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Exclusive: Top ISIS leaders revealed - all Iraqis

I’m also an expert & analytics

How so? Since when have you become an expert on Islamic movements and Islamic fundamentalism and been aired on international TV stations while talking about those matters?:lol:

Here is the interview with Al-Arabiya. The first female news reader is Saudi Arabian. It took me 2 minutes to find.

Will you now stop insulting us Arabs by comparing Al-Arabiya to PressTV, Mr. Jabouri?

Here is the interview with Al-Arabiya. The first female news reader is Saudi Arabian. It took me 2 minutes to find.

Will you now stop insulting us Arabs by comparing Al-Arabiya to PressTV, Mr. Jabouri?

I will watch the video, what is Jabouri
The interview will come online in the matter of hours. All the information came during an interview with this gentleman.

More so I believe that half of the ISIS members are immigrants from the West. Don't think that there are more than 1500-2000 overall members (active). What is your estimation?
I think that Iraq, KSA and Turkey should work jointly to target the group and its members. But that's never going to happen.

I agree with this, but many from your country support them on forums, also note the Arabian legend idiot thanks this post of yours yet supports them killing IA forces in other threads.

Why ?
The answer is Sunni/Shia, in Egypt none of you have an issue that the army cleans Sinai because it’s all Sunni, this logic of retards is what people have to encounter on this forum.
I agree with this, but many from your country support them on forums, also note the Arabian legend idiot thanks this post of yours yet supports them killing IA forces in other threads.

Why ?
The answer is Sunni/Shia, in Egypt none of you have an issue that the army cleans Sinai because it’s all Sunni, this logic of retards is what people have to encounter on this forum.

What you talking about? A small minority supports them. At most like 3% of the population. If it was this horrible you would see bombs going off each week in KSA and infighting between Sunnis and Shias. Yet none of this happens.

He is doing it to troll like you sometimes do and some Iranian members. Same with some of the Iranian users who call everyone that does not agree with them a "Vahabi" or "terrorist". Works both ways. Due to the sectarianism in the region. Quite frankly I do not care about it. Anyway this is not going to change my opinion about Al-Asshead. What he has done is genocide and he must be punished for this.

If you were familiar with Arab forums and could read Arabic then you would see that basically all MB supporters of the Arab world, there are many btw, are against the army and silently supporting attacks on it.

I have not seen any support from anybody to them. Outside the two Egyptians. And Banu Umayyah that acted like a lunatic in his last months until he disappeared never to be seen again.
I agree with this, but many from your country support them on forums, also note the Arabian legend idiot thanks this post of yours yet supports them killing IA forces in other threads.

Why ?
The answer is Sunni/Shia, in Egypt none of you have an issue that the army cleans Sinai because it’s all Sunni, this logic of retards is what people have to encounter on this forum.

Support who you son of Mut'ah? I dare you to quote one post of mine where I showed any sympathy or support to terrorists like ISIS.

It is you lumping everyone as a terrorist or part of Al-Qaeda and its affiliates. I can post tens of pics of people from Anbar and other places who are siding against Al-Maliki and his Al-Qaeda/ISIS ally whom he facilitated their existence in Sunni area in order to get access so he could justify his military operations against Sunnis. Listen to Ali 7atm and what he says about that.


I don't think KSA should work with Al-Malik militias rather arm the people of Anbar, Fallujah..etc.

Who is letting terrorists crossing from Syria into Iraq you moron?
Support who you son of Mut'ah? I dare you to quote one post of mine where I showed any sympathy or support to terrorists like ISIS.

It is you lumping everyone as a terrorist or part of Al-Qaeda and its affiliates. I can post tens of pics of people from Anbar and other places who are siding against Al-Maliki and his Al-Qaeda/ISIS ally whom he facilitated their existence in Sunni area in order to get access so he could justify his military operations against Sunnis. Listen to Ali 7atm and what he says about that.


I don't think KSA should work with Al-Malik militias rather arm the people of Anbar, Fallujah..etc.

Who is letting terrorists crossing from Syria into Iraq you moron?

Your a terrorist yourself to start with, your king holds the medal for mut’ah.

I can post video’s of people in Sinai protesting and fighting Egyptian soldiers, why don’t you support that ? I know why so save the answer.

Ali Hatem < Ahmed Abu Risha

010 ?

We aren’t owned by a family, it’s the Iraqi army.

Again we don’t have the US doing the job for us, Iraq lacks equipment to control the Syrian border, if you watched the video Hasani posted the Minister of interior just said that.

Back to topic, no pro jew SAUD donkeys should quote me.

Thanks for insulting fellow Arabs, a whole country and people due to one individual. Yet you cry when users make similar comments about Iraq or worse. Can't you just target the individual if you insist?
Back to topic. So what did you get out from the interview? I have not watched it.

- The borders are long and hard to protect without the needed technology, Syria Iraq border laregely unprotected but efforts being made, Iraq Saudi border unprotected by the Iraq side ( so that legend won’t cry an ocean )
Required : light ( scaneagle ) UAV’s and other FLIR technology mainly with effective militarized barriers.
- Abu Bakr al bagdadi likes the position of being a 'leader' he says.
- Offensive against ISIS has proven effective he says.
- Stresses the need for an air force to fight them in the large open uninhabted desert, making deals with the US and Russia.
- Some ISIS leader @'14:00' is responsible for chemical weapon production which were captured a few months ago.
- ISIS uses a lot of small 'tunnels' under the ground to store their equipment.

Many ISIS are from other Arab states, he mentions besides Iraq, Mostly Libyans, Tunisians, Yemenis, few Egyptians, Gulfies, Saudis.

Not much beside that but some information on those leaders ( name, history, studies/jobs ).
- The borders are long and hard to protect without the needed technology, Syria Iraq border laregely unprotected but efforts being made, Iraq Saudi border unprotected by the Iraq side ( so that legend won’t cry an ocean )
Required : light ( scaneagle ) UAV’s and other FLIR technology mainly with effective militarized barriers.
- Abu Bakr al bagdadi likes the position of being a 'leader' he says.
- Offensive against ISIS has proven effective he says.
- Stresses the need for an air force to fight them in the large open uninhabted desert, making deals with the US and Russia.
- Some ISIS leader @'14:00' is responsible for chemical weapon production which were captured a few months ago.
- ISIS uses a lot of small 'tunnels' under the ground to store their equipment.

Many ISIS are from other Arab states, he mentions besides Iraq, Mostly Libyans, Tunisians, Yemenis, few Egyptians, Gulfies, Saudis.

Not much beside that but some information on those leaders ( name, history, studies/jobs ).

I don't think that there are many Yemenis. We never hear about that. So this surprises me. But on the other hand I have seen a report by an Iraqi Arab journalist from Baghdad who visited Al-Qaeda on the Arabian Peninsula headquarter in Yemen and he told/met Iraqi volunteers there. So everything is possible. Ghaith Abdul-Ahad is his name.

Transcript | Al Qaeda In Yemen | FRONTLINE | PBS

What about all the valleys and "highland" around the Jordan/KSA border? The area around Ar-Rutba. Does not seem to me like the army has any control there and it is very far away from any main population centers. A long way from Ramadi and Fallujah for instance. Both cities are just west of Baghdad. Very close. So logistically it should not be a problem.

I suspect, without knowing it, that many of them are hiding in that terrain.

I am talking about the westernmost Al-Anbar.

Here is a topographic map of Iraq where the yellow areas are noticeable. I know that there are a lot of wadis (valleys) there and highlands. Compared to the otherwise very flat Iraq and Al-Anbar.

I don't think that there are many Yemenis. We never hear about that. So this surprises me. But on the other hand I have seen a report by an Iraqi Arab journalist from Baghdad who visited Al-Qaeda on the Arabian Peninsula headquarter in Yemen and he told/met Iraqi volunteers there. So everything is possible.

What about all the valleys and "highland" around the Jordan/KSA border. The area around Ar-Rutbah. Does not seem to me like the army has any control there and it is very far away from any main populations. A long way from Ramadi and Fallujah for instance. Both cities are just west of Baghdad. Very close. So logistically it should not be a problem.

I suspect, without knowing it, that many of them are hiding in that terrain.

I am talking about the westernmost Al-Anbar.

Here is a topographic map of Iraq where the yellow areas are noticeable. I know that there are a lot of wadis (valleys) there and highlands.

Helicopters have targeted them in that valley, far western Anbar near the Jordan border, they make use of the hills.
Yet the donkey claims IA isn’t targeting ISIS.

Embedded media from this media site is no longer available

It is not possible to target them with ground troops there as the area is too large and non inhabited, finding them will be harder job on the ground .
Also this is a light attack helicopters, a gunship ( Apache / MI 28 ) would complete the job but they’re not yet in service.
Helicopters have targeted them in that valley, far western Anbar near the Jordan border, they make use of the hills.
Yet the donkey claims IA isn’t targeting ISIS.

Embedded media from this media site is no longer available

It is not possible to target them with ground troops there as the area is too large and non inhabited, finding them will be harder job on the ground .
Also this is a light attack helicopters, a gunship ( Apache / MI 28 ) would complete the job but they’re not yet in service.

I have not watched that video but is that not the Hamrin "mountains" in Salah-ad-Din province?

Yes, light attack helicopters or better drones would finish the job. The problem is though that such a big area cannot be monitored 24/7. You can keep killing ISIS members but new will arrive if the main problem is not dealt with and that responsibility is on the Iraqi government and people. No Apache helicopters or UAV's will solve this.

Ar-Rutba is the only major population center in that region of Al-Anbar and I suspect that ISIS have a pretty much free hand out there. No army presence. No Sahwa. Nothing. Close to the Jordanian and Syrian borders as well. Hilly etc. The most ideal geography in Iraq outside the Kurdish autonomous region.

Anyway I do hope that Iraq gets a better government so that the Iraqi Sunni Arabs will feel more included. If there were no problems no protests would have occurred.

But ISIS are small anyway. All that is exaggerated. 300.000-400.000 Anbaris have already left the province. Only a minority support those idiots. So no need to punish a whole people and province. Will just make people more anti-government.

Yet we keep talking about Al-Anbar when the main problems are found in Mosul and the other provinces. Yet interventions there will be very difficult.
I am afraid to say it to you but I only think that federalism is the way forward for Iraq.

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