be used. Engagement allows the system to use the AMRAAM , Sidewinder , and Sparrow missiles. When engaging the Sidewinder , APG-66 sends slaving commands that slaves the missile's seeker head to the radar's line-of-sight for increased accuracy and missile lock-on speed. An Operational Capability Upgrade (OCU) was developed to modify the APG-66 to use the AMRAAM missile. The OCU is designed to provide the radar with the necessary data link to perform mid-course updates of the missile. The Sparrow 's semi-active homing seeker is facilitated in the engagement mode by a Continuous Wave Illuminator (CWI). The CWI also permits APG-66 to be compatible with Skyflash and other missiles with similar semi-active homing seekers.

Target acquisition can be manual or automatic in the track mode. There are two main manual acquisition modes, single-target track and situation awareness. The situation awareness mode performs Track-While-Scan (TWS), allowing the pilot to continue observing search targets while tracking a specific target. While in this mode, the search area does not need to include the tracked target's sector.

Four Air Combat Maneuvering (ACM) modes are available for automatic target acquisition and tracking. In the first ACM mode, a 20 x 20-deg Field Of View (FOV) is scanned. This FOV is equal to that of the Head Up Display (HUD). Once a target is detected, the radar performs automatic lock-on. The second ACM mode's FOV is 10- x 40-deg, offering a tall window that is perpendicular to the aircraft's longitudinal axis; this proves especially useful in high-G maneuvering situations. A boresight ACM mode is used for multiple aircraft engagement situations. The boresight uses a pencil beam positioned at 0-deg azimuth and minus 3-deg elevation to "spotlight" a target for acquisition. This is especially useful in preventing engagement of friendly aircraft. A slewable ACM mode allows the pilot to rotate the 60- x 20-deg FOV. The automatic scan pattern gives the pilot up to 4 sec of time. This mode is designed for use when the aircraft is operating in the vertical plane or during stern direction conversion.

The slant range measurement to a designated surface location is generated by the Air-to-Ground Ranging (AGR) mode. This real-time mode acts with the fire-control system to guide missiles in air-to-ground combat. AGR is automatically selected when the pilot selects the appropriate weapons deployment mode.

Terrain in the aircraft's heading is displayed via the real beam ground map mode. The radar provides the stabilized image mainly as a navigational aid in ground target detection and location. An extension of this mode is the expanded real beam ground map. The expanded real beam ground map provides a 4:1 map expansion of the range around a point designated by the pilot via the display screen's cursor.

Doppler Beam Sharpening (DBS) is available to further enhance the higher resolution of the expanded real beam ground map. This mode, which enhances the range and azimuth resolution by 8:1, is only available from the expanded real beam ground map mode.

In the Beacon mode the system performs navigational fixing. It also delivers weapons relative to ground beacons and can be used to locate friendly aircraft that are using air-to-air beacons.

The high-clutter environment of the ocean surface is countered in the sea mode. There are two sub modes in the sea mode. The first sub-mode, Sea-1 is frequency-agile and non- coherent to locate small targets in low sea states. The second sub-mode, Sea-2, is fully coherent, with doppler discrimination for the detection of moving surface crafts in high sea states.

The freeze sub-mode can only be accessed through the air- to-ground display modes. It pauses the display and halts all radar emissions as soon as the freeze command is received via the controls. The aircraft's current position continues to be shown on the frozen display. This mode is useful during penetration operations against stationary surface targets when the aircraft needs to prevent detection of its signals, yet continue to close in on the target.

The system's displays include the control panel, HUD, radar display, with all combat-critical controls integrated into the throttle grip and side stick controller.

The modularity of the LRUs allow for shortened Mean Time To Repair (MTTR) since they can simply be replaced, involving no special tools or equipment. The MTTR has been demonstrated to be 5 minutes, with 30 minutes for replacement of the antenna unit. APG-66 has also demonstrated a Mean Time Between Failure (MTBF) of 97 hours in service, but the manufacturers contend that it has achieved 115 hours. A cockpit continuous self-test system monitors for malfunctions. The manufacturers claim that the system's Built-In-Test (BIT) routine can isolate up to 98% of the faults to a particular LRU in the event of a malfunction.

The AN/APG-66 Radar

A new version of the AN/APG-66, designated the AN/APG-66(V)2 is being installed in F-16A/B aircraft as they are modernized in the Midlife Update program. The equipment is lighter and provides greater detection range and reliability for the modernized F-16s
JHMCS - Joint Helmet Mounted Cueing System

The JHMCS is in production and is currently operational with U.S. fighter aircraft. This highly accurate cueing system provides pilots with “First look, First shot” high off-boresight weapons engagement capabilities. JHMCS enables the pilot to accurately direct (cue) onboard weapons against enemy aircraft while performing high-G aircraft maneuvers. The pilot needs only to point his / her head at the target and weapons will be directed to where the pilot is looking. The system can also be employed to accurately cue the pilot to ground targets. As a cueing system, JHMCS is a two way interface in that sensors aboard the aircraft can cue the pilot to potential targets or, conversely, the pilot can cue weapons and sensor systems to areas of interest. Critical information and symbology such as targeting cues and aircraft performance parameters are graphically displayed directly on the pilot’s visor.

JHMCS provides low-weight, optimized C.G. and in-flight replaceable modules to enhance operational performance – including the ability to be reconfigured in-flight to meet night vision requirements.


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AN/APX-113 Advanced Identification Friend or Foe Systems;


BAE Systems North America announced its Advanced Systems business recently received $40 million in two new Identification Friend or Foe systems contracts.

A $30 million contract from Lockheed Martin Aeronautics, Fort Worth, Texas, will equip both U.S. and international F-16 Block 50 tactical fighter aircraft currently in production, with the AN/APX-113 Advanced Identification Friend or Foe (AIFF) system.

AIFF production will total nearly 1,000 units with this new award. In recent years, the AN/APX-113, primarily used on F-16s, has expanded its base of airborne platforms including the new Electronically Scanned Antenna-equipped U.S. Air Force F-15C fighter aircraft as well as United Kingdom surveillance and maritime patrol aircraft.

"The AN/APX-113 is now a third-generation system, enabling the warfighter to expand the AIFF's capability via plug-in modules. This is particularly important to aircrews and logisticians as it will permit future IFF capability upgrades without the need to return hardware to the factory for modification," said Joe McCabe, Advanced Systems director of business development.
AN/ALE-47 Advanced Countermeasures Dispenser Systems

The system is the world's most advanced countermeasure dispenser system providing microprocessor-controlled, automatic threat-adaptive response from a mix of expendable stores, including programmable radio frequency (RF) decoys, chaff, flare and specialised cartridges as a component of a sophisticated defensive/survivability suite.

"The ALE-47 provides a significant survivability upgrade for Army aviation, and we are proud to extend it into the Army ASE inventory. We are currently flying with U.S. Army special operations aircraft, and we look forward to widening our partnership with Army Aviation," says ALE-47 Program Manager, Lila Hillin.

IDS President Bob Swanson adds, "We are proud to support the men and women of Army Aviation, who can now go in harm's way with confidence. BAE Systems has been providing countermeasure solutions to the United States and our allies for more than three decades. Our experience and customer commitment are evident in our consistent product record, and AMCOM's confidence in our ability to excel in this quick turnaround effort.""
Multifunctional Information Distribution System-Low Volume Terminal (MIDS-LVT)

The Multifunctional Information Distribution System-Low Volume Terminal (MIDS-LVT) is an advanced Link-16 command, control, communications, and intelligence (C3I) system incorporating high-capacity, jam-resistant, digital communication links for exchange of near real-time tactical information, including both data and voice, among air, ground, and sea elements. MIDS-LVT is intended to support key theater functions such as surveillance, identification, air control, weapons engagement coordination, and direction for all the Services and Allied forces. The system will provide jamming-resistant, wide-area communications on a Link-16 network among MIDS and Joint Tactical Information Distribution System (JTIDS) equipped platforms.

In addition to performing C3I functions, MIDS serves as a navigation aid by providing relative navigation position-keeping functions through the use of precise participant location and identification (PPLI) Link-16 messages and incorporates TACAN functionality that replaces the AN/ARN-118 TACAN system. MIDS is also designed to be fully interoperable with the Joint Tactical Information Distribution System (JTIDS), an earlier Link-16 system. As a Pre-Planned Product Improvement of the JTIDS Class 2 Terminal, the MIDS-LVT will employ the Link-16 (TADIL-J) message standard of U.S. Navy/NATO publications. Although the MIDS-LVT terminal will have the same performance capabilities as the Class 2 JTIDS Terminal, its size and weight will be significantly reduced.

Platforms identified for MIDS-LVT integration include aircraft carriers, cruisers, F/A-18, F-16, EA-6B, and Airborne Laser. Additionally, MIDS-LVT is being integrated into Eurofighter-2000 and Rafale Allied platforms. Navy ships will be the first US platforms equipped with MIDS-LVT, followed by incorporation of the system into F/A-18 and F-16 aircraft representing the majority (1,650+) of the US MIDS-LVT buy. McDonnell Douglas Aircraft (now Boeing Company) was awarded the integration contract for MIDS-LVT in the F/A-18.

MIDS-LVT is a multinational, multiservice cooperative program sponsored by five NATO countries (United States, France, Italy, Germany, and Spain) with the US Navy as lead service for US applications and overall program manager. The program is managed by the Navy's MIDS International Program Office, which operates under an international agreement among the five participating nations. MIDS is being developed by an international consortium (MIDSCO), with representation from U.S. and NATO defense and aerospace companies. The contract for the engineering and manufacturing development of this C3I program was awarded in March 1994 by the US Navy on behalf of France, Germany, Italy, Spain, and the United States.

During initial flight tests with F/A-18s, the MIDS Tactical Air Navigation (TACAN) card performed poorly. There were reported signal losses and incorrect lock up of bearing and range, incorrect beacon identification, and other associated problems. The Navy considers TACAN as mission critical equipment and must be working for operational aircraft. Improvements in software (tracking, interrogation, and antenna switching algorithms) and tracking filters have alleviated some of the problems. Initial flight testing of new software and firmware indicates the MIDS LVT embedded TACAN deficiency is largely resolved.

The first terminal delivery was April 1998. However, subsequent terminal deliveries are substantially behind schedule and the EMD contract is over budget. Certain key cards, such as the Exciter/Interference Protection Feature (IPF) card and the Data Processor card, are in short supply. This is due in part to inadequate quality assurance screening of parts at the manufacturing plants. Other contributing factors to schedule slips include diverted manpower and test resources needed to resolve technical issues discovered during developmental testing and added complexity and frequent changes in requirements caused by system development under the auspices of a multi-national consortium. Overall, the MIDS-LVT program has slipped by more than two years as compared to the schedule prior to 1997.

The Army's MIDS LVT(2) is a high-capacity, antijam, secure, line-of-sight radio capable of providing situation awareness. It’s a low-cost replacement for the Army’s Class 2M terminal that’s smaller and weighs less. MIDS LVT(2) is derived from MIDS LVT(1), used by the Air Force, Navy and American allies. It was modified to be functionally interchangeable with the Class 2M to satisfy the approved ORD and reduce integration and training costs. LVT(2) has 85-percent commonality in parts with LVT(1), with main differences in cooling, power supply, host interface and eliminating unnecessary air-platform features. LVT(2) uses the same spread-spectrum communications technology to provide Navy Link 16 message capability. LVT(2) will be used by Army air-defense platforms for engagement operations, command and control, surveillance, intelligence, weapon status and coordination, and battlefield situation awareness (air and ground).
SNIPER (formerly known as AN/AAQ-33 PANTERA) targeting pod capability;

Thermal imaging sensors are now ubiquitous, carried by most categories of combat aircraft, UAVs, many satellites, warships and ground vehicles. The capability to observe targets or terrain in the absence of sunlight has realised around-the-clock combat operations, a gain most prominent in aerial warfare. In the context of networked combat, thermal imaging sensors are and will remain a mainstay of Intelligence Surveillance Reconnaissance capabilities.
Intelligence, Surveillance, Reconnaissance and Targeting Applications
At present, thermal imaging sensors are truly ubiquitous, and over coming decades will improve in capabilities and decline in costs as the technology further matures.
Most thermal imaging devices in contemporary and legacy military equipment are used for navigation and targeting, with some proportion of systems used for specialised ISR applications.
Perhaps the most widely used podded infrared system is the US Air Force LANTIRN suite, comprising an AN/AAQ-13 navigation pod with a wide field of view FLIR, and AN/AAQ-14 targeting pod, with a longwave MCT FLIR boresighted with a laser designator/rangefinder. The AN/AAQ-14 is now being replaced by the new LM AN/AAQ-33 Sniper XR/PANTERA ATP (Advanced Targeting Pod). The Sniper XR is a dual band system, with an InSb FLIR and TV CCD sensors, laser designator/rangefinder, all using a sapphire glass window system, compatible with midwave FLIR. The Sniper XR is the baseline for the internal Electro Optical Targeting System (EOTS) in the JSF, although it is likely to be deployed earlier on the B-2A Spirit.
The US Navy relied primarily on the AN/AAS-38 NiteHawk FLIR/laser pod, and AN/AAS-50 navigation FLIR pod, on the F/A-18, supplemented by the AAQ-14 LANTIRN on the F-14D. With the withdrawal of the F-14D and increasing numbers of F/A-18E/F deployed, the USN is now deploying the new Raytheon AN/AAS-46 ATFLIR, technologically similar to the USAF Sniper XR.
A major success story in the market is the Israeli designed Northrop Grumman AN/AAQ-28 Litening II pod, also a dual band system with FLIR and CCD channels. The Litening II was adopted not only by the Israeli AF, but also the US Marine Corps and Air National Guard in the US, the latter for use on F-16s. It was also selected for the B-52H to support persistent close air support and maritime strike roles. The subsequent AN/AAQ-28(V)4 Litening AT variant, with a 640 x 512 FLIR, a higher resolution CCD cited at 1024 x 1024, and embedded C-band datalink terminal. This variant was ordered by the USMC and RAAF for use on F/A-18As.
Russia is now actively marketing the Sapsan-E FLIR/laser targeting pod, designed for the Sukhoi Su-30, Su-27SMK and Su-35M. It is a design that is comparable to second generation Western pods. The Sapsan-E is likely to be exported to a range of Asian Sukhoi operators, especially those who cannot acquire Western pods.
Contemporary targeting FLIRs are frequently presented as ISR equipment, but this is in many respects an overstatement when they are compared to dedicated ISR sensors, exemplified by many current reconnaissance pods.
What targeting FLIRs provide is a niche reconnaissance and surveillance capability, or what the US DoD calls 'unconventional ISR'. This is typified by operations where a fighter aircraft orbits at 30,000 ft above ground troops performing counter insurgency operations, in rural or urban terrain, and provides the ground force with warning of hostile or suspicious activity, or aids the ground troops during an assault. Targeting FLIRs can also provide useful Bomb Damage Assessment (BDA) imagery. Where these systems are less than competitive is in trying to match specialised equipment in imaging at high resolution large swaths of terrain.


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Great job Murad. I have been reading the same stuff you posted. Had Googled around and found same stuff and appreciate that you posted it.
Reconnaissance pod capability;

The Navy, in generating strike missions and assessing battle damage, continues to use high-speed, carrier-based, multimission fighter aircraft equipped with reconnaissance pods to rapidly reach target areas, to allow timely retasking, and to obtain up-to-date imagery of large areas under a variety of conditions. In OIF, the Navy used the F-14 wet-film Tactical Airborne Reconnaissance Pod System (TARPS) pod, and also introduced digital reconnaissance systems that offer imaging at other wavelengths, including infrared for day/night operation. The basis for this new Navy capability are two reconnaissance systems developed by NRL — the Full-Capability (F-CAP) version of the Tactical Air Reconnaissance Pod-Completely Digital (TARPS-CD) System1 for the F-14, and the Shared Airborne Reconnaissance Pod (SHARP) System2 for the F-18 Super Hornet. The F-CAP system was deployed with the USS Harry S. Truman and Air Wing CVW-3 with F-14 squadron VF-32, while the SHARP system was deployed with the USS Nimitz with F-18 squadron VFA-41.

Imagery Upon Demand: During OIF, near-real-time high-resolution images were supplied to ground Special Forces in Northern Iraq using F-CAP capabilities, using the F-14's Fast Tactical Imagery (FTI) radio, the Common Data Link (CDL) capability on the pod and the ship, and other communication channels. This appears to be the first time such forces could obtain "virtually real-time imagery upon demand," according to unclassified reports. Front-line troops were able to receive targeting-level imagery without the reported three-to-nine day delay associated with existing image dissemination channels or the set-up times associated with special "stove-piped" dissemination channels from operations centers using imagery obtained from satellites and other aircraft. By using an available voice channel between the F-14 and ground forces, the aircrew used the F-CAP Airborne Image Exploitation System (ARIES)1 to effect real-time "sensor to shooter" targeting of time-critical targets. ARIES-processed images, along with a voice channel, were transmitted to ground forces equipped with portable FTI receivers. ARIES represents a planned future capability for SHARP.

Crucial Images Transmission: TARPS-CD/F-CAP is a risk-reduction effort for SHARP developed by NRL. Its purpose is to transform the Navy from film to the new digital reconnaissance technologies and demonstrate emerging SHARP capabilities. F-CAP includes a pod built to the SHARP architecture.2 It communicates with a carrier-based NRL-built Navy Input station (NAVIS) connected to the ship's CDL. NAVIS receives, displays, manipulates, and exploits imagery and connects to communication channels to disseminate imagery products. The NAVIS ground station has also transitioned into full-rate production as the Navy's Tactical Input Segment (TIS), version 1.5, to support SHARP and other imagery sources. The F-CAP pod is the latest in a series of TARPS-CD technology prototypes that have been evaluated during four Fleet exercises and deployments. The earlier carrier-based F-14 exercises with the TARPS-CD pod demonstrated the system's capability as an organic asset for the carrier group commander to perform reconnaissance and battle damage assessment, to rapidly capture imagery on wide-area missions, and to supply imagery to the carrier in near-real time using the high-bandwidth (>200 Mbps) CDL. However, the limited range and availability of CDL, coupled with the crucial need for rapid image exploitation, established the need to transmit urgently needed images to the user, even at reduced bandwidths. This can be accomplished if the F-14 aircrew is able to select the crucial images and transmit them over the FTI system. The NRL-developed ARIES allows the back-seater (the Radar Intercept Officer/ RIO) aboard the F-14 to use an analog video display to view and select from a stream of still images from the reconnaissance sensor (a very sophisticated and fast high-resolution digital camera). NRL built a low-bandwidth interface to the pod and a cockpit control console, so the RIO can roam, pan, and zoom in on selected images on the back-seat display to highlight target areas for digital capture and transmission by FTI. ARIES overlays key information on the video image, such as latitude and longitude. High-speed computation is done within the pod payload, while low-bandwidth commands and analog imagery are communicated between pod and cockpit. This architecture could also be used for remote operations with low-bandwidth links from other locations, e.g., from the ground for unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) payloads.

Event-marked Frames: Figure 9 shows an example of ARIES-transmitted imagery for relocatable targets. During the deployment of the USS Truman, F-14 aircrews used the high-coverage rate of F-CAP to perform real-time wide-area maritime reconnaissance and exploitation in the cockpit. Target frames, i.e., images containing a ship, can be "event-marked" by the RIO and re-displayed later. Figure 9(a) shows an array of seven event-marked frames on the RIO's display. The RIO then zooms into one frame to the desired resolution (Fig. 9(b), with the white dot in the checkerboard indicating the selected frame). The overlay provides the latitude and longitude of the crosshair position, and the notation DEC: 1:4 in Fig. 9(b) indicates that further zoom is available in the video display (1/4 of full resolution is shown). The ARIES software is capable of displaying a wide range of user-selected system parameters as overlays for the final imagery product.
Munir said:
Great job Murad. I have been reading the same stuff you posted. Had Googled around and found same stuff and appreciate that you posted it.

your are welcome friend
Advanced Air Combat Maneuvering Instrumentation Units;

next-generation Multiple Integrated Laser Engagement Simulation System provides the most realistic force-on-force, laser-based training available today. The advanced MILES XG provides additional capabilities such as MILES XXI functionality, urban operations tracking and solutions for mines, grenades and M203 grenade launchers. Over the past four years, Cubic has deployed more than 40,000 MILES products worldwide to U.S. Army, Marines, Air Force, National Guard and international forces.

The base has an Air Combat Maneuvering Instrumentation [ACMI] that can't be beat for debriefing. And they have a bombing range nearby at Cappa Frasca. Air Force training provides the unique opportunity to fly air-to-air training missions against a variety of German and Italian aircraft, including F-4 Phantoms, F-104 Star Fighters, and, most exciting of all, MiG-29 Fulcrums.

a. A strategic or tactical military or naval movement.
b. A large-scale tactical exercise carried out under simulated conditions of war. Often used in the plural.
2. A controlled change in movement or direction of a moving vehicle or vessel, as in the flight path of an aircraft.
3. A movement or procedure involving skill and dexterity.
a. A strategic action undertaken to gain an end.
b. Artful handling of affairs that is often marked by scheming and deceit. See Synonyms at wile.
v. ma·neu·vered, ma·neu·ver·ing, ma·neu·vers
1. To carry out a military or naval maneuver.
2. To make a controlled series of changes in movement or direction toward an objective: maneuvered to get closer to the stage.
3. To shift ground; change tactics: The opposition had no room in which to maneuver.
4. To use stratagems in gaining an end.
1. To alter the tactical placement of (troops or warships).
2. To direct through a series of movements or changes in course: maneuvered the car through traffic.
3. To manipulate into a desired position or toward a predetermined goal: maneuvered him into signing the contract. See Synonyms at manipulate
MDE included in the MLU modification and structural upgrade kits

40 AGM-84L (air-launched) and 20 RGM-84L (surface-launched) Grade B Canister HARPOON Block II missiles; containers; missile modifications; training devices; spare and repair parts; technical support; support equipment; personnel training and training equipment; technical data and publications; U.S. Government and contractor engineering and logistics support services; and other related elements of logistics support.
300 AIM-9M-1/2 SIDEWINDER air-to-air missiles, missile containers, test sets and supporting equipment, spare and repair parts, publications and technical documentation, personnel training and training equipment, U.S. Government and contractor engineering and logistics support services, and other related elements of logistics support.
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