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Ex President and Ex COAS General Pervez Musharraf Passes Away

No one can wrestle a pig in a mud pit and come out clean and smelling like roses, no matter what is claimed. :D
Iss hammam may sab hi nangay yet all the ire is saved for one special one.
Isn't He Swt the most just of judges

Windy bro you clearly have a conflict of interest which some, the world is black and white people, are going to use to aggravate the situation . Plz don't engage.
I should rephrase - it is in Allah’s nature to be merciful regardless of a person’s deeds- it not in my nature to wish the same.

Iss hammam may sab hi nangay yet all the ire is saved for one special one.
There is a difference between big and small swine.
Screenshot 2023-02-06 at 18.33.59.png
You seem to have a long memory for someone who joined barely a couple of Months back.

I suppose what i'm trying to say...or ask is: What was you previous ID?

Come on, this is [PDF] - not View attachment 915183 . We don't ban people just 'cause you're from the other side of the wall.

Yup. The other day, he was referring to something indus_pakistan, even though he's been inactive for a while now. :lol:
Mixed reactions in Pakistan. Only General in Pakistan who fixed Pakistan's Economy, world standing and brought a lot of business for Pakistanis.

General Musharraf did many other good things for Pakistan, alas being a fauji got trapped with bad civilians who misguided him for his eventual downfall.

But nowadays being an Army General is regularly ridiculed & cursed for fun in Pakistan as everybody solely blames the current economic condition in 75 yrs due to the fauji/isi decisions.

A group photo of General Pervaiz Musharaf (c) with other army officers.
Gen. Pervez Musharraf as GOC Okara (c) Maj. Raheel Sharif (extreme R) (later General & Chief of Pak Army). Brig. Shaukat Hayat (2nd from R).
Contributed: Faizain Mahmood.
Year: 1991 or 1993..
Yup. He's talking about what the military should do. As if, one pleasant morning, the military is going to just up and start doing what they should do.

Change can only be brought by making the military do what they should. Not beseeching them to do what they should.

No one willingly gives up power. Esp. inferiority complex ridden people, the likes of which have been our rulers so far.

It isn't just military. It is about the overall politics

Imran Khan politics is too idealistic and bookish. It is too simplistic

In Pakistan these ideals don't work. You need to be brutal, aggressive and ruthless

Many people might not realize it but one reason behind IK ouster is his passiveness
Innalillahi wainnailahi rajioon.
If people disagreed with Musharaff then just stay quiet rather than talking negative. Today he has passed away and will be judged, tomorrow we will pass away and will be judged.

I joined PDF because of General Musharaff, he made me interested in the military and then I found out about PDF and all you military lovers.

I thought the molvis were extremist but look at our educated class. They used to lick his boots but now refused to do dua. Will they stop doing dua for each other as they all hate and call everyone traitors.
Gen Musharaff

- Nawaz Sharif refused to have his flight landed, in effect gifting martial law to Musharraf.

- US post 9/11 was akin to a raging bull. In hindsight the General could have extracted more for Pakistan. Refusing the US was not an option no matter what anyone says. Remember the Pakistani military officials went to meet the Taliban to give up Osama but they refused. The mess is on them. Remember how the Indians panic and went to US fearing Musharraf made a deal to free J&K.

- Opened up the media, that came to haunt him later.

- Media savvy and ran circles around India in India. Exposed India’s hypocrisy and their moo pe Ram Ram aur bagal me churi etho.

- Did well on economy. The Rs was 60 to a dollar for a long time. Managed the CSF and investment well with no big corruption exposure.

- The drone policy was a bad one. He should not have allowed the US to strike within Pakistan, no matter what. The pandora box just opened thete. The politicians and establishment post Musharraf just 10x it and then the sh-t hit the fan.

- Killing of Bugti or he killed himself when he was being apprehended, nevertheless was a failed one. Again opened a pandora box.

- NRO to Benazir/Sharifs. Cardinal sin. Should have resisted the powers outside and within. Pakistan would have been better without these snakes.
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It is Uncle Sam who needs to be thanked for that, not the General.
The General and his team can be credited for managing the incoming funds well.

Don’t be too harsh on your country men.
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