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India Ties up With UAE to Settle Trade in Rupees

Obviously not. The premise was that Arab world is boycotting India by @Bilal9. You replied to that and yet suggest that Saudi's increasing trade with India is somehow boycotting India?
Nope. I said Saudis are not like the Emirates. They are more tribal and conservative. There is a sizeable population that is still hardcore Islamic and while the world knows they have shit loads of money and a huge abundance of oil, fact remains they are not entrepreneurial or at least at the level of UAE which has accepted foreigners to outpace its own native population. In fact UAE as a state wouldn't exist today if Saudis started doing 1% of what the UAE does. Forget India, they have still not developed ties with Israel.
National Interests
Question. Why does Turkiye still support Pakistan against India? I mean India has a bigger market, more resources, more alliances with countries around the world compared to Pakistan. Why would someone like Erdogan raise Kashmir issue in the U.N, not have formal diplomatic relations with India and even persuade a billionaire like Bayraktar to say they will never do business with an enemy of an ally country?
Question. Why does Turkiye still support Pakistan against India? I mean India has a bigger market, more resources, more alliances with countries around the world compared to Pakistan. Why would someone like Erdogan raise Kashmir issue in the U.N, not have formal diplomatic relations with India and even persuade a billionaire like Bayraktar to say they will never do business with an enemy of an ally country?

Turks are not for sale.

They are pious Muslims and they have Iman.
Question. Why does Turkiye still support Pakistan against India? I mean India has a bigger market, more resources, more alliances with countries around the world compared to Pakistan. Why would someone like Erdogan raise Kashmir issue in the U.N, not have formal diplomatic relations with India and even persuade a billionaire like Bayraktar to say they will never do business with an enemy of an ally country?
I would only say that Erdogan has past his prime , and he is a fool. He put religion ahead of nation, and causing devestating effects on turike's economy
Question. Why does Turkiye still support Pakistan against India? I mean India has a bigger market, more resources, more alliances with countries around the world compared to Pakistan. Why would someone like Erdogan raise Kashmir issue in the U.N, not have formal diplomatic relations with India and even persuade a billionaire like Bayraktar to say they will never do business with an enemy of an ally country?

National Interests.

Pakistanis (Muslims in India) were supporting Turkey, when in practically there was no Pakistan,
India parted, Indian Muslims came in Pakistan. You may have heard about "Khilafat Movement"
Gandhi 1st supported, then refused to support later.

Pakistan supported Turkey against Greece and even issues related with Armenia.
Turks are not for sale.

They are pious Muslims and they have Iman.
Exactly. As I said earlier the little country Emirates is for sale and I would say the same about other little countries like Bahrain, Qatar, and Oman. The Saudis are a different lot. Yes, they have national interests but they will never do anything blindly unless their population dictates the mood. There is a reason why they still haven't developed ties with Israel and there is a reason why they are giving a middle finger to the U.S. People forget 9/11 hijackers were Saudis.
Exactly. As I said earlier the little country Emirates is for sale and I would say the same about other little countries like Bahrain, Qatar, and Oman. The Saudis are a different lot. Yes, they have national interests but they will never do anything blindly unless their population dictates the mood. There is a reason why they still haven't developed ties with Israel and there is a reason why they are giving a middle finger to the U.S. People forget 9/11 hijackers were Saudis.

Bigger Islamic nations like KSA, Turkiye, Iran, Pakistan, Indonesia and Malaysia do not compromise on Islam.
Pakistan supported Turkey against Greece and even issues related with Armenia.
Well arguably you can say Pakistan supported Saudis against Sadam's Iraq, against Shias in Bahrain and possibly against Yemenis.
I would only say that Erdogan has past his prime , and he is a fool. He put religion ahead of nation, and causing devestating effects on turike's economy
Erdogan is not stupid, (even i used this word mostly in my post).
He is not one who is using religion for his politics,
Modi (India), Imran Khan (Pakistan), Nawaz Family (Pakistan), Zia ul Haq (Pakistani General) all are dragging religion for their political interests (or to win election). Religious parties are doing same, no need to mention them.

Dragging religion gives benefit to politicians, but it drags country towards destruction.
Afghanistan, Pakistan big example.

Turkey preferred Pakistan, instead India. This is due to national interests.
Pakistan also supporting them in their issues like with Greece, Armenia and even when Pakistan was not created, but that Muslims supported Turk against partition of Turkey. Gandhi 1st supported, later refused to support, due to British, he do not want to go against British for Turkey.
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Well arguably you can say Pakistan supported Saudis against Sadam's Iraq, against Shias in Bahrain and possibly against Yemenis.
You are partially correct.

Pakistan supported Iran, in Iran-Iraq war, because Iran too supported Pakistan, in India-Pak wars.

Pakistan not supported Saudis against Iraq. nor Bahrain as there were no wars.
There were some issues in that countries, but Pakistan did went against them

There were no Pakistani soldiers in Saudi lead coalition, but a retired general, you can say Pakistan partially supported Saudis against Yemen.

As for Saddam, not only Iranis, Iraqis were against dictator.
he started long war with Iran on US orders.
not only Irani mullah,but this dictator was too greedy for their own benefit

Bigger Islamic nations like KSA, Turkiye, Iran, Pakistan, Indonesia and Malaysia do not compromise on Islam.
Every one have their own interests, every one have their own issues in your lists, except Malaysia, Indonesia

As for Saudis, Saudis are waiting for Pakistan to recognize Israel, same Pakistan is waiting for same from Saudis. Nearly all countries who have little bit influence have recognize Israel except Pakistan, Saudi, Malaysia.
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Dragging religion gives benefit to politicians, but it drags country towards destruction.
Afghanistan, Pakistan big example.
Arguably religion is Pakistan's strength and it has played this card since its independence from Great Britain and against Hindutvas of India and its dream of having 'strategic depth' in Afghanistan and greater Central Asia after the defeat of the Soviet Union to take advantage of the huge vacuum left behind.

Yet it could also be argued that these tactics failed (mostly due to internal politics) In today's world there is no doubt there is a fifth generation warfare whereby social media propoganda and economics will dictate alliances and there is a need for policy makers to be aware of that. Yet as we come back to the issue at hand regarding Arabs, Pakistan can still use the religious card to some extent in Saudi Arabia. That is not to say it is sustainable but while new tactics are being developed the Pakistani establishment will continue to use old tactics.
Arguably religion is Pakistan's strength and it has played this card since its independence from Great Britain and against Hindutvas of India and its dream of having 'strategic depth' in Afghanistan and greater Central Asia after the defeat of the Soviet Union to take advantage of the huge vacuum left behind.

State should be secular, not religious.
Europe is ahead this is due to secularism.
They were doing same few centuries ago, which Mullah are doing this century.

From 40 years mullah brought only destruction.
Chinese entered in Vietnam to defeat US, when they saw US forces coming to their borders.
Had they use religion? They do not believe any religion. But they were fighting for nationalism.

As for Pakistan, Jinnah never want a separate country, Pakistan as province or state.
he did not mention Pakistan a separate country in his 14 points. but Gandhi, Nehru did not want Muslims, Some muslims came in pakistan, some remained in india due to their properties and other reasons, same as Pakistani generals, politicians, Bengali not want separate country, but Auyob, Yahya, Bhutto tried their best to kick them. Iqbal son said same Jinnah did not want separate country. check youtube.
State should be secular, not religious.
Europe is ahead this is due to secularism.
They were doing same few centuries ago, which Mullah are doing this century.

From 40 years mullah brought only destruction.
Chinese entered in Vietnam to defeat US, when they saw US forces coming to their borders.
Had they use religion? They do not believe any religion. But they were fighting for nationalism.

As for Pakistan, Jinnah never want a separate country, Pakistan as province or state.
he did not mention Pakistan in his 14 points. but Gandhi, Nehru did not want Muslims, same as Pakistani generals, politicians, Bangali not want separate country, but Auyob, Yahya, Bhutto tried their best to kick them. Iqbal son said same Jinnah did not want separate country. check youtube.
I'm all for liberalizing economic policies, starting from reversing Bhutto's nationalization and bringing women to workforce to double economic output. I do not support mullahs either but if we think about it their rise was evident due to lack of identity and they exploited it to the max.

Politicians need to attend assemblies and pass laws that will strengthen this federation. If I'm not mistaken someone just recently tabled a motion to divide each province into three parts. This is the need of hour. The people of FATA are not happy being in KPK, the Hazaras are not happy being in KPK, the Serakis and Paharis have grievances against central Punjab, the Pashtuns, Kalat tribe etc not happy sharing power in Balocistan. They all have their own customs. Once you divide them and give them administrative powers, it's their burden.

Europe was divided too that way. Switzerland has German, French and Italian divisions. Belgium has French, German, and Dutch divisions. The U.K has Welsh, Scottish, English Irish divisions etc
I would only say that Erdogan has past his prime , and he is a fool. He put religion ahead of nation, and causing devestating effects on turike's economy
Erdogan is not a fool. Turkiye's economy boomed in the last 20 years and consistently ranked in the top 5 fastest economies.




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