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ok.....I am happy now....:yes4::happy:
and will explain you about DOTA....
see it's a multiplayer game ...consist of two teams(5 member each side)
DOTA - defense of the ancients...
one side is scourge and the other side is sentinels.....
you have to choose your hero from your home .....eah hero has some unique power which increases with lever..
highest level 25 ...
objective is to destroy others home before your side....and the battle is legendary....
you can feel when you play....so I choose this nave which makes me INVINCIBLE......:)
Defense of the Ancients - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia




some pics...

Le-gen-dary indeed :tup:
you don't want anything more to know.....plz if you have any more query you can question me...:undecided:
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