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Export bids for JF-17 Thunder Multirole Lightweight Fighter Aircraft

do u know abt the very first performance of the f-16 in europe back in 70s?it was just the performance of the the jet that stole the show for f-16 n later on it became one of the most exported jet.so i think the pilot on board did his best which he could do at that time to attract the buyers.if jets dont perform everything which they can do then y russian jets demonstrate amazing low speed agility in air shows?they can keep all these manouvres secret.
i have been watching air shows since i was 5.a simple loop is very common part of any aerobatic performance just like aileron roles.it is not very great n difficult but still it is done in evry performance.i dont remember any aerobatic performance of pakistani F-16 with out a loop.even K8 did all these set of manouvres during its induction ceremony at PAF academy back in 95.i dont remember the year of its induction exactly.
i m not degrading the jet but if u look at that JFT as a neutral observer its performance(in air shows)is not at par with any modern day jet


You are right---you got to show your wares in front of the public in the air shows----if you can't do that---you got a hill to climb.
Over a thousand North Koreans, including pilots, technicians and ground service men, are being trained on how to operate FC-1 in China. It's said that China has promised a gift of one sq FC-1 to NK.

China is working on a prototype of FC-2 which will be powered with the fourth G engine of 9500kg under development. We know it's a Pak-related project but don't know yet if it will be single or twin engined...

Over a thousand North Koreans, including pilots, technicians and ground service men, are being trained on how to operate FC-1 in China. It's said that China has promised a gift of one sq FC-1 to NK.

China is working on a prototype of FC-2 which will be powered with the fourth G engine of 9500kg under development. We know it's a Pak-related project but don't know yet if it will be single or twin engined...


Hi, can you kindly please give a reference to this? Thanks!
Over a thousand North Koreans, including pilots, technicians and ground service men, are being trained on how to operate FC-1 in China. It's said that China has promised a gift of one sq FC-1 to NK.

China is working on a prototype of FC-2 which will be powered with the fourth G engine of 9500kg under development. We know it's a Pak-related project but don't know yet if it will be single or twin engined...


Hi, can you kindly please give a reference to this? Thanks!

Thank you for your information but I would advice you to take the discussion to this thread.
purely rumours we dont know whether a fifth gen co operation project exist between pakistan and china but we know that china did offered a new co project to PAF.
we also dont know whether this proj will be named FC-2 however internet blogs is mostly calling it J-XX or FC-2
I am thinking about starting another uprising in Egypt because they are taking FOREVER to aquire the JF-17, very very very slow pace!! I haven't seen any news about it lately, are they still going forward with it ?
I am thinking about starting another uprising in Egypt because they are taking FOREVER to aquire the JF-17, very very very slow pace!! I haven't seen any news about it lately, are they still going forward with it ?

Mate, don't you have something like 250 F-16s ? Thats more than enough Multi-Role fighters...why then would you want to go for the JF-17 ? Shouldn't going for an air superiority fighter...perhaps the F-15, the Su-27s,30s or China's J-11s or entering into a joint project with Turkey or South Korea for their respective 5th Generations fighter be better ?
Mate, don't you have something like 250 F-16s ? Thats more than enough Multi-Role fighters...why then would you want to go for the JF-17 ? Shouldn't going for an air superiority fighter...perhaps the F-15, the Su-27s,30s or China's J-11s or entering into a joint project with Turkey or South Korea for their respective 5th Generations fighter be better ?
Maybe because i think it si very important for Muslim countries to work together, and co-operate. How useful are those 250 F-16 gonna be in a war with Israel ? I am sure the US will gladly support Egypt in any war with Israel. Egypt was suppose to co-produce the JF-17 with TOT, that would be huge for Egypt in my mind.
Edit: Egypt has a lot of Mig-21s, F-7 that needs to be replaced, and the JF-17 would be a perfect, cheap replacment.
Maybe because i think it si very important for Muslim countries to work together, and co-operate. How useful are those 250 F-16 gonna be in a war with Israel ? I am sure the US will gladly support Egypt in any war with Israel. Egypt was suppose to co-produce the JF-17 with TOT, that would be huge for Egypt in my mind.

So do you guys value the JF-17s highly ? Or is it thought of as a paper plane as many of our friends from across the border seem to think so ?
So do you guys value the JF-17s highly ? Or is it thought of as a paper plane as many of our friends from across the border seem to think so ?
I think it is a great Jet, and we are only seeing the start of something that could turn up to be great. I think all Muslim countries should buy into projects like that, so we can help doing researches and improving the quality of the plane. Those things don't happen over night, it takes work, time, research, money, ect.
Why not have the JF-17 as VTOL at least experiment one

Here is something I agree:

Stealth is just an option real feature is the vertical take off , you can hide the plane in a farm field , and then launch a suprise attack

If you take out enemies airfields you don't even need to dog fight plane to plane and that is probably why US created these fighter planes
They have big advantage over traditionally runaway dependent fighters

..and this true if Pakistan can make the JF-17 vtol it would be great advantage. Jf-17 is light a few modification can be done.
Why not have the JF-17 as VTOL at least experiment one

Here is something I agree:

..and this true if Pakistan can make the JF-17 vtol it would be great advantage. Jf-17 is light a few modification can be done.

Van Persie...Gerrard here - you didn't deserve to win...you sly bastard ! How the heck did you squeeze that volley through that? :devil:

P.S A VTOL version is going to cost a sh*t load of money and defeat the very purpose of value-for-money that the JF-17 was designed keeping in mind.
Why not have the JF-17 as VTOL at least experiment one
..and this true if Pakistan can make the JF-17 vtol it would be great advantage. Jf-17 is light a few modification can be done.

JF-17 does have 'Anti-runway' bombs which can be an alternate possible solution.
This is Block I we are talking about, let's wait for what Block II brings us.
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