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Erdoan to visit Gaza as Israel ties remain in deep freeze

He would be as lucky as last one.

Agreed, he might get deported like the last Sultan Velahettin... Maybe he should declare himself secular and try to act a bit like Ataturk, but a modern version.. He can never be like Ataturk, but at least he can learn few lessons from Him and history..

I think he's doing all this because they are trying to make Turkey a strong Middle-East power player...
Open your eyes and and tell me which world is better, feelings asid, Muslim world or the EU?
The muslim world is big,we are allready in bussiness with most of the muslim world.
What do you want to change,only do bussiness with muslim countries?
To revojam ;
I am muslim and i demand to cooperate with the east and muslim nations, you are secular and not, and everyone has the right of election and voting, the ruling goverments we chose will decide to our international policy, please stop and cut this behavoir as a supervisor over my country, you have just one voting right as everyone and you are a simple man having throiteric plans. And in my opinion we must be there with The East the muslim nations such as iran, your choice The West in many years used us a slave and a dog and exploited our sources and energy by means of ones as you throiters. This is now time to our muslim show.
The muslim world is big,we are allready in bussiness with most of the muslim world.
What do you want to change,only do bussiness with muslim countries?

I didnt say anything. I was just asking that guy that was claiming that the EU is shi.tty, because no sane person/country would turn down the EU for the "Ummah". I dont have anything against better ties (especially trade) with those countries but nothing more for ideologic reasons.

But what am I saying, look what the country has come to:

A Turkish court sends chills through the country’s artistic world, handing pianist Fazıl Say a 10-month sentence for insulting religion

RIGHTS - Famed pianist Faz
To revojam ;
I am muslim and i demand to cooperate with the east and muslim nations, you are secular and not, and everyone has the right of election and voting, the ruling goverments we chose will decide to our international policy, please stop and cut this behavoir as a supervisor over my country, you have just one voting right as everyone and you are a simple man having throiteric plans. And in my opinion we must be there with The East the muslim nations such as iran, your choice The West in many years used us a slave and a dog and exploited our sources and energy by means of ones as you throiters. This is now time to our muslim show.

Winning an election doesn't give that government an endless authority on policymaking. In democracies desires of the people matters, that is the reason why we haven't end up as a sh1thole runned by Sharia like rest of the Islamic countries.
fuk fazil say.

Think before you insulting people with his fuc k piano. We dont like in Turkey piano and he can go where he like with his piano. Idiot is insulting Turkish people because they dont listen piano. Fuc k artist in Turkey. They think they can say every thing. I dont think so!

He wanted emmigrate to japan. he can go there and play piano!

Ateist Oldu

And i am writing here too. Is there other Turkish atheist insulting like fazil say. Go and think before you insulting muslims in Turkey. Muslims dont insulting atheists why did you think you because you are artist?
It gives absolutely bal gibi , it is your fuking idea. International policy don't limit the personal life, this shows us your traitorism. You are absolutely traitoric and you will find us always against ones as you.
fuk fazil say.

Think before you insulting people with his fuc k piano. We dont like in Turkey piano and he can go where he like with his piano. Idiot is insulting Turkish people because they dont listen piano. Fuc k artist in Turkey. They think they can say every thing. I dont think so!

He wanted emmigrate to japan. he can go there and play piano!

Ateist Oldu

And i am writing here too. Is there other Turkish atheist insulting like fazil say. Go and think before you insulting muslims in Turkey. Muslims dont insulting atheists why did you think you because you are artist?

and a few years later thanks to people like you artists will fear for their lifes because they're making "western" music.

Words should not get you in jail, never.
To revojam ;
I am muslim and i demand to cooperate with the east and muslim nations, you are secular and not, and everyone has the right of election and voting, the ruling goverments we chose will decide to our international policy, please stop and cut this behavoir as a supervisor over my country, you have just one voting right as everyone and you are a simple man having throiteric plans. And in my opinion we must be there with The East the muslim nations such as iran, your choice The West in many years used us a slave and a dog and exploited our sources and energy by means of ones as you throiters. This is now time to our muslim show.

I'm from Pakistan and I have seen sects and strange islamic ideologies here.
One thing I learned to pray about in my life is , protection from God from those people who preach Islam and ask you to become a better Muslim, but in reality they are misleading you and spreading fitna.
Turkish PM’s Gaza trip tried to be ‘legitimized’

Palestinian President Abbas wants to lead Turkish PM Erdoğan’s official visit to Gaza. Palestinian and US officials say such a move would legitimize the visit, expected to be at the end of May

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas will visit Istanbul on April 20 and will hold talks with U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry as well as with Turkish leaders.

The aim of the visit is not to dissuade Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan from his plans to travel Gaza, Palestinian officials told the Hürriyet Daily News yesterday, but adding that the issue would certainly be discussed during the Istanbul talks.

What the Palestinian Authority expects from Turkey, as an official stance, is to conduct Erdoğan’s visit to Gaza “through legitimate paths.” Abbas is ready to receive Erdoğan in Gaza, as the head of state of Palestine, and to travel Ramallah together by helicopter and hold official bilateral meetings there. The Turkish prime minister will therefore be the first head of state to visit Gaza, accompanied by Abbas.

The Palestinian president is also keen to show himself in the Hamas-ruled Gaza, which he has long been unable to do because of the dispute between Hamas and Fatah. The official also claimed that if Erdoğan was not received by the official head of state of Palestine in the Gaza Strip it could deepen the division between Hamas and Fatah.

However, such a visit to Gaza will be more beneficial if it comes after progress in the reconciliation process between Hamas and Fatah, which is expected to occur at a mini-summit in Doha in the near future.

Coordinate with legitimate leader: US

“A visit to Gaza in that way [Erdoğan together with Abbas] would give a boost to reconciliation efforts,” the Palestinian official said.

Erdoğan, who has for years spoken of his desire to visit the Palestinian enclave, recently said that he would visit the Gaza Strip at the end of May, after an official trip to the U.S. in the middle of the month.

Meanwhile, the U.S. has also said that Erdoğan’s trip to Gaza “should be coordinated through the Palestinian Authority and its legitimate leadership.”

“Our position is that engagement with Hamas is counterproductive, and we don’t think it should continue. But in terms of this, they should coordinate with the Palestinian Authority,” Patrick Ventrell, deputy spokesperson of the U.S. State Department said at daily press briefing on April 15.

fuk fazil say.

Think before you insulting people with his fuc k piano. We dont like in Turkey piano and he can go where he like with his piano. Idiot is insulting Turkish people because they dont listen piano. Fuc k artist in Turkey. They think they can say every thing. I dont think so!

He wanted emmigrate to japan. he can go there and play piano!

Ateist Oldu
I doubt you've ever played an instrument or participated in any sort of cultural activity. Your anger towards atheists show only how insecure you are in your beliefs. He has every damn right to voice his opinion whether good or bad. Those who complain 24/7 about coups should not make the same oppressive moves. Just shows how hypocrite they are. I dislike arabesque too, it glorifies the victim.

Here we are in 2013 with a ruling party playing the victim of 1980's coup d'etat and still using the justice system to suppress, those who oppose them. Definition of corruption. Who the fvck they are to imprison a world-renowned artist because they found him "insulting". Bunch of sissies , all the parliament put together, doesn't make a Fazıl Say.

I just remembered a wise man who said this long before I existed.

Hepiniz mebus olabilirsiniz, vekil olabilirsiniz, hatta cumhurreisi olabilirsiniz, fakat bir sanatkâr olamazsınız
Mustafa Kemal Atatürk
to Ranger PK;
What did disturb you? I am open mind person but not traitoric, i am patriotic, and not a puppet, i think this disturb you.
Why aim so low?

Why not aim to make Turkey such a powerhouse that Europe seeks Turkey's friendship rather than the other way round?

I think you have misunderstood me. I was talking about EU's point of view. I should've said "accepting members is more of a political thing." See post #20.

As i said before, filling its requirtments, in other words, reaching its standards is what we actually want while joining into the union is not.
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