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Emergency Imposed!

Vote about Emergency Imposed!

  • I support it. I am done with CJ, political instability, Benazir.

    Votes: 36 54.5%
  • I condemn it. Musharraf needs to step down, and elect as a RETIRED General.

    Votes: 30 45.5%

  • Total voters

Check the bold to see what "Indians think" as per your categorisation.

Request desist from reducing this very important issue to the low depths that take all thread into Indo Pak poster wrangle.

India OK with Gen if he can check jihadis
8 Nov 2007, 0055 hrs IST,Indrani Bagchi,TNN

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NEW DELHI: Call it the new realism or maturity in Indian diplomacy. Days after Pervez Musharraf imposed emergency in Pakistan, the Indian assessment is centred on the fact that New Delhi will concentrate its energies on persuading the general to go after the jihadis.

After the Myanmar episode, India will once again demonstrate that its foreign policy in the neighbourhood is governed by more realistic considerations. In short, it will have little qualm living with a general-led Pakistan if the authorities there expand the crackdown they plan to launch against the jihadis to target anti-India groups as well.

India is, in fact, looking forward to Musharraf launching an offensive against the jihadis, who are virtually challenging the Pakistani state. India believes that if it can maintain its links with Pakistan, there will be some way of persuading Musharraf to act not only against Tehrik-e-Nifaz-e-Shariat-e-Mohammadi (TNSM) and Taliban, but also against Lashkar-e-Toiba and Jaish-e-Mohammed. The last two organisations have close links with al-Qaida and Taliban, but concentrate their activities against India.

India operates on the premise that it has limited leverage in Pakistan, unlike the US. But so far, India has remained untouched by the present turmoil in Pakistan, and that gives it manoeuvring space, say sources.

My present boss is an indian by birth but very liberal as a person. After the emergency he was talking to me and stated that india might attack pakistan as india has started moving troops to the border.

I told him that it would not happen, because Musharraf has very good relations with india and india would rather welcome this episode because Musharraf would be stepping harder on the extremists. Plus india has better chance of peace with Musharraf being in power than any other politician. In other words---according to Mr Rumsfeld---He is a known---known. India would not want to deal with an known unkown.
My present boss is an indian by birth but very liberal as a person. After the emergency he was talking to me and stated that india might attack pakistan as india has started moving troops to the border.

That would be commiting a suicide.

My present boss is an indian by birth but very liberal as a person. After the emergency he was talking to me and stated that india might attack pakistan as india has started moving troops to the border.

I told him that it would not happen, because Musharraf has very good relations with india and india would rather welcome this episode because Musharraf would be stepping harder on the extremists. Plus india has better chance of peace with Musharraf being in power than any other politician. In other words---according to Mr Rumsfeld---He is a known---known. India would not want to deal with an known unkown.

You present boss must be a day dreamer and a gossip who wants to impress that he is "in the know" i.e. a subjunta (knowall)!

It would be better for him to show the same diligence in whatever job he is doing instead of kiteflying and rumour and scaremongering or needling Pakistanis in their moment of crisis and anguish.

What are his credentials and information source that tells him that India is moving troops to the border to attack Pakistan?

Which age is he living in? The satellites will pick up indications and then there will be hell let loose internationally.

Or are you just writing something on the fly just to watch the reaction?

Could you boss explain how 27 Mtn Div has returned/ returning to the East from Kashmir?

Attacking China, I am sure he will conjecture!

God save India from such Indian born! Liberal or otherwise!:angry::angry::angry:
Pakistan: Bhutto Under House Detention

By ZARAR KHAN – 19 minutes ago

ISLAMABAD, Pakistan (AP) — Pakistani police backed by armored vehicles detained opposition leader Benazir Bhutto at her Islamabad residence Friday and reportedly rounded up 5,000 of her supporters to block a mass protest against emergency rule.
Aid to Pakistan not likely to be cut yet

WASHINGTON - The Bush administration has concluded it is not legally required to cut or suspend hundreds of millions of dollars in aid to Pakistan despite President Pervez Musharraf's imposition of a state of emergency and a crackdown on the opposition and independent media.

U.S. assistance to the key anti-terrorism and nuclear armed ally — which has totaled nearly $10 billion since 2001 — is governed by legislative requirements that could trigger automatic aid cutoffs, but all are covered by locked-in presidential waivers, said officials familiar with a government-wide review.

Those waivers exempt Pakistan from aid restrictions. They do not need to be renewed until Congress approves the budget for the current fiscal year that began Oct. 1 and requests $845 million for Pakistan, the officials said, citing preliminary findings from the review that began this week.

The initial findings do not mean aid to Pakistan will never be cut, only that there is currently no statutory reason to do so, the officials said. They spoke on condition of anonymity because the review is not yet finalized. It was not immediately clear Friday when it would be complete.

The review comes as congressional pressure mounts on the administration to respond to the situation, which took an ominous turn Friday when Pakistani authorities placed opposition leader Benazir Bhutto under house arrest and barred her supporters from staging a mass demonstration against Musharraf's emergency rule.

Rep. Nita Lowey, D-N.Y., who chairs the panel that oversees State and foreign operations spending, said unless there was an "immediate halt" to Musharraf's crackdown, Congress would inevitably step in to restrict U.S. aid to Pakistan and she called for the suspension of cash transfers to the government.

"Failure to take these steps immediately is sure to come at a steep cost," said Lowey.

As it has done since the crisis erupted last Saturday, the White House urged Musharraf "quickly to return constitutional order," adding a new appeal for the release of Bhutto and other detainees believed to number in the thousands and asking all parties to refrain from violence.

"All parties in Pakistan agree that free and fair elections are the best way out of the current situation there," Gordon Johndroe, a National Security Council spokesman, said in Texas where President Bush is spending the weekend. "Free and fair elections require lifting of the state of emergency. We therefore continue to call for an early end to that state of emergency and the release of political party members and peaceful protesters who have been detained."

Defense Secretary Robert Gates voiced concern that the political turmoil there will undermine the Pakistani army's fight against terrorism.

"The concern I have is that the longer the internal problems continue, the more distracted the Pakistani army and security services will be in terms of the internal situation rather than focusing on the terrorist threat in the frontier area," he told reporters Friday as he returned from Asia.

To date, the Pentagon has said the unrest has had no effect on U.S. military operations. But Gates' comments underscored the administration's nervousness, even as it voices support for Musharraf as an ally in the war on terror.

Musharraf yielded somewhat to U.S. pressure on Thursday and said Pakistan would hold parliamentary election by mid-February — a month later than originally planned. But he has still shown no sign of relinquishing his military post as chief of the army — another key demand of opposition leaders and the Bush administration.

Bush has been obligated by law since 2002 to issue waivers for most assistance to Pakistan, declaring that direct payments to Islamabad are in the U.S. national interest because they promote the transition to democratic rule.

The officials familiar with the aid review conceded Musharraf's recent actions are at odds with the process of democratization but noted that unless Congress enacts new legislation or passes the new budget, the existing waivers continue to apply.

Deputy Secretary of State John Negroponte spoke to the administration's position in congressional testimony Wednesday.

"Our judgment at the moment is that there is nothing that is automatically triggered by the current situation, that everything is covered at the moment by appropriate waivers," he said.

On Thursday, State Department spokesman Sean McCormack addressed the waiver-budget connection. "Because of the fact that you do not yet have new legislation appropriating funds, some of those waivers carry over," he told reporters. "I think, actually, all of the waivers carry over."

In addition to the Pakistan-specific waivers imposed by Congress, U.S. foreign aid in general is also covered by legislation that forces the suspension of non-humanitarian assistance in the event a democratically elected government is toppled through unconstitutional means.

Although that requirement was triggered when Musharraf came to power in a 1999 coup d'etat, and some aid was cut, administration lawyers contend the current state of emergency and suspension of the constitution does not meet that legal standard, the officials said.

"Basically, you can't stage a coup against yourself," said one.

Aid to Pakistan not likely to be cut yet - Yahoo! News
The Adocate General Today on Behalf of the Government Informed that Emergecny will be lifted in One Month.
The Adocate General Today on Behalf of the Government Informed that Emergecny will be lifted in One Month.

Dear NSQ Jana, (NSQ=Not So Qudraiti)

Care to let us know how Pakistan has improved in the last 6 days that Emergency can be removed within one month or is it the USA pressure? I still say Gen Kiyani and old CJ IN and Gen M OUT. Gen M is a good man but he did not succeed in solving the problems so time to get a new man.

Dear NSQ Jana, (NSQ=Not So Qudraiti)Regards

:P :P guess what :lol: till now i was reading your ID as Always Natural sorry

Care to let us know how Pakistan has improved in the last 6 days that Emergency can be removed within one month or is it the USA pressure? I still say Gen Kiyani and old CJ IN and Gen M OUT. Gen M is a good man but he did not succeed in solving the problems so time to get a new man.

:) well NAN ( Not Always Neutral) i am feeling something else behind all this.

BB-US-Musharraf alliance.

Thats why i did not 100 said Emergency should not be there nor i said it should not be put.

I guess we need to look at the things from all asepects.

It was good one way and bad another way.

Now i feel reallllllyyyyyyy pitty for Lawyers who had been used as scapgoats by BB and her foreign supporters.
alas the black coats did not smell this betrayl by politicians.
:P :P guess what :lol: till now i was reading your ID as Always Natural sorry :) well NAN ( Not Always Neutral) i am feeling something else behind all this.

So does Qudraiti mean neutral or natural ? I am confused ?

BB-US-Musharraf alliance.

I always told you that and thats why Gen M must go and a new man (army or civilian) should take over ?

Thats why i did not 100 said Emergency should not be there nor i said it should not be put. I guess we need to look at the things from all asepects.
It was good one way and bad another way.

I saw you avoided answering my question on that just as you avoided the same on the Durand line ?

Now i feel reallllllyyyyyyy pitty for Lawyers who had been used as scapgoats by BB and her foreign supporters. alas the black coats did not smell this betrayl by politicians.

I believe that outside powers are making decisions in Pakistan and not the the Pakistani people if that makes me not NEUTRAL so be it.
I believe that outside powers are making decisions in Pakistan and not the the Pakistani people if that makes me not NEUTRAL so be it.

The Not So Neutral title is for some other posts of yours and you know it also :).

The outsiders are making decisions with the help of our own people be these politicians or others.

So if they did not become part of it, the outsiders could not have make it.

Simple as that
The Not So Neutral title is for some other posts of yours and you know it also :).

The outsiders are making decisions with the help of our own people be these politicians or others.

So if they did not become part of it, the outsiders could not have make it.

Simple as that

That is exact reason I say Gen M ( however good he was) must go ? Pakistan must not bother about being leader of the Islamic world or one better than its neighbour India. It must concentrate on its on well being. For eg okay you got rid of the Soviets in Afghanistan and got some aid in return but now the whole world blames you as the epi center or terrorist training ? So my opinion is that in the long run it has hurt Pakistan ! Why can't you hold your leaders accountable not matter how good they were ? Please read about Churchill and you will understand what I mean.

That is exact reason I say Gen M ( however good he was) must go ? Pakistan must not bother about being leader of the Islamic world or one better than its neighbour India. It must concentrate on its on well being.

Always i dont see only Musharraf but all out Civilian Politicians have run to US for coming into Powers so ido not see any reason only to blam Musharraf for facilitating the process.

Pakistan is unfortunatly being victim of many international Proxies due to out important Location which no matter how much some people say is not there anymore, is still the same.
So my dear it is not possible for us to only concentrate on our well being as we had to fight the proxies by world Powers also. And this is harming us more and resultantly will (This what i believe that if these Power/s continue to only gaurd own intrests and harm us ) also harm them in the long run and the quantity of haterd the wrong policies of the Super Power have and are creating will haunt its own people.

I wish the peacful people of US, ours and all others could be saved from it.

For eg okay you got rid of the Soviets in Afghanistan and got some aid in return but now the whole world blames you as the epi center or terrorist training ? So my opinion is that in the long run it has hurt Pakistan ! Why can't you hold your leaders accountable not matter how good they were ? Please read about Churchill and you will understand what I mean.

All that the Whole world (aka US, West) is blaming on us has a great great Share in IT.

Its a pitty the people of the US are not told that it was US who had created and funded these camps during Afghan War to drive out Soviets from Afghanistan. These same people called "Terrorist" by them today were their boys and bookd and news are on record that they were funded and trained by them.
We were also part of it and just like today they had forced us into it at that time too.

But in all this the US and its likes have pushed Pakistan into a quagmire and now the innocent People of Pakistan are paying price for all their ill-planed policies.

Why dosnt the western Media and US media tell this to their own people who i believe are all peacful and not part of it just like ours.
Corps Commanders decide to knock-off Extremism, terrorism

RAWALPINDI: President General Pervez Musharraf said that the imposition of emergency was a difficult decision but it was taken in the larger interest of the nation for knocking-off extremism and terrorism and for the political stability in the country.

President General Pervez Musharraf told this to the participants of conference of the corps commanders, briefing them about the situation caused for emergency and the incidents which have taken place after emergency.

He said that all necessary arrangements would be made for holding early the independent and transparent elections.

The President said that the stabilized situation of law and order is vital for economic development and every possible action would be taken for knocking-off extremism.

He praised the role of the Pak army in dealing with the extremism in the country.

He gave a detailed briefing about the law and order situation in the country, particularly in Swat and tribal areas.

He said that the Pak armed forces present in these areas would be provided all facilities and the entire nation is with them in this critical situation.

Present in the conference were Vice-chief of Army Staff General Ashfaq Pervez Kiani, corps commanders, principal staff officer and high military officials.
now is the time for people of pakistan from all ethnic backgrounds to unite and crush the dictator regime that has brought many problems to pakistan.

First time in our short history we are divided people, who dont see a common goal or futire, this is due to failures of previous and current administration of pakistan.

What we need is to unite and chase musharrif and all those who conspired withhim to bring military rule to pakistan.

Then we should work on better understanding and integration between various ethnic groups of pakistan, where people feel more pakistani and less patahn and punjabi etc.

A fair democratic system in which each party must have equal percentage of various ethnice groups. Its wrong to have nationalistic parties, for example ppp should have equal percentage of different ethnic groups in its party, and others should adopt same system.

Citizen classes at school where people learn to be muslims and pakistanis.
same at madrassas where religious education should be given on equal term as modern education, so students have a choice where they pursue different courier paths if necessary.

An administration that is for the good of pakistan and its people and not for their own good and agendas.

Time for a change time to teach the military a lesson never to interfere in goverment matters.
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