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Export bids for JF-17 Thunder Multirole Lightweight Fighter Aircraft

You sir and others sharing your viewpoint are totally wrong.

PAC and the chinese only need to play the cards right to turn this aircraft into today's MiG-21.

I have been very vocal about selling this fine jet of ours to FELLOW 3rd world countries.

And doing just that is the main point.
And I thin PAF knows this too and doing exactly that i.e selling to 3rd world countries like ourselves.

As JF-17 picks up momentum. Overpriced fancy shiny western toymakers will really be left scratching heads as to how they can offer such performance at such an affordable price point.

Also JFT offers a lot of flexibility to the end user and it is sanction free.

Most importantly PAF must be very discreet so they dont atrract unnecessary attention from Western/Indian lobbies/governments/defence companies.

And once JFT becomes popular and accepted into air forces of the world then PAF can really matket it hard. If PAF were wise they wouldnt stop here. And figure out how to sell a 5th gen jet for a bargain like this. PAF/PAC does have enough potential to beckme a supplier of aircrafts to the entire third world.
Fatman17 is right, JF-17's objective has always been to equip PAF, the additional orders are bonuses.

Availability of UCAVs have lessened chances of Gulf orders but it still will offer the ability to carry the type of weapons western suppliers refuse to supply. Gulf orders threaten US interests so should not be pushed for. JF-17 exports prospects will dramatically change once Block-3 is operational and it has to be remembered there will be NG variants of JF-17 in form of future blocks. PAF was never interested in a JF-17B and it was developed for a export client request, so will soon find out which nation it was intended for. If there was real desperation for orders JF-17 would have been offered to Iran which will not happen because of the host of problems it will create for the future of this jet. Patience needed.
They dont have money

Last I checked, Venezuela was oil rich, and unlike the Saudis, Qataris, Kuwaitis & Emiratis, Venezuela has a large population and the Oil money is spent on the welfare of the citizens of the State. They've been doing this since Hugo Chavez came to power. They have the money, but American economic mafia prevents Venezuela to conduct commerce. Just like America has done with Iran. Best case scenario, if the Venezuelan Govt really wants to buy Thunders, is for the deal to be conducted in Chinese Yuans (Pakistani Rupee is too weak at the moment). Currency swaps is one method to bypass U.S economic mafia. The question still remains, whether Venezuela would rather buy twin engine jets like the MiG-35s or Su-35s. But if it Thunders, then PAC/CAC better get their game face on and ramp up production. Regardless, we ought to wait and see what happens.
Last I checked, Venezuela was oil rich, and unlike the Saudis, Qataris, Kuwaitis & Emiratis, Venezuela has a large population and the Oil money is spent on the welfare of the citizens of the State. They've been doing this since Hugo Chavez came to power. They have the money, but American economic mafia prevents Venezuela to conduct commerce. Just like America has done with Iran. Best case scenario, if the Venezuelan Govt really wants to buy Thunders, is for the deal to be conducted in Chinese Yuans (Pakistani Rupee is too weak at the moment). Currency swaps is one method to bypass U.S economic mafia. The question still remains, whether Venezuela would rather buy twin engine jets like the MiG-35s or Su-35s. But if it Thunders, then PAC/CAC better get their game face on and ramp up production. Regardless, we ought to wait and see what happens.

Had you checked again, you would have known better.

Venezuela is broke.
Inflation is sky rocketing
internal structure of the country is under stress.
Had you checked again, you would have known better.

Venezuela is broke.
Inflation is sky rocketing
internal structure of the country is under stress.
FYI Venezuela recently has overtaken KSA in prove oil reserves
US and UK hold grudges against Venezuela, they may block any sale of advanced weapons to Venezuela.
Had you checked again, you would have known better.

Venezuela is broke.
Inflation is sky rocketing
internal structure of the country is under stress.

Umm a country's "WEALTH" is weighed in based on how much natural resources it has, quantity and quality of its agricultural products, finished goods and services it is able to export. In terms of natural resources and agricultural goods, Venezuela is well endowed. The "broke" part you so casually flaunt about the country, is directly caused by American meddling. By isolating Venezuela in its home continent, having pro-western countries not trade in currency swaps, barter or otherwise. This adversely affects Venezuela's ability to trade and that has a very direct effect on its GDP. Venezuela has an abundance of oil, and it's just a matter of time before they along with the Chinese, the Russians, the Iranians, the rest of BRICS+SCO+EU figure out how to neutralize America's WB, IMF, Swift global payment system and the Petro-Dollar. Once there are alternatives to bypass American hegemony, like ADB is the counter weight to WB/IMF. Countries like Brazil and Argentina, would forge closer trade ties with Venezuela. So your premise that Venezuela is broke, isn't accurate, the country isn't broke because it has nothing to trade. It's broke because of external playing a dirty game by attempting to isolate it. They did it with Iraq, Argentina, Iran, Yemen, Sudan, Zimbabwe, Vietnam and the lost goes on.

Pakistan can sell the JF-17 Thunders to Venezuela and Argentina, using currency swaps with using Chinese Yuan as a median or reserve currency.
there may be multiple threads with following question asked before...but kindly re-answer the same...

"why China/ PLAAF does not use JF-17 for replacing its old J-7/other jets?"

also, wouldn't it be counter productive that to give extra burden on shoulders of PAC of supply/maintenance of JF-17 of foreign air forces after sales?
The reason is simple
These jets are replaced by J-31 J-20 J-16 and J-10C versions.
In the meanwhile our jft is now a multinational aircraft (also being used by Myanmar's Air Force)
and your Tejass still less in number than even after 40 years of bull shitting.
Feeling so aorry about you !
Umm a country's "WEALTH" is weighed in based on how much natural resources it has, quantity and quality of its agricultural products, finished goods and services it is able to export. In terms of natural resources and agricultural goods, Venezuela is well endowed. The "broke" part you so casually flaunt about the country, is directly caused by American meddling. By isolating Venezuela in its home continent, having pro-western countries not trade in currency swaps, barter or otherwise. This adversely affects Venezuela's ability to trade and that has a very direct effect on its GDP. Venezuela has an abundance of oil, and it's just a matter of time before they along with the Chinese, the Russians, the Iranians, the rest of BRICS+SCO+EU figure out how to neutralize America's WB, IMF, Swift global payment system and the Petro-Dollar. Once there are alternatives to bypass American hegemony, like ADB is the counter weight to WB/IMF. Countries like Brazil and Argentina, would forge closer trade ties with Venezuela. So your premise that Venezuela is broke, isn't accurate, the country isn't broke because it has nothing to trade. It's broke because of external playing a dirty game by attempting to isolate it. They did it with Iraq, Argentina, Iran, Yemen, Sudan, Zimbabwe, Vietnam and the lost goes on.

Pakistan can sell the JF-17 Thunders to Venezuela and Argentina, using currency swaps with using Chinese Yuan as a median or reserve currency.


You are so clueless about what financial crisis valenzuela is in---there is no food for the poor people---they are starving---there are no jobs---inflation is sky high---there is political unrest---govt is being overthrown---there is crisis in the armed forces---there is a massive exodus of the public from valenzuela---.

And yet you write these posts about defense matters---a totally clueless 41 years old pakistani with the mental assessment capabilities of a 16 years old---.
don't you feel a little suspicious that china is "reluctant" to induct Thunder in PLAAF?

you have no comments on my second Q above?

i will not indulge in comparing Tejas Vs Thunder because there already are too many threads dedicated for that.

There is nothing suspecious, until & unless one can't understand. JF-17 was our requirement which was only possible through Joint Venture with China having strong industrial base/friend to Pakistan. The real question should be "Why PLAAF needs JF-17 while having several ACs platforms as per their need/requirement?"

Pakistan requires JF-17 1) for PAF & 2) foreign customers. JF-17 in its own class, is not yet required by PLAAF because the idea was all about to serve our need & foreign customers asking for cost effective/budget fight plane.

"Reluctant" & "Suspicion" is merely an intentional boundary of mind that couldn't understand the simple fact but repeats question again & again. JF-17 is not just the Fighter we need for PAF but also it helped to establish our foundations for future/Next Gen ACs.

The real question should be "Why PLAAF needs JF-17 while having several ACs platforms as per their need/requirement?"
To satisfy Indian ego, why else. Forget the doctrine and completely different requirements of PLAAF and PAF.
don't you feel a little suspicious that china is "reluctant" to induct Thunder in PLAAF?

you have no comments on my second Q above?
The reason is quite simple.
PLAAF and PLAN aren't interested in lightweight fighter aircrafts any more.
Can you find that PLAAF and PLAN buy any new lightweight fighter aircrafts?
don't you feel a little suspicious that china is "reluctant" to induct Thunder in PLAAF?

you have no comments on my second Q above?

i will not indulge in comparing Tejas Vs Thunder because there already are too many threads dedicated for that.
Yes PlAAF is reluctant cuz jft is inferior to j10 ....which they already have.
I think I made it so simple that kids can understand it but ...in the meanwhile you still don't understand than please ask @The Eagle Not to issue me a warning so I can Again Explain to you in more "simple" words.
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