I doubt you've ever played an instrument or participated in any sort of cultural activity. Your anger towards atheists show only how insecure you are in your beliefs. He has every damn right to voice his opinion whether good or bad. Those who complain 24/7 about coups should not make the same oppressive moves. Just shows how hypocrite they are. I dislike arabesque too, it glorifies the victim.
Here we are in 2013 with a ruling party playing the victim of 1980's coup d'etat and still using the justice system to suppress, those who oppose them. Definition of corruption. Who the fvck they are to imprison a world-renowned artist because they found him "insulting". Bunch of sissies , all the parliament put together, doesn't make a Fazıl Say.
I just remembered a wise man who said this long before I existed.
Hepiniz mebus olabilirsiniz, vekil olabilirsiniz, hatta cumhurreisi olabilirsiniz, fakat bir sanatkâr olamazsınız
Mustafa Kemal Atatürk