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Extremism, terrorism alien to Islam: Pervaiz

naveen mishra

Mar 1, 2013
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Wednesday, March 19, 2014 - Islamabad—Minister for Information, Broadcasting and NationalHeritage Pervaiz Rashid said on Tuesday Islam, being the religion of peace, stressed on peaceful coexistence with all other religions, while extremism and terrorism were alien to it.

Addressing the inaugural ceremony of Readers Club of National Book Foundation here as chief guest, he said the Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) brought the message of love, peace and harmony in the form of Holy Quran. The minister said there was something wrong with the curricula being taught at the educational institutions, otherwise suicide bombers would not have ruined the country’s peace. He said the Holy Quran was the best book, which could transform the society. There was a need to revive the culture of book reading as it could play a key role in the restoration of peace and tranquility in the society. He said the NBF’s initiative to revive the Readers Club was praiseworthy.

He said Internet had increased scope of reading books online worldwide and readers should avail this facility.

Managing Director NBF Dr Inamul Haq Javed, in his address, said the Readers Club was suspended several years ago and credit for its revival went to the present government, which had allocated Rs 30 million for the purpose.

He said under the scheme, books were provided to members at 50 percent discount for promotion of reading habit in 47 important cities. The half price of books was borne by the NBF. Books could be obtained at 55 percent discount from NBF bookshops, he added. He said the National Book Foundation was established in 1972 as a service rendering educational welfare organization. He said for reviving the book reading habit, the NBF had launched a series of innovative projects, including setting up Village Book Clubs, City Book Clubs, Children’s Book Clubs, Prisoners’ Free Minds Book Clubs, Senior Citizens Book Clubs, Travellers’ Book Clubs (Books on Wheels), FlyingBook Clubs and Hospital Book Clubs

Extremism, terrorism alien to Islam: Pervaiz
Wednesday, March 19, 2014 - Islamabad—Minister for Information, Broadcasting and NationalHeritage Pervaiz Rashid said on Tuesday Islam, being the religion of peace, stressed on peaceful coexistence with all other religions, while extremism and terrorism were alien to it.
He is right but most Islamist like to seen them as alien and try to convince others that it is d real Islam.
Wednesday, March 19, 2014 - Islamabad—Minister for Information, Broadcasting and NationalHeritage Pervaiz Rashid said on Tuesday Islam, being the religion of peace, stressed on peaceful coexistence with all other religions, while extremism and terrorism were alien to it.

Addressing the inaugural ceremony of Readers Club of National Book Foundation here as chief guest, he said the Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) brought the message of love, peace and harmony in the form of Holy Quran. The minister said there was something wrong with the curricula being taught at the educational institutions, otherwise suicide bombers would not have ruined the country’s peace. He said the Holy Quran was the best book, which could transform the society. There was a need to revive the culture of book reading as it could play a key role in the restoration of peace and tranquility in the society. He said the NBF’s initiative to revive the Readers Club was praiseworthy.

He said Internet had increased scope of reading books online worldwide and readers should avail this facility.

Managing Director NBF Dr Inamul Haq Javed, in his address, said the Readers Club was suspended several years ago and credit for its revival went to the present government, which had allocated Rs 30 million for the purpose.

He said under the scheme, books were provided to members at 50 percent discount for promotion of reading habit in 47 important cities. The half price of books was borne by the NBF. Books could be obtained at 55 percent discount from NBF bookshops, he added. He said the National Book Foundation was established in 1972 as a service rendering educational welfare organization. He said for reviving the book reading habit, the NBF had launched a series of innovative projects, including setting up Village Book Clubs, City Book Clubs, Children’s Book Clubs, Prisoners’ Free Minds Book Clubs, Senior Citizens Book Clubs, Travellers’ Book Clubs (Books on Wheels), FlyingBook Clubs and Hospital Book Club.

Islam is a religion of submission to Allah, not peace. Islam is derived from the root word salam which means peace but its own meaning is submission to Allah.
Extremism and Terrorism is alien to any religion.

However, Majority of the terrorists and extremists call themselves Muslims.

I guess the LTTE were muslims, the Nazi death squad recently exposed were muslims, The hindi military officers who bombed that train from Pakistan were muslims, the north Korean regime is muslim. Well haven't you got a narrowed down meaning of the word terrorism. OR is it that you only say that only muslims can be terrorist? Do you forgot the maost in India? How many have they killed? They are muslim to be you as well aren't they? I bet theres a muslim hiding under your bed too readily to behead you. Right?
What do you mean by that??

This is what I mean by that.

I've been inspired by a recent thread to make this post. Call it a rant. Call it an inspiration. Call me crazy. Whatever you like.

Note: Whenever I mention any of God's attributes then please ponder over them rather than just simply read over them.

A lot of us Muslims have been raised with misconceptions about this deen. We are given an image of a deen which caters for our nafs (desires). A lot of us go through a stage on life when we question our faith and when topics on sensitive issues are used by the enemies of this deen on their numerous propaganda sites we seek out all sorts of logical rebuttals to defend the deen. So we have painted before us a warped version of the religion which caters to our wants. You'll find endless quotations of Ahadith talking about so and so's rights, with the sole intention of presenting our religion as a bender to people's visualisations of what they perceive to be fitting for a religion. Which is a total misnomer.

The very word 'Islam' means submission. Submission to the Lord. And by extension to his commandments which collectively make up this heavenly religion of ours.

The Lord is the beginning and he is the eternal. He alone has the power to wipe us off and replace us with a nation better than us. He was the one who created us. Had he chosen so, he would not have created us all. Which would mean that Adam
and his wife, Jannah, Jahannam, Malaikah, Iblis and the Dunya would not have happened at all. It is his rahmah (mercy) that he did. He created us to worship and submit ourselves and our desires to him, even though he is not in need of that.

We are under the perception that God must make laws based on morals of our liking. We are arrogant enough, perhaps just as arrogant as Iblis, to question the Lord's commandments and say that our own morals are better than God's laws.

Killing, loot and arson is not wrong because it is wrong in itself. It is wrong because God says its wrong. Had he said it was right then there would have been no problem. But he said its wrong so its wrong.

Since he is God, he is supreme. There is no power either with him or above him. So since he is the master who is unanswerable to anyone he can issue orders of his liking without justification.

He is after all the one who says 'Be and it is!'

I'll say this again. Our morals our dictated to us by God, not by us to God Almighty.

Lets look to our examples. Abraham (Ibrahim
). He was commanded by Allah
to give up his long awaited son Ismail as a sacrifice unto him. Did Ibrahim question the Lord on the basis of injustice, harshness or perceived cruelty? Or did he obey?

Did Hajar رضي الله عنها question her husband Ibrahim further when she was told that it was God's command that she was to be left in the isolated desert with her son with few resources to survive on?

Did Yukabid رضي الله عنها question God when instructed to set Musa
adrift in a basket on a yam (river) as mighty and perilous as the Nile? No, she put her trust in the Lord who created her and would eventually benefit her, if not in this world but in the next.

When Maryam رضي الله عنها gave birth to Isa
she was commanded to observe a fast of silence. Imagine a pure and chaste woman without a husband but with a child! What must have she been thinking when told to return to her people with a child but no explanation? Yet she obeyed what God commanded her to do, without knowing that through her infant son God would publicise her innocence.

Our purpose is to serve. Whether we may like the commandment or not. Because it is God's command. If God, the Creator (Al Khaaliq), the Beginner of All and the Mightiest of the Mighties wants us to serve then we must serve for we are simply his slaves who will cease once he wills. And will be resurrected only once he wills. The Creator. The Everlasting.
Your words shows the hate toward Pakistan and Islam. Go and do some research first.

I've posted research by a world renowned organisation. I do not consider theology or self serving mumbo jumbo ''research''. We must consider the results to judge the product, not what the marketing material says about the product.
I guess the LTTE were muslims, the Nazi death squad recently exposed were muslims, The hindi military officers who bombed that train from Pakistan were muslims, the north Korean regime is muslim. Well haven't you got a narrowed down meaning of the word terrorism. OR is it that you only say that only muslims can be terrorist? Do you forgot the maost in India? How many have they killed? They are muslim to be you as well aren't they? I bet theres a muslim hiding under your bed too readily to behead you. Right?
This is what I mean by that.

I've been inspired by a recent thread to make this post. Call it a rant. Call it an inspiration. Call me crazy. Whatever you like.

Note: Whenever I mention any of God's attributes then please ponder over them rather than just simply read over them.

A lot of us Muslims have been raised with misconceptions about this deen. We are given an image of a deen which caters for our nafs (desires). A lot of us go through a stage on life when we question our faith and when topics on sensitive issues are used by the enemies of this deen on their numerous propaganda sites we seek out all sorts of logical rebuttals to defend the deen. So we have painted before us a warped version of the religion which caters to our wants. You'll find endless quotations of Ahadith talking about so and so's rights, with the sole intention of presenting our religion as a bender to people's visualisations of what they perceive to be fitting for a religion. Which is a total misnomer.

The very word 'Islam' means submission. Submission to the Lord. And by extension to his commandments which collectively make up this heavenly religion of ours.

The Lord is the beginning and he is the eternal. He alone has the power to wipe us off and replace us with a nation better than us. He was the one who created us. Had he chosen so, he would not have created us all. Which would mean that Adam
and his wife, Jannah, Jahannam, Malaikah, Iblis and the Dunya would not have happened at all. It is his rahmah (mercy) that he did. He created us to worship and submit ourselves and our desires to him, even though he is not in need of that.

We are under the perception that God must make laws based on morals of our liking. We are arrogant enough, perhaps just as arrogant as Iblis, to question the Lord's commandments and say that our own morals are better than God's laws.

Killing, loot and arson is not wrong because it is wrong in itself. It is wrong because God says its wrong. Had he said it was right then there would have been no problem. But he said its wrong so its wrong.

Since he is God, he is supreme. There is no power either with him or above him. So since he is the master who is unanswerable to anyone he can issue orders of his liking without justification.

He is after all the one who says 'Be and it is!'

I'll say this again. Our morals our dictated to us by God, not by us to God Almighty.

Lets look to our examples. Abraham (Ibrahim
). He was commanded by Allah
to give up his long awaited son Ismail as a sacrifice unto him. Did Ibrahim question the Lord on the basis of injustice, harshness or perceived cruelty? Or did he obey?

Did Hajar رضي الله عنها question her husband Ibrahim further when she was told that it was God's command that she was to be left in the isolated desert with her son with few resources to survive on?

Did Yukabid رضي الله عنها question God when instructed to set Musa
adrift in a basket on a yam (river) as mighty and perilous as the Nile? No, she put her trust in the Lord who created her and would eventually benefit her, if not in this world but in the next.

When Maryam رضي الله عنها gave birth to Isa
she was commanded to observe a fast of silence. Imagine a pure and chaste woman without a husband but with a child! What must have she been thinking when told to return to her people with a child but no explanation? Yet she obeyed what God commanded her to do, without knowing that through her infant son God would publicise her innocence.

Our purpose is to serve. Whether we may like the commandment or not. Because it is God's command. If God, the Creator (Al Khaaliq), the Beginner of All and the Mightiest of the Mighties wants us to serve then we must serve for we are simply his slaves who will cease once he wills. And will be resurrected only once he wills. The Creator. The Everlasting.
What you have posted is relating to beliefs of a particular sect. It seems like you have seen one side but not the other. That's the one way of presenting something.
At this time when human have reached the other planets on our solar system still they think that there is a power maintaining all of this. Most of people is us say that the only way to live a better life is to live life according to the rules defined in Islam. Some say that to live better life you must pray to god and live like a saint.
Your text is confusing.

I've posted research by a world renowned organisation. I do not consider theology or self serving mumbo jumbo ''research''. We must consider the results to judge the product, not what the marketing material says about the product.
Gotta go now..
Talk to you later deeply on it..
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