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Erdogan surrenders to Putin

News are emerging that the rebel factions (including HTS) are getting disbanded and morphed into a regular army under TSK.

There have been a massive military build ups in both Idlib and East Euphrates recently.

So, it appears that they’re opening 2 major fronts simultaneously against YPG and Assad as an aim to take over the North.

If it’s true then the ceasefire was a stalling tactic for both sides to replenish.
If turkey accept you is not pkk then Syria accept that this new group is not hts.
If turkey accept you is not pkk then Syria accept that this new group is not hts.

Where is Hezbollah in this equation?

Never mind the Shebbihas; But What will happen to Pakistan and Afghanistan based organizations affiliated to IRGC?

If Pkk so important: Turkey is trying to tell to whole world that PYD is the PKK's re-packaged version with all administrators, a full 7 years,.

Are PYD offices closed in Russia? No. Did the US stop giving support? No. Did the EU and Gulf countries stop giving support? No.

On the other side, Does the regime continue its cooperation? Yes. From Aleppo massacres to against-PS- operation measures today. Theres dozens of examples. After confrontation with TR, merge negotiations between Pkk and the Regime re-started in the Russian mediation. Everyone except Turkey actively cooperate with the PYD.

HTS has no organic connection to AQ. However, still HTS is in Turkey's terror list. And having a hardline Islamist/Salafist understanding is another problem. Also They strongly opposed to Turkish policy in the past(also today for some issues) and even clashed with Turkey backed groups. It is unlikely that this group would go under such an umbrella without liquidating itself.
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* Erdogan bought useless S-400, lost valuable F-35 contract and all this for Sochi agreements with Putin.

* Putin broke Sochi agreements, captured territories and expelled 1.5 million people to tents.

* Capturing territories and expelling 1.5 mln people was not enough for Putin, he murdered over 50 Turkish soldiers just for fun. This finally forced Erdogan to react (he did not react when million people were expelled).

* Despite Turkish drones and F-16s showed total superiority over Russian and Assad junk tech Erdogan ordered to stop the operation and surrendered to Putin.

* Erdogan promised to take back all lands according to Sochi agreements. Instead he surrenders even more lands to Putin/Assad in new agreement (which Putin will break too).
To be honest, I don't think Erdogan has much of a choice. He can't cross Putin's red line. So it's a difficult one for Turkey. I fail to see how they can keep Idlib and the northern part of Syria which they control with FSA . Those regions will eventually be captured by Russia and his Syrian lackeys.

The deal doesn't require the SAA to retreat to the pre-conflict positions or relinquishing Saraqeb. The strategic M4 remains usable for SAA under the guise of joint TR-RU patrol. Do your math.
This ceasefire only acts as a face-saving deal for Erdogan's domestic politics.
Yes I agree. Looks like it.
To be honest, I don't think Erdogan has much of a choice. He can't cross Putin's red line. So it's a difficult one for Turkey. I fail to see how they can keep Idlib and the northern part of Syria which they control with FSA . Those regions will eventually be captured by Russia and his Syrian lackeys.
In 3 days of massive drone strikes Assadists were suffering huge loses and collapsing. After one week they would beg for peace under any conditions. What could Russia do? - Nothing.

The only problem is political: if Erdogan breaks with Russia he will admit that all his policies were total failure.

Russian official state TV shows how Putin humiliated Erdogan, they added time counter:

^ its fake tho



Guys..lets stop counting destroyed drones and tanks for a moment and think of millions of people in this cold in the middle of nowhere..how would any one of us feel if it happened to us.

Turkey has legitimate concerns ..millions of people already in country and millions wanting to come in..and yes Turkish politician helped to cook this soup but what is done is water under the bridge....3 or 4 or 5 million Syrians with no place to go(I have no idea how many by now). Although they are Jihadi and/or Jihadi sympathizers but they are still SYRIAN nationals..they may be head choppers but Syria can not push them out into another country and make this Turkey's problem. ..and Turkey can not invade Syria because of this...If refugees are the real problem then why play games...Allow legitimate Syrian government (the one that some of you hate..I know... but facts on the ground by now) to have control of the syrian borders and both countries with Russia and Iran all pitch in and settle these bad characters in some decent land where they can have hope...hopeless people are dangerous and will cost you alot in the long run....
What you said SOUNDS nice with a good touch of morality. However reality is always different and this is geopolitics we are talking about. There is no morality in geo politics. So you really believe Assad regime, and it's other Shia militias from all over the region will just allow these Syrian rebels and their sympathisers to settle and live a peaceful life? Lol. That's wishful thinking . Especially after the ASSAD regime and his militias/supporters have shed so much blood and struggle. They will take revenge on all of these people and the people know it , reason they are fleeing by the millions to Turkey and other countries.
It's the same way the rebels sought and targeted Gadaffi loyalists/supporters after Gadaffis fall, same with how Saddam eliminated/targeted those who rose up against him during the first gulf war. The same will happen to these people once their region is taken over.

The only thing is that media doesn't report much about such retaliation after this kind of conflict is over. Media usually focuses more on more bigger issues among armed groups and major conflicts that determines the fate of cities and the country as a whole.
So your theory sounds nice but it's not practical I'm afraid.

In 3 days of massive drone strikes Assadists were suffering huge loses and collapsing. After one week they would beg for peace under any conditions. What could Russia do? - Nothing.

The only problem is political: if Erdogan breaks with Russia he will admit that all his policies were total failure.

Russian official state TV shows how Putin humiliated Erdogan, they added time counter:

I agree to some extent. However, you have to understand Erdogan as well. He is a politician and as such he has to pander to his supporters and voters. So its understandable that he will make some decisions that runs contrary to what many people will like, since he also has to protect his political career/position. So from a political point of view I understand his stance and decision. However if we are talking about a strategic sense of view then that might be different.
Erdogan already made a very public reliagnement with Russia and even publicly decalared this , so it's difficult to expect him to immediately start saying the opposite and overturning all his previous policy and decisions which he made just a few months ago. So understand his situation.
However, you have to understand Erdogan as well. He is a politician and as such he has to pander to his supporters and voters. So its understandable that he will make some decisions that runs contrary to what many people will like, since he also has to protect his political career/position.
Spot on!!!

Before going to Russia, he attended to AKP meeting in parliament. There were huge criticism because of the martyrs.

- He began with the definition of martyr. How Quran describes martyrs. Then some propaganda video from the relatives of martyrs, some social media shares of the martyrs...at least for half an hour he described how a holy thing is being a martyr and why we need to give martyrs.
- Then at the other half, he criticized opposition. He even called the opposition leader, "traitor to homeland", "trying to destroy Turkey within".
Erdogan is losing the war backed into a corner with no way out. Certainly he wishes for a face saving option in order to save his political career by making lots of demands and pressuring Europe. NATO isn't going to barge into this nonsense war and won't cave in by the refugee crisis created by Erdogan. Greece and Bulgaria are doing a fantastic job shutting the borders down, they won't make it into the heart of Europe while Merkel that coward is keeping quiet on the whole issue knowing that it was a mistake to let them in. If Erdogan going to push back the Syrians and Russians are just going to hammer the Turks again like how they bombed those 30+ poor souls. Russia doesn't forget nor forgive what happened to the downing of the Su-24
In 3 days of massive drone strikes Assadists were suffering huge loses and collapsing. After one week they would beg for peace under any conditions. What could Russia do? - Nothing.

The only problem is political: if Erdogan breaks with Russia he will admit that all his policies were total failure.

Russian official state TV shows how Putin humiliated Erdogan, they added time counter:

That's humiliating. Making him wait for minutes before giving an audience. Erdogan's face says it all.
WW1 finished the Czars, the Afgan War the USSR, the Syrian War.......

Don't disturb the enemy when he's deep in cow dung....

Coronavirus is to bring the "balance" back by putting some folks into their "rightful" places, not to commit genocide...

Petrol price is projected to go down below $40/barrel...

Quoting Kemal Pasha: they'll go back the way they came....

When Allah-u Azimushshan opens a door it can't be closed, when HE closes a door it can't be opened. Honor and respect are from HIM, not from mere mortals who are like maggots as per the Holy Bible...
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That's humiliating. Making him wait for minutes before giving an audience. Erdogan's face says it all.
What I understand from this video we have hit so hard that they want to take revenge with this undiplomatic method. It didnt make me angry but gave a confidence.
We gave an answer to video with a video which shows uavs flying over their antiairsystems. Easily everyone thinks if they flew over them ,they hit them with their smart ammonutions .No chance to survive.
Also I have to add as everyone see our message giving method is too much different then russians and more respectfull.
What I understand from this video we have hit so hard that they want to take revenge with this undiplomatic method. It didnt make me angry but gave a confidence.
We gave an answer to video with a video which shows uavs flying over their antiairsystems. Easily everyone thinks if they flow over them ,they hit them with their smart ammonutions .No chance to survive.
Also I have to add as everyone see our message giving method is too much different then russians and more respectfull.
They wanted to "humiliate" the Turkish leadership by displaying an "idol" of a dead person, while their entire conventional military industrial complex had been humiliated by the drones made by some "Deli-kanli (mad maxes)"....

Ahh the Gafil folks Ahh!!! Always believe in the "idols", who can't do any good or bad....

La Galibe Illallah...
Not aware of KSA or any Arab country supporting any imaginary PKK in Syria but I know for a fact that Erdogan has been the biggest supporter of Barzanistan in KRG.

Using such logic, we can say that Erdogan is only interested in Syria due to him wanting to annex Northern Syria, put some pro-MB Syrian leadership in power that would later "sell" Syria to Turkey so Turkish companies could rebuild Syria (money for Turkey) and for Syria to gain access in the Arab world and gain soft power.

KSA has indeed very close people to people relations with the people of Eastern Syria (all of Syria in fact) and long held support to our cousins in Eastern Syria (Syrian Arabs) has little to do with some Kurds who mostly only live near the border regions of Turkey.

First time I hear about the Egypt part but in any case given the hostility between Erdogan-ruled Turkey and some Arab regimes (Egypt at the helm - can't blame them given what occurred), both entities will try to work against each other. Turkey is doing the same let us not kid ourselves. It should not be necessary but that is the reality with shitty regimes around.
Right know Egypt is heavily supported by Saudi Arabia so any alliance between pkk and sisi cannot be done without Saudi knowledge/permission
You are right when you say that some arab states support anti turkish groups in retaliation for Turkey’s support to MB
Yet MB is not anti arab group they are anti monarchy on the other side pkk has ethnostate genocide policy against all non-kurdish ethnicities even against kurds who aren’t their supporters this is very important difference between MB and pkk
It’s good to know that you have pro arab views which is in contrast with the foreign policies of arab governments
The biggest irony is that if MBS really implements all political reforms of vision 2030 then he is actually opening the way for political transition where saudi monarchy will become obsolete and this is in fact the most dangerous situation for Saudi Arabia as a country
Would saudi royal family give all of its powers willingly to the new 21st century parliamentarian multi party system??
Honestly disgrace for Turkey

Let alone helping the brothers in Syria, the Turks did not even meet their own interests or objectives and surrendered to the Russians with barely a fight.
Also the participation of Pakistanis in hezbollah is regretful as well
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