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EU says Turkey must do more

So we will have to wait and see the improvements if there are any

I posted results from 2009, Turkish students improved for ~40 points in 2009 over the 2006 scores. Total sum of points is 800....you can decide for yourself if 40 is indicative of a better curriculum promised in 2006. Though, in the end progress is progress.

Link is in post above. Today' s Zaman.
Nice read indeed. I'm happy for your progress, but at the same time i haven't seen too many white collar employed Turks. Private business = kebap stand. Turkish monopoly. Of course there are also exceptions, i'm just talking in general terms what i see on the street.

but also as professionals such as academicians, scientists, doctors, journalists, engineers, lawyers, entrepreneurs, artisans, politicians, athletes etc.

I have never understood why you make fun with one of the most delicious food on the planet? Nobody is forcing you to eat it buddy, you can continue to suck these up if you like:


You know that the Turks in Western Europe used to be the poorest and the most uneducated section of Turkish society before their immigration, right? Now they have started to establish their own businesses. Couple of decade later they will be integrate even more. You are just prejudiced.

And your point is?..
this is your original post:

If Turkey has the budget revenues to pay and Poland doesn't, why does Turkey then have a budget deficit? Why does it need to issue government bonds?
The more you post, the more you will shoot yourself in the leg....

Answer these two questions, without any emotions attached. I also provided sources, in fact i used your sources and what you label as blabbering is debunking your argument that Poland cannot finance it's debt, which it infact can at better rates then Turkey. What's even better is your comment about how a billionaire can pay and a millionaire can't.
Let me remind you, you will be paying more then 5% on your debt while your last year's growth was iirc ~2.5%. So it comes off as a bloated ego for you to be talking about Poland's sustainability while you have to take care of yours.

If you can also quote me where it says Poland's economy is as good as Turkey's would be also nice. But you won't be able to, because i never said that, i only argued your stats of 55% debt/gdp ratio doesn't mean the end of the world.

Now, since i see you are all emotional, let me remind you that we are discussing this in the context of Turkey being a net beneficiary or contributor to the budget. You people are saying EU needs Turkey to pay into the budget, which is another laughable statement, while i on the other hand am quite certain Turkey would be a beneficiary of the financing, because only the western part is developed.
The economic stats which we are arguing about in which Turkey is better then Poland are not so much better to make Turkey a payer. In fact while Turkey's stats are better in general, there are also a few stats where Poland is better.

Lolololol, man you are just ignorant.

The debt interest to gdp growth means sh!t, again what you're looking for is debt growth to gdp growth :). Dude for real come on you can't be this disinformed.

Gdp to debt is a commong way to look at the healthIness of a country, but if you have the knowledge you must also take the budget revenue in consideration.
I'm going to talk in 2013 know poland has a current account deficit of 1.5% of their gdp (7,8 billion dollar) thus currently they have an estimate of 6% of their gdp (31,2 billion dollar). With the current figures their Budget revenues are 75 billion dollar. So their dificit is near to 50% of their current budget revenue :). Yeah my man they are currently spending 50% more then that they make. Here is your source use your math.
Polish Budget Gap Hits 68.6% of Full Year Plan at End-March

Now let's come to turkey in the first quarter of 2013 they had budget deficit of 0,07 % of gdp. Yeah that's fvcking right 480 million dollars :) , thus we can put an estimate of 0,28% of gdp ( 2 billion dollars) for the entire year. Budget revenue was 50 billion dollar for the first quarter so the estimate for the entire year is 200 billion dollar :).The deficit is 1% of our budget revenue . :)
Here's a source use your math.
Minister: Turkey cuts budget deficit by 86 percent, 16 April 2013

Like I said Poland is not near Turkey in term of revenues , gdp .

If someone states that we also thought that poland would be the golden goose for Eu.
And then as a answer i gave poland is not near Turkey in terms of economic strength and if you try to disprove my statement, that pretty much sums up that you disagree in my statement that the economic strength of poland is not near Turkey.

Which country of the eu do you come from?
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I have never understood why you make fun with one of the most delicious food on the planet? Nobody is forcing you to eat it buddy, you can continue to suck these up if you like:

You know that the Turks in Western Europe used to be the poorest and the most uneducated section of Turkish society before their immigration, right? Now they have started to establish their own businesses. Couple of decade later they will be integrate even more. You are just prejudiced.

And your point is?..

Don't step on every cr4p he serves. The dutch Turkish contribution to the gdp is just over 2% , the population of Turkish in The netherlands is 2,3% and is very young. Our youngsters are more and more finishing their high graduate and yes there are many white collared turkish employees.
And the Turkish businneses are shifting from detail and horeca sector to construction and service sector.

Haci bu son aralar fetoscular ayak atti bir kac avrupa ulkesine Turkiye icin lobi kuruyorlar su anda :).
You still failed to explain how a continent reduced to rubble and his citizens eating dust amidst destroyed cities managed to pick themselves up in 1945(and don't give me the marshall plan,that was a drop of water in the ocean).
Those are not insults,it's the truth,you try to explain your failures by blaiming others,blaiming the ones who actually helped you.

Yes the Marshall plan did help a lot.

Combine this with access to the vast US market and US protection from Communist Russia(which relieved the burden of defence a lot) and no wonder Europeans economies recovered quickly from the devastation of WW2.

Finally , the fact that there still was no competition from the likes of China helped a lot whereas that competition is ruthlessly hammering European industry now.

Instead of throwing out childish insults, you may benefit from listening to more knowledgeable and wiser posters here:lol:
Yes the Marshall plan did help a lot.

Combine this with access to the vast US market and US protection from Communist Russia(which relieved the burden of defence a lot) and no wonder Europeans economies recovered quickly from the devastation of WW2.

Finally , the fact that there still was no competition from the likes of China helped a lot whereas that competition is ruthlessly hammering European industry now.

Instead of throwing out childish insults, you may benefit from listening to more knowledgeable and wiser posters here:lol:

Ok man,wish the death of Europe all you want,i'm not going to destroy this thread anymore,the turks are celebrating today,it will just be impolite. :)
Lolololol, man you are just ignorant.

The debt interest to gdp growth means sh!t, again what you're looking for is debt growth to gdp growth :). Dude for real come on you can't be this disinformed.

Funny. You brought the ability of servicing debt into question first. And now that the results don't match to your wishes it means shit.

Gdp to debt is a commong way to look at the healthIness of a country, but if you have the knowledge you must also take the budget revenue in consideration.
I'm going to talk in 2013 know poland has a current account deficit of 1.5% of their gdp (7,8 billion dollar) thus currently they have an estimate of 6% of their gdp (31,2 billion dollar). With the current figures their Budget revenues are 75 billion dollar. So their dificit is near to 50% of their current budget revenue :). Yeah my man they are currently spending 50% more then that they make. Here is your source use your math.
Polish Budget Gap Hits 68.6% of Full Year Plan at End-March

Now let's come to turkey in the first quarter of 2013 they had budget deficit of 0,07 % of gdp. Yeah that's fvcking right 480 million dollars :) , thus we can put an estimate of 0,28% of gdp ( 2 billion dollars) for the entire year. Budget revenue was 50 billion dollar for the first quarter so the estimate for the entire year is 200 billion dollar :).The deficit is 1% of our budget revenue . :)
Here's a source use your math.
Minister: Turkey cuts budget deficit by 86 percent, 16 April 2013

Like I said Poland is not near Turkey in term of revenues , gdp .

If someone states that we also thought that poland would be the golden goose for Eu.
And then as a answer i gave poland is not near Turkey in terms of economic strength and if you try to disprove my statement, that pretty much sums up that you disagree in my statement that the economic strength of poland is not near Turkey.

Good for Turkey. I'm also impressed how you get stuck on the little things and ignore the big picture.
Namely, all of this still doesn't mean (though yes, i have to admit i thought Polish balance is better) it will have to pay more then it receives. I'm refering to large swaths of Turkey (like Poland) that are undeveloped in probably every sense of the word, when i searched for links there was even an article stating how physicians are scarce.

So please.....your fears about how Turkey will have some fiscal burden are more then likely unfounded.
Funny. You brought the ability of servicing debt into question first. And now that the results don't match to your wishes it means shit.

Good for Turkey. I'm also impressed how you get stuck on the little things and ignore the big picture.
Namely, all of this still doesn't mean (though yes, i have to admit i thought Polish balance is better) it will have to pay more then it receives. I'm refering to large swaths of Turkey (like Poland) that are undeveloped in probably every sense of the word, when i searched for links there was even an article stating how physicians are scarce.

So please.....your fears about how Turkey will have some fiscal burden are more then likely unfounded.

If you would have made this statement 7 years ago I would have agreed with you 100 percent.
But giving the current circumstances, Turkey joining today will have to contribute to the rescue packages for various countries.
Smaller economy's like Belgium Luxembourg and Scandinavian countries had to contribute too.
This gives me the feeling that they would expect the same from Turkey.

Otherwise yes if turkey would join a healthy eu the development aid would by far exceed the money turkey would contribute.
But giving the current circumstances, Turkey joining today will have to contribute to the rescue packages for various countries.
Smaller economy's like Belgium Luxembourg and Scandinavian countries had to contribute too.
This gives me the feeling that they would expect the same from Turkey.

If you look at it this way, then Turkey is already contributing to the IMF, 5 bill.$. technically a loan ofcourse, but money given away if the worst case materializes.

Scroll down to chart in the link below:

IMF wins pledges of $456bn for crisis fund - Telegraph

Otherwise yes if turkey would join a healthy eu the development aid would by far exceed the money turkey would contribute.

Although 4,8 Billion is allocated to Turkey for 2007-2013


+ chart on this page, an additional 1 billion between 2004-2006.

CFCU - Central Finance & Contracts Unit

Up to so far you have only been receiving. And this doesn't mean you will have to be bailing out Greece, Spain etc....More over, the countries that were contributing to the bailouts outside the IMF fund (there were two rescue funds, the 456 bill.$ from the IMF and the 1 trillion$ one from the eurozone countries themselves), are the countries that can loan money on low interest, like Germany, the Netherlands etc....Turkey isn't in that "loan range" yet, Spain gets loans cheaper then you due to backing of ECB.

You say Turkish immigrant, i think kebap stand. Sorry, it's subconscious, i mean no harm, i ate more then a few kebaps in my life.

I was reffering to this:
Yes, you are important. After all, those 5 million dirty jobs in Germany must be done by someone. And in return Germany protects you from big, bad Syria with PAC-3.

You are right though, prejudice was a very 'soft' word to describe this...
Ottomans never controled more than half of Europe,stop talking crap.

On topic:Turkey shouldn't join the EU,it might look rosy on the outside,and ofcourse the money they give new members for free are good,but on the inside they are a prison of nations,step by step they are eating away national sovereignity,states can't even make some decisions on their own without a EU birocrat poking his nose in,the euro was a fiasco,entire industries have been wiped out in some countries by european common policies.....My advice,stay way clear of this if you can.

I stand by what i said... Albania, Greece, Romania, Hungary and all old 'Yugoslavia' Balkans were ruled by the Ottomans for ages.. If Vienna had fallen, Austria-Hungary Empire would have been too..

Another slightly uinderrated fact also, The Ottomans taxed these countries less than the other nearby empires invading them, and showed good religious tolerance, so quite a few of them were happier under Ottomans than any other western christian countries...
There's a map of it..

They were in up to Vienna and taxed and ruled over all these countries for years..

I only posted 21 times, so it won't let me paste links, but, just Google 'Ottoman Empire' map..
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