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Evidence Of Indian Involvement In SWAT

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One interesting thing to note is the fighter/militant in the photos appears to be a Gurkha. Gurkhas are from Nepal and also are in the Indian army. They are renowned for their fighting skills and bravery, so the fact that India is or maybe using Gurka fighters is fascinating...

What this tells us is either Nepal is waging war against Pakistan or it is India's RAW and military affiliates who has close connections with the Gurka militants...

We must ask ourselves, where are these hostile foreign fighters entering Pakistan, my guess is most likely Northern or Western Pakistan. They probably enter Pakistan through Afghanistan/Tajikistan border.

"ISLAMABAD, Pakistan—Pictures of Uzbek and Gurkhas non-Muslim militants killed during the Pakistani military sweep of the Swat Valley. These exclusive pictures show that they are uncircumcised. Their facial features prove they could be Gurkha fighters whom the Indian and the British militaries use to fight in mountainous regions."

Source: Ahmed Quraishi.com

Pakistan should respond to this act of war and aggression by India, fight back.
lol i can see a lot of credible posts from u today..... he just posed a pic of a guy in balochistan.....he did no bring up baloch issue....

ps: why are you obscessed with willies any way!!!!! are you g#y?

^^ Hahaha, I have managed to frustrate these small willied Indians. I like that. Don't worry small willied Indians, we will nevertheless take care of your terrorist outfits across the border and in Swat. Small willied India is involved in every act of terror in Pakistan. Small willied India is going to pay a very hefty price for their anti-Pakistan sponsored terror. Take that you small willied Indians. LOLZ

I encourage members to be rational and mature, personal attacks are unnecessary and insults about private parts and bodily features should not enter the discourse. Though I understand we must be given the freedom and flexibility to discuss this issue because the evidence claiming Indian involvement is of that nature, however I believe we can address this topic in a more mature way...

This is shocking !!!

Oh, it's extremely shocking. I always knew that the Indians with their small willies were involved in destabilizing Pakistan. The leadership needs to start taking this threat very seriously. Neglecting the matter will only worsen the security situation in Pakistan. We need to squeeze the source of terror flowing from across the border. Otherwise, our army will be mopping the floor with the faucet on so to speak. A fruitless exercise with no end in sight as far as terror is concerned. We need to take appropriate measures in order to take out all terrorist camps across the border. We also need to teach the sponsors of terror a big lesson.

I encourage members to be rational and mature, personal attacks are unnecessary and insults about private parts and bodily features should not enter the discourse. Though I understand we must be given the freedom and flexibility to discuss this issue because the evidence claiming Indian involvement is of that nature, however I believe we can address this topic in a more mature way...


Well, I'm discussing the topic in a very mature manner. Truth is that I'm hitting the nail on the head. It's a bitter pill to swallow, I know that.
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ImportAnt Truth!

MY close relative is a senior employee in Army Public School In khi. Some days before, a Subedar came for an admission for his children and while he was in my relatives office, lets say X, he told that he came from Wana just 3 days ago.X asked that dont you regret killing Muslims, after all they are Muslims. Sunedar replied that BY god they are not Muslims. He told that when they used to wash the bodies of miscreants to burry, they saw that they were not muslims(circumcision issue), he told the reason why the so called taliban covered their faces. He told that they were mostly afghans and uzbeks and even strangely indian like faces were often seen. HE said that these people are so ignorant that they dont pray Namaz, he repeated again and again that they were NOT MUslims. Their Pashtu accent was strange too.

Therefore, it iS true that Foreign elements support the so called fking Taliban. And this is one of the many evidences. I dont know why the ISPR dosent openly shows the body and this is probably the reason that it'll reveal iNidan, afghani and even US involvement in insurgency.
But THis does not neccesarily means that all the fighters are non muslims, but what it really means is that these AH's are manipulating are religion and hence use some other ignorant people to fight their own Muslims Brothers. It is also reported that Many Students and young boys had been forcefully inducted by the Taliban to fight for them.
This gurkha-uzbek looking theory is very weak.......what about all the people that where convinced that kasab was indian becauce he looked darker and had more rounded features......ridiculous.......hard evidence is what is needed and the size and condition of your penis is not one or the "looks like a gurkha-uzbek" theory.
This gurkha-uzbek looking theory is very weak.......what about all the people that where convinced that kasab was indian becauce he looked darker and had more rounded features......ridiculous.

Well, i still say, that tape conversation lingo never heard in Pakistan. Only that type of accent found in India.
Dammit! Dammit! Dammit! Why isn't Mr. 10% saying anything? Has he stooped this low????

Dirty politicians! EXPOSE India for the fascist state that it is!

Indians lie so much, expose their deceit, tyranny, and hate! HURRY HURRY HURRY! No time to wait!
This is hardly evidence, there's a NA member from waziristan on record saying many people there are not circumcised. and if indians are willing to go to waziristan to die why will they shy away from a snip???

And about those who say they've not heard an uncircumcised pakistani, well how do they know unless the speakers were nude? :)

Looks like a weak attempt to make one feel good after the taliban egg is on the face now. these are same people who have a soft corner for the good taliban and as a result the 'bad' taliban are automatically indian :) more denial mentality.
Well, i still say, that tape conversation lingo never heard in Pakistan. Only that type of accent found in India.

Bro, i do not doubt for 1 second that he indians are involved in the attacks on pakistan.......somewhere down the chain theres an indian link ,but do you really think that RAW would be so stupid as to send someone that can be traced back to the indian army....officer ect.
The way i look at at this is that the indians gives the weapons-money to NA afghans who then recruit on behalf of the indians anti pakistan elements who then go onto recruit actual terrorist.....at the end we get the grunt on the ground who can not be traced back to the indians.

We need the balls to take out indians assets in afghanistan.....just like when we blew that consulant-spy den up.

Looks like a weak attempt to make one feel good after the taliban egg is on the face now. these are same people who have a soft corner for the good taliban and as a result the 'bad' taliban are automatically indian :) more denial mentality.

The terrorist gang in NWFP has nothing to do with the taliban.......the taliban are those under the control of mullah omar which non of the terrorist are in NWFP.
Enough times mullah omar has told the BM- faizullah to come into afghanistan if they want to fight .......but no there only intrested in fighting the pak army which only benfits the enemies of pakistan.
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