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Evidence Of Indian Involvement In SWAT

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we have much harder evidence on them other then penises, how the hell do you expect people to react to this u cant even call it evidence. Pakistan has always sought to investigate properly rather than chilishly accuse like our neighbour and in time it will be clear what is going on. As Musharaf sed he knows well what they are sending from their consulates in kandahar and other locations and it wasnt that the mens penises were circumised as im sure it would embarrassing to even state it as evidence
This sort of stuff will make us look silly ...........! we need solid evidence this doesnt count, Infact the author Ahmed Qureshi is saying where is the Army media why isnt the ISPR showing this images!? my reply to him is ISPR is a responsible dept they dont want to sound like jokers!
Not an Indian manufactured block of RDX or C4

Not an Indian manufactured Kalashnikov rifle

BUT a mans uncircumcised penis is the entire basis for your accusation of Indian involvement in Swat.

Allah give me strength...................
i have had patients in saudi arabia who have not been circumcised. This does not prove anything. We should quitely put our house in order and only when we have a smoking gun like our idiot Kasab then make a claim. We should catch the bastards like Fazallullah and do some real gotmo style interrogation to get 2 the bottom of things
But with no solid evidence we will look as silly as the indians did blaming the pak govt for the mumbai attacks.

da":hitwall:"1-the third dossier of evidence was given to pakistan yesterday....
and the pak govt has accepted long back that mumbai- 26/11 was due to " non sate actors of pakistan " which means they are pakistani citizens after subsequent denials

I support the taliban fight for freedom in afghanistan and think that pakistan govt should support them as long as its in pakistan's interest but the terrorists in pakistan should be wiped out.:crazy:

shows your level of maturity(mental) da":hitwall:"1

and circumsition as solid proof :rofl::rofl::rofl:good going with penis'es anyway
Well, we could intensify our own covert operations in their unstable lands. This is our justification to go after them. We all know that India has always been involved in destabilizing Pakistan.

I have some different Idea...
Have you seen that a little while ago the Srilankan's got hold of Tamil's and meanwhile Pakistan started operation againts TTP. I think there is some link in these two.
It is said that India is involved in Tamil Tigers problem and it is also involved in TTP problem.
It looks to me that finally Pakistan has started confronting India every where. One by starting this operation and second by helping Sirilanka.
I have some different Idea...
Have you seen that a little while ago the Srilankan's got hold of Tamil's and meanwhile Pakistan started operation againts TTP. I think there is some link in these two.
It is said that India is involved in Tamil Tigers problem and it is also involved in TTP problem.
It looks to me that finally Pakistan has started confronting India every where. One by starting this operation and second by helping Sirilanka.

Spot on! We should exploit every opportunity in giving the small willied Indians a taste of their own medicine. We should also concentrate on fuelling more covert operations in Assam and other such independence seeking states within India. Exploit your enemies weakness and make them pay dearly. Just a taste of their own medicine.
I have some different Idea...
Have you seen that a little while ago the Srilankan's got hold of Tamil's and meanwhile Pakistan started operation againts TTP. I think there is some link in these two.
It is said that India is involved in Tamil Tigers problem and it is also involved in TTP problem.
It looks to me that finally Pakistan has started confronting India every where. One by starting this operation and second by helping Sirilanka.

Fine! Whatever makes you save yourselves.:tup: and fight terrorists.

Wow!! what an evidence. IT only helps RAW people to take this precaution next time. Proves nothing :lol:

May the man's soul rest in peace.
Spot on! We should exploit every opportunity in giving the small willied Indians a taste of their own medicine. We should also concentrate on fuelling more covert operations in Assam and other such independence seeking states within India. Exploit your enemies weakness and make them pay dearly. Just a taste of their own medicine.

so a handful of ulfa guys are gonna make assam independent; its similar to idiotic reports of taliban taking over Pakistan....seriously do you even know whats happening in assam? and which other states are seeking independence? please elaborate...
I have some different Idea...
Have you seen that a little while ago the Srilankan's got hold of Tamil's and meanwhile Pakistan started operation againts TTP. I think there is some link in these two.
It is said that India is involved in Tamil Tigers problem and it is also involved in TTP problem.
It looks to me that finally Pakistan has started confronting India every where. One by starting this operation and second by helping Sirilanka.

All you have to do is help yourself, and apparently your administration is finding it hard enough. Finally you have started to confront your own nurtured terrorists whom your administration considers as 'strategic assets'. After ranting here, your problem still remains unsolved.

Go ahead & present your 'immaculate' evidence to the world. And we will join the wave of laughter that will follow.
Granted, a dead mans picture with his pants off is not credible evidence.

However, it is very unlikely for a Muslim man to be uncircumcised. On that basis, this is a significant finding that should be followed up.

Uncircumcised Muslims are almost unheard of. You need to understand this!
From the Article
Pictures of Uzbek and Gurkhas non-Muslim militants killed during the Pakistani military sweep of the Swat Valley. These exclusive pictures show that they are uncircumcised. Their facial features prove they could be Gurkha fighters whom the Indian and the British militaries use to fight in mountainous regions.

Its strange that the Journalist claims that they are gurkhas...seems he is not aware of how his own countrymen looks like...seems he has never seen a Hazara community member.....

here is another picture of Gurkha for him...

Abdul Khaliq Hazara, Secretary-General of the Hazara Democratic Party (HDP) in Balochistan

Poor Hazaras... they are now going to be called Gurkhas by the likes of the Ahmed Q and Z Hamid...
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Granted, a dead mans picture with his pants off is not credible evidence.

However, it is very unlikely for a Muslim man to be uncircumcised. On that basis, this is a significant finding that should be followed up.

Uncircumcised Muslims are almost unheard of. You need to understand this!

Sir, I would request you to kindly read the previous posts before putting in your 2 cents.

i have had patients in saudi arabia who have not been circumcised. This does not prove anything. We should quitely put our house in order and only when we have a smoking gun like our idiot Kasab then make a claim. We should catch the bastards like Fazallullah and do some real gotmo style interrogation to get 2 the bottom of things

This gentle mean is a Doctor and I persume he knows fully well what he is writing about.

da":hitwall:"1-the third dossier of evidence was given to pakistan yesterday....
and the pak govt has accepted long back that mumbai- 26/11 was due to " non sate actors of pakistan " which means they are pakistani citizens after subsequent denials

You indians seem to forget you blamed the pakistani army-govt-ISI at the start and then when you could not prove it you accepted pakistans "non state actors" theory.
:hitwall::hitwall::hitwall:did the pak govt have a hand in the attacks in mumbai?

I support the taliban fight for freedom in afghanistan and think that pakistan govt should support them as long as its in pakistan's interest but the terrorists in pakistan should be wiped out.:crazy:

shows your level of maturity(mental) da":hitwall:"1

Just as long the real taliban keep attacking india-american agents i am happy.....blow up another indian consulant
Dear small willied Indian, stop turning this into a Baluchistan affair. Baluchistan is part and parcel of Pakistan. Pakistani Balochi brothers and sisters are our own. Don't you worry about that you small willied Indian. This thread has nothing to do with Baluchistan. I know many insurgencies in India which we could exploit to our benefit. :lol:

Dear Member, Seems that you are little slow or did not got the point of the post and use of the picture with the claims made by the journalist. when you are done with your fantasy of the willies(as you use the term in every other post)...try to read it again...its about Gurkha looking features (thus Indian as claimed) and Hazara features...nothing about Baluchistan topic or angle...:crazy:
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