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Egyptian President Sisi in an official visit to Abu Dhabi to discuss the latest regional developments

This is also a problem that is similar to our countries. High population because the people just can't keep it in the pants. Egypt fell in bad days since the Mubarak regime. Then there was the revolution followed by the chaos of Muslim Brotherhood. Democracy failed gloriously and it took time for Al Sisi to establish himself.

Give them time - Egypt will emerge. They need to reduce the rate of population growth with population control bill (as is needed in several countries in Asia and Africa).
Iran and Tunisia have low birthrates, the former is a theocracy.

Point, I am making is Egypt has failed to improve its human capital. If Egypt had focused on education etc, it's military would reap the benefits.
Iran and Tunisia have low birthrates, the former is a theocracy.

Point, I am making is Egypt has failed to improve its human capital. If Egypt had focused on education etc, it's military would reap the benefits.
The point you are making is based on what facts..?

Education plans:


Birthrate plans:
Iran and Tunisia have low birthrates, the former is a theocracy.

Point, I am making is Egypt has failed to improve its human capital. If Egypt had focused on education etc, it's military would reap the benefits.

You are right here.

But Egypt has just been through a crazy era. This is not the Egypt of Gamal Abdel Nasser, a leader that was larger than life and did a lot for the Egyptian public. He may have been fierce and controlling, but he was loved by the people.

This is the first time after a long time that Egypt is picking up the pieces and rebuilding itself. Give them time under Sisi. Unless some major disaster happens, they should become a prominent African powerhouse in the next decades.

Consdering that youve ignored everthing ive pointed out, its more and more clear youre either a troll or a just hard headed rock, baseless critcism not even trying to deny what i said. Your paragraph doesnt even remotely relate or counter what i said.


ok enjoy you new Pharaoh.....i guess some people love being slaves.

there is a reason by why Allah has chosen another nation to rise and take forward the mantle of Islam..

You ignored the purpose of the thread and started to throw lies every where ….

throwing lies?.. i told you i am not a infidel.

lets see your "truth" ..

.so according to you lot General Pussy is not a tin pot Dicktator who believes in human rights, democracy, rule of law ... a good guy?.


enjoy your new masters.. you guys seem to love worshipping pharoh and their clay achievements..

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