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Exclusive Video of Our Home-Made patrol vessel (Padma class): BNS Atandra :D

@Joe Shearer

You spam the thread with paragraphs of hollow rhetoric and no real information despite claiming to know it all. You've neither contradicted nor clarified any of the points under discussion in this thread. That languages and words have no religion is known even to tiny tots. And that your level of mental maturity will take a couple of decades more to match up to a toddler is now quite apparent, at least to me.
They were not patrol boats, they were Osa class missile boats that set Karachi harbour ablaze with a fire that burned for seven days and seven nights. They serve a very different role from patrol boats.
My bad. :tup: Thanks.

But what do you think about the point -
Having a number of highly mobile crafts is better than having a very few larger ones. Especially for defensive role?

Also in general patrol boats can be -
'They are warships typically smaller in size than a corvette and can include fast attack craft, torpedo boats and missile boats'

But then again - Osa class boats were strictly used as missile boats.
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They were not patrol boats, they were Osa class missile boats that set Karachi harbour ablaze with a fire that burned for seven days and seven nights. They serve a very different role from patrol boats.

Excellent point. You might have read Cmde Vijay Jerath's 25 Missile Boat Squadron, a front-line view of the raid. It clears up a lot of misconceptions.
Padma is a Hindu name in the sense that it is a part of Hindu heritage and culture.
Nothing wrong with anyone from any religion using it though.
Insisting it is not part of Hindu culture and calling other members names over such a trivial thing just shows insecurity and an inferiority complex.
@Joe Shearer

You spam the thread with paragraphs of hollow rhetoric and no real information despite claiming to know it all. You've neither contradicted nor clarified any of the points under discussion in this thread. That languages and words have no religion is known even to tiny tots. And that your level of mental maturity will take a couple of decades more to match up to a toddler is now quite apparent, at least to me.


If things are so clear to you, and if "languages and words have no religion is known even to tiny tots ", why do you and others persist in calling Padma a Hindu name?

Padma is a Hindu name in the sense that it is a part of Hindu heritage and culture.

And so? How is it a Hindu name, just because Hindu heritage and culture have used the name? How is it, in this context, the Bengali one, not a part of Bengali heritage instead, considering that the name is being used from the river, not from the flower?

Nothing wrong with anyone from any religion using it though.

Your prejudice is showing. Which anyone, from which religion, sought to use it?

anti-hero said:
Insisting it is not part of Hindu culture and calling other members names over such a trivial thing just shows insecurity and an inferiority complex.

Just like your hanging on to the issue displays your need to be right, even when you are wrong.
I can live with that.:coffee:
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If things are so clear to you, and if "languages and words have no religion is known even to tiny tots ", why do you and others persist in calling Padma a Hindu name?

I've clarified what I meant by 'Padma is a Hindu name' in my previous posts. You're so desperate to show others down with meaningless insults and name calling that you do not even bother to read/understand what the other is trying to say.

And so? How is it a Hindu name, just because Hindu heritage and culture have used the name? How is it, in this context, the Bengali one, not a part of Bengali heritage instead, considering that the name is being used from the river, not from the flower?

I am not sure you are thick in the head or just deliberately misinterpreting.Bengali and Hindu heritage can overlap, they are not exclusive.

Your prejudice is showing. Which anyone, from which religion, sought to use it?
You have some gall calling other people idiots and accusing me of prejudice.My point was in response to Bangladesh using this name.I dont care if aliens use the name Padma.
But the fact will remain Padma word came from Hindus.
Did it not ?

Just like your hanging on to the issue displays your need to be right, even when you are wrong.
I can live with that.:coffee:

Then go live your sad life.
Don't peddle fiction of your insecure mind as some absolute truth.
My bad. :tup: Thanks.

But what do you think about the point -
Having a number of highly mobile crafts is better than having a very few larger ones. Especially for defensive role?

Also in general patrol boats can be -
'They are warships typically smaller in size than a corvette and can include fast attack craft, torpedo boats and missile boats'

But then again - Osa class boats were strictly used as missile boats.

I suppose missile boats can be used to patrol the shores, and fire a few missiles at hostile ships during war. But in India, patrolling is done by patrol boats and fast attack crafts of the navy and coast guard. Missile boats were cheap platforms for offensive anti-shipping purposes, and in 1971 the IN very innovatively used them in a land attack role as well - completely taking the Pakistanis by surprise, since they were small enough to evade their coastal radars and guns, but packing enough punch to destroy their main harbour.

Your point about a large nember of cheap vessels is valid, but it all depends on the doctrines of the navy. For somebody like BN, which wants a cheap navy mostly for defensive purposes, these fit the bill. For very large navies like that of India, both are needed - large ships to perform the offensive role far from the mainland, and cheaper patrol crafts to constantly patrol the coast. It would be uneconomical to use destroyers and frigates to patrol the shores, and ineffective to use patrol vessels to attack a convoy being escorted by a PN fleet. We need both, like the air force needs light and heavy fighters.
I suppose missile boats can be used to patrol the shores, and fire a few missiles at hostile ships during war. But in India, patrolling is done by patrol boats and fast attack crafts of the navy and coast guard. Missile boats were cheap platforms for offensive anti-shipping purposes, and in 1971 the IN very innovatively used them in a land attack role as well - completely taking the Pakistanis by surprise, since they were small enough to evade their coastal radars and guns, but packing enough punch to destroy their main harbour.

Your point about a large nember of cheap vessels is valid, but it all depends on the doctrines of the navy. For somebody like BN, which wants a cheap navy mostly for defensive purposes, these fit the bill. For very large navies like that of India, both are needed - large ships to perform the offensive role far from the mainland, and cheaper patrol crafts to constantly patrol the coast. It would be uneconomical to use destroyers and frigates to patrol the shores, and ineffective to use patrol vessels to attack a convoy being escorted by a PN fleet. We need both, like the air force needs light and heavy fighters.
"I suppose missile boats can be used to patrol the shores, and fire a few missiles at hostile ships during war" - Agreed :tup:
True. :disagree: For us both are necessary. Precisely the reason why the Indian Coast Guard has so many smaller attack crafts.
I've clarified what I meant by 'Padma is a Hindu name' in my previous posts. You're so desperate to show others down with meaningless insults and name calling that you do not even bother to read/understand what the other is trying to say.

You can't clarify something that is untrue. That Padma is a Hindu name is untrue. It is a name derived from Bengali, in the instance under discussion; from Magadhi Prakrit, in the linguistic sense; from Vedic Sanskrit in the ultimate analysis, due to the provenance of Magadhi Prakrit. That some who spoke Bengali are Hindu does not lead to the conclusion that all Bengali words are then Hindu. Similarly, that some who spoke Magadhi Prakrit were Hindu does not lead to the conclusion that all Magadhi Prakrit words are then Hindu. And so on.

No amount of wriggling around gets you off the hook, and it's not enough to point to your wounded feelings to reverse facts.

There is a difference between not bothering to read/understand what the other is saying, and concluding, after bothering to read/understand, that we are discussing some zany theory of linking words to religions.

Time you thought about your nick.

I am not sure you are thick in the head or just deliberately misinterpreting.Bengali and Hindu heritage can overlap, they are not exclusive.


Just unable to suffer fools.

Bengali and Hindu heritage can, and do, overlap. Precisely why words from Bengali cannot be claimed to be exclusively Hindu. Your own logic, which, apparently, switches off and switches on.

You have some gall calling other people idiots and accusing me of prejudice.

I have a lot of gall. But why should that stop me from calling an idiot an idiot, and accusing a bigot of prejudice? What is the connection?

My point was in response to Bangladesh using this name.I dont care if aliens use the name Padma.

You claim to own the Bengali language? Bangladeshis have no rights over it? Do you read what you write, or is it dictated to you?

But the fact will remain Padma word came from Hindus.
Did it not ?

No. It did not. It came from those who spoke a particular family of languages. They did not speak it because of their religion.

Then go live your sad life.
Don't peddle fiction of your insecure mind as some absolute truth.

I asked for advice? From some passing stranger? You have to be joking to imagine that your opinions have any value, except that since you have precious little by way of fact, that is probably the only substitute you can produce.

@Joe Shearer
cool it brother

If you want to join the 'discussion', join it.
If you want to stay out, stay out.
As far as the advice is concerned, I prefer it from my peers.
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That some who spoke Bengali are Hindu does not lead to the conclusion that all Bengali words are then Hindu. Similarly, that some who spoke Magadhi Prakrit were Hindu does not lead to the conclusion that all Magadhi Prakrit words are then Hindu.

I thought 'n' number of posters above have clarified 'n' number of times that words/languages are not religious. That infinite stupidity and triviality are embedded in every (imagined) supremacist rant of yours is not a revelation anymore. Your consistent 'off topic' ramblings continue to confirm my opinion of you as an extreme sadist whose sense of self worth is dependent on how many people he can insult online with his dull-headed crass remarks. Your real life must be in complete tatters for you to act so desperate and needy on an anonymous forum. I'll be very honest - you sound like an unemployed historian to me and I don't think I'll be too off the mark on this one. Despite your vacuous personality I wish you all the luck in finding something worthwhile to do with your real life.

No amount of wriggling around gets you off the hook, and it's not enough to point to your wounded feelings to reverse facts.

That you're already feeling the heat of my existence here is now amply clear. Obviously I'm not going to let your gobbledygook go unchallenged and that is unacceptable to you because you're so used to feeding this forum with guff.
I thought 'n' number of posters above have clarified 'n' number of times that words/languages are not religious.

That being established, as I had pointed out right at the outset, why are you going on and on?

That infinite stupidity and triviality are embedded in every (imagined) supremacist rant of yours is not a revelation anymore. Your consistent 'off topic' ramblings continue to confirm my opinion of you as an extreme sadist whose sense of self worth is dependent on how many people he can insult online with his dull-headed crass remarks. Your real life must be in complete tatters for you to act so desperate and needy on an anonymous forum. I'll be very honest - you sound like an unemployed historian to me and I don't think I'll be too off the mark on this one. Despite your vacuous personality I wish you all the luck in finding something worthwhile to do with your real life.


infinite stupidity
(imagined) supremacist
off-topic ramblings
extreme sadist
vacuous personality

And that helps to explain why you think padma is a Hindu word?

That you're already feeling the heat of my existence here is now amply clear. Obviously I'm not going to let your gobbledygook go unchallenged and that is unacceptable to you because you're so used to feeding this forum with guff.

Heh. Actually, no. You are just a phenomenon that I face every six months or so, as the process of natural selection thins out the newbies with attitude and another set comes on board. This is a familiar routine, pretty dull, and there have been dozens like you fulminating and strutting up and down before you are cut down to size and vanish.

It's quite seasonal.
Heh. Actually, no. You are just a phenomenon that I face every six months or so, as the process of natural selection thins out the newbies with attitude and another set comes on board. This is a familiar routine, pretty dull, and there have been dozens like you fulminating and strutting up and down before you are cut down to size and vanish.

It's quite seasonal.

Your diatribe once again demonstrates that a dinosaur ego and a pea sized brain cannot be the best of friends. What is amusing is that your otherwise dysfunctional tiny tot of a brain quickly rejected 'unemployed historian', cooked up some new rants involving 'natural selection' to feel worthy of itself. The kind of acrobatics your brain has to indulge in to keep in sync with your ego - I can imagine the cruel joke that natural selection has inflicted on you.

Take some serious advice - Log out from here for a couple of months and go find yourself.
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