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EU says Turkey must do more

There's a map of it..

They were in up to Vienna and taxed and ruled over all these countries for years..

I only posted 21 times, so it won't let me paste links, but, just Google 'Ottoman Empire' map..

No need for the map,I am well aware of the Ottoman Empire,they are one of my favourite characters that i've read about in history.Still all those territories don't amount to "more than half of Europe" and if we want to get technical,the romanian principalities never were ottoman provincies but vassal states.

And,yes,if you were a christian orthodox back in the 16th century it would have been better to live under ottoman rule than under spanish catholichs and their horrible Spanish Inquisition - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Still,it wasn't a paradise though,with the devshirme system and all. :)
Yes, your other points are correct..

I only used 'more than half' as a figure of speech.. It obviously wasn't that much of Europe, but they were at the gates of Vienna and ruled over most countries to the East of Europe for centuries..

My point was, apart from religion, Turkey is a European and Asian country (Istanbul being the only city in the world in both continents).. And if Cyprus (located further to the East) has been accepted, why not Turkey??? I believe Ukraine is making an application too..

I have also been recently told from a good source that: Yoghurt originally comes from Bulgaria, our beloved Pastirma from Romania and our national drink Raki originally from Syria (known as Arak i believe) which were all Ottoman territories..

Furthermore, i have told, it might be disputed, but Coffee was introduced into Europe through the failed Ottoman campaign of Vienna, after the Turks abandonned tons of it in the camp and some clever Austrian opened coffee shops with the supplies.. It might also explain the shape and name of the 'Croissant' to go with that coffee...
I have never understood why you make fun with one of the most delicious food on the planet? Nobody is forcing you to eat it buddy, you can continue to suck these up if you like:


I think I'm gonna puke ! :bad:

For the love of God did every other edible thing on the face of the Earth just die out that one has to resort to eating snails & then go a step further by calling it a delicacy ! :blink:
I think I'm gonna puke ! :bad:

For the love of God did every other edible thing on the face of the Earth just die out that one has to resort to eating snails & then go a step further by calling it a delicacy ! :blink:

Seconded.Those are :sick:
EU has a double standards. Just imagine how they will treat us when we are in the EU seeing that they treat us as **** before we get accepted. They have higher conditions for us than Christians. I mean just look at Bulgaria and Greece. How did they got accepted?

Just imagine how they will treat us when a another economic crises brakes out in the future. In the past they accused the Greeks because they were seen as no real Europeans for all the faults of EU. I think they will blame us in the future when something similar happens. Do we want to enter EU? really?
To be or not be a member of EU no longer preoccupy people mind as it was 10 years ago..Attraction of EU membership losing its importance from 80% to under 45% among people in Turkey...As long as EU declines as Turkey rise in economic welfare and democracy the desire of people toward EU membership will decrease more and more..

Turkey is already a member of NATO, ECU(european customs union), ECHR(european court of human rights), OECD and etc..
Turkey has a different historical past, diffrent cultural and religous roots....So Turkey cannot fix herself according to %100 of dimensions and criterions of EU...We should preserve some of our natural, national and private values..

As for EU attitudes about double standart againist Turkey..indeed, they may be rightful in some their own aspects due to cultural, historical and religous diversities...Yet, they should be honest not be like belly dancer about that.


and all old 'Yugoslavia' Balkans were ruled by the Ottomans for ages

No. Coincidentally the part which wasn't conquered but just had to endure raiding invasions is where half of my family comes from. iirc even some parts of Croatia weren't conquered, though the majority was.

Yes, your other points are correct..

I only used 'more than half' as a figure of speech.. It obviously wasn't that much of Europe, but they were at the gates of Vienna and ruled over most countries to the East of Europe for centuries..

iirc the line ended at present day Croatia (roughly 150km from Vienna), extended up north to Hungarian-Slovak border, then it went east towards Romania.

Up to gates of Vienna was a military campaign, not a measure of the realm.

why not Turkey???

My layman's opinion:

Up to now you have been viewed as too different, Muslim, with half the country needing development funds and imho the general consensus is that when you get the same powers as everyone else you would be more trouble then worth, Erdogoon's speaches probably cemented this notion etc.
Now.....well, i have no explanation but it's quite telling the resumption of negotiations happened after Turkey actively engaged itself in "aquisition" of energy corridors.
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