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Ex Chancellor Schröders Friendship to Putin gets our soldiers free?

Hey Markus !! Don't worry about this guy 'jacksback'. He's been here on PDF LESS THAN ONE DAY and he's already been exposed as a bullshit artist. He claims to be American, but if you read his posts and the way he forms his sentences you can see clearly that he's full of shit. He won't tell his REAL flags and what his screen name used to be. He thought he had everything figured out and would never get caught. YEAH, RIGHT !! Less than a DAY !! What a dickhead.

Lol. Like Lavrov says "wheres the proof to all the gibberish you're spouting "?

Delusional angry little troll. You're not American at all. I'm guessing Saudi.
Lol. Like Lavrov says "wheres the proof to all the gibberish you're spouting "?

Delusional angry little troll. You're not American at all. I'm guessing Saudi.

Well, you guessed WRONG. Just like you were wrong thinking you could pull off telling everyone you're an American. You got caught in LESS THAN A DAY !! It isn't even close. Why lie ? Tell the truth for once, Comic Man. Name and flags, please. The REAL ones.
Well, you guessed WRONG. Just like you were wrong thinking you could pull off telling everyone you're an American. You got caught in LESS THAN A DAY !! It isn't even close. Why lie ? Tell the truth for once, Comic Man. Name and flags, please. The REAL ones.

No. I don't think I guessed wrong. I'm quite sure you'r a Saudi now. Only your kind fixate this much. Kaan was trying to give you a heads up. But you just couldn't help yourself. I'm pretty sure I know which one you are. Nice try Saudi.

Lol@ bullshits
No. I don't think I guessed wrong. I'm quite sure you'r a Saudi now. Only your kind fixate this much. Kaan was trying to give you a heads up. But you just couldn't help yourself. I'm pretty sure I know which one you are. Nice try Saudi.

Lol@ bullshits

Kaan felt sorry for you. How easily you were caught lying. 'Bullshits'... more than one. Still don't get that, do you ?
Kaan felt sorry for you. How easily you were caught lying. 'Bullshits'... more than one. Still don't get that, do you ?

Felt sorry for me? Ha. I sincerely doubt that Saudi. I actually sound intelligible. You on the other hand come off as a total mental retardate. Saudi. Now please explain to everyone how I was " caught " as you say. Saudi.
Lol. Right. Spare me. American has thousands of tons of German gold. All your reserves. And we're keeping it. And Merkel can't do anything about it.

Like I said you're a delusional teenager. Playing casino, WTF. You've descended into gibbering. Glad to know you're mad little boy. And to think just three posts ago you were saying you considered the USA your home. Now you're having menstrual cramps over my country owning yours. Deal with it

You still don´t tell me, why this should bother me? I have high living standard as all germans. Conditions of life in germany are perfect. I can travel where i want, have all possibilities. I don´t care about gold or all the bullshit you say. Because it has zero influence on my life or the life of any german.

Your backwarded nationalism is nothing i believe in. What i believe in is my personal profit and having a good time.
You still don´t tell me, why this should bother me? I have high living standard as all germans. Conditions of life in germany are perfect. I can travel where i want, have all possibilities. I don´t care about gold or all the bullshit you say. Because it has zero influence on my life or the life of any german.

Your backwarded nationalism is nothing i believe in. What i believe in is my personal profit and having a good time.

You keep contradicting yourself left and right. You talk about backward nationalism yet you previously stated you considered yourself an EU citizen. And because of that you hate Russia. You do understand that's nationalism right?

And Germany isnt doing that we'll either. Don't fool yourself. German economy is being propped up by the auto industry. But every year the Asians chip away deeper into their market. It's only a matter of time. job outlook is dismal and they are bleeding money helping prop up the eu and the Euro.

Ahh. Highschool grade stuff. How very not interesting.
You keep contradicting yourself left and right. You talk about backward nationalism yet you previously stated you considered yourself an EU citizen. And because of that you hate Russia. You do understand that's nationalism right?

And Germany isnt doing that we'll either. Don't fool yourself. German economy is being propped up by the auto industry. But every year the Asians chip away deeper into their market. It's only a matter of time. job outlook is dismal and they are bleeding money helping prop up the eu and the Euro.

Ahh. Highschool grade stuff. How very not interesting.

I don´t hate russia. I hate nobody. I see russia as free game. You might learn english senheimer. Your IP is not from USA. You got busted :D
I don´t hate russia. I hate nobody. I see russia as free game. You might learn english senheimer. Your IP is not from USA. You got busted :D

I might learn english? Of course I did. That's what we speak in the US. Not sure what that has to do with the topic. Oh that's right your too stupid to hold a conversation so you resort to making personal attacks. How original. And yes. I'm American. And I speak it like an educated American. Not some half breed immigrant teenager.
I might learn english? Of course I did. That's what we speak in the US. Not sure what that has to do with the topic. Oh that's right your too stupid to hold a conversation so you resort to making personal attacks. How original. And yes. I'm American. And I speak it like an educated American. Not some half breed immigrant teenager.

You are not american. Your IP says cyprus. You are busted senheimer :)

Beside that...i did not know an "educated" american would make so many grammatical mistakes like you do. Punctuation seems not to be your strength.
You are not american. Your IP says cyprus. You are busted senheimer :)

Beside that...i did not know an "educated" american would make so many grammatical mistakes like you do. Punctuation seems not to be your strength.

Lol. My vocabulary is impeccable. You have no idea what you are saying. I didn't know I was being graded on my forum post grammar. I'm using a tablet with automatic spell check. It's annoying. But only idiots like you and boomslang seem to care. You are simply trying to repeat what boomslang said. And how can my IP say Cyprus if I'm on the other side of the world. You are clearly lying.

But let me try. Youre not German or Italian. Your IP says youre in Pakistan. I have no actual proof. But since I said it. It must be true right?

Simple minded half breed teen. Please go on.
Lol. My vocabulary is impeccable. You have no idea what you are saying. I didn't know I was being graded on my forum post grammar. I'm using a tablet with automatic spell check. It's annoying. But only idiots like you and boomslang seem to care. You are simply trying to repeat what boomslang said. And how can my IP say Cyprus if I'm on the other side of the world. You are clearly lying.

But let me try. Youre not German or Italian. Your IP says youre in Pakistan. I have no actual proof. But since I said it. It must be true right?

Simple minded half breed teen. Please go on.

yeah sure. :D Automated spell check makes grammatic errors...sure... ;)
yeah sure. :D Automated spell check makes grammatic errors...sure... ;)

Actually that's exactly what it does. It's intuitive. And the proper term is grammatical errors. Your vocabulary is so weak. You can tell you have no intrinsic knowledge of my language. You're a novice at best. So anyway. Since your IP is in Pakistan. How's the weather.
Actually that's exactly what it does. It's intuitive. And the proper term is grammatical errors. Your vocabulary is so weak. You can tell you have no intrinsic knowledge of my language. You're a novice at best. So anyway. Since your IP is in Pakistan. How's the weather.

whatever floats your boat senny. :D

Well let me test you, since i have friends in america and visit it relative often.

1. If you would live in chicago, how would you call your city?

2. What do you get always when you open a bank account in usa, beside a credit card?

3. what is a popular party game in usa where you need to be good in aiming.

for evry a,erican this will be easy.
Lol@ some half bred mut living god knows where trying to test an American on his Americanism. How retarded can you be.

You're an idiot.

Chi town

Check book


These are idiotic questions. And multiple answers are possible. But you wouldn't know any of that. Anyways. You didn't answer my question. How's Pakistan you little half bred immigrant?

you are wrong.

1. windy city

2. online banking id...your cheque book is delivered via mail days later.

3. beer pong

you fail.
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