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Extremism, terrorism alien to Islam: Pervaiz

The Hadith is irrelevant because the Quran has already addressed apostasy. If the Quran has already spoken about an issue than we do not need to look at Hadith, besides a Hadith being Sahih only means its transmitters were trustworthy. if it goes against Quran it is still not authentic.

In the Quran apostacy is mentioned 20 times but there is no mention of earthly punishment only mention of punishment in the afterlife as apostacy which is akin to shirk is the an unforgivable sin. The Imams with all due respect should not have been meddling in the laws of God, besides if one looks at history even those executed were not done because of apostasy but because of sedition that they did against the state after the apostasy.

So it is up to you to decide if you value God's word more or the words of humans who could have been wrong?

LOL are you really a tengrist? :lol:

This is incorrect. Nowhere in the Quran does it indicate that apostasy is not punishable by death. Show me where it says that there is no punishment for apostasy?
This is incorrect. Nowhere in the Quran does it indicate that apostasy is not punishable by death. Show me where it says that there is no punishment for apostasy?

It says there is a punishment for apostasy but then describes hell. There is no talk of killing them.
It doesn't say that there is no punishment for apostasy.

The Hadiths here fill in the gaps.

It says the punishment is hellfire are you saying that Allah swt would punish someone twice ? He is not zalim astagfirullah think bro.
Did you count them all? Or are you just saying that cause it looks cool.
no i didnt count them.........
but from news,most of the times this is what i hear

maybe i am wrong........
i am not accusing any
It says the punishment is hellfire are you saying that Allah swt would punish someone twice ? He is not zalim astagfirullah think bro.

Yes because Allah SWT has the right to punish anyone however many times in whichever way he likes.

Its just like when a man marries a second wife and does not do justice between his two wives, then Allah SWT says that he will raise the man half-paralyzed on the Day of Judgement. And then Allah SWT will punish him in the hellfire.

So yes Allah SWT does punish people twice. He also punishes people in their grave :)

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