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Elective Quran course approved for military schools

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If your military has divided belief then what will happen? its beyond imagination.

We are Turks,if it comes to defending the country we all fight together(muslim,christian,jew,atheist,jesuiet you name it we got)
Belief doesnt matter then.
Ask any turkish member here,i cannot discribe what happens when we have to go to war.
As example;even from Antartica turks will come to defend the country(metaphor).
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It's really bad! The situation is fuvcked up!

Dışardan bakıldığında, inancı zengin olan arkadaşlar için iyi bir haber olarak gözükebilir. Ama içerde durum çok farklı. Öncelikle şunu bilmeliyiz ki Laiklik, İslamın ve ya başka bir dinin düşmanı değildir, ve ya sadece bir dinin savunucusu da değildir. Konuya gelirsek, Gerçek Laikliğe uygun değil tabii. Ve Türkiye gibi bi ülkede bunun yapıldığını düşünün. Eğer gene de formalite icabı ıncil, tevrat vb. koysalardı o zaman bi sıkıntı olmazdı. Kuran seçen arkadaşların işi gerçekten zor. Bazı teğmenler gene birazcık tutumlu davranıyo onun dışındaki bütün subaylar o öğrencileri tamamen dışlamış durumda. Üst sınıflar isteklerini özellikle o dersi seçen öğrencilere yaptırıyor. Seçmeli derse geçildiğinde arkadaşlar o dersin kitabını alıp koridorda utanarak yürüyorlar. Çünkü o an herkes onlara öyle bi gözle, öyle bir nefretle bakıyor ki inanamazsınız. Bu böyle olmamalıydı. Yukardakilerin doğru ve ya yanlış ama yarım yamalak işler yapmasının sonucu bu. Ben O dersi seçmemiştim ama seçenlere hala aciyorum. Dindarlıklarına değil tabii ki. Zaten o arkadaşlara bi baskı vardı şimdi ikiye katlandı. Elbette vatanımı canımdan çok seviyorum. Ama Vatan millet sakarya olayı geçti artık. Ne olmuş olmamış umrunda değil artık.
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If your military has divided belief then what will happen? its beyond imagination.
Our military was allways divided in belief,i think you still dont get it ill try to say it smiple.
If it comes to defending the country all issues are put aside,all are one.
We dont have this belief problem when it comes to that all are the same.

To all the Turkish people
You know why you are number 1 in ME & most respected there
Please don't F*** up
Explain please,fck what up?
My warning signals started blinking when I read this piece of news. My first worry is how this would impact on the current military, and secondarily how the current government would try to draw benefit from this...On the other hand I'm thinking if the soldiers receive education in the teaching of the Quran -
I suspect that soldiers will have to do well in this "elective" course to advance professionally and whatever Islam is supposed to be will be defined in this course approved by the current government.

The Turkish General Staff has approved elective religion courses for military high schools that include instruction on the Quran, the Life of the Prophet Muhammad and basic religion, private broadcaster NTV reported today.

Responding to claims, General Staff also said the curriculum of schools tied to the military did not include any open or secret courses to instruct students about coups.

source: HDN

My warning signals started blinking when I read this piece of news. My first worry is how this would impact on the current military, and secondarily how the current government would try to draw benefit from this.

I still see the military as the guarentor of turkish secularism, even though the current government has done a lot for our country.

On the other hand I'm thinking if the soldiers receive education in the teaching of the Quran etc. they'd be more than just Mücahit/mehmetchik, and no I am not thinking of Jihadists like some radicals would think. I think they'd be "can mehmetcik" soldiers knowing the value of life through islam, and anyone firing/killing them would be kafir, and thus don't have the right to exist.

Granted, I have the same opinion for the current TSK, anyone firing/killing them don't have the right to exist, so it's just a small change. :D

Good for Turkey, but this Erdogan is worrying me...:frown:
well moral concept that is taken from religion, works very well at battle field, something beyond for people who thinks it's useless thing, human instincts are bound to act like humans.
In my opinion, being religious provides an extra layer of protection in a soldier's mental strength. In other words, it would be less likely for a soldier to commit treasonous acts or suicide etc, it also adds a layer of ethics.
It is also good for soldiers to learn about religion so they won't be (or it will be less likely) for them to be manipulated by Islamic extremists. And that's why learning about religion is in my opinion a good thing for the military.

Islam is also the biggest religion in Turkey, and if someone wants to learn about this religion in school, they should be able to, military school's included. Military personnel, in my opinion, must know who and what they are protecting and fighting for. Everyone in Turkey knows about Canakkale battle, faith was one of the biggest motivator's. Our current army must have this sort of spirit.

Back in the 90's 'pious' military personnel were filtered out of the military. A lot of these were given dishonorable discharges, without a proper reason. In turn a lot of them had trouble finding work in society. In recent years or so, I caught it on the news that, ex-military personnel that were ousted this way were given honorable retirements by the Turkish army. Some of them had been given governmental jobs, not sure if any of them were reinstated in the army though. I'm glad these mistakes have been remedied with (as far as I know). I see this move as normalization (after the coup era), this should've always been the case for the Turkish military to begin with.
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