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Export bids for JF-17 Thunder Multirole Lightweight Fighter Aircraft

Pricing should be attractive like car sales.

1. zero % apr
2. Buy 1 get 2 missiles free, free maintainace for 10000hr flying like that.
3. Buy 1 get 1 free.
4. No question return policy.
5. 10% profit to dealer who makes deal.


I can understand point number 1, 4 and 5. But where did missiles get into car sales? I hope you are not selling Hilux pickups to Taliban, because then you better give zero % APR......or actually it wouldn't matter....:rofl:
Yes, really developed plane which was not even allowed to fly in show and which has proven itself sooo many times..

Friend to fly or not to fly depends upon lot of factors.Training on the new platform is the main one.As these are new planes , it will take some time. Just one question , how did JF17 went to Farnborough ...has it crawled all the way..

it flew all the way from Pakistan to Faranborough ( may be few pits stop),, but it had flown a good distance without any glitch..

so we have to give credit for that. PAF has much confidence in their machine. that is good for them .. since it is a new toy for them , they might not have good confidence in torturing it to its limit in front of the audience ( by hard turns it stresses the airfram). But in future show they might do it..

Pakistan needs to sell it to recover its money spent. it might not be case for other country . so they are actively marketing it.
Farnborough Debut Heralds JF-17 Export Drive
Published: 19 July 2010

ISLAMABAD - The presence of a pair of JF-17 Thunder aircraft at the Farnborough Air Show heralds the start of an export drive for the Pakistani fighter, and while officials are upbeat, some analysts are unsure if the aircraft will easily find a market.

Despite earlier press reports that the JF-17s would perform at the show, which begins July 19 in England, the air adviser at the Pakistani High Commission in London, Col. Ali Awan, told Defense News that this was not so. Both aircraft would participate only in the static display because of the late decision to participate at Farnborough and the cost of the license and insurance fees.

However, Awan said the aim of the appearance at Farnborough was "to announce that the aircraft was here" and allow potential customers to arrange additional access to the aircraft.

Domestic orders for the JF-17 are potentially as high as 250, but exports could be far higher. Awan said there was already "a lot of interest."

However, retired Air Commodore Kaiser Tufail, now an analyst, said the domestic production line at the Pakistan Aeronautical Complex (PAC) in Kamra "is likely to be overloaded with production efforts for the [Pakistan Air Force] over the next three to four years," and "export orders could only be taken thereafter."

But this could change if Chinese interest in the aircraft grows, he said.

Awan confirmed the JF-17 is officially being promoted to Egypt, and that other African nations are also showing interest.

Usman Shabbir of the Pakistani Military Consortium said there may be an opportunity to secure export orders without disrupting domestic production.

"Countries like Egypt, who require the aircraft in large numbers and have a decent aviation industry, might settle for licensed production due to indigenization and cost purposes," he said.

Because of the export success of the Sino-Pakistan K-8 jet trainer, of which Egypt is a major operator, any operator "is a potential JF-17 buyer," he said. It is "unlikely countries like [Myanmar] and Zimbabwe could go for a Western option."

Any nation that is "cash-strapped or, those which have restraints applied by Western suppliers for one or the other reason," are potential customers, Tufail said.

The weapons and avionics package on offer also may be a deciding factor, he said. Such countries would be unable to acquire missiles like the U.S. AMRAAM or the European Mica, leaving the Russian AA-10 and the Chinese SD-10 as the only options.

"This is one aspect of how [beyond visual range] availability narrows the choice between the more affordable MiG-29 and JF-17 fighters," he said. "The winner may well be the platform which boasts a better avionics suite."

"PAC Kamra needs to look at Western sources to sweeten the offering," he added.

Officials are aware of this, and Awan said the JF-17 matched the general performance of an F-16A/B, but with a "good avionics package," it could increase interest further.

He said that he was, however, unable to comment on the status of the more advanced avionics package being negotiated with the French systems integrator ATE Group, as reported in the Asian and French press, though he remained positive.

South Asia analyst Brian Cloughley was more reserved.

"The JF-17 is apparently a good mid-high-tech machine," he said, but "selling combat aircraft is very difficult."

An additional problem has been lobbying efforts by Russian fighter companies to halt sales of the Klimov RD-93 engine that powers the JF-17.

"Russians are unlikely to allow their more lucrative export of the MiG-29 suffer just because their Klimov RD-93 engine is to power a rival product," Tufail said.

This was reinforced by Cloughley, who said the "problem is political and not technical."

"Russia is not going to cut off its nose by allowing its engine to be used by those who want to export in competition with Russian aircraft," he agreed. "There has to be another power plant."

Cloughley said he was unsure whether the alternative Chinese power plant, the Guizhou WS-13 Taishan, was "adequate."

"Potential buyers are going to want guarantees of supply, and you can't give a guarantee based on an engine that isn't fully tested," he said. The level of testing done on the engine is unclear, although it has apparently been used in taxi tests, officials said.

"So, although the JF-17 is attractive, [especially in regard to price], I really don't think there can be much of an export market if the Russians decide to give a thumbs-down," Cloughley said.

Tufail identified another potential impediment in the Tejas, a possible competitor built by India's Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd. (HAL), though only "if its price and production deadlines remain under control," he said. "Much to the consternation of HAL, these have not been encouraging from their standpoint, so far."

Funding shortages due to Pakistan's weak economy and it being "badly overburdened by the war on terror" are "also likely to negatively impact the JF-17's export development prospects," Tufail said.

"This aspect may turn out to be the most decisive of all in determining if ever the JF-17 is to be the 'fighter for Afro-Asia,'" Tufail said.

Farnborough Debut Heralds JF-17 Export Drive - Defense News
Zimbabwe, I don't think should be considered - there are serious internal problems, and Pakistan should develop better, deeper relations with Soiuth Africa, who may have concerns with regard to the ZAF acquiring such performance aircraft, after all, Pakistan should want to be seen as contributing to regional security not persuing small profits.

China is very much interested in Zimbabwe natural resources (from Uranium and diamonds, through steel and chrome to platinum and coal) and for Zimbabwe as things stand now, China offers survival.

Please note that the apatheid minority government is South Africa is long gone and South Africa and Zimbabwe are good friends much to the frustrations of the West and mainstream press. I will repeat, Zimbabwe Air Force instructors are training South African pilots ... ... AND ... ... Pakistan and Chinese intructors are training Zimbabwe military.

Zimbabwe and South Africa have an intelligence pact: South Africa and Zimbabwe Set Mil-Intel Pact

SADC countries hold joint military exercises every year. They are slowly moving towards a NATO type allience. SADC TODAY
The Regional Peace Training Centre located in Zimbabwe and other national peace support training institutions will play a pivotal role in training military commanders, police officers and civilian officials at various levels while at the same time acting as the “clearinghouse” for all peace support operations and training activities in the region.

SADC - Southern African Development Community - Towards a common future
Absolutely incredible - Last year the ship was being poo pooed, and within a year all this buzz and excitement. And if the WS13 proves a success, well, it will be very interesting to see how this plays out, especially the idea that the hit the economy haq taken might kill the JF17
Sorry if off topic but is Indian equivalent LCA a potential competitor of JFT or MIG in the market? Its not ready now but after 2/3 years down the road when ready?

No, LCA will not be a potential competitor to JFT...
One of the reason is cost..JFT costs around $15 mil..while LCA is expected to cost around ~28 mil...
Also around 200 LCAs will be procured ( in Mk-1, Mk-2 and Mk-3 configuration )...Our production lines will run for atleast 12 years for just our quota of planes..So, for atleast 12 years no competition..
(Afterwards same infrastructure will be used for AMCA )..
No, LCA will not be a potential competitor to JFT...
One of the reason is cost..JFT costs around $15 mil..while LCA is expected to cost around ~28 mil...
Also around 200 LCAs will be procured ( in Mk-1, Mk-2 and Mk-3 configuration )...Our production lines will run for atleast 12 years for just our quota of planes..So, for atleast 12 years no competition..
(Afterwards same infrastructure will be used for AMCA )..

I read somewhere that its unit cost will be around 35 Million USD a piece:what:
I read somewhere that its unit cost will be around 35 Million USD a piece:what:

Yes..that was projected cost after French avionics, MAYAVI suit, AESA radar and GE-414EPE
But since >200 Planes will be procured , cost will come down to atleast~28 mil..
for various other projects.

in short, considering the time lost in sanctions, delayed projects, India's primary aim is to develop a very potent platform incorporating western weaponry and its own to replace the MIG 21s. Our air-force is the first target.

yes the way its development have gone through uptill now.

it really lloks tath IAF was the only TARGET :D :rofl:

on a serious note,
it is very ammature to start comparing the two at this point of time as you stated. :tup:
LCA is not done yet and the actual specs would only be know once the induction start and then the performance is analyzed!!

Yes..that was projected cost after French avionics, MAYAVI suit, AESA radar and GE-414EPE
But since >200 Planes will be procured , cost will come down to atleast~28 mil..

just wondering where the developmental cost will account for.....given the large delay....R&D costs will be huge and 35 Mio a piece seems like the price after R&D cost has been born or wirrten off by GoI:undecided:
and yes what is the cost of a baseline model????
Originally Posted by Rajput Warrior
God people love conspiracies!

You could have made a more rational answer than this rabble rousing reply.

If you search ' "Kill switch" F16 Pakistan ' Google returns 3,000 pages. It is a legitimate question.

perhaps this shows how much people love them.....
Yes..that was projected cost after French avionics, MAYAVI suit, AESA radar and GE-414EPE
But since >200 Planes will be procured , cost will come down to atleast~28 mil..

what about the basic configration price??

i mean, PAF is also intrested in upgraded avionics, better engine and perhaps an AESA radar. this will come in play after BLOCK II is done and this will raise the price to somewhere 25mil $

the JFT in current configration is quoted at 18 mil $

what about the basic configration price??

i mean, PAF is also intrested in upgraded avionics, better engine and perhaps an AESA radar. this will come in play after BLOCK II is done and this will raise the price to somewhere 25mil $

the JFT in current configration is quoted at 18 mil $


Basic config. price should be anywhere between 22-25mil....
However keep in the mind that the real cost will be known only when the plane is there for export...What will be its manufacturing cost will be rather unknown...
just wondering where the developmental cost will account for.....given the large delay....R&D costs will be huge and 35 Mio a piece seems like the price after R&D cost has been born or wirrten off by GoI:undecided:
and yes what is the cost of a baseline model????

Yes..thats a price which you have to pay when you start something on your own..However if this is placed for export (if )..a part of development cost will be passed on to the customers...
Anyways the money spent will bear fruits in form of AMCA.

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