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Ever Growing List of Indo-US Defense Deals

Why don't you try getting some of the stuff India is getting, oh wait:

India offered (in process of buying) latest Apache Blk.III, Pakistan has AH-1S,
India bought latest P-8I, Pakistan bought P-3C
India offered latest and most advanced F-16 Blk.70 "Super Viper"/ F-18E/F , Pakistan has F-16CF-16 Blk.52
India offered GloablHawk, Pakistan offered Shadow-200
India offered CH-47F, Pakistan has Mil-17 bought for them by US.
India bought C-17, Pakistan........

The list goes on and on pal.
Pakistan bought the AH-1S, over 25 years ago, even before Apaches were introduced into service.!!!
Which is the most widely used....P-3 or P-81....P-3 in operation with PN for over a decade
Again Pakistan bought the F-16s some 30 years earlier, the purchase of mere 40 aircraft, caused India to go into a frenzy buying spree, apart from say UAEAF, how many countries operate other than the standard "C/D" models.
For the cheap banter, look up as to since when Pakistan has been operating the MiL-8 and deratives.
Pakistan has been flying the C-130 since early 60s.....a version of which India only relieved last year.
BTW, PAF was first non NATO country to induct the F-16s and one of the very few to have used it in battle and scored kills.
That`s as simple as that... Indian policy maker will do their best to make India survive in all situations...
same as others doing since their birth...

Which is where I am trying to relate how far is the policy maker prepared to go?

---------- Post added at 09:02 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:01 AM ----------

Pakistan bought the AH-1S, over 25 years ago, even before Apaches were introduced into service.!!!
Which is the most widely used....P-3 or P-81....P-3 in operation with PN for over a decade
Again Pakistan bought the F-16s some 30 years earlier, the purchase of mere 40 aircraft, caused India to go into a frenzy buying spree, apart from say UAEAF, how many countries operate other than the standard "C/D" models.
For the cheap banter, look up as to since when Pakistan has been operating the MiL-8 and deratives.
Pakistan has been flying the C-130 since early 60s.....a version of which India only relieved last year.
BTW, PAF was first non NATO country to induct the F-16s and one of the very few to have used it in battle and scored kills.

It was the Americans that encouraged us to persist with the type as we had planned to, they saw the quick advantage it gave us.
India actually "joining" the US camp when it comes to a China policy and looking to use that against Pakistan as well.
India is unlikely to join any 'camp' in the near future.
Our stupid politicos are an undeniable proof of that.
India has been very passive in it's foreign policy so far, as the leader's are busy trying to figure what foreign policy to use for their illegal black money.
Their seemed a ray of hope with the Indo-US nuke deal, but all that hardwork has been spoilt by the Liability Bill.
Which is where I am trying to relate how far is the policy maker prepared to go?

I think they`ll definitely take a leaf from Pakistans policy & make all decisions keeping it in mind that all balls in US court`ll hurt more then anything...
Remember Richard Nixon's visit to china. They indeed propped up china as part of cold war strategy.

You don't have to teach Pragmatism to Indians, you know.

The Cold War ended long ago dear.
Question is.. has the US been given that impression?
India has always had an independent policy in the sense that it looks after her interests and hers alone.

Nothing much has changed since the days of the "Brezhnev Era". And the Americans know it. The only thing that has changed (since then) is the role of American investment in the Indian economy. But conversely the strength of the Indian economy has changed manifold, just as has changed the overseas investment power of Indian industry (including PSUs). The biggest change is the intellectual and economic clout of NRIs overseas esp. in USA. So the Americans know more subtly and surely (than the Indira era) of what India seeks.

Even with the Soviet-Indian pact.. it was India the benefited more while its neighbor was in the least sense of the term "screwed over" by its "Ally of allies".

Think why this actually happened? I have an explanation for that too. (read my posts# 38 and 39). I don't think that needs explanation.

In this case, the US is again counting on its "bright and shiny" care bears hug of India as its counterweight both militarily and economically to China. the effort has begun to infiltrate India's military and civil leadership..initially with ..then ...then . It will be a test of India's democratic values and how they translate to the will of its people when it comes to this fling. RAW will work hard to prevent turncoats when it comes to those that deliver and decide on Indian foreign policy, but will it hold out on its urge of "The enemy of my enemy is by best friend?".

Even the reverse is true, in even more subtle fashion. Did'nt "Tricky Dick" Nixon whine about it years ago when he said something about US Ambassadors in India........... The Indian methods are far more subtle than the heavy-handed Americans. Though the Americans ought to have learnt over the years in Latin America, Africa or Asia; they seem to have not.

Whereas Pakistan's general Public never really went gaga for the USA(its leaders are another story), is it possible for the typical Indian to be "tweaked" by media inputs of being gaga for the USA?
Capt Popeye has made a point with his "thumbs up" analogy, but that was during the cold war..and India was allied with the Soviets. Can the same be expected now with a MUCH more connected(both input and output) Indian population?

Surprisingly (maybe for you as well) USA has carried a somewhat favorable with the India populace most times. From neutral in Eisenhower's time to very favorable in Kennedy's time (actually some of that carried over into Johnson's presidency) The only time it was really unfavorable was in Nixon's time (though I'd say that far less US flags were burnt in India at that time than in other countries). Even that was not such a serious matter, even for the Indian establishment; because they considered Nixon to be of extremely poor intellectual caliber (surpassed only by Reagan- who did'nt matter too much in India and Bush- who turned out to be good for India). And Dick knew that; it burned him no end when Indira looked down the end of her aquiline nose at him and.......... So all he could do was fling epithets. But that was again in the typical heavy-handed American way after all!

We are digressing from the topic when we include Pakistan as a counter example and I have deleted and punished such posts here which had tried so earlier, but for the sake of "intelligent" discussion continue this if needed for the next few posts and then return to the topic. The idea is not to "flame or blame".. but "claim fame" through good discussion"

I introduced our neighbor's activities and predilections only to point out the fact that India is and has aways been cognizant of the need to establish a relation-ship with the USA where India does not ever get reduced to the status of a client-state. The only time that India was vulnerable to that situation was in 1962. But surprisingly, India surmounted that, that must be at least some tribute to the political will and intellectual qualities of India's leadership in those "prickly times".

There was no other reason.
India actually "joining" the US camp when it comes to a China policy and looking to use that against Pakistan as well.

Underlined part- Not likely, though you have to explain "joining the US camp".
Italicized part- that is a possibility, but only as far as it serves Indian interests. India has had quite some practice in doing that kind of thing. :)
Underlined part- Not likely, though you have to explain "joining the US camp".
Italicized part- that is a possibility, but only as far as it serves Indian interests. India has had quite some practice in doing that kind of thing. :)

actually india has allied with u.s against china...this is naked truth....so china and pakistan need to come together
Underlined part- Not likely, though you have to explain "joining the US camp".
Italicized part- that is a possibility, but only as far as it serves Indian interests. India has had quite some practice in doing that kind of thing. :)

More joint "focused" exercises, agreeing to base US troops.. covertly agreeing to attack Pakistan at the behest of the US..etc.
Camp means "Huzoor aap ka hukum sar ankhon par sirf jo meray faiday karey chahe abhi mujhe zaroorat ho ya na ho".
India is milking this new cow very well. Though we are paying dollars for it.
Santro - agreeing to base US troops? Buddy you have no clue what you are saying. More likely we will hand you kashmir tomorrow :sick:

Any comment on ''covert'' ops would be speculation.
More joint "focused" exercises, agreeing to base US troops.. covertly agreeing to attack Pakistan at the behest of the US..etc.
Camp means "Huzoor aap ka hukum sar ankhon par sirf jo meray faiday karey chahe abhi mujhe zaroorat ho ya na ho".
Was that just your fantasy/hope or are you trying to give the example of U.S-Pakistani relations.
More joint "focused" exercises, agreeing to base US troops.. covertly agreeing to attack Pakistan at the behest of the US..etc.
Camp means "Huzoor aap ka hukum sar ankhon par sirf jo meray faiday karey chahe abhi mujhe zaroorat ho ya na ho".

That is clearer now. Not possible!
India did not spring up in the air to do that in the CENTO and SEATO era. No chance now.

p.s. your post had considerable hyperbole. India will not do anything for even substantially less. History knows that.
India is basing U.S Troops along israel in kashmir ...
India is not going to ally with any country.
Even American experts on India/Foriegn policy have recognized this fact.
It is not possible in the current system.
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