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"Escape India" Reaches All Time High in 2022

I think India has reached the kind of critical mass and equilibrium where "brain drain" isn't particularly relevant at this stage. We have way too many people who are highly qualified, eager and hungry.

The way we see Indian diaspora giving back to the country eventually in some shape or form, I don't see why shouldn't let things happen naturally. Both private and public sectors are doing pretty well and there is no shortage of talent on the home front. Also, salaries are rising across the board -- especially when it comes to c-suite.

Demographic dividend, son. Google that for your next nightmare about India.
Agree Indian dispora are much more active then Pakistanis

Reason are two fold
1- they are much more loyal
2- Govt of India and public appreciate and helps that.
I see all the time Indian doctors going back and teaching and training people in India.

We tried to do that and got stiff resistant
Trust me I've some Indian guys in Canada working for downtown executive positions but TOTALLY CANT UTTER A WORD in ENGLISH in good ACCENT. My ears are still hurting from their horrific ACCENTS to today when I remember them.

On the other hand if I was offered a Job in Canada for licking everyones personalities within the office for mere $60-$70k hell I'll take it.

Also in CA I have been to some socials where I see many Indian girls immigrating & than when I ask them with group of friends "what is your story" they start crying on the spot for thanking bhagwaan she made to CA in front of my eyes !!!! Its so bad for females inside India.
Who cares except for snobs like you....are they able to communicate properly and are they growing in their jobs is all that matters ...while you Pakistanis weep and sob with jealousy 😄

This week IIT Kharagpur got in contact with me to train their engineers in some of the cutting edge research in Biomedical implants, semiconductor physics in my lab.

There is a difference on how we contribute to our respective country’s growth. I couldn’t have done that staying in India, now I’m making it easy for our boys to get in Stanford or other premium institutions.
I couldn’t have done that staying in India, now I’m making it easy for our boys to get in Stanford or other premium institutions.
Just wait, dear friend Windy will declare Stanford a non-premium institution. There is no end to his constipated view of Indians.
no one want to live in the land of street poopers
Does India not have dual citizenship?

If not, makes sense too, at least their elected representatives and military establishment wont invest everything abroad for post-retirement. Honestly, this isnt something to be making fun of. Pakistanis would do the same thing had the option of dual-citizenship not existed.

Nope. You take up another citizenship, you have to give this up.
I think India has reached the kind of critical mass and equilibrium where "brain drain" isn't particularly relevant at this stage. We have way too many people who are highly qualified, eager and hungry.
Very aptly put forward. Brain drain was a great concern few decades back. At that time the planners didn’t have the foresight to look few decades ahead and see the impact of these professionals leaving the country. Their worry was immediate impact of these people not being available. At that time, most of these were trained in government owned institutions and were trained at people’s money. That is not the case anymore.
It has been realised now, how useful this Indian diaspora has proven to us. Due to their merits and hard work they have carved out a niche for themselves and are highly respected in the countries they have chosen as a home. They have risen to powerful positions and can play a role in policy making. These have already become powerful lobby groups and an envy to our friends like Windy.

In each and every country, Indians are in the highest income group. No one reaches these positions out of charity. It is hard work and quality that finally takes one to places.

Then there is issue of these people renouncing Indian citizenship. There is no denying that most first world and developed counties give a quality of life that can’t be matched by India. If anyone says that Paksiatn gives better life then that would be out of Bhaktora/ Mullah mentality. Bhaktora/Mullah is one who is blinded by hate and his own beliefs.

Since, India doesn’t allow dual citizenship, the only logical step is to renounce Indian passport and adopt theses countries as a new home.

There are scores of these professionals who maintain their roots and try to give back, by way of sponsoring talents, contributing to social causes etc. Large numbers have returned back to set up enterprises and have generated employment and opportunities. Then their is remittances. Billions of foreign funds flowing in and supporting the economy. It is turning out to be a win win situation for everyone. Basically, this has reached a mature stage where it doesn’t remain a concern anymore.

Some of those who create such threads appear to have lost out to some Indian due to merits and quality. Only option for them is to create such threads and spill out their feelings.
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Before looking towards others, first look into your own country. It was more 800,000 last year.
Very aptly put forward. Brain drain was a great concern few decades back. At that time the planners didn’t have the foresight to look few decades ahead and see the impact of these professionals leaving the country. Their worry was immediate impact of these people not being available. At that time, most of these were trained in government owned institutions and were trained at people’s money. That is not the case anymore.
It has been realised now, how useful this Indian diaspora has proven to us. Due to their merits and hard work they have carved out a niche for themselves and are highly respected in the countries they have chosen as a home. They have risen to powerful positions and can play a role in policy making. These have already become powerful lobby groups and an envy to our friends like Windy.

In each and every country, Indians are in the highest income group. No one reaches these potions out of charity. It is hard work and quality that finally takes one to places.

Then there is issue of these people renouncing Indian citizenship. There is no denying that most first world and developed counties give a quality of life that can’t be matched by India. If anyone says that Paksiatn gives better life then that would be out of Bhaktora/ Mullah mentality. Bhaktora/Mullah is one who is blinded by hate and his own beliefs.

Since, India doesn’t allow dual citizenship, the only logical step is to renounce Indian passport and adopt theses countries as a new home.

There are scores of these professionals who maintain their roots and try to give back, by way of sponsoring talents, contributing to social causes etc. Large numbers have returned back to set up enterprises and have generated employment and opportunities. Then their is remittances. Billions of foreign funds flowing in and supporting the economy. It is turning out to be a win win situation for everyone. Basically, this has reached a mature stage where it doesn’t remain a concern anymore.

Some of those who create such threads appear to have lost out to some Indian due to merits and quality. Only option for them is to create such threads and spill out their feelings.

Even Indians with American citizenship invests a lot in India, my maternal uncle and aunt gave up their citizenship in 2007 and 2012 respectively, but holds considerable real estate in and around Kolkata. They will go back post retirement.
The Pakistan diaspora numbers in US is way below to Indian, one reason for huge Indian clout and India centric lobbies in that country.

It's like close to 0.5 million Pakistanis against 4 million plus Indians, approching 4.5 million, that is 9 times that of Pakistan diaspora.

Pakistan need to catch up with India in this regard.

Like in UK, Pak had the London Mayor, and Pakistan diaspora is about 1.6 million compared to 1.86 million for Indians.

According to the 2021 Census, Pakistanis in England & Wales enumerated 1,587,819, or 2.7% of the population.

Population. According to the 2021 Census, Indians in England & Wales enumerated 1,864,318, or 3.1% of the population.

In Saudia Pakistanis numbers comes clsoe to indians like 2.4 million for Paks, 2.5 million Indians, in UAE Indians are more but Pak diapsora is close second, or third. Same in other Arab countries the diff. is not that many times over.

From what i read, there's more Pakistanis in the UK than Indians. I also think there's way more of both in America, but because they're American citizens, they haven't been counted in.
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This week IIT Kharagpur got in contact with me to train their engineers in some of the cutting edge research in Biomedical implants, semiconductor physics in my lab.

There is a difference on how we contribute to our respective country’s growth. I couldn’t have done that staying in India, now I’m making it easy for our boys to get in Stanford or other premium institutions.
Hi that's a really great work you are doing, wonderful.

If you don't mind, could you kindly answer few of my doubts when it comes to research in our country on a whole. I am not talking about the premier institutes only here, just my personal doubt here.

I am sure you are aware of, students just gobbling up syllabus to pass.
I mean am a 90's kid, so that's what I have heard a lot in general discussions.

How much do the Professors in our academia on the whole, try to make our students understand the importance of research?
Also on the whole, do you see any positiveness when it comes to research in latest tech fields in our country on the whole?

Personally, I always felt that our primary and secondary education is very backward on the whole. Maybe it's wrong or what I know of, about teachers worries about salaries and tution centers back when I studied. No idea on current scenarios, hope it's changed now.
Hi that's a really great work you are doing, wonderful.

If you don't mind, could you kindly answer few of my doubts when it comes to research in our country on a whole. I am not talking about the premier institutes only here, just my personal doubt here.

I am sure you are aware of, students just gobbling up syllabus to pass.
I mean am a 90's kid, so that's what I have heard a lot in general discussions.
Bro, I'm a 90s Kid too, 1989 born. I was a very average student in school, was good in Science and Mathematics. Most of my youth went by playing cricket. Wriddhiman Saha and I played in the same club. :D

How much do the Professors in our academia on the whole, try to make our students understand the importance of research?

A research has many peripheral research domain, Indian professors expect you to be good in all of them. That reduces efficiency of any budding researcher. Here, we expect you to be master in a particular domain, and have peripheral knowledge in other domains.

All the exams I conduct for my students are open book/laptop. As my questions involve solving an issue, rather than writing down mugged knowledge.

Also on the whole, do you see any positiveness when it comes to research in latest tech fields in our country on the whole?

IIT and IISc is doing some excellent research, sometimes productivity gets bogged down because of unavailability of tools and maintenance. If you get an opportunity, visit the cleanroom of IISc. It's as good as what we have here in Stanford. But tools there lags in maintenance.

Personally, I always felt that our primary and secondary education is very backward on the whole. Maybe it's wrong or what I know of, about teachers worries about salaries and tution centers back when I studied. No idea on current scenarios, hope it's changed now.

Things are worse now, my mother just retired as a School principal 3 years back. Education in West Bengal Board has gone down the drain.

I would say, don't burden your kids with expectations. Let them learn at their own pace. Even in Caltech, Stanford, MIT, you'll find slow learners and fast learners. Our brain is not supposed to absorb everything efficiently, forcing it to do it will kill critical thinking.

As long as kids are doing average in all the field, and excelling in one or two subjects, he is doing good in life. All the class toppers in my school are in 9 to 5 jobs, writing code for TCS and Infosys.

How do you logically explain a kid scoring 90s in Physics and History? What will be his academic inclination? He is just mugging stuffs down.
Bro, I'm a 90s Kid too, 1989 born. I was a very average student in school, was good in Science and Mathematics. Most of my youth went by playing cricket. Wriddhiman Saha and I played in the same club. :D

A research has many peripheral research domain, Indian professors expect you to be good in all of them. That reduces efficiency of any budding researcher. Here, we expect you to be master in a particular domain, and have peripheral knowledge in other domains.

All the exams I conduct for my students are open book/laptop. As my questions involve solving an issue, rather than writing down mugged knowledge.

IIT and IISc is doing some excellent research, sometimes productivity gets bogged down because of unavailability of tools and maintenance. If you get an opportunity, visit the cleanroom of IISc. It's as good as what we have here in Stanford. But tools there lags in maintenance.

Things are worse now, my mother just retired as a School principal 3 years back. Education in West Bengal Board has gone down the drain.

I would say, don't burden your kids with expectations. Let them learn at their own pace. Even in Caltech, Stanford, MIT, you'll find slow learners and fast learners. Our brain is not supposed to absorb everything efficiently, forcing it to do it will kill critical thinking.

As long as kids are doing average in all the field, and excelling in one or two subjects, he is doing good in life. All the class toppers in my school are in 9 to 5 jobs, writing code for TCS and Infosys.

How do you logically explain a kid scoring 90s in Physics and History? What will be his academic inclination? He is just mugging stuffs down.
Ohh ok, well you are almost a decade younger than me haha.

Same here lol, always in the near 70percentages but never crossed into 80%. Always got shamed for that at home lol, well one has to endure. Ooh nice ..

I see what you mean there about research there, unless the end goal is managing stuff (where Jack of all trades, Master of none is useful), specializing in a field of stream is necessary I guess then. I just hope that, our people can do research here than always go overseas, and then we read that so and so did so and so lol. Wishful thinking I know

It also makes me wonder, how did the current powerhouses achieve stuff post world war 2 or during that as well. Perhaps fruits of freedom, but oh well am a hopeful person for us.

You know I was afraid of same, one of our relatives kid got placed in REC Warangal. He is brilliant and I always hoped, he can do great given his intelligence. One day I was going through this textbooks, when he was still in 10th.

God that English, I wanted to jump off the roof seeing the level of English. What did ever happen to non details and such? It's neither King's English or Americanized, totally bastardized. Am from South not sure about other parts though, and the format compared to my time changed too. It's all technical driven, more imperatives on Physics, Mathematics to get into IIT. What about the poor soul like me, who isn't necessarily technically inclined?

Second your suggestion there, no burdening of my kids. And the rest 100% understand and agree brother, I just hope we Indians let the kids decide themselves but do give pointers and suggestions when they need it.
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