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Egyptian ex-president Mubarak on life support


Feb 25, 2009
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Egyptian ex-president Mubarak on life support

CAIRO | Tue Jun 19, 2012 7:38pm EDT
(Reuters) - Hosni Mubarak was on life support in hospital on Wednesday, Egyptian military officials said, denying a report that the ousted president was clinically dead.

Earlier the state news agency, amid high tension over the election of a new president, quoted medical sources as saying the former head of state was "clinically dead". That description was also used to Reuters by a hospital source.

But several sources in the military and security services, which retain control following the revolt, said Mubarak, 84, was being kept alive and said they would not use the expression "clinically dead" to describe his condition.

General Said Abbas, a member of the ruling military council, told Reuters that Mubarak had suffered a stroke but added: "Any talk of him being clinically dead is nonsense."

Another military source said: "He is completely unconscious. He is using artificial respiration."

Another member of the military council, General Mamdouh Shaheen, told CNN: "He is not clinically dead as reported, but his health is deteriorating and he is in critical condition."

The confusion over the state of health of the former leader came as his long-time opponents in the Muslim Brotherhood claimed victory over a candidate drawn from the military elite in a presidential election held at the weekend.

Results have not been published, and supporters of Ahmed Shafik, Mubarak's former prime minister who was running against the Islamist Mohamed Morsy, said it was he who had won.

The state news agency MENA had earlier cited medical sources to say that Mubarak was clinically dead after his heart stopped beating and could not be revived. Later, however, the agency, citing medical sources, said a medical team was still trying to treat a blood clot in his brain.

Security sources said Mubarak was moved late on Tuesday from the Tora prison, where he had been held since being sentenced on June 2 to life imprisonment, to the Maadi military hospital, also in Cairo.

The private television station al-Hayat broadcast video which it said was of Mubarak's move. The images showed a patient on a stretcher being moved from an ambulance into a hospital in Maadi, a suburb of Cairo. Al-Arabiya television reported that Mubarak's wife Suzanne had arrived at the hospital.

(Reporting by Alastair Macdonald, Marwa Awad and Edmund Blair; Editing by Kevin Liffey)
He was a ruthless murderous tyrant who stole BILLIONS from his country. I hope he rots in hell.
There was a chance that if he dies his son and wife can again stay in the presidential palace and his son can come to power. How?

Mubarak dies > Shafiq wins elections > Military establishment supports him > Shafiq marries Suzan (mubarak's wife) > Suzan along with her son moves to presidential palace > Shafiq gets military support and things are set up for making Ala'a (Mubarak's sons) president later on.

But if Shafiq loses still Mursi can do the above only if he wants to.

Win votes and come to the presidential palace and get the ex first lady free (along with her influential children).

Mehmoud How are things in Egypt now. Heard the Akhwan government is dismantaled.
things are very strange in egypt
there was 2 running for president shafik and morsi and they are both think they won and they are both celebrating
also the parliament is no more because the instantiation court said the elections was not legal
we dont know what is going to happen all we can do is wait to see who won
out of his miseries so soon and easy ,i guess may be he did some good in life
things are very strange in egypt
there was 2 running for president shafik and morsi and they are both think they won and they are both celebrating
also the parliament is no more because the instantiation court said the elections was not legal
we dont know what is going to happen all we can do is wait to see who won

I hope things remain calm and peaceful. God forbid, do you see any tense situations coming ahead ?
I hope things remain calm and peaceful. God forbid, do you see any tense situations coming ahead ?
we are expecting riots or war with isreal for a year and half since the revolution no one is sure what will happen or what has he done is right or wrong
mubarak in the next life please come as a goat to the nearest butcher stall...i need to eat you .
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