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Engineering Students in Madhya Pradesh State (India) Will Now Learn About the Ram Setu

Those stones are 7000 years old ? Whatever the age of the stones it is certain that Hindus didn't even exist in India until 3000 years ago. They came from Iranic lands.

But why did this ape army going to Lanka to rescue Sita need a land bridge anyway ? Didn't they have those super duper vimana aircraft ? From my previously quoted "research" document of Professor Shivanandam M :
I don't care about any of that. Facts are that, myths and lore aside, it is an interesting thing to study and I have no problem if engineering or geology or history students study it.

You should go and visit Rameshwaram, the abandoned town/village of Dhanushkodi, Kanyakumari etc

but you extreme lefties/commies seem to have more of an interest in spewing hate on everything Hindu, as a result of which you'll keep sitting and posting angrily on a foreign country forum.. and not live life. You're hurting yourself, wasting your life, nobody else's.

How much have you traveled even within India ? Delhi tak ki bhi sair nahi kari aapney.. but you hate the metro there despite advocating like a mad man for abolishing private transport and to replace it with a subsidized/cheap tech solution for public transport for the masses. Well, that's exactly what the DMRC have done (minus the abolishing of private vehicles).

Kya tu apnay kamrey mein baith ke poori dunia ko lecture karta rehta hai, wtf ? Middle east ki problems, Pakistan ki problems, western world ki problems.. dunia ki saari pzroblems ka bhoj apne kandhey pe uthae hue ho, eh ?

Can't you see there is no market, no buyers for your Gaddafi's Libyan Islamo-Communism or whatever you would like to see here ? :omghaha:

Think about it, Einstein ne bola tha shayad "the definition of insanity... blablabla same thing but expecting different results"

I know lefties, liberals, BJP haters/congress loyalists, even some young JNU types from among and within my family, friends and acquaintances. Never seen this kind of fitoor among anyone for Muammar Gaddafi and his green book ideology...

First step should be acceptance.. about the political reality of India, that the BJP, the general nationalist leaning mood among our awam, how they vote... is not going anywhere.

BJP is here to stay, in power at the centre for a long long while to come.. Raul Ghandy has no chance, and you crazy communists have an ever lesser chance of getting to power.

Forget the hard right, even moderates don't want anything to do with your green book Islamo communism.. hell, ask even hardcore Indian muslims, they'll laugh you out of their mosques.
:-) This is so great. Do it in other states. Start research on the Ramayan and other things. Spend billions of dollars on it
I don't care about any of that. Facts are that, myths and lore aside, it is an interesting thing to study and I have no problem if engineering or geology or history students study it.
Why is a government making it a requirement to study a structure built from millions of years ago? There were no homosapiens [our species] millions of years ago, so which species built it? How can you study it in engineering, do you know what the supposed structure looked like and how it was built? Does this ancient technology teach something to modern civil engineering?
I don't care about any of that. Facts are that, myths and lore aside, it is an interesting thing to study and I have no problem if engineering or geology or history students study it.

But why only that structure ? Why not others in the world ?

And if you are desiring geology research speak for starting a course on general planetary geology combined with biology. Will come useful when people have Mars settlements by the mid-2030s. This would be of actual use.

You should go and visit Rameshwaram, the abandoned town/village of Dhanushkodi, Kanyakumari etc

I agree that the long road through the sea is a nice one.

but you extreme lefties/commies seem to have more of an interest in spewing hate on everything Hindu, as a result of which you'll keep sitting and posting angrily on a foreign country forum.. and not live life. You're hurting yourself, wasting your life, nobody else's.

Extremist ? I am a calm, rational and logical moderate. :)

How much have you traveled even within India ? Delhi tak ki bhi sair nahi kari aapney.. but you hate the metro there despite advocating like a mad man for abolishing private transport and to replace it with a subsidized/cheap tech solution for public transport for the masses. Well, that's exactly what the DMRC have done (minus the abolishing of private vehicles).

The metro and its associated infrastructure weren't even required if system level change had been made by abolishing personal transports. Like I said, buses and taxis are enough. Make the buses cheap or even free, what's the problem ? You read about North Korea some days ago. I believe there the public transport is free on the buses. Maybe not but it's cheap.

Kya tu apnay kamrey mein baith ke poori dunia ko lecture karta rehta hai, wtf ? Middle east ki problems, Pakistan ki problems, western world ki problems.. dunia ki saari pzroblems ka bhoj apne kandhey pe uthae hue ho, eh ?

So my solution providing and discussing is not legit but some academics sitting in universities doing that is legit ?

Can't you see there is no market, no buyers for your Gaddafi's Libyan Islamo-Communism or whatever you would like to see here ? :omghaha:

Well, the entire country of Venezuela adopted the Libyan system. :) Besides, my proposed Communist socio-economic system is an enhancement of not only Libyan but other Socialist systems too.

Think about it, Einstein ne bola tha shayad "the definition of insanity... blablabla same thing but expecting different results"

Didn't get the reference here.

I know lefties, liberals, BJP haters/congress loyalists, even some young JNU types from among and within my family, friends and acquaintances. Never seen this kind of fitoor among anyone for Muammar Gaddafi and his green book ideology...

I propagate any idea which is sensible and rational. Gaddafi is one of them.

First step should be acceptance.. about the political reality of India, that the BJP, the general nationalist leaning mood among our awam, how they vote... is not going anywhere.

BJP is here to stay, in power at the centre for a long long while to come.. Raul Ghandy has no chance, and you crazy communists have an ever lesser chance of getting to power.

Well, it's a sad situation in India right now. Never has anti-intellectuality, anti-rationality and anti-humanity been so widespread.

Forget the hard right, even moderates don't want anything to do with your green book Islamo communism.. hell, ask even hardcore Indian muslims, they'll laugh you out of their mosques.

Will this lovely laugh ?

And I say that I am an old style of Muslim, from the time when many Indian Muslims were involved in progressive thought and activism. The modern misinformed and misguided TJ types in India have simply ghettoized the community and created an environment of self-oppression which is nothing different than living suicide and have actually enabled the rise of the Hindutvadis. The TJ types won't know that the Lal Chowk landmark in Srinagar was named so by Muslim leftists when they were agitating against Raja Hari Singh.

Lastly, I will quote a section from a thread of mine from 2016 whose OP is a long article by Pakistani journalist Nadeem Paracha and is about Socialist and Communist thought and activism among Muslims since the early 1900s :
During the same period (1920s-30s), another (though lesser known) Islamic scholar in undivided India got smitten by the 1917 Russian revolution and Marxism.

Hafiz Rahman Sihwarwl saw Islam and Marxism sharing five elements in common: (1) prohibition of the accumulation of wealth in the hands of the privileged classes (2) organisation of the economic structure of the state to ensure social welfare (3) equality of opportunity for all human beings (4) priority of collective social interest over individual privilege and (5) prevention of the permanentising of class structure through social revolution.

The motivations for many of these themes he drew from the Qur’an, which he understood as seeking to create an economic order in which the rich pay excessive, though voluntary taxes (Zakat) to minimise differences in living standards.

In the areas that Sihwarwl saw Islam and communism diverge were Islam’s sanction of private ownership within certain limits, and in its refusal to recognise an absolutely classless basis of society.

He suggested that Islam, with its prohibition of the accumulation of wealth, is able to control the class structure through equality of opportunity.

Basically, both Sindhi and Sihwarwl had stumbled upon an Islamic concept of the social democratic welfare state.

Building upon the initial thoughts of Sindhi and Sihwarwl were perhaps South Asia’s two most ardent and articulate supporters and theoreticians of Islamic Socilaism: Ghulam Ahmed Parvez and Dr. Khalifa Abdul Hakim.

Parvez was a prominent ‘Quranist’, or an Islamic scholar who insisted that for the Muslims to make progress in the modern world, Islamic thought and laws should be entirely based on the modern interpretations of the Qu’ran and on the complete rejection of the hadith (sayings of the Prophet and his companions based on hearsay and compiled over a 100 years after the Prophet’s demise).

After studying traditional Muslim texts, as well as Sufism, Parvez claimed that almost all hadiths were fabrications by those who wanted Islam to seem like an intolerant faith and by ancient Muslim kings who used these hadiths to give divine legitimacy to their tyrannical rules.

Parvez also insisted that Muslims should spend more time studying the modern sciences instead of wasting their energies on fighting out ancient sectarian conflicts or ignoring the true egalitarian and enlightening spirit of the Qu’ran by indulging in multiple rituals handed down to them by ancient ulema, clerics and compilers of the hadith.

Understandably, Parvez was right away attacked by conservative Islamic scholars and political outfits.

But this didn’t stop famous Muslim philosopher and poet, Muhammad Iqbal, to befriend the young scholar and then introduce him to the future founder of Pakistan, Muhammad Ali Jinnah.

Jinnah appointed Parvez to edit a magazine, Talu-e-Islam. It was set-up to propagate the creation of a separate Muslim country and to also answer the attacks that Jinnah’s All India Muslim League had begun to face from conservative Islamic parties and ulemawho accused the League of being a pseudo-Muslim organisation and Jinnah for being too westernised and ‘lacking correct Islamic behavior.’

Apart from continuing to author books and commentaries on the Qu’ran, Parvez wrote a series of articles in Talu-e-Islam that propagated a more socialistic view of the holy book.

In a series of essays for the magazine he used verses from the Qu’ran, incidents from the faith’s history and insights from the writings of Muhammad Iqbal to claim:

The clergy and conservative ulema have hijacked Islam.

They are agents of the rich people and promoters of uncontrolled Capitalism.

Socialism best enforces Qur’anic dictums on property, justice and distribution of wealth.

Islam’s main mission was the eradication of all injustices and cruelties from society. It was a socio-economic movement, and the Prophet was a leader seeking to put an end to the capitalist exploitation of the Quraysh merchants and the corrupt bureaucracy of Byzantium and Persia.

According to the Qur’an, Muslims have three main responsibilities: seeing, hearing and sensing through the agency of the mind. Consequently, real knowledge is based on empirically verifiable observation, or through the role of science.

Poverty is the punishment of God and deserved by those who ignore science.

In Muslim/Islamic societies, science, as well as agrarian reform should play leading roles in developing an industrialised economy.

A socialist path is a correction of the medieval distortion of Islam through Shari’a.

Parvez joined the government after the creation of Pakistan in 1947, but after Jinnah’s death in 1948, he was sidelined until he resigned from his post in 1956.
Would these scholars have laughed at me ?
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Why is a government making it a requirement to study a structure built from millions of years ago? There were no homosapiens [our species] millions of years ago, so which species built it? How can you study it in engineering, do you know what the supposed structure looked like and how it was built? Does this ancient technology teach something to modern civil engineering?
It's not a bad thing to add into your curriculum for those students. Not from an engineering background, so I can not speak with any competency on the inns and outs of whatever this thing is, might be a natural formation.. but it's probably not a waste for anyone to examine it from a scientific perspective.

It's gotten quite annoying, at least here in India, about politics being shoved into everything.. everyone has something stupid to say about everything.
It's not a bad thing to add into your curriculum for those students. Not from an engineering background, so I can not speak with any competency on the inns and outs of whatever this thing is, might be a natural formation.. but it's probably not a waste for anyone to examine it from a scientific perspective.

It's gotten quite annoying, at least here in India, about politics being shoved into everything.. everyone has something stupid to say about everything.
You are placing the cart before the horse because of ideology.

If geology studies it, it will study it for its own reasons.

If archaeology studies it, it would have to be established that it is a manmade structure.
Architectures and designs that are grounded and awe inspiring, say how we should build things that are adorned even now. Say this temple with a facade that shows Equinox when the sunlight directly pass through the windows.
View attachment 792226

More burns incoming.

IIMA To Start Course On Bhagavad Gita For Corporate Leaders

Spend your outrage wisely. 😁There will be more.

Looks like some Sanghi knows how to fake things in Photoshop.

Probably the work of some oily-hair Sanghi IT coolie with flip flops for shoes. :lol:
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Engineering ? Do you maintain that the structure was built by humans ?

And if you are desiring geology research speak for starting a course on general planetary geology combined with biology. Will come useful when people have Mars settlements by the mid-2030s. This would be of actual use.
I don't know.

Unlike you, I'm not an expert on everything from systems of governance, to religion, to geopolitics, to farming, and pharma, and finance, and space rocketmotors, and microchips, and how to colonize Mars, and how to settle Kashmir, and what to do about Palestine, and about all crime in every neighborhood everywhere on earth (and beyond?) :sarcastic:

Make the buses cheap or even free, what's the problem ?
it costs money, you willing to fund it out of your own pocket ?

and please.. spare me your on-repeat/stuck record drivel about how you think govt. funds should be allocated.

Will this lovely laugh ?
Don't agree with her politically but she is kind of cute.

Look at her twitter, million + followers ? and 24/7 bakwaas against the center.. and she's free, we really do have freedom of speech here, can't do that kind of thing in your favorite countries

Cuba, Venezuela, DPRK.. or even in the days of the good Colonel's Libya.. could they shit post against the main man the way Shehla, Swara, Arfa et al do here ?

And I say that I am an old style of Muslim, from the time when many Indian Muslims were involved in progressive thought and activism. The modern misinformed and misguided TJ types in India have simply ghettoized the community and created an environment of self-oppression which is nothing different than living suicide and have actually enabled the rise of the Hindutvadis. The TJ types won't know that the Lal Chowk landmark in Srinagar was named so by Muslim leftists when they were agitating against Raja Hari Singh.
Indian muslims, and I have noted this as well.. yes, there is a growing conservative movement among them... increasingly more burkas etc.

It's not Modi but, he's only been here since 2014.. the conservative thing in Indian muslims started after 9/11, war on terror, then Iraq.. then Mumbai (that one sealed the deal) also the mumbai ones from 93 were a lingering thing, at least for that very major city.

Not just India, UK/Canada.. immigrant and minority muslim populations around the world are going the same way. All the recent wars, terrorism etc.. all that bad press, guess it takes a toll on people. They've also not been helped by various groups around the world who have chosen the path of violence, so to speak.

it's not the 1940s these days, whatever little appeal your communist ideology might have had has long since evaporated away.

India will never ever be communist in our lifetimes, please make peace with this bit of reality.
You are placing the cart before the horse because of ideology.

If geology studies it, it will study it for its own reasons.

If archaeology studies it, it would have to be established that it is a manmade structure.
No I'm not, not an adherent to any of them.

Just don't see anything nefarious or fascistic in the inclusion of the study of that area for students, they're not being either forced to or indoctrinated into anything here..

what if there was no religious lore/myth/story around it ?

I'm guessing there wouldn't be so many people making noise about a group of students having a look at that as part of a course, would they ?
No I'm not, not an adherent to any of them.

Just don't see anything nefarious or fascistic in the inclusion of the study of that area for students, they're not being either forced to or indoctrinated into anything here..

what if there was no religious lore/myth/story around it ?

I'm guessing there wouldn't be so many people making noise about a group of students having a look at that as part of a course, would they ?
How can students study it before facts are established? I saw the science channel video. It is a hypothesis that it is a manmade structure which requires further research.
How can students study it before facts are established? I saw the science channel video. It is a hypothesis that it is a manmade structure which requires further research.
"How can students study it before facts are established? "

well, yes, and that's exactly why they will study it, to establish facts by doing more research.
"How can students study it before facts are established? "

well, yes, and that's exactly why they will study it, to establish facts by doing more research.
The article says it will be taught in the "curriculum for undergraduate students". Undergraduate students are taught facts. What are the engineering facts?
The article says it will be taught in the "curriculum for undergraduate students". Undergraduate students are taught facts. What are the engineering facts?
I have no idea.

All I'm saying is, that prima facie, it doesn't appear to be a program for religious indoctrination and so on, something which our left wingers here seem to be suggesting, and which is what I'm pushing back against.

Can we just ignore what some politician might have said about it and have a look at what it actually is ?

Maybe the kids get taken on a trip to see it.. who cares, but what harm is there ?
I have no idea.

All I'm saying is, that prima facie, it doesn't appear to be a program for religious indoctrination and so on, something which our left wingers here seem to be suggesting, and which is what I'm pushing back against.

Can we just ignore what some politician might have said about it and have a look at what it actually is ?

Maybe the kids get taken on a trip to see it.. who cares, but what harm is there ?
This is the education minister of a state with over 75 million people announcing the study of a manmade bridge in undergraduate course before it is established that it is manmade. That is just bizarre.

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