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Egyptian military gives 48 hour ultimatum to Brotherhood

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Exactly, they live under a dictatorship for decade's

They finally get democracy and they give NO CHANCE to the democracy or president or parliament to work

Even under the best circumstances ruling can be difficult but the egyptians should have expected a decade of pain at least to fix the mess left

Instead they pull this rubbish, wait for elections to vote a party or president out, respect democracy otherwise if your man gets voted it all the M.B needs to do is hit the street and cause chaos

simply no culture of democracy and tolerate others . in last 100 days they never give a single month mursi to work .gov was busy in constitutional issue political issue mubarak court and tahrir demonstrations . new born gov need some time to even understand problems man . 3 men ruled egypt 65 years with full powers and no one have leading rule . they are not capable to run it very easy and quickly . also Egyptian public got new freedom so they are doing it as hobby or exercise every month 1 million march :whistle:
so if you throw away mursi whats plan of extremists and salfis ?:rolleyes: democracy is live under winner no matter how much you hate him . we have tasted it 5 years but we just fun cry smile laugh on him we didn't throw him away as his term finished he is same as dead now let morsi die with own actions and give him no excuse as zardari . MB will die by its own in next elections .
bro, what will happen when Morsi is gone? will the MB start a bloodshed? because I heard many MB and Salafies threaten Egypt if Morsi is gone... what do you think?
the people of Egypt and the army and the police are on one side the other side will lose no matter who they are
the people of Egypt and the army and the police are on one side the other side will lose no matter who they are

ok lets see i wish it will never like people of pakistan army and police one side VS red mosque :lol: its damn easy to throw away but its sometime take years to clean
(Reuters) - Egypt's army has plans to push President Mohamed Mursi aside and suspend the constitution if he fails to strike a power-sharing deal with his opponents within 24 hours, military sources told Reuters on Tuesday.

Military sources told Reuters that once a two-day deadline set by the head of the armed forces expires at 5 p.m. (4:00 p.m. British time) on Wednesday, the military intended to install an interim council, composed mainly of civilians from different political groups and experienced technocrats, to run the country until an amended constitution was drafted within months

Experienced technocrats is what every country needs instead of career politicians.

Egypt army plan would sideline Mursi if no deal in 24 hours | Reuters
the people of Egypt and the army and the police are on one side the other side will lose no matter who they are

????????? What are you talking about, that doesn't mean anything

They are a legitimate government, their supporters waited decades to vote them in to power, you have to respect democracy, you have to respect the results of elections and then wait until further election to change a government

You have done nothing, just spat in the face of democracy and all the people who voted in the last election for the MB

Tell me one thing, why should the conservative Muslims of Egypt the muslim brotherhood supporters not cause chaos when a new president gets elected

Why should they give a new government the chance to rule in peace when the same respect wasn't given to them
Fascinating to know- why are tons of non Egyptians posting troll remarks on an issue that doesn\'t effect them in any way?

I watched the news today, a woman from my country married an Egyptian. They had her on Skype calling in the show. She said women are afraid to go out with children because of the now regular clashes, there is mass shortage of petrol, people are fighting at pumps, sometimes they get water reduction for whole day, electricity reduction is regular, sometimes internet doesn't work, prices are going up, her husband is in construction-no new projects can be started etc...

So yeah, chief rat should go. Obviously him and his clique can't run it. And my remark was perfectly spot on- people are abandoning Morsi because they feel he will fall, and do not want to be associated with him when he does. Out of fear of trial at least if not worse.

As for you and your little hissy fit -you could always contribute to the thread with news instead of complaining.
it is a huge disoppointment for me to see good days too far for our Messri brothers..theye are still very infant to be mature in democracy..

in democrasies people elect parties at least for 4 years to rule country...period of elected any ruling party varies from 4-7 years in the world..

Since the time MB came in power opponent parties never give MB head..They constantly keep MB bussy in useless arguements..
Expecting to figur out problems of a country which recently underwent an revolutionary from MB government within 1 years is just idiocy nothing somthings else..there is no such a super government in the world..

Opponent parties and Army is about to raping new born Egyptian democracy...Toppling government by assistance of arym and police will not serve for national benefits of Egypt..it will discredit opponent parties and make MB more powerful for next elections..
Egyptians add new problems to existing ones by thier own hands..

The most suprising things to me is stance of Salafies toward MB..if they claim MB was too lenient againist iran in fact, it was no reasonable.. there are shhuld be some other reasons for their weird stance againist MB..
Egypt: El-Baradei to stand for opposition in talks with army

The American wolf in sheep clothes wanna be dictator speaks for the opposition. Poor opposition.
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